PAO F. 4 H A L S R V E N T E R P R IS E APRIL Í4 l»J4 e>e»eeeeea»eaeee»eeeee>eee the Neighbor! of Wood .-raft iA the Ntwi Note« Just as We’ve Done Before School Notes (Continued fro m page 1) HALSEY RAILROAD T IM E North Sooth No. IS, 11:37 a. in. No. 17, 12:15 p. m. 24, .4:27 p. in. 23, 7,26 p. in, 22, 3:20 a. n t. 21, 11:32 p. in. Nos. 21 and 22 stop only if flagged No. 14, due Halsey at 5:0V p. tn., stopa to let off passenger* from south of Roseburg No. 23 run* to Eugene only. No. 21 rnn* to Eugene, thence Marsh­ field branch. Passengers for fouth of Ro*ehur< ahonld take No. 17 to Eugene and there trin*fer to No. 15. (3 > (By an Enteijrise Reporter) Six boys’ and girl«* industrial club, evening. ’ The seasons roll aroui-d, Halsey will play at Brownsville of Lane county have received their And eo 'tie spring once more. Mrs. S. P. Butler ar.d son and charters from tbe Oregon Agricultural tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. M M .— MOM.—TÜ M î daughter of Eugene are visiting Mrs college. We grab a spade and dig and dig. Shedd won both of the games Fri­ Armi. 27-28-ï» '■ butler’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S Just as we've done before. ■tale traffic officers In annual con day afternoon and the old saying was The oa« big bit every» bere '! Wright, who farm the Frank Porter fbrence at Salem raised a fund wltb proved that tum about Is fair play. , We grub and d'g and urod blare. which to purchase an appropriate mon i T ill we grow stiff and sore, Tbe seniors bad their flunk day Mrs. J. E. True and Mrs. R. F ament for the grave of Earl Perkins Tbe fishing worms glide from the- The Seniors had their Flunk Day who was killed a year ago while a Campbell were Albany shoppers on eod, - Tuesday. Miss Leitner was taken member of tbe state traffic depart­ Tuesday. e Juat as they’ve done before. ! along t s chaperone. They went tc ment. with Mrs. E. F. LaFayette of Browns Lost lake and had to leave the cars William M Pitney, 76, prominent We dream of gardens growu ville took the train here for Albany JAMES KIRKWOOD about three miles from their desti­ And set a heap of store pioneer of Lane county, was killed In Tuesday. ANNA Q. NILSSON •tantly when Southern Pacific passen On raising beans and turnip greens nation end walk the rest of the way. Miss Merle Straley was home from They started about 6 o’clock in the * * * Just as we’ ve dene before. gcr train No. 14, northbound, struck SUNDAY MAIL HOURS morning and got home about 7 in aoJ tb tn aooo state normal at Monmouth for tin an automobile which he was driving We plant the beans and peas The delivery window of the thj evening. week end. •ver a crossing on the outskirts ol STR O N G H EA R T And spinach we adore Halsey postofEce ie open Sunday» The game in which the Browns Junction City. Crant Taylor of this city called 01 10 And aweat and set tbe onion (et» ville girls were victors was played from 10:60 to 11 a. m. and 12:15 his nephew, Everett Standish, at Fifty thousand ballots went out to Just ms we’ve done before. “ The Love Master ” in the rain. The score was 42 to 38 to 12:30 p. ro., Salem Sunday. patrons of all Portland mall routes to Sunday mail goes out only on Halsey’s line-up was: Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs. George he used In the referendum on the From cabbages to cauliflower the north-bound 11:37 train: Pitcher, Agnes Hayes; catcher, Our aspirations soar. question of whether the clerks and Hayes, has been on the sick list for Mail goes south once a day, closing at carriers of the Portland postoffice shall We’re full of hope and all suet ituth Frum; firstbase, Iona Albert­ 11:05 a. ro. ; north twice, closing 11:25 Halsey Happening! the past week. dope, son; second base, Willimina Corcor have Saturday afternoons off from a. in. and 5:34» p. in. .Mail stag* (or (Continued from pace 2) Mrs, E. E. Gormley and mother, Just as we’ve been before. an; third base, Agnes Chandler; Brownsville. Crawfordsville and Sweet May 1 to October 1. Harry I.eeper was yanked fui Airs. Frank Gray, were among Mon short stops, Grace Pehrsson and Home leaves daily at 6:45 a in. Ballot title for the initiative meas­ A timid ben appears lay passengers to Albany. speeding Sunday. Elsie Reynolds; left field, Pauline .. ... _ , . _ I ure icoKi.’ig looking 10 to ice the aDcnshmint abclisbmint of th the And swallows worms galore. Mrs. Florence Leeper of Eugene ar-1 ~ „„„ _ . Mias Mary ilenry made a busines center field, Georgina . _ . , . . . Oregon public service commission ba She kuuws she'll get tbe garden vet Hardin; rived Trcsday for a visit witn her I , . . .. Paid-for Paragraphs trip to Corvallis Thursday. Clark; right field, Helen Williams. .. I been completed by tbe attorney gener Just as she's done before. nothe., Mrs. May Miller. I ., . ... . - , . James Drinkard and wife wer I al. The measure will be referred to (5c * line) Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Haskin took I the voters of the state at the general Portland visitors Saturday. That Free Recital The Study Club For gale—Young O. I C. Brood he stage over from Bro-.vnaville and I election in November R P. lJoughert» al Brow nsville mt A lbrrt M inbr . The program for Mrs. Cross' pupils’ Sow, vent to Albany oo Monday Mis. Martin Cummings was host the 7 :26 train here Monday. At a recent meeting of tbe Newport recital at the Christian church here ess to the Halsey study club last Mrs. Bliss Byers of Independence chamber of commerce and citizens of Mrs. Hazel Wallace was employe Ten yrailing Barred Rock Htne, Friday night of next week and at at the telephone office afternoons c vas a Sunday guest of her sister, I Lincoln county, a resolution was unan Thursday. O. A C. strain, tor sale. 61 each. Shedd the next night includes School Eleven members were present and Imously adopted calling for the com­ last week. Mrs. E C. M iller, and family. Phone 2x3, Halsey. Picnic, Kathryn Pugh and Bernice Mrs. William McMahan and Mr P. J. Ashton and family of Tan pletion of the Roosevelt highway and joined in a brief discussion of Amer Abraham: waltz, Ruth Malson; Hap the remainder of the roads as pro­ icanization, led by Mrs. Marks. Lost— L»»t Friday, at tbe Shedd James McMahan drove to Alban rent spent Sunday with Mrs. Ash It was decided to hold a cooked py Thoughts, Esther Stgrnes and ys. Halsey beseball game, an In ­ Thursday. on’s mother, Mrs. Sophia Bass of posed by the state highway co in mis eton food sale and serve a dinner May Kathryn Arnold; Dancing Daisies, gersoll watch with a steam ehovel Miss Enid Veatch spent the wee’ this city. Helen Settle; One Lonely Summer fob attached. Finder please no­ 16, election day. A joint meeting of the state beard end with home /oiks and was a Ha) W, H. Beene returned Saturday Day, Helen and Jeanette Settle; The tify Lotus Pennell. Shedd, Ore. Mrs. Sidney J. Smith and Mrs. G. aey shopper Saturday. from C alifornia, where for aerrral of control and a special committee of W. Mornhinwcg were elected dele Angelos, Aritta Haverinnd and Par- the Salem city council was held la Miss Anna Drinkard went to Hai nontha he has been employed in the Salem Wednesday to consider the or gates to the state federation May 19 thena White; Sing, Robin, Sing, Vi Notice —The city council baa risburg Thursday and visited he ,jl (¡elds. The lesson, given by Mrs. Moore, vian Frum; Close of School, Henri­ ordered me to enforce the ordi- ganization of a drainage district com friend, Mis. Della Grimes, for a fe» Mi„ Helen studert at prising a large area of land east of the dealt with the life and letters of etta Starnes and Donna Cross; l.lttle nance against staking cows wheie days- ,, , _ „ t , c. . .. U o f O , was a week-end vi-|io i city. Both private and state lands are Carlyle. Mrs. Stafford gave a re­ Fairy Waltz, Beverly Isom and Lois they can get on the sidswalk or Mrs. Charles Sterling of Browns . . . . . . Included In the proposed project view of “ Jess & Co.,” a work of J. J. Drinkard; In the Boat, Gertrude Rob­ the middle of the street. ville took the train here Thorsda * th,e h° mC her Parenta’ A C J ambs R ector , Marshal. ins ; Minuet in G, Grace Satchwcll and Bell. Since April 1 203 carloads, or 274,000 for Portland to visit her sister, Mrr rn’F r< an wlfe’ EHen Speerstra. bushels of wheat have been received al Mrs. Jones of Corvallis, mother of Florence Neild. Fred Taylor of Eugene passed Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle In part 2, L’Avalanche, Herman the Astoria terminals from the produc­ the hostess, was a guest. Mrs. Glen Stevenson and little so- hr° “? h Ha,sey ®unday hia ,way at tbe Enterprise office. ing points of the interior, making s Refreshments were served by the Koonfz ; Gayety, Doris Morgfi«on ; Richard of Beaverton spent the weei -° Sa ‘V ? ^ h e r u t !»w- total of 3547 carloads or 4.764,705 bus:« hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. A. Silver Stars, Ruth From and Mary end with Halsey relatives, returning ~*vere an 13 •Is ot wheat which have passed Cummin's. Smith; Minuet, Lyda Gregory; Fan Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Marl? Brandon arrived from through the Astoria elevator since the fare, Clarice McConnell; The Charm­ At the next meeting, May 1st, of Mrs. Eliza Brandon and Waite * ’ Jo’,na' W«.hln^ton, Sunday, to opening of the present shinning snssnn ficers for the ensuing year will be er, Dorothy Abrabain ; Turkish Ron- There were two fatalities due to in elected. Foote each had a birthday last Fri ” h*r n’° ther’ Mra H M Mil First Class Work lo, Mrs. Clay Moody. Donna Cross: dustrlal accidents In Oregon during day. M.s. Arthur Foote presente wh° h‘ a b*en s« ‘<”»»y ill. Narcissus, Hope Clay; March of Mit­ Agent fot Eugene Steam Laundry each of them with a fine birthda: E. G. Ward and son Ferris from the week ending April 17, according to Oregon Faim Crops ten Men, Dorothy Abraham and Sent Tuesdays. cake. . Eugene were in Halsey Sunday call a report prepared by the state Indus­ Among th? rrco.nmendalfons of the Donna Cross; Tnrkish March, Lyda trial accident commission. The vic­ J . w . S T E P H E N S O N . Prop Mr«. C. P. Moody and children anc inS on th#lr mother and grandmother tims were Morris Lockridge. Portland, farm crop committee of the O. A. C. Gregory, Hope Clay and Dorothy Mrs. P. A. Blanchard of Wyoming , respectively, Mrs. M. M. Ward Abraham. electrician, and Alfred J Haikura of Mr. Moody's sister, and children Mrs. W. A. Cummings was in Al- Seaside. A total of 590 accidents were farmers’ conference last winter D ELBER T STA R R were : Among Albany visitors Monday went to Oakland anil Yoncalla Frida- l,any th* fir,t ot th* week and «»••- reported during the week. No reduction of winter wheat were J. T. Curry and J. C. Standish. uneral Director and Li­ returning Saturday. ed on her husband, who is recovering The Portland school board adopted acreage. ,, , „ „ _ .. . . ! from • recent operation for hernia. censed Embalmer a resolution asking the people to vote Mrs. J. C. Bramwell and mother 1 . „ , „ Replace .«tiring wheat acreage o' Efficient Service. Motor Hears«. Mrs. Mella Knott, and Miss Dorothv : * H LaRue found h'» fow d*’«d lr a special tax levy of 6750,000 on June low product'on with barley varitioa ... . , hi* barn lot last Saturday evening 21 to meet the actual operating ex­ Lady Attendant. ¿ad Howard Ternan droye to Browoi . . . ; . " recommended by the experiment sta Brownivilte................................. Oregon u .. i«.. • • a itf , Mnd "nuW!* no » cause for > her . death, penses of the schools for 1925, with tioc. Twelve B E S T named sort* at tb» ville Monday to visit Mr. and Mrr o . □ « Piiti n it i > i. was expected to come fresh soon the alternative of cutting down the price of common varietie* ill baigaii. Guy Bramwell and family, Standardize on recommended grain •»D*— 30 to (.tb' per dozen, wr one ol school year from ten to eight months a «.• «.• a i Guests at ♦ n.« the A. E. Foote home ' Gueata at the J. C. Bramwell home varieties in each count*', use certifie- each for 40’ . and eliminating all manual training w . L. W R IG H T M is* M . Frick, alio ha* been vi»it F R E E — KW large-*ize bulblets or six Sunday wire Mr. and Mrs. F. W Henry Ford. In due time c»me e a decree signed by Judges C G Bing to one te n th w h a t 'onimuiiiealinn »«ring " Il wID lie relate ot said decedent are ro u n d t r ip tic k e ts . •n*t enu 648 40 In h»ve ynur auto- ham and Percy Kelly, enjoined tbe other kinds of trans­ required to present them within That's a new feature Mate tax commission from oollcctlng portation costs. for your convenience. >ix uioDtbe from the date of this Y w , Wc Have Armand , ii-diile repaired, For heaven’s tie state Income tax Impoaed upon ths ■ake tell u* what hit y o n ." — The j notice, with the proper vouchers, Standard Lumber company of Port “ Ve* we hait no hanan*«. " 'reaeenf, ’ to the undersigned al her residence but we do have land, plaintiff in a suit brought ■*------ :------ -- ■ i t ■ • ■ *> c—- n i . 1 1 i ---------------------- about four miles eonthwest of against Governor Pierce and other for s m . f ARMAND powder Halsey, - in Linn County, - ’-•■•Je Or ego o. ■embers of tbe state tax eommiseton One 7V4I D iUd TALCUM .mi CREAMS «od fl'Pt pobüihtd this gailon to teat tbe validity of the Income tax 10lb d«y of April, 1924. today and e< try day aot The state Immediately filed no- WANTS© C - p . M O O D Y . Halsey Agent F orm i a Irq x , R IN O O DRUG 8TORE t|ee of Appeal to tbe tnpretae court • a d -------- i - w . Executrix Aforesaid, i A mor A. Tesar so, N. T. 5 n « xd Attoruey for Executrix. e • •' * G l o b e ^ 2 ! i S PONJOLA B a r b e r S h o p ?? Baths G L A D IO L I! W h y Women U se Glycerine M ixtuie Figure This It’s the b iggest reason for using Southern Pacific Local Service w Meade & Albro, I C . Redwjod Tank chea J Bee Swarms ” Southern Pacific