HAUKY i G LO BE KN I E K r K I S R = ir e Si the to has urged the people of Oregon to wear a poppy on Memorial day. to show their gratitude for the sacrifices of those who gavs their lives or their health In the defense of the BAtloa. ALBANY SU N D A Y— M O NDAY A ra n , 20-21 C orin n e G riffith nrgub n . C ouw ay T ea rle Six million feet of fir timber on In dlan creek near Reed postofflee has Just been sold by the forest depart ment to Henry L. Bergman, hanker and lumberman of Florencn. The price paid by Mr. Bergman Is 82 a thousand feeL (the u u < tiara of "Black O x e n ”) “ H IES OF THE FIELD” T his p ictu re is n o ff breaking a tte n d a n c e re c o r d s m a n th e large cities th ro u g h o u t th e Country: Mrs. Gertrude B Brown, a widow and employed In a Klamath Palls box I factory has filed her declaration as candidate for the office of sheriff of Klamath county on the republican ticket and she will oppose five men seeking the office. *********** *x,n P O N J O L A » ••••••••••••••••« ••••••! NEWS NOTES FROM ALL OVER OREGON Ao embargo against entry of Cali­ fornia vegetables into Oregon was ordered by the Oregon state livestock sanitary board, to continue until the foot and mouth epidemic now preval­ ent In various parts of California Is entirely cleared up. U industrial accidents dur- Hf SIX thousand Oregon cattle that have wintered around Tule lake In California, Just south of the Oregon boundary, were moved back into Ore-, gon by their owners following a 24 hour notice of State Veterinarian Lytle of .he closing down of an Ironclad era Largo against all California stock com­ ing Into Oregon, as a precaution against the hoof and mouth disease. Fire of undetermined origin wiped ‘ out the Bly hotel at Bly and patrons of the two-story frame structure were forced to leap from upper windows to save their lives, despite the ef­ forts of a volunteer bucket brigade. Two residences adjoining the hotel were likewise destroyed. The Bly hotel was an old landmark In the Sprague river country east of Klamath Falls. The loss is estimated at $10,- 000, with no Insurance. A company of the Oregon national guard will be organised in Astoria this spring. The annual district convention of the Yamhill county Rebekahs was held at Dayton with a representative at tendance of about 200. A branch of the national organics tlon known as the Lutheran Brother hood was organised at Silverton with a charter membership of 50. The city of North Bend has a large Improvement program on hand for this summer and more than 30 blocks of paving will be laid before fall Herman Larsen, a rancher of west ern Lane county, has received from the county a bounty of »47 60 on 19 seals killed lu the Pacific ocea^t James A. Barker was killed Instant ly when the eight horse team he was driving to a plow on the ranch of O H. Reeder of Athena ran away The North Bend school board has let the general contrast for the build ihg of the new school house to Hoover A McNeill of Albany for 132,040. Five men were Injured at the main mill of the Coos Bay Lumber com pany at Marshfield when an 18 foot flywheel on the engine weut to pleéej Miss Celia Gavin, city attorney for The Dalles, has filed her declaration with the secretary of state for the office of presidential elector on the democratic ticket. Fire losses aggregating $84,100 re suited from the 28 fires in Oregon out side of Portland during March, ac cording to estimates advanced by W ill Moore, state insurance commissioner The slump In the lumber market and the consequent reduction of approxl mately $3 per thousand feet In the price of logs are having their effect on the logging Industry of the lower Co tumble river. Approximately $1000 has been do- nated to The Dalles volunteer fire department toward the purchase of a new combined chemical and hose truck. The money was raised by vol untary subscription. As a result of the establishment of a salmon egg receiving station on the Clatskanie river, orders have been Issued to close that stream to fish log between the station and a point two milts down stream. M. H. Brown has established a milk goat farm on his ranch on the Me- Rengle river 10 miles east of Eugene He will have 78 milk goats and will erect a cheese faetory and also make a specialty of goat milk for Infants. Governor Pierce, la a proclamation. Have it ready for spring PYORRH EA F O R H A N 8 for the G U M S HATS S H IR T S sox T IE S Q uality Stylo Service All Work Guaranteed ARROW GARAGE « ! J. W. Mayo of the First National bank. Stayton, was elected president of the Marion County Bankers’ asso­ ciation at a meeting in Salem. Other officers elected were Charles Rey nolds of Silverton, vice-president, and Keith Powell of Woodburn, secretary aad treasurer. The Eugene chamber of commerce has voted unanimously Io Indorse the measure to be placed on the ballot at the May election to levy a two-mill tax In Lane county to raise money to meet the county’s share of the coat of the state highway bridge across the W illamette river at Harrisburg Governor Pierce appointed Rev. E. J Magruder. Rev. J. W. Anderson, Mrs. Louise Thomas, Mrs. Beatrice Cannady and Edgar K Wllggn. nil of Portland, to represent the state of Ore gon at the negro national educational congress to be held in Philadelphia June 16 to 21. Delegates to the con­ gress will pay their own expenses. A n o th e r H a ls e y - Brownsville Stage T h ree T rip s E ach W ay to be Made E ach day cessive, the application of the Teal irrigation district for certification of bonds by the state in the amount of $1,600,000 was rejected at a meeting Brownsville has lost her daily of that body. Approximately $900, train. For years the Southern 000 of bonds was voted for develop Pacific has bee i trying to males ment of this district but only $200,- he income from that train ba! 000 has been expended. The Teal tn c e tL e oulgo, and Brownsville district is In Umatilla county and em hueintst men, believing tbe trail braces approximately 16.500 acres of gave the town a degree of prestige land. The commission also deferred in addition to acluai business con certification of bonds in the amount lenience, have endeavored to re of $100,000 Issued by the Slide irri­ Juce auto competition and other gation district In Malheur county. wise secure a paving railroad p«t- Attorney-General VanW inkle has ronage, but in vain. prepared the ballot title for the pro­ High wages high cost of sup­ posed measure being Initiated by the plies and the tonventer.ee of hat­ Oregon Parent-Toacher association, ing freight taken from or deliverer Inc., removing the property qualifica­ i t tbe door by auto, bav® drivei tions from voters at school elections railroad companies from many involving bond Issues or the creation ihorl ha His, and in many instance) of an Indebtedness. The purpose of tbe companies are giving their owi the proposed measure as Interpreted «uto service Instead of running by the attorney general, Is "to author­ trains. ize any citizen of thia state, male or A stage has Lcen put on which female, who is 21 years of age and makes two tripe daily between has resided in the school district 30 Halsey and Brownsville railroad days Immediately preceding a meet­ talions, as follows : ing or election of such district, to vote Leave Brownsville 11 a ni. and at such meeting or election without 1 P. m ., arriving at Halsey 11:25 being a taxpayer in such district, or i. m. and 4;25 p. m. (he head of a family having children of Leave Halsey 12:20 and 4 30 p school age. which are now required for m., arriving an Brown.-ville ai voting on other questions than the 12 45 and 4:55. election of school officers,” Clark Smith, whose certain fail, A clean, Iresh stock o f JERSEE MILK FOOD COMPOUND The rig h t feed for calves, pigs and chickens B aby C h ick Feed and D e v e lo p in g M ash O. W . H U M S h e ’ll A ccept Y ou r if it it a box of our «¡•lioiooe candy. It is as wholesome as it is delicious, and after tasting it you'P want more Everyone dotes upoi our choice confections, they are Always so pure, fresh and dej1. clout. R IN G O D RUG STORE Claris Confectionery B oys’ 1 C lothing ; OREGON Cash Prizes in Albany College Campaign Through the Instrumentality of the Woman’s Albany college league, ten prizes, ranging from $100 cash or a scholarship In Albany college to a number of $5 cash prizes will be awarded for the ten best essays on Al­ bany student self-help college, located at Albany. Ore., and for which a campaign to raise $600,- 000 is now In process through­ out the state. Prizes are $100, $76. $50. $35, $20, $10 and four of $5 each. Any high school student In Oregon Is eligible to enter. State headquarters are In the Multnomah hotel, Port­ land. with J. Henry Lang In charge as director. NEW MODERN BUILDING FOR ALBANY COLLEGE Rapid Progress Being Made Through- eut the 8tate In Campaign to Raise Funds for Expansion Purposes. H iram (Enterprise rhyme machine) H iram Johnein * Lost Wiaeonin, But response in South Dakota spurred hia clack H e’s no quitter. Fight ia bitter. Thinks he’a fitter Far than Coolidge to come back. H ira m ’s raging, Yea, and aging, While engaging In a Kind of wild goose ohase. Hiram , also, seems tv have been trjoken with the foot and mouth disease, A t least, every time he has opened his mouth lately he has put his foot in it. Six prisoners left the Lane I county ja il Suodav night by re* Im ivin g from the wall bricks that I iad been replaced after another I oateh of prisoners had dug them I rut and escaped a few nights pre­ viously. I H ave Y o u Appendicitis and D o n 't K n e w I t ? Much io-calleJ stoiuaeh trouble is really chronic appendicitis. This can >ften b* relieved by simple glycerine, Buckhorn bark, etc., as combined in Ad- lerika. Most medicines act only on ower bowel, but Ad erilcaa ts on BOTH ipperand lower bowels, and removes all rases aad poisons Jlnugs out matter you never thought was in your srsteui, excellent for obstinate constipation, RIHQO DRUG STORE N O T IC E f appointment of executrix: Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned, by an order of tbg County Court ol Linn County, Oregon, baa been appointed Kxeci utrix of tbe lakt will and testament af David I. Isom, deceased. AU persons having claims against lha estate of said decedent are required to present them within six months from the date of this notice, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at her residence about four miles southwest of H .leey, in Linn County, Oregon. Dated and first published this 10th day of April, 1924. Albany atudoot self help college, lo­ o te d at AlbanV, Ore., Is to h a rt at least three modera new buildings In which to bouse it« maog departments of education, when the campaign now on throughout the state Is finished and $600,000 Is raised for expansion pur poses. Rapid progress is being made ore was predicted when he took In organization work, aocordlng to J. -he Halsey-Sweet Home mail con­ Henry Lang, director, at headguarters tract as low as he did, is still on In the Multnomah hot«L Portland S ophia I som , At Albany college, every student (he job and seems to enjoy it. H r Executrix Aforesaid. entered must earn all or »art of their leaves Halsey before 7 in the way by some of the various methods A mor A. T ussinq , morning for Brownsville, Craw of work employed. It being the policy Attorney for Executrix. Cordaville, Holley and Sweet of the school thus to Inculcate habits Home, getting back here about 2 of the students carrying their own N O T IC E Mr. CFark carries passengers and Had. the college lending them a help­ of hearing of final account. Notice is hereby given that the final much freight, aod his freight ing hand while doing It. It Is believed of Rosa Powell as executrix of charges have been lower than those by the faculty and trustees that this acconot the last will and testament of T. A better fits a student for life work, >f any other carrier over ibe Powell, deceased, has been filed in the nence It |g muds obli^story route. County Court of Linn County. State of Friend* of Christian education are Oregon, and that the 21at day of April, The Southern Pacific has aha being enlisted In the campaign and 1924, at the hour of 10 » ’clock a. m., has replaced train servies with auto the response to the call for set vice been duly appointed by said court for stage, on the Sal«nt, Dallas, Falls has been splendid Because of the ■ he hearing ef objections to said final City and Black Rock branch, 25 excellent record of the collese and account and the settlement thereof, at hieh time any person interested ia m ile», the Whiteaon and Willamina the splendid field of opportunity in branch, 20 miks, and the Wood- the northwest, it Is believed that a like said estate may appear and file objec­ tions thereto .n writing and contest tbe (Him, Mount Angel and Silverton re sense will be forthcoming when MRIt. funds are asked for to put the school branch, 10 miles. lo i? 1**1 “ d fir,t poblished March 20th’ on a thoroughly standardized basts R osa P owbix , as to buildings and productive endow Executiiv Aforesaid. The Right S pirit men!. Albany college already haa A mok A Tcssiwo, Atty, for Exrx, when 1 am In the dentist's chair I $112.009 productive endowment, but to - « not raise a fuM. but thank mi enlarge Its scope and to provide more N O T IC E lucky stars I ’m not , hippopotamus self help facilities. It la necessary te of appoiarmeat of administrator; «h en baggagemen destroy my trunk 1 have the additional 8409.008, 1100,008 Notice is hereby given that the un­ d« not rave on,i rant, but m^nfRl|j. of which haa already been subscribed dersigned. by an order of the County L eu rto f Liun county, Oregon, has oeeu d*’ I " » I ra glad ! no, „„ e,n ,h>nt In Albany and vlclnltf. appointed administrator of the eatate of John F, Waggener. decease,1 All per- in i ! c P" lnf” ''7 1 Deepart Ming. tons haring claims agasnst aaid eatate nlc* 11 18 , m "<* • The deerest mine la the world la la are required to preaent them within aix centipede.—Boston Transcript. Brazil at S t John del Ray It h*e roontha from the date of this notice with the proper vouchers, to the under- at hia residence about 4W miles At that depth the temperature of the signed “ egOT, t H , ' * y ’ ,h Lmn Jounty, A m o r A. T u ssin g r w k l s i n degrees Fahrenheit, neees- system of artificial cooling. Dated and first published thia 28th The gold bearing ore at the bottom day of March, 1924. awyerjand notary shews no signs of decreasing In ml- A, G W aookwbb , H alsey , O regon tiro®. Administrator Afore said, A. A, T resiwo, Atty, for Adiur. L . A ll cevention Scnbts will mention His contention— Say be * * also ran ” the race. ! / J t p a y a to rirea a w e i t e v e n t m in u te , e u t r u i t a u Seattle plants. The great sales of flour The McKenale highway, all the way made to foreign countries by Port from Eugene to a point 10 miles west land we™ dominating features of the of the summit of the Cascades, with milling business of the coast this sea the exception of one short stretch. son. Is now in good condition, according Because members of the state lrti to Nelsen F. Macduff, supervisor of gatlon securities commission consld the Cascade national forest. ered present construction costs ex­ W ith a membership of about 80 growers, the Elkhorn Mountain Head Lettuce association was organized at Haines. Growers present pledged 107 acres of lettuce for the rail market. The association will market Its pro­ duce Independent of distributing com­ panies. lÿAIN CLOTHlNGœJ ALBANY G A N SL E BROS. Gift Gladly Four ou t of th e w a it t o o lo n g . D o n ’t t a k e c h a n c e s w ith OXFORDS M A IL H O U R S Mat! goes south once a day, closing at I 11 05 a. m. ; north twice, closing 1125 ‘ m and 5.3v p. m. Mail stage lor Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Sweet | Home leaves daily at 6.45 a. ni. • Now is the Time to Dress up • » » do your job the way it should be done. At a special election at Newport the commission manager charter was de­ feated by two votes. Recent rains and stormy weather have retarded farming operations con slderably In Wallowa county : Spring is Here Our »hop equipment ie among the best, which enables us to Salem's annual blossom festival schedule originally for April 20 was held Sunday, There are now nine women prison ere In the federal ward of the Ore­ gon state penitentiary. Don’t wait till the eprlng rush. trips when yon need it the most. SU N D A Y The delivery window of the Halsey postoffice ia open Sundays I from 10:50 to 11 a. m. and 12:15 | to 12:30 p. m.| Sunday road goes out only on ¡the north-bound 11:37 train: • A large n u m b e r ol .Men’s an d Y oung M en’s« • Suits are now on display. S p rin g styles**! • m odels to r the .young fellow, and th e reg u lar! • conservative sty les for men. , • Come in now. before E aster, while o u r stock < • is com plete, and m ake y o u r selection. < • P ric es u n reaso n ab ly low < 0 See o u r S pring ® What are you going to do about that car? 30 rooms. South I No 18, 11.37 a m No. 17, 12:13 p. m, 24, 24:27 p. m. 23, 4.27 p. m, 22, 3:20 a. m. 21. 11:32 p. m. No*. 21 and 22 Hop only If flagged. I No. 14, due Halsey at 5:09 p. m , Hops | to let off passengers from south of | Roseburg No. 23 runs to Kugeue only. No. 21 runs to Eugene, thence Marsh­ field branch. Passengers for south of Roseburg should I take No 17 to Eugene and there transfer | to No 15. to a report by the state Industrial •«¿Ment commission. The victims ware Roy MoGlll Beach. Devltt. fire­ man; James Jonsrud, Sandy, rigging man, and Louis Larson, Knappton. foreman. A total of 518 accidents were reported during the week. Emigrant movables shall not be shipped from California Into Oregon unless accompanied by a federal or state certificate certifying that the Portland has become the greatest same have been property cleaned and Roeeburg la to have a strawberry disinfected, according to e proclama flour milling center of the Pacific caralral thia year on May 22, 23 and tlon Isanpd by Dr. W. H Lytle, state northwest. For the period beginning 24. September 1 and ending March 31, veterinarian. The proclamation was Buildings now un