{character and Judge Kelly pa- 1 1 oied him. C. H. Koontz was a Eugene sitor Saturday. ___ Misses Lillian Reynolds and I Lena Baas were passengers to Albany Saturday. fo r Mrs. C. L. Lee returned to her home at Bend Friday af­ ter a visit with Mrs. M urray of I Crawfordsville. Mrs. G. E. Rice and daughter. Mrs- E. F. I-aEayette, of E ffic ie n c y q Brownsville, spent Thursday in Albany. E conom y * The recital a t the Church of C o m p le te e n fo rc e - £ Christ Friday night drew a full w e n t o f a ll la w s — house and delighted the audi­ ence. It was a complete sucess • The U. of 0 . alumni residing A v o te fo r C h a n d le r S» | in this vicinity will have a din­ in c a n s a v o te f o r 0 ner a t the local restaurant Sat­ urday. The object is to pro­ mote the building fund cam­ paign. Phillip Merriam left Friday for Alaska as an employee of the Portland-Alaska Packing ) V i l . L. (han dle: Association, (Albany N ight F '.’ica Deputy sheriff Linn County Mrs. N- A. Timk and Mrs. Helen Woods, who have been M I visiting a t the J. C. Bramwell • ' home, left Friday, Mrs. Tinik going to Clifton and Mrs. Woods 4 to Salem. Misses Maxine and Jane Wal­ C hattano.ga, Tenn., March 25, 1921. lace were Albany visitors F ri­ 0 day. They took their mother. To Whom it May Concern : Mrs. Hazel Wallace and grand­ I take pleaatire in atatiug Ib a t I have known M r. R. A. 0 I « 4 MA . H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E FA CE 4 : This is Hat Week z s 65x R L. Chandler The Hat does not make the man. but it helps him to look his best Sheriff V' Stetson Hats F ew minutes in front of our mirror Mallory Hats You will find the H at you need $ 3 .5 0 to $10 Lee Hats Dry | Linn County • What a Banker Who Knows Chandler Says Chandler, a lorrner citizen o f Chattanooga, T enn., for many year*, and known him lo Ua a young man of good character and firat-cla»» a b ilil /. 1 hare had many intim ate I nines« transactions w ith him , aod found him absolutely reb .hie in every p a rticu la r, ami he handled a ll bi« financial I insactions in a thoroughly satisfactory and honest mam -ir. i{e was atone tim e manag r of the Chattanooga G olf and C ountry C lub while I was p r-sidenl o f said organization, in which capacity be gar« entire satisfaction, and no c r it i­ cism was ever made of him or hi« moral«, lie was sober, u prig h t and a thoroughly reliable gentleman always. Yours very t r u l r , C. M . PRESTON, Active Vice-President H a m ilto n N a tio n a l Bank, ^ P a id A d r .) Chattanooga, Tern». 0 mother, Mr». G. W. M ornhinweg, • 0 0 • * 0 her custody by order of Judge Kelly. eU/uif S* Run S k ' »« o ( 4W4 SUNDAY— MONDAY M A Y 11-12 : Gloria Swanson j I ‘'A SOCIETY SCANDAL” : 2 2 I her la'.ewt awcceaa, »n-1 it i« her best and Mggeat achievement * * * * * * * * * * * i Soon ' George F itz m a u ric e production, J THE X E T E R N A L C IT Y ! Haltty Happening*. (Continued fro m page 1) Mis. J. W. D iinkatd was Albany Friday. A. C. A rm strong was in A1 bany Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Millet and daughter Cardie were A1 butty callers Saturday. W. P. Wahl and W. C. Smith were in Albany Tuesday. C. P. Moody was a H arris­ burg caller Sunday evening. A ttorney A. A. Tussing made ti business trip to Kiddle S atur­ day. ■« »i A lii H a n y Commons and family (•¡died at the Seth Mills home Sunday. t « at I.. K. Wulton wtm home from H arrisburg for a short time Sunday. t . t » ( flNk O. W Workbiger ¡ml L. II. A rm strong have new S tar tour­ ing ears. < a m P4 4 fc Miss Lena Baas went to Tan­ gent Saturday for a between- train« eall ou her tia ta r, M r« . J P. Ashton, and family. T. P Patton and ( W. Gib­ son shipped a double-deck car of lambs Monday. Mr. Gibson making the trip to Portland with them . • * ’<£» I Mrs. Ethel A rm strong's two children have been restored to Sunday, May I I , it M OTHERS’ DAY «net Sunday, May 1* it FATH ER S’ DAY Re.neaiber your patent» with card from the RINOO DRUG STORE t Dr. and Mrs. W hetstone were visiting Eugene Sunday. The annual C hristian Endeav­ or convention will be a t Shedd Saturday. Miss Clara D augherty of Irownsville was a passenger to ’ortland Thursday. Thompson and Wilkins have >een indicted for th e Peoria store burglary attem pt. with them. F. M. St. John of Corvallis is selling Star cars in this neighborhood. He is p retty well known in this part of Linn county, having once conducted a creamery a t Brownsville and lat er sold a great many Sharp­ ie. cream separators through­ out the county. There arc a lot of uncalled for voters’ pamphlets a t the postoffice which Mr. Bramwell will gi nybody requesting them. The pamphlets are sent to all registered voters, which includes those who have moved or died w ithin two years, as un­ der the law names are not can­ celed until the parties have fail­ ed to vote for two years. Among those who went down to Eugene to meet with the O rient «la S aturday n ig h t—and W ALBANY I been I llieient Service Cream arid Produce Station (T o be continued) FARM LOANS I can make both F A R M and C I T Y L O A N S at a very row rate of inteiest From 5 to 10 years. W rite me for par trculara. G . W . f.AFi.aa, Salem, Ore. 410 Oregon Bldg Second a t, opposite llatsey Garage Short orders at all hours up to I I p. m. Square Meal, 50c A Modern Barber Shop Laundrv sent Tuesday* \gency Hub Cleaning Works A B E S P LA C E F. M . C R A Y , DRAYM AN .Ml work done promptly and rtftsoti- ablv. TI e in s ta llm e n t of our story and j biog h air, but the court decided about a colum n o f local gousip, that bobbing is not b a rte rin g . standing In typo, are left over for i __ ____________ want Of room., p i e eighth-grade school ex- ------------------ Vine Mapla Entertainment Vine Maple circle last n ig lit had | aminations throughout th e country are today and tomor- ' row. ’ ________ a* guert» about fo rty eistera from Motor Hear»«, l.ady Attendant. working all winter at West E i'. |ir«-nnsiillc ...................... Oreg n was home for a few days the first of the week. It is Mrs. Isom’s intentiun to leave the W . L. W R IG H T farm at the conclusion of school i mid. with their boys, make th eir I Mortician & Funeral Director llalscy and Harrisburg home in the new mill town. T a y l o r . Halsey, or Because he was troubled by I *11 l> W. L- WRIGHT. Harrisburg debts E. E. Paine of luicomh | burned his granary and grain | separator, on which there w as I f'JDDD insurai" e. He was arrest I A m o r A . T ussing •it and confessed. declaring that I this was h it first crime and | LAU 'VERGANO NOTARY Mould l>e hi , last. VVitne. -» J H alseï , Osaiivs testified to his previous good ’ I OREGON Gas O n Stomach M a y Cause Appendicitis I Dad’s and Mam’s Restaurant J BARBER SHOP ha* (B ^ ^ C L Q T F W o œ ] Piano Must be Sold of Tan- Bee Swarms ,,aÆ . <*,liv,r#d who 1 HALSEY R A ILR O A D T IM E seriously ill but is thought to be Finley, a t Crawfordsville Tues- North Eoath improving. “ y* No. 18, 11:37 a. in. Mrs. Link Stewart, of Port­ No. 17, 12:1.« p. m. Mrs. Ryan of Colfax, W a sh ./ 24, 14:27 p. m. land, who form erly lived here, 23, 7.26 p. m. is a guest a t the home of M iss' 22, 3:20 a. m. 21, 11:32 p. m. is visiting relatives and friends. Beulah Miller. Nos. 21 and 22 atop only if flagged, Mrs. Fred Applegate of Yon­ No. 14, due Halsey at 5:09 p. in . , ' stops Mrs. Shisler and children of H arrisburg called on Mrs. C. P. calla arrived Friday for a few to let off passengers from south oi day«’ v is it w ith her sister, M r*. Roseburg. Stafford Saturday. No. 23 runs to Eugeue only. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hallier T. I. Marks, and her mother, Mrs. M. E. Bassett. No. 21 rnns to Eugene, tbeuce Marsh­ and son Vernon of Imperial Mr. and Mrs. Boner of Eu­ field branch. Valley, Cali., were guests at the gene, were guests the first of Passengers for south of Roseburg should 0 . W. Frum home Sunday. take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer Andrew Brown, W. L. Norton the week a t the home of the to No. 15. latte r’s m other, Mrs. Sophia and Glenn Chance were Salem Bass. visitors Monday. SU N D A Y M AIL H O U R S Mr3. C. P. Moody and chil­ Miss Ruth Finley visited at The delivery window of the the home of her father, George dren visited relatives a t H ar­ _____ ____________ t___ ______ risburg the la tte r part of last Haleev post office is open Sundays week and fom there took a trip * om 10:40 to 10:50«. m. and 12:15 to Triangle lake. I to 12:30 p. m. xf , xn * r* r » Sunday mail goee oot only on Mr. and Mni. A. E. Foote and th, norlh.bonnd 11:37 irain; Edna and Helen Robinson mo­ M ail goes south once a day, cloaingat Constant gas causes inflammation tored to the F. W. Robinson 11:0$ a. m. ; north twice, closing 11:2« whieh may involve the aopemiia. Sim home near Junction City Sun­ a. m. and 5:30 p. in. M a il stage for pie glycerine, buckhorn t« rk , etc., as day. Brownsville, Crawfon’ sville and Sweet mixed in Adlerika help» any case ga* Home leave* daily at 4:45 a. m. on the stomach in T E N minotes. Moat Mrs. Eliza Brandon and son, _______________ medicine» act only on lower bowel, but M. D. Brandon, and W. J. Ribe- A dlerika aels on B O T H upper ami lower bowela and*reinovea all gat and lin and Mrs. Ryan motored to Paid-for Paragraphs poiso- a. Excellent for obstinate con Eugene, Springfield and up the stipation and to guard against appendi McKenzie river Monday. I ' Ci tit. w t . boet— H alley State Bank Check RINOO DRUG STORE W. J. Carey paid Halsey a Book wi)h J10 , n ««nay. short visit Monday. The can- Rewird R D B ilyiu cer which had been troubling ■ him on the side of his face is opj pBper3 for eale at 5c a bundle We have a b eautiful piano stored entirely cured, he says. [at h e » Enterprise office. at t the near Halsey -that we w ill aacrifise Mr. and Mrs. E . E. Gormley for iiDinediate sale. W ill give eaiy to living Saturday to term«. F or fu ll particula r» and went You may cut lit lie Jen- visit George Alford and family, where it w ay be teen nddrtre nie’ e hair w itho ut h a vin g a Mr. Gormley returned Monday barber's licence. The Portland G eo C, W il l M usic H ousk , S a le m , O regon. but his wife remained for a barber'* union had (he keeper of longer stay. a beauty parlor arraated for hob- ,o,ï' Redwood Tank ' heap Isom, 1 “ D r e s s W e ll a n d S u c c e e d ” we understand they nearly laised the roofs down there— were Frank and Roy Gansle, J. C. Bramwell, C. P. Moody, C. II. Koontz. William McDow­ ell, Half Bond, John Hunter, John Salash, Frank Kirk, J. O. Cross, O. W. Frum , George Hayes and T. J. Skirvin. M. D. Brandon arrived by auto Saturday from St. Johns, to Cottage Grove Monday. Wash., for a visit with his H A L SEY mother, Mrs. Eliza Brandon, and his mother-in-law, Mrs. H. M. Miller. His wife arrived Cash paid for several weeks ago to be with her mother, who h as been C ream , P o u ltry , E ggs, V e al & H ides. M . H - S H O O K Mis. It. H. Cornelius of Al- iany, was th e guest of Mis. L. Merriam, Thursday, Mis. Lee Lowry of H arris- >urg, foim erly Miss Marie Irock, was a Halfiey visitor Ihursday. Miss Fleeta Liviek left on the •arly morning tra in Saturday for A storia to make her home for a time with her sister, Mrs. Vlyrta Moore. Atxiut 50 people a tti nded a FOR SA I.E comedy a t th e Rialto hall l ri- One lay night given by a traveling gallon troupe, mostly guls, who came W X > T E D o show, and they did. Tom Slate, form erly nr keg rent but now of New York, who I N. T. S n k k d . .ecently got judg rcent for | 30,000 against a compahy that I DR W H ET STO N E lad infringed upon a pafikint o il D E N T IS T his for a radio receiving:appa­ HALSEY HOTEL ratus for airplanes, has achiev­ 'd another victory. A lin k ' ss Wednesday only nvented by him, which c u t s ' 1:80 to 8:S0j the cost of refrigeration one- half by using cartion-dloxide , ras instend of ice, has liecn tested by the Canadian govern-1 meat on n car'oa I of tiih «ml ; First-Class Work pronounced a success. Agent for Eugene Steam Laundry Mrs. I,. II. Wallace and nep­ Sent Tuesday*. hew H a n y Reeves, of Portland, J . W S T E P H E N S O N Prop accompanied by the la tte r’s brothers, Willis and Charles, and cousin Jam es Hector, of D ELBER T STARR Halsey, drove to Eugene Sun­ day to see Howard Reeves* F u .ie ra l D ire c to r and L i­ father of the three brothers. censed F.m baim er F ra n k • I'bonc Xa. Halsey Meat Market Rev. Robert Parker and A. A. Shedd and Brownsville. A b a n ­ quet wa» eerved at 6:80 and ibiHigh Tussing were in Albany Mon­ ahont eighty m orta l* feasted tlw r* day. muat have been more than enough NOTICI left to fill the ba-kats mentioned in the scripture story of a t ig feud, . . Wedneaday, May i4 tb , baa been if one may judge from the portion designated by the city council aa brought by fair meisengera to tnw ela«n-up day. On tb * weat eido p rin te r. And i t wasn’t “ frag- j of the railroad p’ aea a ll tr«»b in manta, aucb *g are mentioned in , ie«,ed, by an order of tb« proceeds to go to the public I ? ? un,y Court wi Linn County, library. Oregon, has bean appointed Exee- Mrs. G. W. Laubner ledl a I laat « ill and taatamaut discussion on the "Origin o f af D«v»d I. Hom, deceated. AU perron« haviug claim« again«! May Day. There was a discussion o f the ««ate of said decadent ara olub'a work by Meniames Bond red u’ r*d to pretent them within Stafford and Croat. Mix mouthi from tba date of th is The meeting is to be at the Wi‘h ‘b# ?roper T00cher»' home of Mis. D S. McwSkams »nd,r“ «n’d “ h«r «.¡dance, in Albany. "“ "'«nam s about four m,ie, «outhwaat of riit> m a rk e t u h e ro y o u a l­ w a y s g e t th e b est in meats. __ W . h. C A R T E R Mrs. J. W. - Moore Moore o president. » . Secretary and Mis T. f , Marks Treasurer. v .„. A mor laOH, Executrix Aforesaid. A. Tussina, Attorney for E xecutrix. t