Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, May 08, 1924, Image 1

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    H alsey
Short Storiesfrom Sundry
ricau longue,
J- J. Corcoran is making cement
work for S. Collin» arid F. Yanalta
Official Figur««, Automobile License», By States - January 1, 1924
P r ^ J b y S U N S E T M A G A Z IN E
at the Pine Grove cemetery.
Mi.*e Cleona Smith will be grad,
uated from the U, ol O. next
Election d»r dinner at H ill’s month. She becomes a bachelor of
store. Trcoesds to public library. |gcienceg.
Epitome of Events in tho
Bent er State
Mesdanoes A. E. and .A rth u r
The entertainment and sale at
Foote were Brownavill» visitor»
city hall Saturdev bight netted
the Standard Bearers $14,75. Not
Mr» H . C. Tho np on of Browns a large crowd was present, owing
villa took the train here for Port to o'.her things at other places.
A Kiwanie club wilt be inetttu’ ed ia
Bend !u the lmmeSiete future if piaei
oullieed are carried to core pie-ton
A total of »107,»7S«9 wee turned
over to the atete treasurer by tb«
»fate land department during April
land yesterday.
There will ba a Mothers’ day
ervice at the Methodist church
W illard Wooley of Halsey an
M *rle Baumgartner of Harrieburp Sunday morning at 11. Cars wiil
took Ihe train here for Detroit jee I be provh e I for motbera unable t o
corns on foot. Apply to Mrs. G.
W. Mori h o weg.
Salad, sandwiches, bake) beans
D r. Whetstone will be in liia
pie. Everything good. Eat din
ner at H ill's store election day and Halgpy office Wednesday after­
noons only herealter. Dr. Maber,
help the public library.
•vho took over the dental practice
Wilkin», indioted with Thomp­ of Whetstone’s father in Eugene
son for the Peoria burglary, has a year or two ago, has been
forfeited bis f 1000 bond and it i stricken with paralysis, and the
bilieved has left tbs state. H's youuger Whetstone has acquired
mother and Thompaon’e father atr the business.
on the bond.
A deta«hmen« of dealroyera will h«
ordered to Portland for the Rose Fee,»
vet in June, the navy department baa
adviaed Senator McNary.
The rltliena of Mayville. Wheel*«
county, have formed a company an*
put down an artesian wet, which wlh
give ample water for the town.
Approximately »14.600 will be made
available by the forest service th li
year for work on the Big Cetftaa Pla
tsond take section cf the Umpqua high
Mrs. L. H. Wallace of P ort­
land was the week-end guest
a t the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Rector. She
was accompanied
home Mon­
day by her daughter Grace, who j
A lf o r d A r r o w s
had been here for a week and
who has been ill for several 1
(Enterprise Correspondence)
,, I
Probably the thr»e businesee^ days.
Chester Curtis and family
nt Ilia county ««at that have con-
! visited his uncle, Jack Curtis,
tinned the
longe-t under their
ise, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Cross, of Peoria, Sunday.
original management and contin­
Mis. L. E. Bond of Albany
ued Io prosper are the Blain Cloth­ Mr. and Mrs. C- P. Moody, Mr.
ing company, F. M . French’s jew and Mrs. Frank Gansle, Mr. and spent the week end a t the home
elry business and thp Albany halt Mrs W. H. Beene, Mr. and Mrs. of her daughter, Mrs. E. D.
ery. Why? Because their business George Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. E. Isom.
Miller, Mesdames B- M.
tactics are such as lead to succeaa. C.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Starnes,
One feature of such tactics is wise Bond, Adda Ringo, B. S. Clark,
Miss H attie Dannen, and Mrs.
All three firms are
J. F- Isom went to Eugene one
patrons of the Enterprise's adver­ C. Bramwell, E. F. Cross, Karl
last week.
tising columns.
Florence Cogswell of
i E. E. Gormley, Claron Gormley,
Mr. end Mrs. PavidByr ee, mis­
visited a t the A. E.
sionaries from Uolenge, Afrioa, 0 . W. Frum , Mary Gray and Whitbeck home Fiiday night
home on furlough, will speak at
andi Saturday,
th«» Hnlney ClirFiitiani church"n*xt Walker and Mary Smith and
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mercer of
Wednesday evening, and Mrs. Ra>' Gansle of the Rebekahs
visited n Mrs.
Byrlee will sing in the native A f - 1
to Shedd Thursday night Eugene
i r Mercer’s
c »
_____________________________ , and a team of the Halseyites m other, Mrs. D. I. Isom, Sat-
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ exemplified the degree work urda.y night and Sunday.
j . F Isom came ho|ne froin
est Fir, where he is employ­
W e H ave
i daughters, Marie, Mildred and . in a lumber mill,
, for
, a few
¡Elizabeth and sons Harold and d a j‘ v ,a n w ith h i . f a m ,ly .
O ptical
I Rhodell, for many years resi-
Lon Chamlee, pastor of the
dents of this city, but who for Halsey Christian church, and
la the Cause of Many
some tim e have been living in his family took Sunday dinner
Portland, accompanied by Mrs. a t the E. A. Starnes home.
If your eyes give you trouble or
E tta McDaniels of Los Angeles,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. burton
your glasses are annoying
and Mess’-g, Marion Fraley and of Portland came up F’riday of
SEP. US. We can Relieve You
Pete Enns of Portland, were in last week, bringing Mrs. D. I.
B ancroft O ptical Co.
Halsey Sunday.
Isom home a lte r a stay of three
313 1st St. W. Albany, Phone
j weeks in th a t city.
(C ontinued on p ite 4)
Misa Gertrude Porter took an
Indian part in coetnme in an en.
tertainment in Portland, given fo
the benefit of the G irl Seoul» and
Campfire Girls. Hor piciure a«
»he appeared was in Sunday’s Or
L ook Y juthful
in G ingham
The Halsey alumni of the
University of Oregon have be­
gun work on their campaign to
j raise a large share of the mil-
j lion dollar alumni fund which
will be used to erect new build­
Prof. English is local
chairman of the campaign,
which will be completed May
Mis. Carl Seefeld and daugh­
ter visited the form er's mother,
Mrs. Smith, Monday.
Ileleey Ciiurcb ol C brot
Church Announcemcnb
See the new
Qinghams at
Cii»PV fteih ginghara'YRxka in new
colorful pstterna that only the gay
brilliance of Spring iraelf can rival
w ill form n o em ail p o r tio n of
milady'» Spring wardrobe. National
Gingham Week, April 27th to May
3rd, in all the glory of the new
aeaion'a happy colora, will furnish
many a timely inapiration.
Company H, The Dalle« machine
gun unit of the Oregon national guard
was mustered Into service at the civ,«
auditorium ,n The Dalles at a publt«
B ro w n s v ille B rie fs
S h e d d S n ap sh o ts
(By Special Correspondent)
(Enterprise Correspondent*)
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tussing ' Mrs. R. A. M argasen was a
spent Sunday a t the Reece Mai- Salem visitor last week
low home.
| S. J. Shoen was a business
Alda Cochran and Glenda visitor Monday in Albany.
Ross have
completed their , Mis. Lyman Pennell and Mrs.
year's teaching and
home ll. s. Pugh spent Friday in Sa­
for the summer-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gamble
A baby girl was born to Mr.
spent the week end a t the Dave and Mrs. S. J. Shoen last Tues­
Paine home in Sheridan.
Marvel Lawrence has finished
Mrs. Emma Coon of Portland
her post-graduate course in traeh- is visiting friends and relatives
or-,’ training at high echool. She in Shedd.
it one of Oregon’t future tgackv.v I Lyman and Lyle Pennell of
Mrs. Lyall Bowers is home
ShwW V,siton‘
from the Lebanon hospital, and
* \U
, ,,
Belle Burson is helping her
C' J bhedd and Sol Meyers
with her housework for the drove to Portland Thursday, re­
| turning Friday.
J. C. Harrison and A. A. ! Miss AS’ies Pugh is a t home,
Tussing of Halsey made a busi- her school near Philomath clos-
ness trip to Douglas county ,
Saturday morning, returning j Clyde Crawfoid has gono to
the same night.
, Oakridge, where he expects to
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison work this summer,
motored to Sheridan Saturday | The P otter Sewing Circle
returning Sunday met a t the home of Mrs. FTed
evening. While there they were Sprenger Wednesday,
the guests of the Dave Paine
Mrs. Mary Porter and Mrs.
Agnes Clark were among the
Miss G retia H arrison and stoppers in Albany Saturday.
Mesdames Irene liv e ly and | Miss Undine Dannen is teach
Lila Hanna, sisters, are nicely ing school a t the W. C. T. U.
started in the confectioneryi Children's Home, near Cotval
business. Their fath e r bought |i3
the “Grille” for them.
Mrs. Dora Davis has returned
Sam B arge,, an old confeder­ to Shedd,
nearly recovered
ate soldier, went last week to from a recent suigical opera
the S tate Soldiers’ Home. The
old fellow was a fam iliar figure
Several college students were
on the streets and no doubt will
lie missed. Years ago he was howe for t ba w eek e n d , a n io n )
a Brownsville business man
them Raymond and Harold
Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Nelson Shedd, Merle Pugh a,id Undine
gave a farewell party for John Dannen.
Bowers last Thursday . night.
Shedd high sahool played
The time , , n i 7 , 1
P a) **!F ,« £* baB a t Brownsville Friday
games until late when sand- winning, 19 to 17; the gram m er
wiches, pickles, cake and coffee
played Mt Tangent on
were served. John goes to Eu­ grades
Saturday, losing, 7 to 21.
gene to work with a construc­
The recital given by the pu­
tion gang.
pils of Mrs. Jess Cross a t the M.
L illia n
T e m p le t o n , lo n g E . church
Saturday evening,
■onployed in Jones' notion e l o r e , ! was well attended and enjoyed
h a« b o u g h t tti« bnsioesa.
as the pupils did splendid work.
Miss A letha Isom and Jim
The Shtdd community re
( allaway announce their engage- greta very much the leaving of
m en^-
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Rodgers.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lawson Thpy havp moved to Albany,
took a prize offered for the best w e r e Mr. Rodgers is working
appearing couple at the legion for the Nebergall M»at company
Coyotes have been severe on
Bundle day lor near sari
sheep here-alxjuts this year.
relief is May 21
I.aat yea>
Tom Wooddy. while hunting during the exile of more than i
them, killed eight coyote pups million people from Asia Minoi
500.000 people were given protec­
in a den which he discoveed.
Church of C h rist•
I-on Chatiilee, minister.
Bible school, 10, W. I I . Robert-
•on, suparintemlcnt.
Morning worship, 11. Lord'a
• upper every Lord'a day.
Christian Endeavor, 7.
Evening service, 8,
The church without a hiebop, iu
B owntvilla's population «outin-
the country without a king.
I f you have no church home uaa to increase, in the newapaper
hurineva a a well aa out. Bachelor
came and worship with us.
Hinman aa publisher gave place to
a flock «( Loomises, and now a
Koiwrt Parker, pastor.
flock of Byrda haa arrived and no,
Sunday School, 10.
roeroua Taylor« are txpected.
Preaching, I I .
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Smith and
Intermediate League, 7.
Epworth League, 7,
children drove to Albany Sun-
Prayer meeting Thursday, 8,
! day and spent the day a t the
Preaching, 8.
ID. S. McWilliams home.
tion by means of used Amaricar
clothing. A Portland man, B ar
clay A<b»ser, now in the near
east, writs« that this clothing it
many case» meant (he different«
between life and death. Used
clothing for many womea en<’
children it greatly needed now,
aa approximately half a milllor
people are »till unable to fim
bornei ia Greece and the tufferini
(4 intense.
tA •
riftee a counties le Oregon had fail
ad to remit their first half tax cot
lactlona when the time for aendln»
the money to the slate treasurer ex
ptred, May 1.
Recauae of the embargo on gardet
truck from California, due to the foot
and mouth disease, mid-Columbia gae
denars are expecting an unusually
profitable year.
Removal ef Dr. Frederick
er aa state health officer was dvmand
ed of Oovernor Pierce In a com mud Ira
tlon signed by the Portland Dairy
men's ««sedation,
A gain of more than is per cent
in Eugene poetel receipts for April
thia year over the corresponding
month last year has been reported
by Postmaster Yorea.
WHliara BA,oh, rromment orchard
let. haa^heea »elected as sheriff ol
Mood River roua’r to ewveeed Thoasei
F. Johnson recently appointed poet
mhater at Hood River.
The Umatilla house, a historic land
mark of The Deltas, once the scene ol
splendor and lavish entertainment«
will be sold under the sheriff's ham­
mer for delinquent taxes.
Exhibits at this year's stats fstt
will be t-ondaed exclusively to Oregoe
products, end as aoa-resldent «ih lb ltt
will bs accepted, arnordlng to a devi­
ates of the »»at* fair board.
Motor vabtetea of normal weight
have bean permitted to reeuma travel
on the Oregon frail between the foot
of Emigrant hill and HHgard for th i
ilrat time tn tavaral months
Tha 8alam oaapter. Amerl<an W n
Mothers, baa launched a movemant te
erect a monument tn honor of th<
young men of Marion county who tea,
their'lives tn the world wav.
Th# Southern Pacific company had
net income of »»7 617,367 4« during
IM S, ecoordlng to the annual report
of the corporation Died 1« the offte*»
ef the public aervlce commission
The stats tax collected on sales ol
gaaoltue aud distillate In Oregon dur
teg th* month of March aggregated
»132,213 lfl, according to a report b j
Sam A Kotor, aervetary of state.
David J. Oover died at Cottage
Grove ts the result of being tram pl’ d
by this horses tad terribly crushed
when two wheels of Me wsgou, loaded
with gravel, passed over his cheat.
With wool shearing In Oregon full»
three weeks ««artier than usual, w«o«d
1« beginning to accumulate at B< h«
and other points la the eastern coun
ttnn, hut no hustneos haa developed
The Eugene city council has order
ed a «pedal election July 2 on th*
prepoeat to Issue »»66,6815 In bond«
to build a municipal auditorium on ox
adjacent to the university cf Oregon
May day tn Portland waa marked
by two walkout*, one In the plant o,
(he Dollar Portland Lumber company,
with 71 men affected, th * other being
that of d riven of tha Star Ice a id
Coal company.
A bulletin of coneiderabte Interest
to lumbermen, covering the natural
reproduction of Douglas ftr la Oregon
and Washington, written by Dr. J. V.
Hetman, has just been announced by
the Portland office* of th* fnreet ta r r ­
ies The pamphlet haa »1 page*, ia
wall llluatratad and haa two map* and
Th* work haa heea amder
preparattoa for three year*.
(Continued on page 3)
. J