Portland got the first crate of Oregon strawberries for this season last week. The fruit was laised at Myrtle Creek. ^ /^ ¡ b a n y _£/)irectory —Coo I in tad News Notes M AY 8, l-L’i H A LLS F L O R A L 8c M U S IC S H O P We grow our own cut flowers Gold banded, Rubruin aud other hardy lily bulbs now on hand. Nice geraniums every Saturday, Phone 166J F ir* gulled the 3. C. Penney atari In tcrvallls, causing damage estimate! At 140,000. Piano Tuning and Repairing Export of all commodities fron Portland for April, 1924, amounted ti »3,188.07« The Columbia river packers have announced the prices which they will A complete audit of all books am pay for gillnet caught fish during the records of the state bonus commlsslor spring fishing season at the following has been ordered rates a pound: Chinook. 12 cents Plans for the Roseburg strawberry white sturgeon, 7 cents, green stur carnival to be given May 22, 23 and 24 goon. 3 cents, shad. 1 cent. are maturing rapidly. The A. D. Kern company of Port A for d your d ed F e a tu re s vacation wherever you plan to spend it The low summer roundtrip fare*, effective May £2 over the Southern Pacific Lines, enable you 1© add mm h to jo u r vacation trip. FURNITURE AND For instance, if yen are going Fast you may visit ( alifem ia’s famous cities and resorts at on additional cost that is trifling. Pays of rare fun and interest, scenes of unusual beauty — doubled vacation pleasures, in fact, are yours for very little coot. Or if you plan to visit any of the resorts in Oregon — Tillamook and Newport Beaches, charming mountain resorfs, ( rater Lake, Ore­ gon Caves, etc. — the low summer fares will make it more than ever easy. SHOE SERVICE They enable you to visit two or three places instead of only cne as you probably planned to do. And Southern Pacific service makes your trip delightful at every stage. B Ikavenport Muaio company offers U Piano-case organ, good as new Eatey organ, good as new Used Pianos. Ipastburn Bros.— Two big grocery Optometrist, with stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Main. Good merchandise at the right prices. F . M . F r e n c h & S o n s polite Cafeteria and confectionery J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S Home cooking. Pleasant surround «"gs. Courteous, efficient service. W e make our own candies. W. S. D u n c a n . Albany, Oregon I ms is developed and printed We ; mail , them right back to yon. Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or­ e g o n . ______ F Have Your Eyes Examined Once a Year Thomas Lee, employed at the Cooa Bay Lumber company shingle mill In Marshfield, was cut to pieces when his picaroon pulled from a timber and he fell Into a saw shaft. The man was killed Instantly. The first of a series of wool sales In Um atilla county, as a means of dis posing of this year's clip, will be held at Pilot Rock. May 31. Indications are that between 300,000 and 500,000 pounds will be offered. April was on* of the worst months in the criminal history of Portland, according to a report made by Earl Smith, coroner, which showed three cases of murder, nine of suicide and six of accidental death. Yon take good cate of your Epirst garage going north. teetb, yet they may be replaced. A Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline, But what about your eyes? Make W illiam Doering, 14, died from burns repair work. it a rule to have them examined suffered when his steel fishing rod W. If, H u l b u b t . came Into contact with a high-tension 'O R D SALES A N D S E R V IC E once a year. wire near the White River power plant of the Pacific Power & Light company, In southern Wasco county. Tires and accessories Repairs K ir k -P o l l a k M otor Co. Fall sown wheat and oats ar* mak lng slow growth, owing to cold nights and lack of moisture, and have been Injured somewhat by frost and dry winds according to the w-eekly report of the Oregon weather bureau. p Virtiniller Furniture Co., fm n i- A ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges Funeral directors. 427-423 west First streeb Albany, Oregon. Fl 'U L L E R C RO CE H Y ,2 »7 >].y o n (Succeasor to Stenberg Ilroa.) Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 2t>3R Reports received by General Man ager Steele of the Hood River Apple Orowara’ association indicate that sec W . S E X A U ER , auto and gen- tion suffered far leas damage from A • eral painter paia the heavy frosts of last week than any Get uiy estimate. 201 E. First street Optometrists, Manufacturing Optician« | other district of the northwest. La Grande’ s special election on a Albany, Oregon J J O L M A N & JACKSON proposed bond Issue of »30,000 for the AA Grocery—Bakery Everything in the line of eat« Opposite Postoffice I? Meade & Aibro, f l u b Candy Co., First street, next A A J qo , to Blain Clothing Co. Noon lunches. Home made candy and ice Cream. H ub Cleaning Works, Inc. Cor. Fourth and Lyon Master Dyers and Cleaners M ade-To-M easure Clothes I f you have friends they t-hould A have your ptiotograph. Clifford's Studio MJ West First street, Albanv. IL fA G N K T O E L E C T R IC I t ' C A’ A official Strömberg carburetor serv­ Dr. Mellenthin Specialist D o e s N o t O p e r a te W ill be at JLfen and money are best when LrA bmy. .Make your dollars work in Wednesday, Nay. 14, urphy M o to r Co. Biticlc and C hevra Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and aoceaaones. Albany, Oregon. Phone 200. R oscoe ames hardware , the W IN C H E S T E R S T O K E -322 W. First st. G S. G IL B K R I A SON Builders' and shelf hardware, gar­ den tools, crockery sod glassware New Stock. New low prices. G T IM SO-NT H E S H O K DOCTO K Second street, opposite Hamilton s i»tore. "Sudden Servie«." V V « ld o Anderson A Son. diatrib- utore end dealers for Maxwell, Chal- miera, Essex. Hudson A Huptnobile care. .Accessories. Supnl'ee. let A Broadalbin. FARM LOANS ’Wtita for booklet describing our 20- >v«er dtpral Credit Amortised 1-oant. -The Ipar.|,tys out in >1 payments, re- rtitii^- U-r ^ . ’ Bcipel. Cheap rates. No Alelay. B bam L a n d C o ., ;*-5Y > 133 Lyon St.. Albany, Ore FARM LOANS at lowest rate of interest Real Estate W m Insurance Courteous treatment GENERAL in Tian your trip for the fullest cnjoj’ment. Our agents will gladly help you in many valuable ways. S o u th ern Pacific C . P. M O O D Y , Halsey, Agent S. P. TO BOOST WEST ABROAD; EUROPEAN AGENTS SEE OREGON ONE DAY ONLY ÍS5Í STO R AG E h a y . g r a in and < feed H ave y o u u sed an y of F I S H E R 'S E G G ' C E R ? I n c lu d e a sac k w ith y o u r J o f p o u ltr y feed a n d y o u will b e s u r-, /|\ p ris e d w ith r e s u lts o b ta in e d . New and Second-hand Wool Sax. W . Tribune I « « « / legless beggar. This Is Leap Year No Charge for Consultatiou I (Chicago Also Twine FRU M me? '• she ot*r, 24, consid­ proporition. Margaret and Portland asited'* C a r l'’fa r Oregonian ) ered the Cnupeaa agents of «entkern Parlflc company who have fast »ade ■ visit to Oregon In arder to get a better knowledge of Its arirartleas. They Will “sell" the State In Bnrepe. I rom left to right ar* V. Mylrea of U vee, pooli G. Ruhr. Ilam horgi V. M-rello, Gennai H. I)*«midi, p»r!% as« R. G. Bonsor of London. J T PRO D U jfc n e x t o r d e r Office hours 10 a. tn. to 4 p. in. |REGON Is to become still better known to travelers and bual nets men of Europe Five European repreaanta tees of Southern Psctflc company have Just made a trip through Oregon In order to better acquaint themselves with the scenic attractions and ecc nomfc resources of the state With th l. mor. in tim ... knowledge of the h .-© » m k a . 1 . to serva both »hZ ^ ^ \ thd m lM ^ U| t e A " ’ ,r, , í:^ r r 4 B' ,0'',’ lng a month visiting vertone sections of the Peclflc const eereed by S od th­ em PaelBe. ereompsnled by L. I I. Nutting of the Company s New York office They traveled during the day­ light hour« only to »het the m m he re of the party could get a good Idee of the character of every section visited. The visit of the European repre­ sentative« of the Southern Pacific '• expected to be Importale« 1 b 1»- F1,0**0« tb« basteces rs lat los« be, ^ D* ,L Prò?e11 H'dstein prises in C n lifo ip in I I Deggeller, Silvefton, ulcer of the Now the girls have diacovareil last yei.r and which included th« stoutacb- that Carl averaged 1150 150 a week,. champion Holstein cow was kil- Mre. George A. G ill man, Coquille wbile the pamlvxed Indian gath-j led at I atnkershin, California, gall stone«. ers in from *50 to $75 > a day Mrs. M R. Gar son. Silverton, high a day. The ( Thursday on account of foot I T i l k ’ l l p t t C • ? Heavy ©r light. Full stock on hand. blood pressure. brides take their husbands to ] and mouth disease. They were t t G t t t t ' J ' J g« Come in and «ee the qnulity and ' are price* Mrs. I. M. Bowers, Toledo, gall stnoes their corners every morning in valued at $-420,000. August Erickson, Lakeside, kidney tasis. Every bait hour or so they troable T v i l F f T p i l T Y k f k l a • • •h e r e 's health in cultivating V l d i u e i l I G U I S 5 1 garden crop., ,n .l alwnn eating them relieve them of their cash to fore- HILL & @ 8 Hardware • - Stoves & Ranges a Remember above date, that con. sultation on this trip will be free and that hia treatment is different. Married women must be accompanied by their husbands. B a IW. Room 5, First Savteg« Bank Address. 211 Bradbury bldg., Los builning, Albany ♦ngelej, C ^ . Prompt service Astoria's rebuilding program is pro grossing without Interruption and the indications are that before the present summer is ended 70 per cent of th< building* destroyed by the big con flagratlon will have been replaced by new and strictly modern structures The building permits Issued during the month of April totaled »260,000. Paul Mumpower and Ed Nell, the two state prohibition officers who figured in a moonshine raid on Feb ruary 14 north of Brookings that re suited In the fatal shooting of Law rence Hare, one of the members of the alleged mooushlne gang, were arrest ed at Bandon by Sheriff Ellingson of Coos county, on a warrant telephoned to him by Sheriff Huntley of Curry- county, charging them with having placed intoxicatldg liquors in a ve­ hicle with Intent that such automobile should be forfeited and confiscated. II. C. Waddell and J. B. Jones, who were appointed by Governor Pierce tc examine the battleship Oregon nov lying at Bremerton, have complete' their Inspection and have filed the! report with Adjutant-General W hite The ship has not been painted for three years, much of Its furnishiDg- have been removed, and It is in need of considerable repair work, they re ported. This work will cost abou »16,000 If the government will con dltlon the vessel the report advocates that the state of Oregon guarantee the government »15,000 yearly for ug> keep as required. o . W . FRLM in Interna] Medicine for the [ ^ D E A L E R past twelve years HOTEL ALBANY M Fine train service, a courteous, thoughtful per­ sonnel and Diners of unusual excellence on the trains where Diners are a convenience. Coming to Albany ice station. Conservative prices All work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second. oufaavings department. A l b a n y S ta T b B a n c », Under government supervision. rA G t 3 Purpose of sinking a deep well and purchasing Sanderson springs, near Summerville, both to augment the local water supply, was voted down three io one Phone 312 Y Satisfaction guaranteed Thia it good advice: " I f you hve Price Id, 50 in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live F R E D B. J O N E S in tome other town, trade in that town.' Hut in tlieae automobile day« many re «■ding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the ALBANY larger town. Those who go to Albany A fire at Klamath Palls completely land, which built the section of the to transact business will find the firms P'An° Tuner for leading music stores tu destroyed the box factory and ware Eugene Florence state highway over named below ready to fill their require Albany, Inquire Davenport music bouse house of the Growers’ & Packers’ the low pass of the Coast mountains ments with courtesy and fairness. Warehouse association, known as the between Goldson and a point east of Blachly, is finishing the rock sur Chelsea Box factory, with a loss cstl A Ibany Bukery, 321 Lyon street used farm machinery mated at »135.000. facing of the section over the sum ™ Best one-pound loaf of bread made. bought, sold and exchanged at all times Members ° l the Baker county fair mit. 5 cents. The state legislature at its next organisation have definitely decided Wedding cakes to order B £ N T. S U D T E L L 1 abandon all plans for a fair which session will be requestor] to enact t A lb an y Floral Co. Cut flower» Phone 7k-R, 123 X. Broadalbin at. Albany e’ i T h ” “ ’' «u *“ Bchedulcd for n e,t law providing that all bond Issues by and pianta. Plorai art for every 7 I September. Shortage of finances is all political subdivisions of the state and all occasions. must be serial bonds, and that sink given as the reason. Flower phone 458-f. ing funds must he created to pay them H J. Overturf, Charles Carroll. A lb an y Electric Store. Radio Charles Haines and James Ryan, de­ as fast as they mature, it Is announc ■s* seta. Electric wiring Delco Light fendants in the Bend bonus fraud case ed by Jefferson Myers, state treasurer products 202 Second G le n n W il l a r d W m . h o f l ic h More than 400 Wasco county rest which was tried In Federal Judge W ol­ verton's court in Portland, were found dents, all of whom were there prior D lu e Bird Restaurant, 309 Ljon to 1883, gathered at The Dalles fron guilty by the jury. street Eat here when in Albany- all parts of the Pacific coast for parti Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. The registration of automobiles for Shoes that cost less per month of wear M rs . B l o u n t . April, this year, dropped 758 as com­ clpatlon In the annual meeting of the Wasco County Pioneers' association pared with April of last year, accord R U N S W lC K lng to records in the secretary of Of those present, 16 were past 80 PH O N O G R A P H S state’s office, the respective figures years old, and one, Mrs F. M. C’uch at tng, of near Maupin, was 91 being 8824 and 9582. W O O D W O R T H ’S W hy sufror from h ead ach e? Have your eyes examined S. T . F R E N C H H A LSEY E N T E R P R IS E (Continued from page 1) Our prices sell our goods HILL &<° •taall street robbers. Each beggar works five hours and their oluld wives take them home io taxicabs. Exhibits at the state fair this year will be exclusively. Oregon pri-xRlctn. 7 * * j I . H a ll’s C a t a r r h Medicine lid your avwetn of Catarrh ot Deafness caused by Catarrh. ky t r u f f i l i h n m M r tm F. J. C H E N E Y S« C O „ ToUdw, Ohte