Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, April 17, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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S h o r t S to r ie s fro m S u n d r y
S o u rce s
Now licensees may fish.
Lew Davis went to Albany Tucs
Mrs. Jesse Cross went to Kugene
Phillip Merriam
West Fit.
ia emploveJ at
Delma Wahl was home from Coi
vail i* over th i week end.
A. C. Armstrong and family were
in Albany Wednesday of last week.
i H t l D ; , 1924
Noith at 4:17 p. w. will arrive at
H IL L & @ § Hardware •
F arm M ach in ery «•
S to v e s & R a n g e s g
I4 u i-r |P < <
* 1 < * I llv O O
i2 a r r 1 < » n
v lta lliv ll
now on
Be quick
T h ere’» health in cu ltiv a tin g
garden crops, and also in eating them
ban v
F L O R A L & M U S IC S H O P
We grow «ur own cut dowers
C. W Gibson »hipped a dnuble-
This is good advice
"II you live
' deck car of atock to Portland in Albany, trade in Albany ; if yon live Gold bended. Kubruni and other hardy
lily bulbs now on hand.
in some other town, trade in that town."
Hut in these automobile day« many re
Nice geraniums every Saturday.
Three carload» of Rebekahs want tiding elsewhere find it advisable to do Pbon« I6u|
least part of their buying in tbt
to lodg« meeting at Brownevslle at
larger town. Those who go to Albany Phone 311 V
Satisfaction guaranteed
last night.
Io transact ■bovine«, will find the firm»
frier >3.50
below ready to felt Ibeir require
Tit» Albany high »cbo«! hand named
men is with courtesy an ’ fairnest
I « id give a concert at Rialto hall
u»xt Wednesday evening
Bakery, 3?1 Lyon »treat,
Mr», Grant McNeil and daugh. f A * I bany
Pest one-pound loef of bread made.
ter Ida and Mr». G. W . I.subner S cents.
Piano Tuner for leading music stores ia
went to Albany yesterday.
Wedding cakes to order Albany, Inquire Davenport music house
Mr». J. E , Bailey of Portland A lb an y Floral Co. Cut flowers
surprised her sister, Mr». A J.
and plant«. Floral art for every «•J
and all occasions.
H ill, with a visit yesterday.
______ Flower phone 438-1._
Mrs. C. J. Pow»ll want to Ba­
honghL sold and exchanged at all times
Electric Store. Radio
le o jeeterdsy to attend the fnn-
•«* sets. Electric wiring Delco l ight
B E N T. S U D T E L L
e «1 of her brother, Henry Lynch
prodneta 203 Second
W m . nnvucH Phone 76-R, 123 N. Broadalbin at, Albany
Mr. and Mrs. Whet«tone of G lknn W illako
Portland are viaiting Mr. and Mr».
lue Bird Restaurant, S(W Lyon
R. K . Stewart thia week. They
Street. Eat here when in Albeny.
Open from 6 to J and 5 to 8
are on tha way }o California.
M is B lount .
W . P. Rudolph of Ashland bar
r u n s w ic k
b»?n looking at real estate herra-
/F f
about. He desire» to trade prop-
e ty at Ashland for a sheep ranch.
He left for Harrirburg yesterday.
Shoe« that cost lets per month of wear
Tkavenport Music company offerì
For maintaining Southern Pa
Piano-case orgia, good sa new
oifia roadbed in Oregon in prin e
I'.atey orgae. good ai new
I. 0 . 0 . F. Convention
condition seven sentlon forenvn L'sed Piano«.
have been given >100 in cash
Nearly every lodge of Odd Fellowa
«stburn Bros.— Two big grocery
erch and annual passe» for then?.
«tore«, 212 W. Pint and 225 South in Linn and Benton counties partici­
■«Ires and their families. They
Main. Good merchandise at the right
pated in the bi-county convention last
•re Lou Q. Merriam, H a l 't y ; prices.
Thomas Q. Haven. Green ; Charlea
lim Cafeteria and confectionery Saturday, About forty were present
R. Delk, D rain ; Peter Stoki, Qer-
Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ from Albany alone.
Courteous, efficient service
vail, Albert D. Dotson, Blair ; An-
Gran I Matter Jahn Aschim, sheriff
d n * Jeneon, Berthe, end Ed W. We make our own candie*.
of Tillamook county, waa one of th®
W. S. D uncan .
Stoller, Dallas.
— -
irns developed and printed guestü.
W. P. lutfferty of Corvallis deliver­
We mail theta ngt
ight back to you.
Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or­ ed the principal address.
H. M. Miller gave the address of
Ringed Behind Bteel Plates en Battla- Chrst garage going north.
which was responded to by
•hip and. When Flereed by Shell,
tires, accessories, oils, gasoline,
W. W. Poland c i Shedd.
repair work.
There was a banquet at the city
Behind the armor pint« of the mod P O R O SALES A ND S E R V IC E
at 6 o’clock, followed by the reg-
•rn battleship Ilea a packing of cellu *•
Tires and accessorie«
ilar meeting of the local lodge at which
loae »lx feet thick. If the outer armor
plate Is pierced by a «hell the watei
which a team from Albany demon­
K irk -P ollak M otor C o .
reaches the cellulose, which ltnniedl
strated the firs’ degree work.
ateiy swell« «ad 011« the hole. So cer P o rtm illa r Fum ituie Co., fntni-
Scio wi a chosen »s the place for
tain la the action -of tbla material that * ture, rugs, lindcum, vtoves range«
all warship« have been equipped will, Fuaernl directors. 427-433 west First he next bi-county convention, the
the queer»'jacket. The cellulose h street, Albany, Oregon.
made front cornstalks. These «talks P U L L E R G R O C ER Y. 285 Lyon iccond Saturday in October.
are dried for six or eight months and * (Sucocssor to Stenberg Bros.)
then cut into short pieces and the pltl.
extracted. - The pith Is treated will, Phone 26.3 R
chemicals to make It fireproof, and
W ith the High
W. S E X A U H R , auto and g»u-
compressed to one-sixteenth Its original
* e
ra l o
a in le r
bulk. After being cut Into blocks six
School Classics
Get my estimate
Inches square It is shipped to the navy
20! E. First street
Piano Tuning and Repairing
O ur prices sell our goods
H IL L &<§
Mrs. P. J. True and Mrs. J. E. True
were passengers to Salem Tuesday. for Plymouth Rocks than for Leg­ The program will be published next
R. F. Campbell and wife and two horn«.
little sons were Albany visitors Tues
Mrs. H. F. English was a Eugene
Mrs. Inei Freeland was an Albany
visito. Thursday.
shoppe: Friday,
Mrs. O. W. From and daughter»
Lew Davis arrived Friday for a
The grand jury will be railed to
Ruth and Vivian motored to Browns visit with relatives and friends.
meet the last of the month.
ville Sunday.
No fishing allowed on the south
Mrs. Clark Steams of Cantairs,
An eleven pound gill was born to fork of the Sanliam until next year.
Canada, is visiting her sister, Mr».
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Curtis Tues
Mrs. O. W. Frum is the Rebekah' William Folk.
day momin?.
delegate to Hood River in piece of
D. H. Pierce ha» filed for the re­
The Standard Bearers of the Meth­ Mrs. Eldon Cross, who declined.
publican nomination for county com­
odist church had their monthly meet
Miss Grace Kirk arrived Saturday missione., and D. B. McKnight for
Ing Wednesday afternoon.
from Monmouth to visit home folks county judge.
Mrs. Alfred Bails of Philomath was and relatives over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sturgis of Rex,
visiting Miss Fleets Lavick Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. David Foote have Ore., were guests at the home of Mrs.
Fleets returned home with her.
been suffering with severe colds since Sturgis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
E. Schroll, Sunday.
J. C. Bramwell is again working at
their arrival in Oregon, but are
the Claude Davidson ranch. Mr. Da
John Mahoney was arrested at the
somewhat improved.
vidson does not improve very fast.
Dalles with tome of the loot from the
Claron Gormley has been transfer-J
I D. O. Woodworth home at Albany in
Mrs. L. C. Merriam, Mrs. Arley
Cummings and Miss Mary Smith red from work in southern Oregon his possession, He is in jail at Al-
He was not definitely bany.
wero all passengers to Albany on to Portland.
located at last reports.
Mrs. L. C. Merriam and Mrs. M. E.
Mrs. George Tycer, who has been
T. B. Spenger and his son Thomas
Shoo? were both passengers to Al­
and their wives of Shedd visited at visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. bany Thursday. Mrs. Shook went
the Harry Commons home Sunday John Bressler, for some time, return­ down again Saturday, taking “Buddy”
ed to her home in Portland Saturday. with he.
Miss Edna English of Eugene came
Another Linn-Benton road meeting
Mrs. Arley Cummings went to Al­
like the one recently held at Tangent down Friday for a visit with her bro­ bany Thursday, to see her husband,
Is called for next Wednesday evening ther, 11. F. English, and to also see who was in a hospital. He is recover­
the plays given by the class in French.
at Lebanon.
ing nicely but will be in the hospital
Miss Leitner and Miss Irene Quim­ for sevetal weeks.
W. A. Miller, brother of Milton A.
Miller, died suddenly at his home in by went to Albany Friday to attend
With fourteen members of the
Portland, Monday, aged 76. He was the oratorical contest. Miss Quimby
chamber of commerce assisting, Al­
born in Lebanon.
subject won second place. A Mi. bany is making a successful drive this
week for funds to feed the starving
The program given by the Standard Schmidt of Albany won first.
children in the Neai East.
Bearers at the Methodist church Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kuhnhausen
„ d ayeven in g was well enjoyed. The and little daughter Joyce of Portland
Janies Carothers and Fred J.
collection amounted to >15.
motored down last week for a visit £ prenger of Shedd, Eln er J Het.-
..v «. i .
Last Saturday the Murphy motor at the home of the uncle and aunt of deraon of Browtisvil!», Chatha
company -of Albany sold a Buick auto the elders, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill. I.amh of Harrisburg and J. R.
Kuhnhausen also drove to Eugene. Wright of H»l»ey
have been
to J. W. Pugh of this place and
Chevrolet to J. K. Willoughby of They returned to their home on drawn for the May ju ry, to meet
on tha 6th.
Judgm ent o f «
wZ-r _ , ,
SH0E 2
A rthu r Towar of Brownsville
William Hoflich of Albany attended
C. P. Moody has been awarded a
ho recent convention of Delco light planned to «'.o, e with a tifteei -
At tha Ball Guns.
silver medal by the Southern Pacific
lealers at Columbus, O., where 1200 y»ar-old girl and wrote to Vanco' -
She—Who Is that man they are nil
company for keeping the cleanest arid
from every state in the union and ver, Wash., the Gretna Green of quarreling with?
neatest station. Is that proof that
ontc outside gathered. They report thia regioD, inquiring what pre.
Her Escort—Why, he's keeping the
Mrs. Moody is a good trainer?
ns much business done in the first cesa is necessary in preettring score.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hedgpetli oi quarter of 192-1 as in the first half a marriage llcerae. The countv
She—Oh! And won't lie give It op?
clerk, John Schaefer, “ bawled
Portland were visitors at the E. C. of 1923.
him out ” by giving the story to
Miller home Saturday and Sunday.
Auto Supplants Camel.
A party of promoters and experts the press.
Mr. Hedgpeth formerly resided in
The automobile has supplanted th«
who went from Albany to view the
Halsey. He is general manager of
C. P. Stafford has taken a vaca­ came! ns a mall and passenger carrier
lenr Laka prospect came home full
the Cedar Chest Manufacturing Co.
tion from switchboard duties this over »be hoi sands of Arabia. Tbs
of Portland.
week. He went lo Eugene Satur­ car makaa the trip In four hours that
he supply and the feasib ility of day, sod after having an eaten, required #r. ent're d»y for the usuel
Next Saturday the ladies of the the btg wafer project.
tv e »m ol it of dent>l work *doaa camel cerewn.
Peoria Methodist church will give r
Tomorrow will be the anniversary
chicken supper.
The proceeds wil!
f Paul Revere’« ride. Our story, “In
go towards painting the parsonage.
he Days o.' Poor Richard,” has pro-
It ia planned to have members of the
reesed to where it is dealing with
chamber of commerce by way of en­
the wai that followed that ride and
the shot heard around the world.’’
C. C. Jackson and son Fred, whose
Hcl E. Hess, proprieto: of the Ore
birthdays occurred Tuesday of last
ion City Enterprise and president of
week, celebrated them in Salem the
-he state editorial association, and E.
i t B R O W N S V IL L E
Sunday previous and the Enterprise
Brodie, a newspaper man who re-
never heard of it until after its pub
iresents the United States in Siam
lication day. - Never mind, C. C., the
but is home on a vacation, paid the
Enterprise will have a birthday by
Halsey Enterprise a visit Sunday
and by and won’t tell you about it.
■norning. Mr. Brodie is putting in a
So there!
few words here and there for Senator
Two year old Walter Dopald Mat­ McNary’s campaign for rc election.
ney waa fatally injured, his step­
In the county high school oratory
father, Myron Baker, was probably
ha bad hia fo tails removed. H-’ | a »a» » » • * * » * * ♦ ♦ » •»♦»»■»» a *
fatally hurt, and Mrs. Baker, his ontest at Albany Friday night Law­
doesn't feel ’’ maiyy •» a m arrisja J
mother, injured Monday evening when
J u s t A rrived !
bell,*' but ia on tha trend.
their car was hit by an Oregon elec­ place and a >25 prize, and Irene
e s h ip m e n t o f
John Lara» ii 72
Th» Enter-
tric train on the east-side road about Quimby of Halsey was second and
Paul Bremntan of Tangent third. priaa editor ia an older and more
three miles south of Albany.
Peter Rostrack, who recently boughi Schmitt will go to Eugene later to mature youth.
compete in a zone contest, where the
Come to the Enterprlae iffi<»
the White grocery on Ninth street.
orator to compete in the district con­ and sea a fac-eimil» nf a page of
Albany, between Maple and Vine, last
test at Portland will be selected.
the firat bible ever printed with
Monday evening, as he turned from
taking down a can of pumpkin for
Henry Lynch, 72 years old, who was movable tj pt. which waa alao t) e
A ll new p a tte r n s
two strangers, looked into a pistol stricken with paralysis at the home of first book ever ao printed
E. L. STIFF Furniture
barrel and wag told to “put cm up." his sister, Mrs. C. J. Powell, on the
Lewis Scarbrough of O H nlpia.
<2. Albany. Oregon
Instead he threw the can a.il the Brownsville road, nine weeks ago, W a s h , yealarday darnonstrai» I
votld-be robbers ran.
died Monday morning at 1 o’clock. that Franklin waa right when lie ♦ a ® * * * » * * » « « * * * * • « » * * * * « » »
There will be an Easter morning He left a widow and a daughter, Mrs. »aid “ Tim e is m oney." I^wla, to
prayer service next Sunday in con­ Bertie Schafei, at Salem, and a son, save tim e, scooted through Halsey
Mr. at 45 mile« an honr, knowing,
nection with the Methodist church Winnie Lynch, at Hillsboro.
W h y s u ffe r fro m
Gather at the church at flitch was one of a family of sixteen perhaps, that this tow n baa no
adache ?
»peed cop, but Kenneth Bloom
6:30. If the weather ia pleasant the brothers and aisters.
ave v o u r e y es
happened to com» along for the
service will be held somewhere in the
Twenty-six of the piano students of ¡county and L»wta waa baled (n < t
in e d
epen; if not, it will be in the church.
Dcuna Rofcerteon Cross will appear h a iled , •« tha A lbany paper» sa y )
An Easter sermon will be preached in recital in Halaey at the Christian , Itafora Juatica Clark and paid
S. T . F R E N C H
at 11 and an evangallstic sermon in church at 8 o'clock the evening of
>12 50 fine and $2.30 costa, be­
Optometrist, with
the evening.
May 2. Also at Shedd at th» sides losing »a much time as t»
F . M. F r e n c h A S o n s
Mt. McClure of Mother's Inn at Methodist church the »v»ing of had won over the legal speed ia a
Tangent was In town Tuesday look­ May 8. An iotercating program is good many mile»,
ing for chickens for the table, and being prepared and all are invited to
Albany. Oregon
Com ntaciag next Sundae tba
be was offering 6 cents a pounl more attend.
No admission is charged train that bow eoaaM frasa tha
th e S torm ’
A/Aww«r ifiirtctai-y—Continued
M r* Fred Taylor wa» here from
Eugene Sunday and Monday.
° r li<ht. Fu ll stock on hand.
Come in and see the quuhty and ¡ears price«
T n n lc
1 W lo
Mi«» Leilaer’s parents were here
from Portland Sunday
„ H ^ r ita g e ’o f
th e D e se r t ”
olman a jackson
everything in the line of eats
( C b y M a r r a r s t B o y » .)
“With tha Ufa of a qanaraua monarch
Opposite Postoffice
. . . parlshed all tha prajacta which hl«
ub Candv Co., First street, next ambition an» hla »«noroalty had
door to Blain Clothing Co.
Noon lunches.
Hugo says of leaders nf man that
Horae made oandv and ice Cieam.
“while thenwelves advancing, they
cause their aatellltea to progress, and
uh Clsamng Works, Inc.
Cor. Fourth and Lyon It Is nn entire solar system moving on-
Maater Dyers and Cleaners
Our finilllar solar system Is made up
Made - To - Measure Clothes
nf the sun nnd Ira aatellitea, the stars
f you huvu irlands they should and planets. Roma of the planeta have
hate your
aatellltea of their onn; but the entire
Clifford's Studio
system le dependent upon the aun.
3M West First street, Albanv.
which, we are told, la Itself dependent
M a g n e h i lil.E t I f f l c Co.“ ‘
upon a greater sun in outer spare«.
Official tlromberg carburetor aery Ours Is not the only solar syntem;
ice station. Conservative prices. All there «re neighboring one« all around
work guaranteed
119-121 W. Second. I It.
If our sun should he suddenly de­
en and mopey are best when
bitty. Make your dollars work in stroyed, there would be a period of
When order emerged again
our savings department. A lbany ST a TR chaos
H ahw . Under government supervision from chaos, there would he a new cen­
ter of our «Olar aystem and a rear­
iller Motor Sales
rangement of the »t»ra and planet«.
Oakland and Jewett cars
So It ««« when Klchird died All
Supplies end acreaac.riea
the group that he had gathered about
First and Baker Sta.
Albany, Oregon
him was thrown Into chaos. From thia
urphy M»tor Co. Hnick and rhao« emerged a new governing group,
Chevrolet au4omgbiie». Tfres and with a new king for Its center.
With Richard perished all the proj-
Oregon. __________
Phone 2*0 ects which hla ambition and hla gen
_ __________
. i , —z, . . . i . i o i - . n o ' eroslty had formed—both project» foe
J^ObCOE AMES H A R D " A R E , thr
fht ronBfrj tolf
' for the advancement and happiness n f
hla favorite knight«. Herein Ilea tha
322 w . First «L
hltteme«« of death, that a msa cannot
j hope to have bi» plana and projects
Builders' sad shelf hards are, gar carried oqt by hl» successor. Kacb aiaa
dan tool«, crockery and glassware
has Ida own Interest«, hla own aatelltta
New Stack.
New low price». or antellltsa. and hla own way nf doing
TIM BO N T H K 8 H O E DOCTOR thing«. Try «a hard aa he may, ha
Second »treet, opposite Hamilton'« cannot, do a place of work I" ike ex­
act manner and spirit of hla prede<eS'
«or. No» can he often ai compllah work
"Sudden Service”
with the siine corp» of people that hla
aldo Aoderaon A Son, dulrib- predecessor found aSwIcMhla.
ntors and dealer« for Maxwell, Chai
The commonly beard at a lenient that
mere Essex, Hodson A lluitmohllx cars.
some one can always be found to taka
Accessories Suprdies 1st A llroadalbin. one's placa Is rarely true of leaders.
No one cinild take Richard’s place
after hla death Another became king.
Write for booklet describing our 24- It Is true, and the country continued Its
ytar Rural Crrdit Amortiied Loans. existence; hut the destiny of tha coun­
The loan pays out in ») payments, re try, anil especially the destiny of Rich­
tiring the principal Cheap rsiea No ard's kutghts. was Inevitably changed
by bta death.
H ram L and C o .,
133 Lyon Sfc. Albany, Ore
H a ll’s C atarrh
edicine Treatment, both
local and internal, end has been M crass
at lowest rata of interest
Prompt aervica. Courteous treatment
. e
_ . fui In the treatment of Cetarth fot ovet
WM B ah .. BoomS, Firat Saving. Bank
, u druMUÄ
buileiag. Albany
j . c h e NEY fit C O -, Toledo. O kie