- if H alsey VOL. XII enterprise HALSEY. LINN COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, APL. 24 1924 NO. 38 w»7 io HALSEY HAPPENINGS . epeak. ANO COUNTY EVENTS Eugene, where he was lo S h e d d S n a pshots went to (Enterprise Correspondents) Albany I B ro w n s v ille B rie fs NEWS NOTES FROM AIL OVER OREGON Faster service* at 11 o'clock were (By Special Correspondent) d i a ci • ' t o, . I F1 8> R°y Commons left for H ilt, well si tended. Tbe offering fer the Mis. Lyall flowers is quite ill at o D O l’t o t o r i© S f r o t n S u n d r y I *^rs- A. Muller Was an Albany C al., Thursday night. ¡near east relief was $5.00. th' Lebanon hospital Epitome of Events in th» Sources I Vlsitor Wednesday. Harry Sprengvr we.it to Salem cn Curtis Veatch and family and O .L L 5 W“U° n a P*5Se,1^ r • lead of hogs. ^ ^ li. and Mrs, Joe Harrison enter­ | Mr. and Mis. Coates of Albany Beaver State have come to make their home with Fn:m and A sen was bom to Mr. and Mrs. tained the missionarv. Rev Mr Croft», W. L Frum and fam ily‘motored to ° HarnsburS Friday. their granddaughter, Mrs J. Suiter. Americans have an automobile tire Tommie Sprengcr Saturuay morning, and family ever Sunday. Cottage Grove Sunday. Business of Umatilla ccuh'y Is no W Mrs W. B. Kesaling and little ton* DW1J n, factory at Nazareth. Special Easter services were enjoy- Mrs. Hoy and little daughter Myra cash basis new fer the flrBt time in W . H . Jenkins, traveling pass, Mrs. T. I. Marks and Mrs. C. P. ed in both churches in Shedd last spent Sunday at the N. L. Burson of Portland arrived Sunday evening , eT#raJ y„Mg enger agen t for the Southern Pa- to spend this week at the J. N. Mor- i , home in Ash Swale. Stafford drove to Harrisburg on Sunday.* cifio, was iu Halsey yesterday. can home. Biker Shilcs club, to lccreew Friday. Lyman Pennell and hit brother I The diplomas have arrived for the „ lte charity fund, Is eponsorlpg a flhrtne Mrs. J. W. Thompson of Burns, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Albertson and ■ f-yle, both of Portland, spent Sunday Mrs. Ed Mfigh anil daughter and ctreu* to be given May 6-19 - seniot class at high school and they formerly resident here, lias been in Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wtgh of Coburg Coquille valley towns appear to be daughter Beuna were in Albany shop- ;n Shedd. are a thing of beauty and a joy ill health for two . r three months. ping Friday. Mi. and Mrs. Bill Porter and Mr«. forever. »ere visitors at the Thomas Ardry opposed to the good road» bond la- home Sunday. sue 0, , |Tg wh|t„ been pr<>_ Mrs. W. G. Perry of Cottage O. W. Frum and family and Miss Id» Brasfield were Albany shoppers For the first time in monthhs the Grove arrived Sundav lor a vis t G enevieve W ells were shopping in Wednesday. George Ardry and his friend, Wal- h-v ,h e Coos county court. Brownsville hospital is empty of with her mother, Mrs. J. W . Mc­ | ter Ralston of Munson, Pa., left for Clatsop county court will open Mrs. Dora Davis is In a hospital Neil. 8ne returned home jester Albany Saturday. patients. Mrs. Fred Harrison, the Mrs. Douglas Taylor and sister. 1 “ A‘b“ny, where 1 i ' “ e un‘ierwent •» home »iter several weeks' visit wi i, on ^ ay 3 0B P»»lng slightly mora day, nurse, is taking a much-needed rest. ( his brother, Thomas Ardry. i ,han 0B* ral,e of market road be- Miss Anna Drinkard, were shopping °Pera ,on w e • Bruce Burson , Gladys Hoy, Mabel Mrs. M. Whitley of Portland arriv­ tween Olney and Youngs River Falls. in Albany Saturday afternoon. Mr- and Mrs- Erwin Rodgers and Burson, John Bowers, Belle Burson, Mrs. R. H Stewart of Piet (¡rove ed Friday and was met by J. G. The back of hie bead Mown away by Mrs. Elisa Brandon spent Friday Mr ai d Mrs Olin Shook want to I ouic Weist of Izl a.non and Mr. and attended tbe Easter services here. Dennis of Crawfordsville and taken a shotgun, A. E Westcott, farmer re- afternoon out at her ranch, which is Portland Sunday, returning Monday, Mrs. Reece Mellow spent their Easter Her granddaughter», Helen over by auto for a visit. and elding about five miles northwest of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Arnold spent on the McKenzie rivet. Jeanette, took part hi the program The city eoureil is weary of being farmed by Henry Weger. i Newberg, was found dead near ills Mrs. C. J. Powell returned from Sunday with Mrs. Arnold's parents, Victor Carlson and his sister, Mrs. having cows leave their trademark Mr. and Mrs. Clark Steams of heme. on the sidewalks snd the traveled Salem Friday, after attending the j Mi. and Mrs. Swatzka, near Tangent, Ruby Halvog of Portland, spent Eas­ Cars'airs, Canada, » were guests v of The La — Grande T. M. C. A. . gl«9 ha* -e. a N w ---- ----- «. sea. portion of the streets snd has di- funeral of her brother, Henry Lynch. The building will be sold at Mrs. d e ll Thompson and her ter Sunday with their parents, Mr. H- Cummings Sunday. Mrs. Stearns and Mrs. Charles Carreon of Ash lived here several yearn before going I Public auction to the highest bidder, rected Marshal Rector to arrest Miss Grace Pehrsson spent the daughter, Mrs. Nelson snd hus- Swale. trespassing bossies. week end with her parents, Mr. and to Canada. a struggle of years for eiistence Ihu* band spent the week eud in Port­ ending. Owing to the beautiful weather on Bones o, two elephants were dug Mrs. P. A. Pehrsson, and was a land. out of the west bank of the W ill­ Peoria visitor Saturday. I. F. Godfrey, 52. an employe of the j *»*«•. Mrs. Bill aaiai nuiantiiii Abraham rtumed rtunieu last IMOl Easter Sunday the roads were well Charity Grange and the Gavel occupied by automobiles. Wo no amette near Ingram ’s ferry VM th , - Mre. h annt Starr, who has le» n • « s^.sy . , T n t t $. <-.1, .. „ .. California Oregon Power ootnpany, was other day. They are thought to residing for the past month at the " Cek fron’ L ° nfr npacb’ wb,re ib,> doubt have escaped the proverbial C hanty Grange No 103 held a very killed while working on a 8400 volt regular lint near Carnes, five miles south of be 60,000 years older than the I Home of her eon, George Starr. ! hag t,een the IaRt six month3 « - six more Sundays of rain. That re­ successful session on the. elephant snd donkey which will J and family, left Sunday for Cor- -ount oi her health. meeiing afternoon, April 19. A large ' Roseburg. mains to be seen, however. will try to bury each other after I vallis. ' Several members of the Priscilla Malheur and Jefferson countie, have The teachers’ training class has crowd of local Patrons attended, as the primaries of Msy 16. r. , ~ _ club and their husbands spent completed the year's training and the well as a delegation from Morning the distinction of being the ftr»t eoun- Douglas Taylor, Bert ~ C lark. J Tuesday evening at the C. A. Trout­ - - * 3ndL5 alamette ! He» In tbe stats to remit their first The Albany cannery will resume op W. Moore, IT. C. Davie and 6 members ar* doing their reading man home in Albany. State District Deputy A. C. Miner, j half taxes for the year 1924 to the circle work Theda»» it composed erations June 1 with a force of 200 W. Frum attend'd a big county Mrs. Harry Sprenger and Mrs. of Bessie McQonald, Elaine Wood- State Secretary Bertha J. Beck and state treasurer. women at work on the early fruits toad meeting at Sweet Ho ur la»t Announcement is made In La About 150 Knights Templar of Ore night. Lyman Pennell were in Albany Wed­ worth, Marvel Lawrence, lone Calla- Chairman of the State Economics Committee Winnefred Ohling were Grande of the formation of the Wal- gon attended the 38th annual conclave nesday and brought Mrs, C. I.. Pen­ wny and Evelyn Schildmeycr. Pro­ C. L. Woodward of Walla Wall rcsent and each brought many gcod Iowa Lake Wonderful corporation- of the Grand Commandery of Oregon was visiting his sister, Mrs. Clarence nell from the hospital where she re­ fessor Stair reports a splendid class suggestion». ---- --- lake resort* expect many at Albany. Wallowa Evans, last Thursday and Friday. He cently underwent an operation for and says they have done excellent The mysteries of the first two de tourists this year. t’ . ’mo.’. Frank Kropf and J. Headings oil had previously been visiting in south work this year. greet were conferred on three csndi Harrisburg have gone to California to J ern California -- . . . . . . w -sw w w e s — A - carload of uysiHlullIJ dynamite la Is U being VIIIft Brownsville loses Professor and team was givci ' Isken to Crater Lake to blast a road get first-hand Information about the Mr.. Starr for the coming school dates and the 1__ local . I n cur story this week Jacl . ,a . ‘ a- a. .. . a hay market and also the conditions of much praise by the visitors on th through the Watchman peak section Irons get» into a British prieoi year. It is to be regretted for seldom way they put on the work the foot and mouth disease. The mar of the Rita drive around the lake early has our city had a superintendent mil nut again and is told by (Enterprise Correspondence) ket outlook for the Harrisburg hay The grange decided to hold the In th« tourist season. George Washington himself lha' who has been as successful or taken growers Is gloomy with apparently no he is now "Colonel ” Iron». Carl Isom visited his friend, R oy annual picnic on Saturday May 24. Lumber Interest* at Klamath Falla es much interest in the school as has Chance of disposing of the hundieds Safley. Sunday. in 1‘eoce's grove. Charity hopes to are worried about the embargo on Mi. Starr, and as for primary A doe in Storekeeper McKercher's of tons In storage. A. E. Whitbeck is making come teaching Mrs. Starr cannot tie ex make this the largest and beat picni * California fruits, which threatens to park at Crawfordsville bore triplets improvements on his house. ever held. It will be free for every cut down the demand tn California Milton A. M iller, candidate far some time ago. celled. Mrs. P.lcKercher bodv. for Klamath made boxes. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holt of Salem Hie democratic nomination for failed to equal the (toe's feat last The Brownsville folks were treat The visitors present were Mr. an' visited at the Lee Ingram home Sun­ cd to a real missionary service Sun­ United States senator, passed Mies Anne M Lang of The Dalles, week when she produced twins, but through Halsey yesterday on hi» it is reported that the McKerchers day evening. day at the lliptii.t cbrrch by a re­ Mrs H. Ohling, Mr and Mr», h . P Or , was elected one of the vice presi­ Air. and Mrs. E. D. Isom and turned missionary from China, Rev. Warren, Mr. and Mr». Horten Kizer dents general of the Daughters of the ---- " — expect to at least do as well as the daughter Beverly visited at the Mr. Crofts. He has three boy’s whe Mr. and Mrs. T. Jofferty, A. C. Mill American Revolution at their conven­ w w - % , - w four-footed competitor yet. ‘ Sam Cooper home, near Plainview, ».mg song». Mr. Croft» spot, •r, Bertha J. Beck, Mr. Newton, Mr» tion In Washington. D. C. I Kay D ean, w riting from Put* Sunday afternoon. oolidge, Mia» Lois Moreland and W e H ave Approximately g.oofi.noo rainbow of the dire need of mission­ Min Newton , Orford to R. B. M iller, says . W» j trout eggs bare already beeo taken EVERYTHING have had a w ouderful winter here, i Mi. and Mrs. Lee fiigrair and aries to China He m i he would be Mr Warren, Mrjter of Morn'nv 1 for the Klamath hatcheries of the gsmo daughter Thelma visited their cousin. O ptical there now but for his wife’s health. Star grange, presen.ed to Mastei commission and prospects are good for I We are hazing sum m er n o w . This- is the w arm est tim e of the vest Willard Ingram, aud family at H»r- They are living at present in Lebanon, Chancy Sickels the visiting gavel, t< j the best egg-take for ysara. E Y E S T R A IN nn the coast. A a soon as the road ! risburg, Sunday afternoon, Is the Cause of Many where the children are going to school be in his possession thirty day* only Mr. and Mrs J. C. Berrang of West­ is open from C oquille to Bandon HUMAN ILLS and within the thirty days to be chester, Conn . have crossed the coun­ Those interested in the schools are people can drive go Port Orford . ___ ______ If your eyes give you trouble or Chestei Curtis home were Mr. and j trying to have the voters provide accompanied to some other grange by try in a wagon drawn by oxen They from Rnaehnrg in about four hour» your glasses are annoying 3 delegation from Charity Charity are now at Medford, their deatlnatlon. SEK US. We can Relieve You nicely. This is a beautiful pise» Mrs. Henry Block and daughter, Mr. public funds for a $6,000 s'-huol decided to take th* v isitin g gavel tc Mr Berrang Is <1. hit wife (6. and Mrs. Ellsworth Curtis and chil­ gymnasium bu lding. for otit ngs, a d lourtsti have a fit Bancroft Optical Co. dren, Mrs. Bert Clark and daughter, Holley grange on thhe second Bat Expenses Incidents! te the search over it. 1st St. W. Albany. Phone Tbe waters of Ilia Calepnoia are rrday in May. Mi. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck and for the alx convicts who made a sen» (Continued on page J) Mi. and Mrs. J. Curtis and children reported to be too cold for good When the gavel arrived at Charit' eatlonal escape from the state peni­ fi’ hing, but the trout ore biting it it had visited ten granges and had tentiary at Salem three weeks ago, of Lebanon. » nailer streams. traveled 189 mile«. aggregated approximately £1859 Little Phyllis Holt had tonails and Loganberry growers from many tao- D. Taylor visited hi« nephew, Eve­ tlocs of Marlon county held s meeting adenoids removed at Corvallis one rett Standish, at Salem, Sunday. day last week. She is recovering at Liberty hall, five tnllea south of nicely. Elbert Heinrich, Collen Carver We have mors cnoimunicatlo,) Ralem, Friday night, to consider plans for disposing of the 1934 crop. and Albert Miner were in Corval­ with Brownsville than noted her» lh ¡ » year 910 in-ire voters are The Pacific Telephone d Telegraph •ofore. A freight and baggage lis yesterday. AJl the family will find style, registered in th is county Ihan last The measles are gone from the Ira tri ck is on th* route, in addition company will ezpead $88.990 In better­ year. wear-defying quality and the ments at Eugene during the present A. Miner family, where there have o th* olher stage*. year, according to announcement by J. truest economy in our complete been seven cases. All of pago 5 of the Lo* Angeles L. Rland, district superintendent stock of A R R O W H E A D There will bs a community clu' •> un lay Times of April 18 is occupied The Myrtle Point commercial club Hosiery. meeting at Pine Grove acl,oo| hom e a week from tomorrow even try an advertisement of Oregon by has adopted a readlutton condemning ing, Mav 2. There will be an eiiter- the Portland chamber of commerce mape recently laeued by tbe state I Liinmenl program an ] a ha,liet I he first and largest line of it reads: chamber of commerce, stating that The world's two greatest highways road work In Cooa county la not rep­ 1 -oeial. Tbe proceeds go to w m b i.re in Oregon,” and there is a map resented accurately. ' but ing a piano for the ciah. The state has decided to appeal the A dozen Pine Grove toys had an howing the paved road from Canada outdoor party at the lake Sunday to Mexico and that from Astoria to case of the compulsory school law, de­ Thcr* are also clared unconstitutional In the federal nigbt, from G to 1 in the morning •astern Oregon. Among the doings were songs and pictures of the Three Bisters and district court at Portland by three This store is joining, with 20,000 other stores Hnbey C litrch of Christ an egg feast, the eggs being cooked Scott lake, Wallowa lake, Crater lake, Judges sitting en banc, to the supreme | at the campfire. Albert Miner, Col Hood river valley and Mount Hood, court of the United Rtatee throughout the country, in calling our custom ers’ Church Announcements Hope that an appropriation for con­ •on Carver, Jake Heinrich snd Dean the beach at Seaside, Columbia river highway, Oddi lake and Wahkeena tinuing the roaetructlon work at the attention to an astonishing value iu ladies’ hose. Church of C h rist: B lyeu look a swim at m iJnlgh' falls. Tongue Point naval base may be voted J.on Chainlet*, minister. They »ay the water was not a bit Come in and examine this VALUE by congreia during Its pretgnt eeaslon Bible school, in, W. IT. Robert- too warm. n*re* uantuae. «on, superintendent. Horse latltode I* the name given to was expressed In a telegram received the belt« of calm* In the North Allan at Astoria from Senator McNary. Morning worship, 11. I,o n l’a tic ocean between the region of we«l Ward Irvine, private secretary te »upper every f.ord’id a v . erly winds of the higher latitude» Governor Pierce for the past If Christian Endeavor, 7. C olors: Henry Brock and family visited at snd the region of trade wlnda of the months, has severed bis connection Evening service, 8 Chester Curtis' Sunday. torrid sone. The origin of the name with the executive department and bar The nl.ur cd) without a bishop, ju BLACK CORDOVAN B. J. Cummings of Hood River is It not certainly known. Rome autliorl returned to Portland, where he will the country without a king. ’lea believe that It was derived from A IR E D A L E PEACH FOG re-engage In the newspaper business I f jo n have no church home here visiting relative*. ibe fact fbat vessels with cargoes of come and worship with us. "The Circuit Rider," a statue given Roy Farmer of Hat»ey visited ia lorse* were often so delayed becanae •f the calms that the animals perished In memory of the pioneer ministers ol cur neighborhood Sunday evening. Methodist: 'row lack of water. Oregon, was presented to the state by Robert Parker, p a sto r. Mr*. Arnie Jones of Corvallis spent v GOOD GOODS Robert A. Booth In honor of hit father Hnndav School, 10. last week with her daughter, Mrs. at a ceremony and program given la Cause and Effect. Preaching. 11, Martin Cumming*. Th* Ohio town that has the fewest the grounds of the cepltol at Balere Intermediate League, 7. Mr. and Mr*. Monroe Whetstone of doctor» at*- )>a* the smallest death Saturday The statue was designed Kpwortl) League. 7. Portland were guest* at Martin Cum­ rate. The eatlr«s are trying to figure by Alexander Pblynlster Proctor. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8, mings’ Tuesday evening. out whlih I j ,J,e cause and which the Preaching, 8 The measles have not invaded our effect. (Continued en page 4) I <•» >», - , «.Al g ini- A lf o r d A r r o w s P in e G r o v e P a tte rs ‘"Minnehaha Week” being celebrated all over the United States At ONE DOLLAR a pair L a k e C re e k L o c a ls KOONTZS »i , 5gp -. m