FAGF 2 HALSEY BNTEKFKJSS I A U X T INTEKPKZSZ #•» owMeaw»« aweey 1 •» Wm. ■ avaicKLI (tan» riz, *«. . |L (ti a year la sdranea A 4 »»run ng Za. an iiu.li ; no diecoun l i a x or • pace ; no charge l«r cow «MittuD o r ' laagea ta "FalS-fui Fara I s, ing the University of Oregon gift cam a» you did Lelore, but the shirkers they have furnished us with »826,. palga. Attendance at the University la raise SSOoS 0 0 0 ® fi* Campaign U n iv e rs ity hopes to will not complain that lhay bough) ohooee btleeed Richards, present increasing ao fast that It Is outgrowing 000 worth of entertainment. ueumbent, efficient by jerk» ar increased m o ««y w ill be ex you cheap and did not g< t (heir the facilities. Attendance within the pended for new l buildings ye and facilities A . Tuompion, long at the public crib money'a worth. past four years has Increased 3V per T in Harpoon ia a naw PortLnd I m .e r s ity alumni have undertaken t raise $1 OOC Dnn •e»aiwi»g on prehihition enforce­ '-ent. During the same period the Uni­ for three principal buildings. TTe current s t u d e n t monthly. It announces tlm t it versity's income from the state has in ment and liksly to win through T H E L IN K U P w ill expose g raft w ith o u t staging creased but * per cent All of the Uni will finance another budding, the Student-Union ChF general apathy and the support of veralty'a buildings are crowded Some a senatorial investigation,” It zens of Eugene have undertaken to raise $500.000 for a The candidate« are lined up for a certaiu elem ental All any, and of them are over-crowded Not only Is lover f'-.e Kuklux as the e’evil love« the attendance growing, but the rate University auditorium. Thus a very substan G.1 ui next week's pifhiaries aud it's lira« Chandler. Tha latter will get mng has been made. A little later ^ in t e n s iv e r . for voter« to Lecoma settle I it good vote among those who know holy water and a ty ln May >r Bal er of increase In the attendance Is grow. Ing. These facts and the further one the candidate of the Knight« > f is to ramify. The whole public will be asked t« tbeir tninde as to the merits and him beat and if he loses it will be that the University prefers not to ask pate. It is a worthy cause ked t0 partlCT' qualifiealione ol the respective as­ b usure he lias failed toetiraro uid the D irty Sheet sod Slit Pi'.i, w appropriations from the over taxed pub Case." pirants for party nominations. L mough making acquaintances. thia contest those of us who d< For district Attorney I. H What are you going to do about that car? not belong to any party entitled (< Van Winkle (no relation to Rip reereeeutatioti on the ballot bay« Don t wait till thg spring rueli Have it ready for spring but wide awake), a Haleey hoy aa voice hat free speech. We may tripe when you need it the moe». »nd present incumbent, and R. B discuss them but we may not vol. Kuvkandail, horn ¡n Eugene, seek Our «hop equipmeut ie among (he best, which enables us to in the primaries. The partite will he republican nomination. We Flak and Gatea rire» do your job the way it should he done. All kind, of acceaaones nominate, and sometime, w . m .y , know , 0 l;bjpcljon u , b, ,| U „ „ Clark’s Confectionery W. e . 3(au>tev Mil, A Worthy Causi BEE HIVE A £ E\X 1VTR1V X v Smokers, Vei,s & Tools aa 2, 89‘ F ” 1 F ' " £VC ’- HALSEY a u to m o b ile GARAGE R epairing haye th e c e tta , vote sad decide af pt ,h . w.y be spell, b i. n a .e , which party aboil win. and b. did (ha( F .r Catted Slatee .«n.tor the Jay w . M#or# o, „ u # repahHcane ateteeb o o e. between .o .p e te a t .„ d tra.tworthy man Sen.lor McNary to .«, seed him j whom no r, , , ub|ic