rA b r flA L O n i HTM I C.K r « l.'tQ 4 HALSEY ENTERPRISE A * • •S « s « w S « a i— S O T B » e lr » l— --------I s e h lla fc e S » v e r y T k H re S e y U j W as. B M’B E K I KK I* He 'o. Advertising, lor time or poaitaon or ka "Palo lo i . |1 I ' j a year Io advance 2*K an inch , no discouo apace ; no charge lor cou e uauges. Paragraphs," 9« a lias »•a a 4 v a it i a . n < dtaguluaJ aa news. To A dvertisers Copy received before Tueaday la ii tim e for good position. Wedoe«d«y • Jala and Thurtday'a m ail ia too late Offire hours, V to 12 and 2 to 6 eacep Mondays and Friday forenoons. THE CATTLE PLAGUE M r. Ford says that tic Yuba »alley, the benoer peach sail ion of ■ he coast, baa been eared from one cause of worry. Growers were Suncaroad lest tbe loot and mouth embargo should prevent the mar­ keting of their peach crop, but a iront came ar.d destroyed the •esebes and now they have no iecd of a maiket A large army of thoae strai.dtd in thi t slate are familiea who h ire orne in autos to pick and pack fruit. The plague has cut eft' the xp»cted employment. Many of hem are peonllcsa. I f they couid jet enough gasoline to take them to tbe Arizona line, there they •veuld be stopped od the d-sert Only railroad train» are allowed t'j pats. These | sople have nt noney tor r Tr iad fares. Tuey • re hungry and p-uoiless auioig strangers. There is no cause for a panit here over the foot and moutl disease. There is danger ant need for the utmost caution. During tlie week the malady has appeared in several addi tional herds, one of them out — ~ ■ —- side Ix>s Angeles county, tt which it had lieeri thusfar con THE UNCUT MELON lined. This was in a herd o, 1000 hogs in San Bernardiin John M. Scott, assistant purser) county, 50 miles from the lint ;er traffic mai ag r for the Sou’h- between the two counties, ant arn Pacific, aa part of a com pre-1 tiie federal authorities in con heuaive plan to •* aell ” t ie stats’» I trol of the fight extended the quarantined zone to includr myriad advantages to Europeans, th a t fifty miles of territory •aye tbe company has brought five I with Los Angeles. if ita Euiopean repreaen’ atives to Those hogs were being fed 01 the Pacific coast to gain first-hand J Los Angeles garbage, and in f.r . ti n f Oiegon and oilier though the material was beinj first boiled, its shipment ha; states served by th Southern Pa- | aific. 'ihe visitors spent soveral been forbidden. 'The heaviest items of expenst days in Oregou after an exteu»ive in the war on the disease art visit to other Pac.fic coist ci iee | payment for slaughtered am and resorts. inals and salaries of the army Southern Pacific literature rt fere of men employed. When ai to Oregon aa “ the one uncut ire j-| animal is found to be affect«, the U ll the entire herd is slaughterec on ” among tbe slates of ------ and buried deep in the ground ion, because it» natural resource» If, 50,000 years from now have hardly bean scratched <>n the beings evolved by th a t tim< their aurfaee by development. from the present hum an ract Thia situation explains why should find the petrified boner Senator McNary ia able to report of one of these herds, they may that ruoro funds hay« been received wonder what cataclysm of na H A ISI A m e ric a n E ag le H alsey , O regon Fire Insurance Co. C A P IT A L Hay is worth ju st as much in storage as you might get for it in case of fire. Thy i American Eagle Fire Insurance company 'will pay you ts>% of the cash value in easel of loss by lire. A N D SU R PLU S Commercial and S&vngs account! Solicited 'AAArAAAAAAAAAAesAAAAAAAAAAVWWWWWWWWS! young than a observation o f thia In­ I teresting process was Interrupted by the sound ot voices and tha tread of feet. They were British voices. j “They came thia way. I sow them ' C. P. STAFFORD, Agent when they turned,” a voice was say­ ing. " I f I had been a little cloaer, I could have potted both men w ith one bullet." "W hy didn't you take a »hot any­ how?" another naked. " I wns creeping up, trying to get closer. They have had to hide or run upon the heels of our people." A number o f men were now sitting on the very log in which Jack was hid­ den. The young scout saw the legs of ' a man standing opposite the open end I of the log. Then these memorable words were spoken: “This log Is good cover fo r a man to hide In, but nobody is hid In It. , There's a big spider's web over the opening." There wns more talk. In which It j came out th a t nine thousand men were crossing to Gravesend. ".Come on, boys, ' going back," , '••••••••aewcwweawewewwwwewowaweewwwewwweawewocowM A n y G irl in 1 rouble $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 * may communicate with Ensign Lee of tbe Salvation A rm y at the W hite Shield Home, 565 May L ir avenue, Portland, Oregon. - woods. "That's a w arnin' fa r ol’ Jos Thrash, er,” Solomon whispered. •'H e ll go out an' wake up the folks on his road an* start 'em movin'." They landed and Solomon bid his canoe In a thicket. Before midnight they reached Rem- sen's barn and about two o'clock en­ tered tbe camp on lathering horses. As they dismounted, looking back from the heights of Brooklyn tow ard the southeast, they could see a great light from many Area, the flames of which were leaping Into the sky. "Guess the farm ers have set their wheat stacks afire," said Solomon. "They're all scalrt an' started fer town." General Washington was w ith bis forces some miles north of the other shore of the river. A messenger was sent for hJro. N ext day the comman­ der In chief found Ida Long Island brigades In a condition of disorder an J panic. Squads and companies, eager ' fo r a fight, were prowling through tbs j bush in tbe south like hunters a fte r ■ r / o r (Congress, W.e.^a • ¿ R e p u b lic a n C a n d i d a t e f » r S l t n o m t n a t i o n A native son ol Oregon who is a £ • CLEAN. C A PA BLE. EXPERIENCED, I rlval w iili a message to General Wash­ • R ead liis rtrord of success- F A IT H F U L , ington. The la tte r returned w ith the • The Orest Ally. tur« caused their ileutb, just at t»y Oregon for the building of fu l service, steady achievement, in- SUCCESSFUL young colonel to survey the situation. Selectmen of Boston, seeing the They found Solomon at headquarters. £ ereasiDg usefulness and wise statesmanship in voters' pamphlet we wonder today when we fine public roads, the improvement ol city The threatened with destruction, had He had discovered British scouts In a (Paid adv. by Ronald C. G lover) _____ , „ sa f'vara and harbors— main arterie- the remains of dinosaurs, made term» with Washington for the wooded country near Gravesend. lier-toothud tigers, blubbering M commerce to the markets of the British army. It was to be allowed the H e nnd Jack were detailed to keep I xkis and men lying togethei world for its products— and thy peaceably to abandon the city and watch of that part of the Island nnd deep under ground. w ithdraw In Its fleet o f one hundred Its shores with horses posted at con­ development of agricultural Indus und fifty vessels. The American army venient points so that. If necessary, The United States govern game. A number of the new Conner said one of the party. Whereupon they try through the reclaw.aliou of its was now well organised and In high they could make quick reports. ment, the state of California, tlcut boys had deserted. Soms o f them went away. »rid, swamp and cut-over lanes spirit. Washington waited on Dor- Next day, fa r beyond the outpost» a --a. witiivTix vii - 1 * iu u rjiiu a me outpost? Oregon and other states art had been captured and brought back Dusk wns falling. Jack waited for Chester Heights for the evtieuatlon of In the bush, they tied th eir horses In spending much money in the • ban any other state during the Boston In speaking of ths matter, Washington a move from Solomon. In a few min­ Kiitiftm V rt be K«, . completed. . . . . . — i . a a Meanwhile, si. _ 11..1 . . . . - to fight against the plague and •even years of his service. Thy a large force was sent to New York to the little stable near Remsen's cabin utes he heard a s tir In the brush. s a id : the south road and went on afoot Then he could dim ly see the face of "W e must be tolerant, i These lads Los Angeles county has spent »ituatmu warranted it aud l.e gol asalst In the defense of thnt city. Juck on through the bush. Suddenly Solomon his friend beyond the spider's web. are timid. They have l^en dragged $200,000 and is getting short ol •t. and Solomon went w ith It. On ac­ stopped and lifted his hand and Ils “Come on. my son," the latter Whis­ from the tender scenes of domestic life. teady cash, but, note this dif- count of their physical condition, tened. Then he dropped und put hi» pered. They are unused to the restraints ot heroes were provided for them, and on ear to the ground. H e beckoned to larence from any county in The Lenton Courier is a new their arriv al each was to have a leave Jack, who crept near him. W ith a feeling o f real regret. Jack w ar We mast not be too sevtere." this neighborhood: Ixia Angeles Jack heard tlie commander in cldel rent the veil of the spider and came ''Somebody's nigh us afore an’ be­ county has $40,000,000 in time Corvallis weekly, handsomely of two weeks, “for repairs," ua Solo­ out of his hiding place. He brushed ths when he spoke these wards. printed, full of news and pro­ mon put It. They went up to Albany hind." he whispered. "W e better hide deposits in San Francisco gressive. Its linotype operator for a rest nnd a visit and returned till dark comes. You craw l Into that silken threads from his hair und brow bunks. euger for the work which awaited ol' holler log. I'll nose m yself uuder as he whispered: I he plague affects business in and proof reader are rare birds them. "T h a t old spider saved me— good a brushplle." »or Oregon, for they appear to luck to h im !" ’ other states, but it is a terrible They spent a spring and summer of They were In a burnt slash where know something about rules of “ We ll keep clus together." Solomon blow to California. A corres-, capitalization and heavy toll In bulldlug defenses aud the soft tim ber bad been cut some capitalization and punctuation. training recruits. The country was whispered. “ W . got to push right on tim e before. The land was covered , - --- -.«-w v v p iv o copies we an work 'round 'em. I f , nyone aflame with excitement. Rhode Island terprise from San Bernardino w ith a thick, spotty growth of poplar seen, the Independent bids and Connecticut declared for Inde and ° ur have to change wild cherry and brush heaps nnd county says. “The disease has nave worlds sudden, that's all. W e raus' lair to be a success pendence. The fire ran across their ' logs half-rotted. The piece of timber tied everything up in this coun­ git to them hossss 'forS m id nig ht" borders and down the seaboard. O ther ! to which Solomon had reforred was •---- — ty. It stops the picking and Darkness had fa'len. but the moon colonies were making or discussing the base log of a gtant hemlock aban­ The loudest Squealing about like declarations. John Adams, on Ills packing of oranges and that doned, no doubt, because, when cut, It M g rising when th e j set out. Solo- throws thousands out of em­ the uselessness of the senate way to congress, told of the defeat of wns found to be a shell. It was open mon led the way. w ith that long, loose ployment. They cannot go east investigation which has stirred the Northern army In Cnnnda and how only at the butt end. Its opening was stride of his. T h e ir moccaslned feet by auto (because of embargo at up so much mud in Washington It was heading southward “eaten with covered by eti Immense cobweb. Jack were about as noiseless as a cat's. On the Arizona line) and many comes from those who have vermin, diseased, scattered, dispirited, brushed It away and crept backward and on they went until Solomon >ten hit the haidest, if we may unclad, unfed, disgraced." Colonies Into the shell. H e observed that many- stopped suddenly and stood listening have not money to go by rail. were Ignoring the older order of black hairs were caught upon the and peering Into the dark bush beyond “A fter February things be­ xcept Mr. Fall, who seems to things, electing their own assemblies rough sides of this singular chamber Jack could hear and see nothing Solo­ ;iave "eiawled into his hole and gan to lag. The boom was and enacting their own laws. The mon turned and took a new direction Through the w inter It must have been over. Some went east, others pulled the hole in a fte r him.” Tory provincial assemblies were un- j the den of a black bear. As soon as without a word «nd moving with the —----- able to get men enough together to he had settled down, w ith his face stealth of a hunted Indian. Jack fo l­ to the m ountains and more to fauns. Real estate went down. some two feet from the sunlit s ir of the lowed closely, soon th „ were g,nW We want the law adminis­ make a pretense of doing business. o th eir knees In a mossy tamarack In June, by a narrow margin, the outer world. Jack observed that the Now it is foot and mouth di­ tered by its friends. R. L. sease. Building goes on. Many Chandler, candidate for the re congress declared for Independence, Industrious spider had begun again to swamp, but a few minutes of hard travel brought them to ths shore of a houses aie lull, but apartm ents publican nomination for sheriff, on the motion of Richard Henry Lee throw h!s silvery veil over the great pond. • • • of Virginia A declaration was drafted hole In the log's end. are emptying out.” s a friend of prohibition. A and soon adopted by all the provincial " alt here till I git the canoe," Sol­ H e watched the process. F irs t the The Oiegon livestock sani­ man who straddles the fence on congresses. It was engrossed on outer lines o f the structure were woven omon whispered. tary board has issued the order hat question may jum p off on parchment and signed by the deb-gat- « nen ss the edges of the opening and The la tte r crept Into a thicket aad I relow: cither side a fte r the voting is of the thirteen states on the second made fast at pointe around Its Imper­ soon Jack could hear him cautiously of August. Jack went to that mem­ fect circle. Then the weaver dropped shoving Ids canoe Into the w ater All sheep shearers, farm la- done, A H ie man has a great heart In him, orable scene as an aid to John Adam«, to opposite points, unreeling his alrn borers, dairy laborers, farm and Iat<>r the * 0UB< m»“ »nt in the to h u * e \ £reat "I1,n ^na',,•" he who was then the head o f the n n r middle of the shell of birch bark while ranch and stock-yard help in tier rope behind him and making It him " ? th" ' 1 ,m beginning to love \\ e will have a chance to vote board. taut and fast. He wns no slow and Solomon knelt m lts .tern with bis , * ra' 1 C,n ’ * • ,ha‘ ^ e s e thousands general coming from California tor the repeal of the law pro­ In August, Howe bad moved a part clumsy workman j 8 ,le n t,7 h« pushed through H e knew hts task into Oregon, unless able to fu r­ viding the death penalty for o f his arm y from H a lifa x to Staten h b - h . ‘ r” r ' OlD, ,o he b,,u" I t<> the Idled margin of the pond lota d ea r and ruslied about, rapidly strengthen nish affidavit evidence that uurdcrers. Sum« people have ,1<>n 1Ike th,,t of a son Island and offensive operations were ing bis structure w ith parallel lines, water. The moon was hidden hshtnd fm . e *“/ ln * t o a 7 5 "r Wl,h mAth and their shoes and shear- tiog mots murder». 7 *™ «Iraost destroyed, twentv-two crosse«» the river the night of hl< >r Tide he repeated three times, ’ In the bark and «Ides of his prey The then ing equipment to official disin­ there came an answer out of tha » •< * had his left srm .hot th o u g h fection. Certificates of disin­ The H arrisburg Bulletin an ­ fection shall be required of all nounces th at “speeders and farm laborers coming from wreckless drivers will be held California.” to account.” Wreckh'ss drivers Roy Ford and family of Jack- an* the kind we prefer here in ton, Mont , on their way home Halsey. Too many are so reck­ from a visit to Marysville. ___ ______ . . . . . . . Cal., less th at they cause wrecks. camped in Halsey Monday night. - — Toe» wars iospsclsd sad fumi H a n k A. V’anderlip, whose g »tad at ths stats lin t and required , 1 PDrmise w as to reveal rot- . . p r o d ... k” ’ I* ' golden state. , h . , h .« ' " ft, "»UKi .'rtv and F n rliS . i, sudl j denly singularly silent. What are you going to do about that cat? Don’t wait till the sprint; rush. trips when you need it the mos’ . Hav« it reaJy for spring Our shop equipment is snionK the fees', which enables us to do your job the way it should be d me. All Work Guaranteed ARROW GARAGE G A N S LE BROS. HALSEY a u t o m o b il e G ARAGE R e p a ir in g u ’ i, •( illart) battery ser> ice S r ^ c .i KS.is’.H ALSE Y GA RAGE ______ a l b e r t F O O TE Prop.