g æ s r c —: HA1.SRY KNTERFM1W3 FAO E 4 H A L S E Y R A IL R O A D T IM E Thera « ill he no relaxation of School Notes South North quarantine restrictions aaglnat Call- , (By an Enterprise Reporter) No. 17. 12:13 p. tn . No. IS, 11:37 ». tu. fornia products offered for shipm ent' 23, 7,2* p. m. 24, .4:27 p tu. into the slate ot Oregon until such T h e seniors are busy pr- p a r ng 21, 11:32 p. m. time as a special committee sent to f> r; ha j r a In alia I t x t .- e i« « 22, 3:20 a. u . CaMforBU °° Nos. 21 and 22 stop only if flagged. T h e high school is p rac tic in g the mouth disease situation files Its three cou.etlies w hich w ill be Liven No. 14, due Halsey at 5.4*9 p. ui., stops formal report with the executive de­ to let ofl passengers from south of the lis t of school. partment. This was set out in a tele­ Roseburg T h e p ro gram on fir« preven tion gram sent by Oovernor Pierce in reply No. 23 runs to Iiugeue only. to a communication received from H. given bv the grades last * t i k was Ko. 21 rnns to Eugene, tbeuce -Marsh­ C urging that the state of Oregon accept e r^ jy e d by everyone. field branch. uring that the state of Oregon accept The Halsey grade school lost the Passengers lor south of Roseburg should from California fruits and vegetables , gaUie played w ith T an g e n t F rid a y , take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer produced outside of the Infected areas, ( score wss 13 to 2. to No. 15. which are accompanied by certificates i MAY I. 1*24 ____________, NeWt Nok! (Continued from pas* 1* G LO BE * ALBANY SUS.— MON — TL'ts M AY 4 -5 -* STRONGHEART “ IH t LOVE MASTER ” 1 robably ! in * grertest n o rlh trn story that ever will l»e mede Sfl-R-a-« X S O C IE T Y S C A N D A L comi o f toon x»>— ffilsey Happening's’’ (Continued (m m pace 3) H c Waddell of Roseburg. of tb* many friends to wish them ettlotal »tart of the state department. happiness. 1 r A im s t in n e and f a m i l y ' American Lagloa. baa been appointed , * Se“‘,le I ■ wero in B m n 2 “ i u X and lnapect the battleship Oregon. I W. G. Trill of H arnsbuig fa ),ln T. Funk poet. American was a Halsey visitor Monday. ' Legion of tjottefe Oroie, has gone on i Mrs. L. E. Walton was a p a s -' record as opposing the settlement oi seng*c to Harrisburg Monday. ' a major part of the nprtbera portion B M , .,,-i M ,, J. A. S t e v e , % visited then son Hi Lugtne as D)M ntn< u move to this country from t week. i Canada. M rs . A E Foote and her sister, I Flans were completed at Salem (o r, i E dna K u b io to ii, visited M rs. Raul tJJa firat annual Chautauqua to be held under direction of the Oregon I B ierly T uesd ay. A C A rm strong and w ife were h t i t j Cattle club. It will take place X 4 n A lb a n y T h u rs d a y and visited * t the state fair grounds in Salem, 2» “ “ d 2»- <»> succeed the I ibe B row nsville deutist F rid a . | M r. and M r * . James “ Bual J“ b,Iee held the club ,n previous years. Nine gold quarts claims located on Link river Dear the city limits of A pension h a t beta Jo ’ ¡ ^ ¿ ¡ . ’ ’ paTta were filed with the Mrs. Caasiuda M »»on ol Peoria 1 * 6 ° rJ | 8 »veenmen .uss FOR SALE Redwood Tank c h e a p W ANTED Bond vie- Ren C u io r m c UGG O n d l ll l d ited a t the home ol th e ir d au gh ­ ter, M rs. Jav Moore, yesterday. ' ' * pound delivered lu box or keg N. T. S n S b d . Halsey high school baseball team inet and defeated the j Brownsville high team on the noon, 23 to 19. Lineup: Hal sey—Van Nice p, lb and 3b; Koontz ss; Muller 2b; E. Cor­ bin, 3b and p; V. Corbin, c; Norton, p and If; Miller, rf; SUNDAY MAIL HOURS T b e d e liv e ry w in d ow of the H a ls e y postoffice is open Sundays from 10:50 to 11 a. in. and 12:15 to 12:30 p. m .| Su nd ay m a il goes out o n ly on the n o rth-b ou n d 11:37 tra in : Mail goes south once a day, closing at 11:05 a m ; north twice, closing 11:25 a. ui. and 5:30 p. m. M ail stage for Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Sweet Hume leaves daily at t 45 a. m. Scio is to have a cheese fac 1 I ' tory. The foregoing t u r n will be Paid-for Paragraphs Win Kirk spent Sunday at paid for information leading to tbe arrest and conviction of any perron dam­ the O. W. From home. (5c a liu « ) aging property of the Mountain States Power Rodney Savage was a pas F o r sale— Y o a n g O. I C. Brood company, especially insu'ators. F ra n k P o rter is fixing ft ncea , Pomona grange, at a meeting held in senger to Albany Monday. Sow. A lbert M in er , this week— uh his fa rm , not out J Salem, went on record fuvorlng need Mrs. G. R. Walker went tt among tlie vi t r ie . H e «ays be is ad repairs to the present plant of the Information will Ire conrideiedin-ifideuti.il If conviction can be ob - N otice — T h e c ity council has Harrisburg Monday to visit ai out of politics. state training school for boys, at a tained without revealing its Source. ordered rue to enforce the o rd i­ oculist- i i cost of a few thousand dollars, In D r. and M rs. W hetsto ne are * G M c C lellan , Sup’t.. Albany. nance sgaiuet sta kin g cows w heie H a n y Bressler is able to be housekeeping in p a rt of tbe hotel stead of expending 3300,000 lu the th ey can get on the sidew alk or construction of a new institution. out for a walk every day, aftei H i l i e y , where tbe doctor also ba» the m id d le ol the street. An intensive campaign against vio­ his long illness. k it d e n ta l office. J AMR? R ector , M m e h a l. lation and non enforcement of the pro­ Rev. and Mrs- R. J- Gordo: Tad M ilx n e r preached at tbe hibition laws w ill be waged June 3. Sawdust and Ashes. Heiniich, c f ; McNeil, *.b and It. of Brownsville, were passengers M ethodist church Sunday morn- 4 and 5 in Portland by the Anti- Saloon ld papers for sale ot 5c a lu n d le The latest substitute fur cardboard Brownsville-—L. Walker, If; at O tbe to Cottage Grove Monday. ug and Rev. J. D . C a in of Brow n - leagues of Washington, Idaho and E n te rp ris e office. and wooii in the making of tioxes is a Wade and Redland, c; Newland, Oregon. Plans include the appoint­ Mrs. Lela Vhedd and daugh vil-e in the evening. ciieinicni composition of sawdust and rf; Robertson, ss and p; Daugh- ter came from Albany Satur M r. and M rs. A . E. W h it beck ment of a committee of 1000 to in­ asbes The finished boxes are light, erty, lb ; Tycer, p and s s ; Saw- Arrest Spanish Crooks. d. y to visit Mrs. Hugh Leeper •n d M r. and M rs . R. B J u g ild sure the success of the citizens’ law washable, sanitary and nonpolsonous. I „ r f . r> 2 h • M o rs e Tbe men working the “Spanish pris­ enforcement campaign. They are waterproof and ns fireproof q, ’ , F i, 2 / . , ,, ’ oners" confidence game have been run visited tbe A. C. Arm strong heme Miss Lucile Stivers of Eu us asbestos, and can be made In any | ' A t th e end of the fifth the Forest fires were under way In down and arrested hy tbe police of gene arrived Monday to visi; Saturday a fte ra u o u . degree of flexibility or texture, either ! SCOie was tied a t 8, but in the many places in Oregon and Washing Rarcelonn, Spain. The police found a t the J. II. Vannice home J. B. W a rn e r, who eloped fm tn as bard us oak, tough as metal or as sixth Halsey scored three and carefully-kept flies of names and ad­ ton. and the situation was threaten­ in the seventh nine. John Schaetzle, from neai the county ja il, wbero be was ing to become serious, according to pUubie os cardboard. dresses of persons from whom money ' I might be obtained. Employees of the Crawfordsville, took the train fo r k in g out a 1 2 ,0 0 0 Lo*>z« fine reports received by George H. Cecil, last year, is in ja il again. FO r SA l E — Select Barcelona telegraph office were appre­ Monday for Tacoma for a short Live snd Let LJve district forester, with headquarters in hended among others. A broken truck gear on a car Portland. The most serious fire tn stay. The most unselfish business carried inched th irte e n 6 *u tfie rn Pacific national forests in the district was Mr. and Mrs. Will S tetter of on in any community is the newspaper per cord, delivered Halsey rsigbt cats near Salem yestentay Albany visited the A. C. and L in ruing unJ ma le tia in e lu e at Wind River, in Washington. tp i a t J V or other stations or sidings editor hus demands made upon his Considerable numbers of salmon are io ibis section. Farmers by pooling to­ busmen says the Milton Gazette. Th • II. Arm strong families Sunday First-Class Work aere. reported to be entering the hatchery gether can use car lots to advantage. time and his space, which is his only afternoon. hRoWNSVILLH W lB E H O U lF S . I f A lb a n y and L an e county vote racks at the Klatskanlne river and Agent for Eugene Steam Laundry Phone 1 lc5 stock in tTade, that »re wholly out of Miss Eleeta I.ivick returned Sent Tuesdays. as they are of the early spring run, proportion to that given by any other home Thursday, a fter a week’* lie taxea on tbe l t t t h tbe bids for the variety greatly prized for propa­ be H arris b u rg bridge w ill be J. w . S T E P H E N S O N , frop visit at the home of Mrs. Al­ ■ pened on tbe 2th h and for the gation purposes, stringent regulations profession in tile commun- fred Bails of Philomath. I it/- will be Imposed to protect them. tllta iiy H 'rticlu ie June 12. W e ba v i a be tu tilu l p im o stored I f there is an industrial plant to There has been a vast amount of C- I. Gipson and two sons of DELBERT STARR ne.ir H ils *y th it we w ill sacrifis** promote, the space of the newspaper Crawfordsville arrived by stage «'»eeeeee+eeeeeeetv******«'» poaching in the stream during the , dr ¡,niI1, d i j l e W ill give easy is devoted freely to the propaganda I l i n i r a l D i r e c t o r and L l- past few weeks. L |n, F „ r f j || p.i r t i c i l |.,r K „ , d Saturday and took the train boosting the enterprise. The business 1 C C n S ( ? d R m b & l i n p r for Corvallis to spend the sum­ • M a r y S u cceed s Construction of a 12 story building j „ here it inav be «een a ld r w s men who are to profit most by the 1 yfficient Serv mer. • , ; KO Q W ild , M e s ic HouSU, ice. Motor Hearse. o n M a in S tr e e t < at a cost of approximately 31,000, i launching think it no more than the 000, on the northeast corner of Sixth I S a l -in . O regon Lady Attendant Mr. and Mia- T. B. Spenger newspaper should do and he renders Brownsville_________ ______ Oregon amt Alder streets in Portland will be I ................ By L A U R A M IL L E R of Shedd, on their way to Eu­ the service wit! out pay and without commenced March 1, 1925, by the G u a ra n te ed gene to visit a daughter S u nday,1 thanks. I f there is a church edifies Bedell company, operating a chain of called on Mia- H a n y Commons, © . t i l l , b y L a a r « M illar to build the newspaper is expected to women's apparal stores In the United W L. W R IG H T also their daughter. BUSINESS, BRAINS AND States, according to an announcement and p ic o til.g A T T A C H M E N T boost the proposition and to help in Mortician & Funeral Director BREECHES by A. M. Bedell of New York city, ge ting subscriptions, »ml it does it, Dudley Henry was a passen­ F it * nny f e w it g m ach ine. 32 50 Halsey and Harrisburg president of the firm. and when the subscription paper is ger to Albany Saturday- He prepaid or C - O - D C irculars all D. T aylor , llalscv. or City Jobs and sulurles are time passed he is expected to contribute ns has been taking a vacation from Oregon pensions have been grant­ free. W. 1.. \ \ RIGHT. Harrisburg according to Ruth Fllesbacb. work on account of a heavy waotera, much in cash as the fellow of like Robert Weber, Port­ L a F lesh H e m st it c h in g C i Kile thinks she Is probably enrnlng | ed »» follows: tim ber falling upon his foot the largest Income of any person In land, 312; George W . Hamblin. Mc­ l)« p t. 2, S ed alia, M " f.nancial standing contributes who while employed at Toledo. has given neither time nor space to Hays, Knn., and fully Intends to make Minnville, 312; Joseph B. Jones. A m or A. Tussing Maplewood. 312; Martha L. Bates. the enterprise. HALSEY M argaret Moore was struck It larger within two years. The chief set-back she has found Is Canby. 330; Charles A Whitney, Hub- I f there i s * clean-up campaign on, in the head with a Iwiseball bat the belief of the average chair :.nu- lawykr ; and notary the newspaper is supposed to boost it bard, 312: Zeno D. Orfsbois, Klamath Tuesday of last week and foi er In the average big olflce that "only ____ Falls, _ >12; Harvey A. Smith, Port- for the entire season and the editor the balance of the week her a man can do that’'; It’s contagious, ! |and H alsey , O regon Ethel O. Folger. Salem. 3 10; Cakb paid for does this at his own expense. If eyes were badly swollen and and the girl wastes time accepting the ' o t,„ ERber(i Por!lan(1 ---------- — ------------------------------ Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal there is a farm -rs’ meeting, a church dictum that husincfl*. bruin« uml I her face black and blue meeting, a mooting of commercial Have Your Eyes Exam ined breeches are Insepnrable. | Elimination of the so-called cow* & Hides. M . H * S H O O K then, or roc’al rlubs, or if any firm Ruth Plleebach was orphaned when' Tact system In Oregon Industries. In Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill and On niotl( Irwin-Hodson company of Portland ' of these young peoide have anv gin conid hop« for. Laundrv sent Tuesdays The low bid was 13 47 cents a pair, spent most of their lives in and I n a f»rvor of patriotism I tum.»d or a trifle less than paid by the slate \gency Hub Cleaning Works eourt reporter In Haya »e the young ' around Halsey and they have for pla'ea last year. The contract man could go Io the ftvgit. That pa 1*1 . ABE S PLA C E me. with feea. about 3150 a month c®11’ for deUtelT of * 0(l-0do I'"1” TR W H E TS TO N E After other adventure« Miss Fllesharh The plates will hare a lemon- became succaaalvely secretary of the ' »«How backgrquhd. with black letters DENTIST ebarabtr of rommerfe tod rnbllclty * and a h i w ill be similar to director oi n bulldlnc and In- e«tment those new uaa In I^aho HALSEY HOTEL company. Her ambitiot) Is to start so The bodies t>f Pe^Uy Morris. J1 '. I lout», ♦ to f l and I to a advertising agency, "right In Hays te Edward Nichole. 33, snd Roy Wtl- K rening appointment« help the smalt town meribaot ad»er lon. 33. three trappers of Begd who I A ll work done pioaiptly and reason­ Use Ms goods snd compete with tbe bad bean mlaaing since eboqt January eie* order homes ' ed lv. l ’lion« No 267 I I . were re«*»eted from Little Lava We have a -omplete line of lake, where they had been thrown by the murderer or murderers after each of the victims had t e ia shot A shot Twelve B F 5 T name t i a l­ ihe Toilvt fteq tiw tt oi Kn htnsg Used In killing the three trappers, T lie • a’e t - X> to #U>* r»er de/cn. or one of < barm according td aanouacemeai hy Cor ■ each for 40* r RF F -Ib P lar