Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, May 15, 1924, Image 1

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H A L S E Y , L IN N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , M A Y . 15, l'<M
Short Storios from Sundry
Mr«. A. E. Foot« drove to A1
bany Monday.
able to come without the proffered
auto aid.
Albert Miner
S h e d d S napsho ts
S c h o o l N o te s
• NO. 41
A lfo r d A r r o w s
was in Albany
tKbterpnas Correapondeuc«)
Glenn H ill of Harrisburg
Mrs. C. P. Stafford visited Port­
in Shedd Fridav.
land Friday.
11 nbobbed Senior Girls—
Victorious Ballplayers
Mra. L B. Walton went to Eu­
M t. sod Mrs. C. A. Pugh viaited
gene Thursday.
relatives in Corvallis Sunday.
Harry SpreDger hauled
Gieun Walton took Friday’s
train for Silverton.
; loads of hogs to Salem Thursday.
Mr. anu Mra. S. R. Bass and
George Burdick of Salem is
children visited Mrs. S. C. Bass
i visiting at the R. C Morgason
■ home.
Mrs. G. M itzner and daughters
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter of
Ida and Amanda visited the E r­
nest Gourley family Sunday.
Albany called at the Robson home
Mrs. Hannah Cummings and Friday.
Milton Bond spent Friday with
Mrs. Scott of Albany, who bed
M r. and Mrs. John Gormley.
, boon at the Sboen noms several
Mrs. Ainy Daunen and h e r' dV . l«ft Friday night.
S°. Tom H o t Hh‘n ‘ 8 ,R Vir 8d 81
M r- * Dd M " >* R° K '” > wh0 re-
the Tom Hover home Sunday.
aently removed to A18ban^ gptnt
«enterprise C eirearondeace)
Mrs. J. H . Rickard is on
sick lisi this week.
(Agnes Hayes, Reporter)
Alvin Kropf spent Monday ev­
In the latter part of this month ening at Lee Ingram ’s.
,hree one act P,a>'s- "The Revolt,” j Velds Ingram visited bar friend,
Epitome of Events in the
Beaver State
Tba Coos county nigh sehool field
• nd track meet was held at Myrtle
PolBt Saturday
Mrs. Bert Clark and Georgina
A cob vent Ion of Oddfellew lod»ve
ware Albany shoppers Saturday.
ol Tillamook conaty was held la Till»
amook city Saturday.
Collin Csrvbr and Dean Bilyeu
pleas ng source of entertainment.
Mrs. E. I) Isom went to Albany
took a tour to D e ritt Sunday.
Pleatded war veterans from all too*
The funds der.ved will go to the high Sunday evening to sea her mother, tloBR of the state sathered in Salem
There will ba a play at the Pine
school in general. Mr. English and
for their anaual convention.
Grove schoolhouse Saturday night
The Tomato Growers' association
Hrobeeda (or the piano fund.
Mrs. Archie Ingram and family set out about 160.00« plants at Free-
There was much doubt in regard
M r. and Mra. J. A. Grigsby of
of Monros visited at the home of water during Ike last weak.
to the base ball games Friday, but
Brownsville went through here to
Archie’s ucele, I.es Ingram, Sur-
Injured while at work on the poet
the high school went to the field d*y.
Albany Saturday.
road near Bridgeport by a rolling lo»,
with hopes which were not to be
“ The Farmerette«,'’ a threc-
Mrs. Robert McKe* of Eugene M Oranlc died in a Baker hospital.
Mrs. Myra Ryan, who has been Sunday in Shedd with friends,
thought questionable in the end. The visited her parent*, Mr. and Mrs.
act comedy, will be given Saturday
District wardens and Inspectors ol
visiting Mrs. U . M . M iller, re- -
boys, when they defeated Harris­ MiobasI Rickard, the first of the the state board ot forestry will gather
night at the Pine Grove school­ turned
to her home at Colfax 1 n Ly n>aQ Pennell drove up from
house by home talent.
tn Salem May IS for a two-days' con-
Wash., Friday.
’ Portland Saturday. His wife and burg, accomplished something that week.
i sons returned with him for a visit. no other team in the league has done
M r. and Mrs. G. II. Coshow
so far. Mr. Clark was so delighted
Etna Bradoo and
Eugene Masons will erect a new
and daughters Doris and Rose, Myra Rryan, Miss Beulah M iller
M r. and Mrs C. J. Shedd, Miss with the outcome and the score, 1 sous attended the May day fete si temple at sn estimated cost of 2116.000
inary took train at Halsey Satur and W. J. Ribelin drove to Albany j Lucille Shedd and Miss Dora Davie
to 3, that he treated the Halsey
It successful in raising *60.000 by the
day (or Corvallis to attend Moth a week ago yesterday,
attended the May day exercises at team generously after the game. Mr and sister L illie attends school.
sale of bonds
era* day exercises at 0 . A. C.
F. O. Salmon is home on bis A‘bany C0,1#«fi F rld T -
Weber and Dean Bilyeu acted as
Mine Lillie Rickard, who has
Tho 24th annual district convention
About fifty constituted a party farm. California could not keep
bs*n attending Normal at Mon. of the Woodmen of the World was
The biology class took some field mouth this winter, has been hits 1 held at Aatoria with more than 200
The body of Mrs. Byers, reported
at the Pine Grove lake Saturday its grip on that family with mem
drowned at Harrisburg Dec. 6 when trips this week to gather more Infor­ as teacher for the Alford school delegates present.
evening who played games and orivs of Oregon pulling.)
she and her husband, fleeing from mation concerning pollenatton and next term.
sang songs by a campfire and en­
Bide for laying more than 10,000
Vincent Cain and wife of Sum­
the adaptations of plants and ani­
joyed ice cream and sandwiches.
m it have been visiting at the home Washington to California aftei an mals.
Mrs. Raymond Strawu of To­ square yards of pavement within the
elopement and marriage, plunged off
ledo and Holt and I.yls Grime« of limits of Oregon City were let by the
M . D . Brandon, who has been of Vincent's parents, Rev. J. D.
Another victory for the Halsey
the river bank in an auto, has been
W zltervills were week-end guests city commissioners.
visiting relatives here, returned to
found. A gravel dredge dug it up girls was realized Friday when they of their lister and aunt, Mrs. J.
Chief among the ieeuee to be voted
his home at St. John's, Wash.,
400 feet below the scene of the acci- won the game with a score of 27-22 F. Igom.
at the coming election In Beker
Friday. He expected to stop at
from the Harrisburg girls. This was
county Is the bill providing for a two-
Pnrtlaud to visit his sister, Mrs. who have been visiting at the hoin« dent. A rumor had persisted that
The eighth.grsds examination* mill tax for a three-year period to Im­
she might have been murdered by the last game of the season for girls.
Chester O* burns, and his brother of Mrs. Sickels’ mother, Mrs. L.
were given in the Alford sch ol prove Beker streets connecting with
Thursday and Fridav. A ll the the Old Oregon Trail on the north aod
their home at Eugene yasterday fore the machine reached Harris­
(By an Enterprise Reporter)
pupils except those of the sixth, the south, the Baker-Cornucopia road
M r. and Mrs. A. J- H ill and by way of Halsey.
burg, but there was slight warrant
In the girls' game the lineup for seventh and eighth grades were on tho oast, and the Baker-Unity road
Mrs. J. J. Corcoran and little
for it and now it is exploded. Byers,
No Brownsville correspondence
Pitcher, Corcoran; excused.
B illy K irk drove to Portland Mon­
on tho west.
however, proved to be a crook and Halsey was:
day, Mrs. Corcoran and BiHv to this weak. There is unusual life is now in jail for robbery in Cali­ catcher, Hayes; first base, Albertson;
Nine hundred Chinese pheasants
Henrietta and Either Btarnee
eecond base. Walker; third base, Rey­ accompanied their aunt, Miss have been hatched so far at the state
be at the graduation of Mrs. M ar­
cella K irk as nurse from the Good
nolds, short stops; C arter and W il­ HaMie Dannen, to Corvallis Sat­ game germ near Eugene, aocording to
continued story Jack sud Binkus,
Samaritan hospital.
liams; fielders, Hardin, Pehrsson and urday evening to visit anolhtt (Jene Slmpeon. superintendent of the
Dr. Charles Price has been arrest­
nder personal instructions from
aunt, Mra Clara Sprenger, return­ (arm. This Is twice ee many as usual
There was a good attendance of Washington, go on an expedition ed at Vancouver, B. C., on complaint
at this time o? the year, and Is due
The boys' game ties Halsey and ing next evening.
mothers at the Mothers’ day serv­ against the Indians. In the next o f physicians charging that he has
to tha early spring, causing the pheas­
ice at the Methodist church Sun- number, in Solomon’s phrase, h-ll hypnotized a patient, causing in­ Shedd for second place in Linn coun
ants to lay sooner than usual. Tho
ty a3 each of them has lost three
day, all but one of whom were b.eake loose.
Pries declares that bs games and won three. This was and family had as guests lari Sun­ same condition exists at the Corvallis
Mayor Clark, Councilman Frum, never treated nor even saw the quite a victory for Halsey, as only day Mr. and Mr». A . B. Robnel’ gem» farm.
j Taylor, Gardner, White, Zimmer­ patieut in question and that he Corvallis has been able to beat Har­ and daughter*, Mr. and M r*, C,
Malting of the pamphlets containing
E. Me oer and Mrs. Charter S a ­
man and Morubioweg, Rocorder knows nothing of hypnotism.
risburg. Toward the last of the ve neon and daughter of E"get e the statements of candidates for elec­
W e H ave
i Cross and Marshal Rector consti­
¿ante Harrisburg rooters tried to get and and Mr. snd Mr». P [. T rout­ tion and nomination at the primary
tuted a full bouse at the city
Halsey's pitcher “in the air” but only man and <li tighter a -d Mr*. Ber election to be held May it has been
O ptical
counoil Monday night. .Nobody!
succeeded in getting there them tha Scott aod two children of completed by Sam A Koser. secre­
1 offered Io haul away the rubbish
tary of state. Fee« received by the
selves. Van Nice pitched the whole Shedd.
in the city because there was no
secretary of state as a result of the
game and walked otdy two men.
Is the Cause of Many
! place to put it. Cleanup was post- [
The body of Mra. Josephine statemeate offered for publication ag­
Halsey's lineup was: Pitcher, Kenneth
poned until the fathers find such ,
which was recovered from gregated 261.011. The cost of print­
Van Nice; catcher, Uriel Corbin; first
If your eyes give you trouble or
a place. Marshal Rector was di­
your glasses are annoying
base, Thomas Palmer; second hasp, the river at Harrisburg, wliete sh* ing the pamphlets this year amounted
rected to give those responsible fot
was drowned laet December, was to 25210.
SEE US. We can Relieve You
Milford Muller: third base, Everett
defective sidewalk* j
buried in the A'ford cemetery Sat­
B a n c r o f t O p t ic a l C o .
The April 1 prospect of a winter
; another stirring up.
urday, but on Mouday it was ex.
313 1st S t W. Albany. Phone
center field, Wilbur Norton; right humed and taken to Albany to lie wheat crop In Oregon equal to If not
(Continued on page 4 )
field, Thomas Miller; left field, Phil­ «hipped Io her former home in larger than the Crop of 1223 wee ma­
ter,ally reduced by the unfavorable
lip Tussing.
After the game the Washington.
Halsey Church of Christ
growing conditions of the month of
boys were treated at Clark?» Confec­
April, according to F. L. Kent, agri­
Church Announcements
Charity grange will hobl its annual
boys he would give them a treat if picnic in the Pence grove at Kizer’s cultural statistician. April weather
Church of Christ :
showed a marked deftetenev In rain­
they would beat Harrisburg.
bridge Saturday, May 24.
Promi­ fall all ovef the state with below nor­
Lon Chamlee, minister.
The aquarium in the science room nent speakers, including State Grange mal temperatures during the latter
N e x t Suuday it fath ers’ day at
the Halsey Church of Christ. We at school now contains tadpjies. It Master George A. Palmiter and State pert of the month.
are looking for thirty fathers at 10 first contained water dogs, and there Market Agent C. E. Spence, will be
Four fatalities In Oregon were due
present and deliver addresses. I^t's to Industrial aoetdenta during the
a. m. for Bible school. There will are crayfish.
The people who are to lake part go and spend a social day.
week ending May 5. according to a
, be a short program, and father will
Grange Committee.
' be given special mention. The min­ in the plays arc working very hard
report pretersd by the state Indus­
trial accident commission. The vic­
ister will teach a large class of men. and are practicing every day.
The gT«de team played Harrisburg
Motor truck men say D ot- tims Included Thomas Lee, North
You will want to be there. The ser­
^ ^ ^ b iu is doomed.
Horsemen Bend, block splttt»r, Cleo Campbell,
mon at 11 will be on “The Prodigal yesterday.
It may interest some of the read­ raise fiery denial. One day D en­ Amity, tractor operator; Joseph Wal­
, Father."
Sunday, May 25, will be »on»' and ers to know that there are fifteen ver barred boreea from street» ter, Scio, offbearer, and Mtk» Gran-
daughters’ day. The sermon will be girls in high school whose hair is I Next day Denver was dug from a tch, Baker, laborer. A total of 729
' on “Why Girls and Boys Leave not bobbed, and none of the senior 1 enowetorm by the horse after ail accident* was reported te the com­
girls have bobbed hair.
motors failed, and the ordinance mission during the weak.
« »card ed . In Chicago 24 900
Approval has been given to new
Sunday, June 1, will be children’s
fourth, fifth and sixth grade» at- workhorse licenses were issued in regulations for the sale of rips timber
fir,t ,bre* •»’»«‘»he Ib i. year, on the former Oregon and California
Sunday, June 1, will be Pentecost, tended an achievment day program I
'"because horses are cheaper (or railroad and Coo» Rav wagon rned
when we will celebrate the founding given Thursday by the pupils a n d ;
short hauls.*’ Tbs oldest horse in land grant lands. It was announced
their teacher, Miss Mona Bond. Reg­
I of the Church of Christ.
the world, Clover, owned aud by the secretary of the Interior. The
Bible school, 10. W. H . Robert- ular school subjects were Interspers­ driven uearly half a century by
sales of timber will be conducted
son, superinteudect.
Rev. Uriah Myers, Catawissa, Pa
through the local lend offices at Lake-
and physical education exercises.
Christian Endeavor, 7.
just celebrated his 62d birthday.
view. Roseburg and Portland and the
Evening service, 8.
regulations provide for disposal at
The church without a bishop, iu a hand-made handkerchief, mads
Congress has lost no opportunity public kuetlou to ba conducted by the
tho country without a king.
by her child, and much work of to flout President Coolidge by register of the land office la the dis­
I f you have no church borne ,
pupils was on display, which! turning down his reoommenda- trict In which the Umber Is located.
CUme aod worship with us.
they were pleased to take home af J tiona and embarrassing bis «disin­ In the event the government succeeds
Crispy fr«»h gingham frock« In ntw
ter school. Miss Bond served her j istratios. The republican rank In dlepoalni Af the timber contained
colorful patterns that only the gay
students, their mothers and many lit and file has given tbs president the In the grant lends, the elate and coun
brilliance o f Spring traelf can rival,
The W. F. M. 8. will hold Its an­ tin sisters and brothers with Ice most powerful and impressive in ­ ties la which the ttpjber ts located
w i l l fo rm no s m a ll p o r tio n ot
milady's Spring wardrobe. Netional
nual mite box opening Friday, May cream cones.
dorrement that was ever given to will recotvd a turn which may be <e
Gingham Week, A pril 27th to May
An old fashhioned spelling bee a president who was a candidats high at 2K .000,000 At the prices real­
23, at the M. E. church. It will have
Jrd, In all the glory of the new
ised for timber 1» pfevloue ealee the
a short program and will entertain concluded the program. The moth­ for re-election,—Oregonian.
season's happy colors, w ifi furnish
Sec the new
disposal of Sdch a large body would
the senior and junior Standard Bear­ ers present were Mesdames Hardin,
many a timely Inspiration.
Qinghams at
ers, the King’s Heralds and the Light Clark Smith, Will Carter, J. W.
A vote for R. L. Chandler for bring mote I ban 244.400,000. Under
Bearers. All members are requested Moore, Shook, BArown, Isom, Sturte­ sheriff is a vote fot Linn county the act by which thia lead was re­
vested In the government the proceeds
to tome and bring their mite boxes. vant, Steink », Armstrong, Zimmer­ dry.
from timber 2kje* er4 distributed oa
man, Corcoran, Hayes and Beene.
Sunday School, 10.
a beets of 40 pdr coat to the reclema-
Preaching. 11.
David M uir and wife of Port­ ttoa fund, 14 per »Sat to the general
Intermediate League, 7.
The Enterprise rckons the rack- land were visiting D. H. Sturte­ treasury. 21 per cent to tho state aad
Epworth League. 7.
leas driver is all right if ha is wreck- vant and family last week. The) 22 pec teat to the couatlee.
Prayer meeting Thursday, 8.
le»v. We’ll try to reck-ollect that. bad previously visited in southern
I , Preaching, 8.
Harrisburg Bulletiu.
Oleg'1». .y V
(Continued on page 3)
Alonzo Neal was a passenger to
Albany Saturday.
in G ingham
“Mias Civilization” and “The Flower Thelma Ingram, Sunday sfternocn
of Yeddo,” are to be presented by I M r. and Mrs. Charles Jenks of
the high “ k001 students. These are ;Tuigent were Sunday visitors at
comedies and promise to be a very I ’»fl J. H Rickard hom e,