— È H IL L & (S S Hardware Farm M achinery J • • everything m »lock. n, Be quick Stoves & Ranges * •• ♦ Heath « “j. *\ r•a 1 *"«» »ndge. & Lo , beat in the world H arness •• gxvB or( ,¡«bi- f « h .1«* «„ b.„d. Lome in and see the qiiuüty and l a r i price« G arden Tools •• I here’« health in cultivating _ • • t»'lr •»« crops, andatao in eating them /» ___________________ _________ & Our prices sell our goods H IL L & (s ,^ /^ b a n y _£/)irec lory A clean, fresh stock c f * £ F L O R A L & M U S IC S H O P 1 he light feed for calves, pigs and chickens Baby Chick Feed and Developing Mash I O. \v . I R l M i We grow our own cut flowers In is is good advice: ’ ’ l l vou live in Albany, trade iu Albany ; it you live (•old banded, Rubrum snd other h a rd * lily bulbs now ou hand. z in some other town, trail« id that town. Hut in these automobile days many re­ Nice geraniums every Saturday. siding elsewhere find it advisable to do Phone 16t,J at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to TMbsnv Phone 312 V Satisfaction guaranteed to transact business w ill find the firms Pricy fd, SO named below ready to fill their require FR E D B JO NES meats with courtesy and fairness A l ’ anr Bakery, .*121 Lynn slreet, Pest one pound loaf of bread made 5 cents. _______________ Wedding cake« to order A Ibany Flornl Co. No One Will Refuse —Continued HALLS’ JERSEE MILK FOOD COMPOUND Armies cannot cross it and succeeo '«>< I d a hostile land. They are too far from home. The expense of trans­ porting and maintaining them will bleed our enemies until they are spent The British king Is powerful, but now he lias picked n quarrel with Almighty Lod, snd It w ill go hard with him." A/d««y Cut flowers , and plants. Floral art for every and ail occasions. F lower phone 458-L Piano Tuning and Repairing ALBANY T l,? * r f ° r •ending music stores in Albany, Inquire baveuport music house New snd used furniture and FARM MACHINERY "W e shall fight," Howe declared. bought, sold nnd exchanged st all times "And you w ill have more fighting to A lb an y Electric Store. Radio do than you anticipate,” said F ranklin . sets. Electric w irin g Delco Light B E N T. S U D T E L L "N ature la our friend and ally. The products 202 Second Lord has prepared our defenses. They fiLFNN W lU A ftD \ \ M noPLICB Phone 76-R, 12J N. Broadalbin a t, Albany are the sea, the mountains, the forest D l u e B ird R e s ta u r a n t, 3 0 9 L y o n and the character of our people. Con­ street. Eat here whea in Albany. sider w hat you have accomplished. At Open from 6 to i and 5 to 8 an expense of eight million pounds you (T o be continued) Mas. B t o r n r . have killed about eight hundred Yan­ kees. They have cost you ten thou­ Mesf’ames A E. and A»tliur D R U N 8 W 1 C K sand pounds a head. M eanw lhle, at PHONO G R A P H S . Foote nnd Miss Ruby Scbroll were 1 J least a hundred thousand children have at I Brownsville visitors T hurslav. been born In America. There are the W O O D W O R T H 'S factors In your problem. H ow much time and money w ill be required for Last year 2.500 000 pound» TA ivenport Music company offers Shoes that cost lets per month of wear «nd escaped only by the s w ift and ef­ Piano-cate organ, good at new Ing a hot argument over the origin of tbe Job of killing all of us?” of Oregon butter bad to find fective use of his pistols anil hanger, Haley organ, good as new T he British adm iral Ignored the an outside m a r k e t — n surplus over northeast storms, the doctor asserting L'eed Piano». nnd by good luck, his horse having that he had learned by experiment that query. local demand. I n tbe fame time been "only slightly cut In the withers." they began In the southwest and pro­ "M y powers are tlm ited," said he, 2,.>00 000 pounds of counierfeit Tpastburn Bros.— Two big grocery (Continued from page 1) The Am erican line gave way. Its un­ “but I am authorized to grant pardons •»utter was mid in Oregon, mostly ceeded in a northeasterly direction. I stores, 212 W. First and 225 South seasoned troops fled Into Brooklyn. Glenn Chance yisiteJ Albany Main. Good merchandise at the right had to w ait ten minutes for a chance and In every way to exercise the king’s hippe I in from other statt*. I f prices. There was the end of the Island. They Saturday. paternal solicitude." to speak to them. M r, Adams was hot the farmers will vote, the referen­ could go no fa rth e r without swimming. faced, the doctor calm and smiling. I "Such an offer shows that your L illie Cafeteria and confectionery Philip Merriam went to Port« W ith a B ritish fleet In the harbor un­ dum on the oleo law will be killed Imparted the news proud nation has no flattering opinion 1 J Home cooking. Pleasant surround lend Thursday, der Adm iral' Lord Howe, the situation aud the law made effective. " 'God of Israel I’ Mr. Adams ex- of us," F ra n k lin answered. “We, who ing». Courieon». efficient »erviee. was desperate. S ir Henry had only to clalmsd. “la It not enough that I have W e make our own candies. D. S McW illiams of Albany are the Injured parties, have not the follow and pen them In and unlimber to agree w ith you ! Must I also sleep I baseness to entertain It. You w ill for­ W . S. D uncan . was a vsitor here Suuday. his guns. T he surrender of more than with you? give me fo r reminding you that the h a lf o f W ashington s arm y would have I^ilm s developed and printed. Ida M itd ier was a week-end ‘Str, I hope that you must not, but king's paternal solicitude has lieen to follow. A t headquarters, the most _ We mail them rig h t lieck to you. visitor with home folk«. I f you must. I beg that you w ill sleep rather trying. I t has burned our de Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, O r­ discerning minds saw that only a m ir­ more gently than yon talk,' sold Frank fenseless towns In m id w inter; It has Miss Alberta Koontz «pent the egon. acle could prevent It. i tin. Incited the savages to massacre our week end with h line folks The m iracle arrived. N ext day a ^ irs t g a ra g e g o in g n o r th . ‘‘I went w ith them to their quarters farmers In the back c ou ntry; It lias fog thicker than the darkness of a carrying the luggage. On the way M r. Mrs. H . F. English and little driven us to a declaration of Inde­ Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline, clouded night enveloped the Island and Adams complained th a t he had picked aon Alfred were Eugene Vieitore repair work. - pendence. B rita in and America are lay upon the face of the waters. Calm­ np n flea somewhere. W . II . H u l b c k t . Thursday. now distinct states. Peace cun be ly, quickly W ashington got ready to •“ T he flea, sir, la a small animal, considered only on that basis. You pORD SALES AND S E R V IC E Mrs. George Taylor «pent F ri­ move Ida troops. T h a t night, under the but a big fact,' said F ranklin . 'You wish to prevent our trade from pass­ Tires and accessories day at Salem with her nephew friendly cover of the fog, they were alarm me. T w o large men and a flea ing Into foreign channels. Let me re­ D o e s N o t O p e r a te * Repairs Everett Standish. quietly taken across the East river, w ill be apt to crowd our quarters.’ mind you, also, that the profit o f no K ir k -P o ix a k M oto * C o . w ith a regiment of Marblehead sea “In the room they argued with a trade con ever be equal to the ex­ B. M. Bond was laid up with a dogs, under Colonel Glover, manning depth of feeling which astonished me. CVirtm iller Furnituie Co., furni- very bad cold last week end absent W ill be at pense of holding It w ith fleets and the boats. F ortu nately, the British as to w hether the one window should ture, ruga, linoluum, stoves rauges armies." from work several day*. Funeral directors. 427 4 U west First army had halted, watting for clear he open or closed. M r. Adams had "On such a basis I am not empow­ street, Albany, Oregon. weather. closed It. K. C. Williamson of M cMinn­ ered to treat w ith you." Howe an­ For nearly two weeks Jack was nurs­ •' ‘Please do not close the window,’ swered. "W e shall Imm ediately move Wednesday, Nay. 14, P C I. I.E R G R O C ER Y. 286 Lyon ville arrived Friday to visit his ing his wound In Washington's army said Franklin. ‘W’ e shall suffocate.’ against your arm y.” family, who live near town. *■ (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) hospital, which consisted of a cabin, a Office hours 10 a. m to 4 p. m. ‘“ Sir. I am an Invalid nnd afraid of T he conference ended The anitias Groceries Fruita Produce Mr». Ivy MoCordof Aetoria vis. tent, a number of cow stables and an the nlgbt a ir.' asld Adams rather sadors and their secretary shook Clione 2b3K iled with her mother, Mre. fl. T, old shed on the heights of Harlem testily. hands w ith the British adm iral. W S E X A U ER , auto and geu- H illm an, the past week. "M r. Irons, I have heard much of * • eral painter you," said the la tte r as lie held Jack’s Mis C. P. Stafford went to Port­ Get my estimate. 1 hand. “You are deeply attached to a B 201 E. First street land Friday. She also visited her young lady whom I admire nnd whose niece, Miss Anijr Lou Peckovsr, at fa th e r Is my friend. I offer you a J J O I.M A N & JACKSON Oregon City. @ IB* T ? i» W iir r I 1 he foregoing sum win be chance to leave this troubled land and Grocery— Bakery É3 B * V V T V < l l l i paid for inform ation leading Mrs. Umma Sylvester of Port­ go to London and m arry und lead a D r M ellenthi-i is a regular graduate E veryth in g in the line of eats to the arrest and conviction of any person dam- peaceable, Christian Ufe. You may in medicine and surgery and is li Opposite Postoflice land is making her home for the aging property of the M ountain States Power He keep your principles, If you wish, ak I censed by the slate of Oregon. summer with her enn, F. tv. Syl­ J J u b Candy Co., First street, next vester, and family, company, especially insulators. have no use for them. You w ill find does not Operate for chrouic append * * door to Blain Clothing Co. ® icitiA gall stones, ulcers of stomach, ton­ sympathizers in England." sils or adenoids. Noon lunches. Mrs Oiorge Wright of Albany Inform ation w ill lie contideied confidential If conviction can be ob- "Lord Howe, your kindness touches Home-made candy and ice Cream. He has to his credit wonderful results tained w ithout revealing its Source. took Ibe stage Saturday for me,” the young man answered. "W hat iu diseases of the stomach, liv e r, bow­ Brownsville to visit her mother you propose ts a great temptation. It els, blo-.xl, skin, nerves, heart, kidneys, U u b Cleaning Woika, Inc. C. M cCi.Rt.LaN, Sup’t.. Albany. Is like Calypso’s offer of Imm ortal bladder, be.l wetting, catarrh.weak lung« Dor. Fourth and Lyon Mre Harriet Cooley. M atter Dyers and Cleaners happiness to L'lysses. I love England rheumat.sm, sciatica, leg ulcers and rec­ M ri. A. E Foote went to Junc­ Made - T o - Measure Clothes I love peace, and more than either, I tal ailments. love the young lady, but I couldn’t Below are the names o f a few of his T f you have friends they should tion City a n d s p e n t S a tu r d a y w ith many satisfied pa'.ients in Oregon go and keep my principles." hom> folks, her sister Edna re. * have your photograph "W hy not, sir?" turned with her for a visit. Mrs. J. W . H in e s , North IG w dtr, Clifford’s Studio “ T h e a ir of this room w ill be much Jack had lain In a stable. Tow ard the "Because we are alt of a mind with go ter. Y U West Pirst street, Altjanv. worse for you than that out-of-doors.’ Rev. Robert Parker and daugb. end oí his confinement, John Adams M rs. Aliev W illiam s. Malheur, heart our M r Patrick Henry. W e put lib­ F ran klin retorted. H e was then be­ L lA U N K IO ELECTRIC til). curoe to see him. ter Irene and Mr«. Elia» Brandon erty above happiness and even shove trouble and high blood pressure. Uno Sjorooe, Astoria, appendicitis. •■’ * Official Strom berg carburetor aerv visited Rev. J. D. Cain and fam­ “ W ere you badly hurt?’’ the great tween the covers. ‘I beg of you to life So I must stay and help fight H. Deggeller, Silverton, ulcer of the ice stati >n. Conservative prices. All «pen the window nnd get Into bed nnd m an asked. her battles, „nd when I say It I am Stomach. work guaranteed 116 H l W. Second ily at Brownsville Thuroday. If I do not prove my case to your sat­ grinding my own heart under my heel “Scratched a little , but I ’ll be back Mrs. George A. G illm an, Coquille, isfaction, I w ill consent to Its being Mrs. Hazel Munkera, from near YJen aud money a re best whet Don't think harshly of me. I cannot gall stones. In the service tom orrow ,” Jack replied. closed.’ busy. Make your dollars work n Brownsville, brought her eon Don. help It. The feeling ts bred In my M rs M. R. Oarscn, $ ilvertr a, high "Yon do not look like yourself quite. " I lay down on a straw-filled m at­ bones." our savings department. A l b s n v S t a t » sld over Friday to have Dr. Marks blood pressure. I think that I w ill ask the commander tress outside th e ir door. I heard M r. Mrs. f. M. Bowers, Toledo, gallatnoes. B a n k . Under government supervision His lordship smiled politely and In chief to let you go w ith me to P h ila­ st and to hie arm, which bad been Adams open the window and get Into August E.ickson, Laktside, kidney boned as the three men withdrew. delphia. I have tom e business there injured by a fall. L fille r Motor Sales trouble. bed. Then Doctor F ran klin began to F ran klin took tbe hand of the young end la te r F ra n k lin and I are going to ‘•’A Oakland and Jewett cars expound his theory o f colds. He de Remember above date, that con. Tho e who attended the Epworth man und pressed It silently as they Staten Island to confer w ith Adm iral Supplies and accessories d ared that cold a ir never g.iTe any sultatio« on this trip will bo f ee were leaving tbe small house In which First and Baker Sts. Albany, Oregon League conv-ntion at Ashland Lord Howe. W e are a p air of snap­ one a cold; that respiration destroyed and that his treatment is different. Howe had established himself. pish old dogs and need a young man from hers were R. v. Robert Par- a gallon of atr a minute and that all M u rp h y Motor Co. Buick and Juck, who had been taking notes of >lke you to look a fte r us. Yon would M arried women m ist be accompanied k«r, Grace Pehresoo. Velva H ad ­ Chevrolet automobiles Tires and the fruitless talk of these great men. by their husbands. only have to keep out o f our quarrels, the a ir In the room would be con­ ley a n d Misses Carev and Vsatob. accessories was sorely disappointed. H e could Address; 211 Bradbury bldg., Los •(te n d to oar luggage snd make some sumed In an hour. H e went on and on T h e convention ended Sunday and Albany, Oregon. Phone 200 see no prospect now of peace. Angeles. Cal. notes In the conference." nnd long before he had finished his the delegatee drove home Monday. My hopes sre burned Io the ground." So It happened th a t Jack w ent to argument, M r. Adams was snoring, J^OSCOK AMES HARDWARE, he said to Doctor Franklin. Philadelphia w ith M r. Adams nnd. convinced rather by the length than Mi»« Dorothy Ter nan and N A. »«’ »»»»»»»♦♦♦♦»»♦■♦♦»»♦»H " Il Is a tim e of sacrifice," the good W IX C IIR S I KR S T O K ii a fte r two days st the house of Doctor I he cogency of the reasoning. Tenik were married at Kelso. Soon .122 W. First at. man answered. "You have the In­ Franklin, set out w ith the two great the two great men. whose fame may he Wash,, Wedn-edav of last week vincible spirit that looks Into ths fu ­ men fo r the conference on Staten Is ­ i said to fill the earth, were asleep In The bride te M re . J C. Bramwell’• U S. ( . I I . B E R I A- S O N ture snd gives alt It has. You are land. H e went )n high hope that he I the same bed In that little box of a Builders' an i ahelf hardware, gar- daughter sod hag been making her Am erica.” was to wttuess the last scene of the room and snoring In a way that sug- leu tools croi kery and glassware. home at Silem . M r. arid Mr«, " I hnve been thinking loo much of w ar. ■ gested loud contention. I had to laugh New Stock. New lew prices lin ik spent Sunday at the Bram- myself." Jack answered. “Now I am In Amboy he sent a le tte r to his ns I listened. M r. Adams would seem Q 7 IM S Ö N T H K ÏÏH Ô K DOCTOR *•11 borne. ready to lay down my Ufe In this great fa th e r, which said: I to hnve been defeated, for. by snd by, Serond street, opposite Ham ilton's ' ‘M r. Adams Is a blunt, outspoken ' I heard him m uttering as be walked the cause of o u rs" The state highway commission has «tore. ’’Boy. I like you," said M r Adams man. I f things do not go to his lik ­ floor.“ its plans and specifications ready "Sudden Service." “ I have arranged to have you safely ing, ha is quick to tell you. Doctor Howe's barge met the party at Am­ for the Harrisburg and Albany convejed to New York. There an or­ F ra n k lin Is humorous and polite, but boy and conveyed them to the landing VV/’ sIdo Anderson A 8on, distrib- " ’ utors snd dealers for M sxw ell, Chai bridges and if the county of Lane Ann as a God-placed mountain. Yon near his headquarters. It was, how­ derly will meet nod conduct you tc our headquarters." » <2 Albany. Oregon * mere, Kates, Hudson A Hupm obile oars. and the city of Albany only vote may pat your shoulder against the ever, a fruitless Journey. Howe wished ’T h a n k you. sir," Jack replied. Accessories. Supnlies. let A Broadalbin. their share of the cost at the elec­ mountain and p ath and think It Is to negotiate on the old ground now Turning to la x lo r Franklin, he added: * * * * * * * * * » * * * * * a » » 6 s a » y r e s » moving, but It Isn t. H e Is established. abandoned forever. tion May 16 contracts will soon be The people of “One rem ark of yours to Lord Howe He h at found bis proper hearings snd America had spoken for Independence let. Impressed me. You said that nature Is done w ith moving. These two great —a new, Irrevocable fact not to be put was ndr fUeml snd ally It put me In W rite for booklet describing our 2B- The I,inn county W. C?~T._ U ’l n - men differ In little matters. T lis y had aside by ambassadors. The colonies mind of life fog that helped us out of venr Rural Credit Amortized I»ans. dorses District Attorney (sw ellin g s curious quarrel the other evening. were lost. The concessions which the The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ We had reached Nsw Brunswick on wise Franklin had so urgently recom­ Brooklyn and of a little adventure of his prohibition tirin g the principal. Cheap rates. No fo r re-election on >our way north. T he taverns were mended to the government of England, mine." delay. record. T !.ea he told the story of tbe spider's ■crowded. I ran from one to another Howe seemed now Inclined to offer, R k a m L a i s d C o . , (Continued on page 4) web. 1.M Lyon St., Albany, Ore try in g to And entertainm ent for my but they could not be entertained. " I repeat that ail nature Is with us," distinguished friends. A t last I found ‘T h e n my government can only « small chamber w ith one bed In It m aintain Its dignity by fighting," said said Franklin. " It was a sense of In­ Optometrist, with *u d a single window The bed nearly justice In human nature that sent us Howe. at lowest rate ef ie te re et Bl’ed the room No better accommo­ across the great barrier of tbe sea F. M . F rench a. S ons "T h a t Is a mistaken notion." F ran k­ dation was to be had. I had le ft them Into conditions where only the strong Treatment, both Real Estate Inaurane« lin answered. “I t w ill be much more J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S sitting on a bench ta a little grove near could survive. H ere we have raised local snd internal, and hea been wire «as Prompt service. Courteous trestm sst. dignified for your government to ac­ the larga hotel, w ith the luggage near up a sturdy people with YOuO miles of Albany, Oregon ful in ths treatment o f ( s t a n k fot trvet W m B a m , Boomit, First Besieg» Bank forty years. Sold by all druggists. them. W h ip I returned they were l.av- knowledge Its error than to persist in w ater between them snd tyranny. b aileieg, Albany a d,«h of Clark'« ice cream. It» delicious flivor, so pieatiug to the palate, appeals to everyone’ » taste, young or old. If you doubt this try some yourself. One trial will convince you and you turely will acquire a liking for it. So d by the pint, quart or gallon and iu bricks to take home. Clark’s Confectionery Halsey Happening! Coming to Albany Dr. M ellenfhin Specialist in Internal Medicine for the past twelve years HOTEL ALBANY O N E DAY ONLY I? No Charge for Consultation • 0 9 « 3 a Ju st arrived! Largo shipm ent of Pabcolin Hugs k All new patterns L. STIFF Furniture * FARM LOANS W hy suiTer front h ea d a ch e? Have vour eye« exam ined S. T . F R E N C H FARM LOANS H a ll’s C a ta rrh M edicine F. I. CHENEY h CO.. Toledo, Ohio