U-4,0 J» ¿ « V , U V H alsey enterprise T- / VOL. X I I HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY. I. I’, ’ » been teaching in The Dalles S h e d d S n ap sh o ts school. Mi's. Jess-O . Cross went to (E n te rp ris e C orrespondence) Eugene Tuesday. .. T „ , Jim Tait was a Portland vist- Short Stories from Sundry Alrs. L E. Wnlton was a pas- to r Sunday, senger to Eugene Tuesday. Sources M r. and M r. X A M o rg a n Mrs. T. I. Marks and Mrs. were Albany shoppers Thurs- May Jar. Edythe D nnkard were Corvallis day. Clifford Carey preael • 1 at the visitois Friday. M is. Kenneth Robson and, Church of Christ Sunday. Miss Ethel Bray and m other Mw- Agnes Clark were Albany HALSEY HAPPENINGS AND COUNTY EVENTS NO. J9 B ro w n s v ille B rie fs ^ vat the Lce day, ho,ne Sun- NEWS NOTES FROM ALL OVER OREGON (By Special Correspondent) The basket social and pro­ gram given by the All'ord Mr. and Mis. Frank Rush were in town one dav last week. i school Saturday was quite well , attended Mjss Belle Burson, who is working in Lebanon spent a -'ilas Violet B urnett came up part of last week at home. i f,0,n Portland to spend E aster » d r top ,,„rt fnmiiv t ' 1?, *V>1 Parcnte- Mr. *nd Mrs. R ^ ehurp viaiteJ Jad ,es. * N- Epitome of Events in the Beaver State j i ;..-* T h * spring ealmcn finbt». season ob the Columbia river w ill open at boob Thursday. Fred. Roadarinel of Scio of Albany a i l ™ ,, drove "down a -..,- e Sunday ... j . . . shoppers c,hnnru.r« Nut.ndav Mrs. C J. llowe, over -Sunday. I ...M is- Landis l ’hilpott of Saturday, lias two pairs of twin«, born and were guests of Mrs. Rosa Mr. and Mrs- H. B. Sprenger visited he? s i s t e r ' Th’ T ill.. Prof, and Mi's. W.-L. S ta rr I-WendJing last week. They are all heifers. ’S ta" Mrs. Chester Curtis Wednes aMlroy*d by " " w“ ‘ * Powell. of Albany visited a t the C. A. lose of *16,000 spent one evening last week a t . Mrs B. L Masson, field rep Mrs. E. C. Miller and sons P “ «*1 home Sunday. the Ivan Paine home, north ot a‘ * pry west] reseulativs of the A ib e rj ia K e r Dry weather has brought ud prerad. Thomas and Gilbert, with Mrs. M. T. Nolan and family were ' V ' B .L .L .I. • Bted « • " * tor«»« Hree to the mid- nursery home, was in Halsey Fri Bliss Byers and daughters called to W illamette last week Mrs. Lyall Bowers, who has R and Pavcfnenl Columbia district. day. Blissina and Bstty, motored to on account of the death of Mr. been very sick in the hospital The editor was as drunk as Nolan’s mother. W . J Ribelln is able to he down Albany Saturday. town attain after being very much i? wm j e i j Oscar Ingram , a t one time at Lebanon, is expected home he ever gets when he wrote the M,»' £ £ neL T nt fami.ly and teacher in Shedd school, but this week- i reference to the Lebanon road indisposed for about ten days. nnni'oA \i, ° accom? now of Lebanon, was a -4hedd Mrs. G. E. Jackson and two tn fh i‘S\ Byer\ aind business visitor last week, child n n left yesterday for Port- daughters to their home at In- . .. „ „ b n d to visit her sister. She also dependence Sunday. M r- and Mrs H arry Spren­ ger and Mrs. Lyman Pennell • -'pacts to visit at Bend. Mrs- Hurley Wallace and and sons spent Sunday a t the Hslaey Neighbors ot Woodcraft Miss Grace Wallace and little L. C. Pennell home near Canby. attended a reception given at 'A l­ Mrs. Dora Davis, who under- bany to the Grand Guardian on H arry Reeves come down from Saturday W"dne«dav of last week. Neigh­ Portland t nr o * l to visit at went an operation in Albany J. W. Rectoi home. last weeg( jias left the hospital bors from Brow isville, Lebanon, Shedd and Corvallis were ».Is« Mrs. R. F. Montgomery of and *s convalescing a t the home p esent. F om H a lis y there wen Medford returned to her home of Rex Davis in th a t city. Neighbors II'I I , Corcoran. Ringo, Monday, a fter a visit with her Monday night a delegation of Taylor, Mav M iller, Mr. and Mrs m other, Mrs M. M. Ward. members of W oodcraft visited Robertson, M r and M rj. Jess the lodge a t Albany and Tues- Mr- and Mrs- „- Glen Cross, Mrs Freeland, Mrs. W h ite, , ..... , Stevenson , , r, day night members of the Kenneth Croas. Mis. Mor .liiuwrg, and little son Richard of Rea- f;ast eni s ta r visited the Albany Wayne Robertson, Mrs. K<|jth verton arrived Wednesday of chapter R bnetl and Louise Robnett. A last week for a visit with Hal- Mr. and Mrs. Pete Freerksen m tch appreciated Lauquet an d jsey relatives, Glen took the train Mondav for Eugene, to and Mrs. Hen ry Freeiksen, prognm were enjoyed. c set on day aed i« an «citve old gentlem B r John Lev ird iwaky, 103 years old. the linotype. (Continued on page J) All the family will find style, wear-defying quality and the truest economy in our complete stock of A R R O W H E A D Hosiery. comm Hed lU 'c.de in a imspitsl st W ant-woe, W i».. Tuesday. An­ gelo M-gnat o 'il M'dilletowi’ , C l.. t'ec»n;e ih« lather of a ‘ en-pnund son la-t week on his 72 I birthday. He hsd two o'lildrm by bi» fir»l wile, fourtee 1 by Li« second and eight by bis present spousd. If he keep» up bi8 lick ba will have 'quite a fu n iiy by the time he (caches the mature age of 11 « oth­ er* named above. “Minnehaha Week” being celebrated all over the United States Halsey Church ot th rift This store is joining, with 20,000 other stores throughout the country, i i calling our custom ers’ Church Announc«mwh Church of C h rist: attention to an astonishing value in ladies' hose. Lon Chatnlee. minister. Bible school, 10, W. H . Robert- Come in and examine this VALUE At ONE DOLLAR a pair C olors: BLACK AIREDALE CORDOVAN PEACH FOG Rev. M. S. Woodworth and Rev. Mr. Crofts were visiting B aptist members in the coun­ try the forepart of the week. M*. and M rs . C h arles How e and daughter Emma visited at the Cecil Harrison home one evening last week- L. A. Arnold, the Ix?banon chicken man, called a t the J. C. Harrison chicken ranch one evening last week. The men are cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harrison and Miss Francis Booker ex­ pect to leave the latter p art of the week for a visit with rela­ tives a t Portland. C- C. Carlson and daughter Josie motored to Portland Sun­ day, returning Tuesday. While there they visited Victor Carl­ son and family and a t the Sal- vog home. Ed Oxford is taking a vaca­ tion from the Sterling W are­ house and he, his wife, and son are peeling chittem on his place north of town. It has been re­ ported th a t they are making $20 a day. J. C- Harrison and daughter! Thelma and Edna motored t< Riddle Saturday morning, re turning Sunday night. There they visited at the M S. Ryan home. Mr. l’yan i. grandfather to the lla n is o n children. Methodiet: Robert Parker, pastor. Sunday School, 10. Breaching, 11. In'erroediat« League, 7. E, worth League, 7. P’aver meeting Thursday, 8, Preaching, 8. Woodman, Spare That Trao. The Silverton Woman’s Club b «king through the State Federate» >f Woman's Clubs for the co-<>pera tion of private land owners in tht ■reservation of the state’s sceni- ycauty in saving trees along th< hhigwaya although they stand Q|i ‘.I -tr private ¿-oundi. There are trees in Oregon entitled o specian protection to prevent their lecoming extinct. In maiiv Atianti. states the beautiful flowering dog wood and the hRWthorncs have been exterminated. In portions of Oregon, crpeciall; he Willamette valley and »long lh< Columbia, are scattered bpecimens o* Gompeis and the federation of labor are petitioning for 2.75 per cent of alcohol in Ijeer. The iqt’oi' sellers and the boozers vould not obey such a law any better than they do the present •no or than they did the license aw when it was on the lawks. Th ?y were lawbreakers. They are lawbreakers. They will be lawbreakers until their genera­ tion passes. There is a wonder­ ful difference l>ctwcen the home of the average laboring man, union or non union, as it is t/> A first class baseball field is day and as it was when the be’ng prepared in the city park liquor seller got the first and largest slice of the contents of the envelope on pay day. Misses Ione Callaway and Bessie McDonald o f the teach­ ers training class in thr Brownsville high school hav» troth secured schools for the coming year. One icceivet $100 and the other $105 pel month. Both are good stu ­ dents and will undoutedly make good in the profession. We congratulate them. Theii schools are in Moro and Wasco counties respectively’. A lf o r d A r r o w s Rest Animals Bsfera SlaugStar. Tranoportad animals are. as a rule, slaughtered after they have been allowed a |*r1od of rest, so (list ths k.*et>lng quality of their meat will be Inrreax *L Miss H attie Dannen visited her sister, Mrs- E. A. Starnes. Sunday. An Overtime Jah. Almost «ny man ran convince a womsr •Is»’ 1 e love# her. hut he has ta work >1 ••».-«!! In order to keep her mavlacwd. Mrs. J. F. Isom has l»een on ♦ bo sick list this week and last. that would ordinarly be used Mr. and Mrs- Harpole and daughter o f Junction P ity visit* Thera’s a Asssan. It Isn't easier to write plays Ihan to write novels: but If they are sne- reesful, they puy much better; no •ovet!»»» s»il«e to be play writers. f of 22.271 voters io M ario , registered for the prt. m#rr May it. 1 meeting last week and could not a report issued by Couaty Clark i see as f®r aw aY as Lebanon, so CMiton show« there are Is Clatsop he located it a t Sweet Home, rw ity S442 registered voters, w hich is as near Lebanon a s , Peers cborries and prunst were ou£. s^a£T* mail route goes. , dsmoged • ( Eugene to oosae extent The meeting, being on Wed- I by »he cold weather taet week, nesday evening, was too late The i t u d a r d Oil company of Calk for any report for the E nter­ foraln will establish an extensive fuel* prise to Ire set on the linotype, tng and distributing plant at Astoria. so was only briefly mentioned Recall petitions against County Com­ The outstanding feature was missioner! Roney and Sharp were (ti­ the explanation by Iloadm aster ed with the Lane county clerk at Eu- Culver of Marion county of the «eop- way that county Iras managed first local grown head lettuce the Luiding of a system of pav­ <4 Tbe (be year was marketed in The ed roads connecting the prin­ Dallas last week, bringing $8.60 a cipal towns with the Pacific crate. highway. Mr#. Charts» R Shuey, 37, of La It was stilted th at the leading Ordide, was killed la an automoble towns of this county can be similarly linked up by" the c o n -1 * “ r *he WM dr,v‘,,, »1 over on top of her. struction of 24 miles of paved close of one and a half days roads- Marion has built ruch rpaigttlng students subscribed a t a cost of $15,000 a mile. After an explanation of the situa tion by Passenger Agent Jenkins o' the Southern Pacific, Brown >¡He ha withdrawn its protest against the fia n t yellow pines, isolated trees that suspension of the daily train service have come from great forests of that >nbi'ta /ote o f a friend of the law as sod esesped. They left f ir Port it stands unless he nnequivocal- land Sunday before the A»'t Swsb .y promises to oppose any bill ,0 lessen the restrictions. Sant crowd came to charivari th»,n son, superintendent. tE n t-r p r ta « C orrsspondsace) Morning worship, 11. Lord’s) supper every Lord's day. The B urnett family have all Christian Endeavor, 7. been down with the fhl. Evening service, 8. The church without a biehop, in Mr. and Mrs. George McCart the country without a king. visited a t the Rolfe home Sun­ I f you have no church borne day. come and worship with us. A lotoi 4 ' ■ toward a student union build­ ing at the University of Oregon. W ith 86 of the 78 necessary re­ cruit« already signed up. The Dalle« la assured of having a machlna gun unit of tbs Oregon national guard. Low temperature of from 18 to 86 degrees above sero la Um atilla coun­ | ty did damage to the fruit crop that ■ will run Into the thousands of dal- I lara. Cleo Campbell. 2«. ton of A. 7. Campbell, living near Ballston, was killed when a traetor he wns operat­ ing on his father's farm overturned, crushing his back. The special tax ot more than 826.- 000 levied last tall by the Warrenton road district for highway Improve­ ment pnrposes was declared illegal ! hr Judge Kakio at Astoria. Fruit man la Han Francisco are circulatlac a petition to hoyeott nil lumber Items moving from Oregon mills la retaliation for Oregon's em­ bargo against California fruits, It ta reported. , An Initiative petition to abolish eapl tai punlshmant In Oregon w-as filed with the secretary of state at Relent by the Oregon Anti-Capital Punish­ ment league The bill will be voted on In Novembsr. The city of Eugene will bond Itself fcr 1806.000 to bul’ d an auditorium for the University of Dragon as Its pert of the $6.600.000 gift campaign, ac­ cording to plana made by »# of the leading buatoeas m»u of tbe city. A. L Lovett, professor cf entomol­ ogy at Oregon Agrioultura, college, and a nationally recogntzsd authority on certain phase« of entomological work, died at his home In Corvallis as a result of complications following a case of septic tor« throat. Mosier and Rood River valleys ware visited by heavy Croats Wednesday sod Thursday of last week, rsaultlag In widespread damage to all the early fruit K wee thought that moat of the ch*rrl«t, peart, prunes end early apples were badly damaged Approximately 22.008.000 feet of gov •vnment timber lu Or»goo wee sold lest week a» the Unltod States land office In Portland for approximately 140.060 The sale included holdings In Columbia. Washington. Clackamas. Yamhill. Benton end Polk eouhtles Seeding of spring wheat, oats and barley la nfsrlng completion In lbs middle sections of Dragon, according to tbe weekly crop summary of the weather bureau, and early spring grain It germinating (airly well, but rala la needed to bring up later teed. Inge. James Benton, cousin of Robert Ful­ ton. Inventor of the steamboat, and of Thomas H. Beslon. Ualtad States senator froaa Mlasoart forty years ago, died at bis biyae la RUgeo« at the age of 82 fdara He was a ploaeer of 1884, and crossed the plains by ox team (Continued en page 4)