HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. XII HALSEY. LISIN COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. APL. 17, l « 4 w C HR1ST IT R IS S N » Pathcs end Joy oroad. may be dally supplied, giving us strength for every state through which we pass; whence, under Its In­ fluence, omissions of duly or debts— that la, failures to discharge our obli­ gations to the Lord In the wsy of keeping His commandments— may be removed, so that we sink not in temp- rations, but tusy be able Io go bravely N o rm a B a r tle tt. 2 H -y e a r -o ld - pa- through them, and be delivered from tte n t a t the S h rin e ho sp ital fo r erip* £h?tl children, who rec e n tly w a lk e d to r that root of evil which Is self will and 'h e fir s t tim e in self pride In us. A fter which, for the her life — I . ra n w a lk now . t o o ! ' 'ommuulcatlon of such favors, (ra ti- S ee' W a tc h me. j tude flows forth. "For thine Is the Oh. y et. I lik e It, kingdom, and the power, and the glory, P u t o u t th ia little forever. Amen.” foot, an d p u t out Easter teaches us of resurrection. It th a t little foo t, o h do n't let m y hand carries our thought to a world beyond S °. 1 m go ing to the present. In the Lord's Prayer we he like a ll the take a descent from the Lord to our o th er b 1 g g irls soon, and ru n and lowest needs. But then there ts a re­ run. I lik e to turn. When our needs are met, when w a lk N ow I Hie work Is wrought In us. there Is an w a n t to sit dow n, Yea. I'm tire d . I ascent, a rising to Him, an aspiring to w a n t to get back Him forever, by means of all that He In m y lit t le bed. hath done. new snoes. P re tty shoes. Y ou take my picture. The prayer that the Lord’s kingdom b ru s h e d ' 1 w ,n t h a ir may be realised as His forever, la a t a r * No. N o ' I i T brush. 1 i.ike I , you ta ke Y o n” P«e- brush. u r t& k* prayer that He may And us the willing subjects ef H it kingdom; that as He overcame for us, aod rose again, we may yield ourselves to Him as those “ » -h a -b a -b a Th ere . U tile boy. w ash e. d ir ty face See, plctttre? O ld In whom He can carry out Hla full de­ sheep go b a -b a -b a -b n . You Tea new signs. leading to the discharge of our ' v 1 ?h° W *’lotuTe book but I duties In His sight with faithfulness, tired, le a . I lie dow n In little bed. sincerity and diligence before Him. it Is a prayer that this state miiy be strengthened in us day by day. The R etu rrectio n The prayer that the Lord's power ASTER being a movable feast, the may be acknowledged forever Is a event will be celebrated on April prayer that Hla love may have control -0. but April 0 has been accepted as forever in us. The Lord's kingdom Is (he actual date on which the redur- the government of Hla truth; the rectlon occurred: Lord s power Is the love which actu­ Most glorious Lord of Ufe, that on this ates that truth. How His power day shows Itself In ths activities of gen­ D id s t m a k e T h y t r iu m p h o v e r d e a th uine love, ranging from the loftiest a n d s in. alms to the lowliest, even If It be only And h a v in g h a r ro w e d h e ll d id s t b r in g driving a nail Into a plank to make It aw sy C a p t iv it y th e n c t c a p tiv e , us to w in ; more secure for another's tread, or T h is Joyous d a y , d e a r L o rd , w i t h Joy giving the hand to another to show a b e g in . little fellow sympathy I All this Is a A nd g ra n t th a t w e. fo r w hom Th ou power which we are receiving from d id s t die B e in g w it h T h y d e a r blood c le a n * the Lord to endure and to appear with w a s h e d fr o m a ln . greater Intensity In the other life In M a y liv e fo r e v e r in f e lic it y . the Innumerable varieties of mutual A n d t h a t T h y lo v e , w e w e ig h in g good will which there abound. worthily. M a y lik e w is e lo v e T h e e f o r th e s am e As the sequel, that the Lord's glory a g a in . may be forever, It Indicates our desire for the splendor of His will to be re­ flected in our churches, »bare from flrst to last we are Ills. The following appeared in (he rortiand Journal April 8. Can ) on read the childish prattle and look at the winsome face of the ittle innocent who hopes to walk w ithoot feeling something tugging at your heartstrings? W &pini nftasipr JT Easier on me same day as tlie I'asi o 'e r grew. In the Second century tli c lu irc lie s Of AslH Minor, many .. conferred with Anlcetaa. tha ;hat we may enter iuto the meaning T a a f r e n i n w ad A r i d a n d « r o o d la n d d r e a r which Easter occurs Is March 24, bishop of Rome, upon the question. T h e m lr n c le , ao a o n a t o h a t and realisation of His promise and of and that happens In 1940. But 1024 Polycarp pleading the practlc. of 83. the blessing to which the promise < n d Io , t h e d e a d o ld e a r t h a w a k e n . Phillip and John, the Anlcetaa refer­ will see Eastertide on April 20. la A n d e « e r y r o o t a n d l»o aB b a n d b a le looks forward? Here It is, as given ring to S3. Peter end Paul. Neither fact, Easter seems to show a partiality to us; “For thine Is the kingdom, and T h r l l l a «eltla a n e w l i f e 's e a s ta a y . U T TAYIOR A n d p u la e a w i t h a t h r o b o f a u u l| for certain dates, and a neglect of could convince the other and the mat­ the power, and the glory, forever." A n d a b a ll I t b e d e n ie d t o m a n others. April 20 seems to be a prime ter dropped for the time being DO YOUR For this Is In the truest sense a T a r la e f r o m d o o m o f d c a t h 'a d a r k Hut nt the end of the Second cen­ favorite, fulling on that date three TAILORING B ig h t, prayer. It Is the closing part of the times in 11 years—once In 191», again tury Victor, the bishop of Rome, de­ Lord's Prayer. "A fter this manner W k . n a a t n r s k r r k o a s y e a r k g g e a r T a R e s u r r e c t io n , L i f e a e d I . l c k l ! this year, and also in 1930. But, cided It waa time to compel the pray ye,” the Lord said. And at the strangely enough, in the uext forty Eastern churchea to follow In Itome’a end occurs the sacred word, “Amen," G rant Thompson of Oakville wants years, the Easter of most recurring lead, and wrote a letter demanding confirming all that lias gone before. the republican nomination for sheriff. frequency Is on April 1— to It would H in t the prelates of Asia celebrate It means "be It so.” It expresses our seein on this occasion the follies of Easter on the same day as the Wester« fervent desire to acknowledge all that April Fool's day could well be shifted church. The East refused and the dis­ the several petltlona of the prayer to a week day. Easter Sunday will he pute became hitter, and all those who Imply and to enjoy the experience of celebrated on April 1 hi 1984, 1945 and kept Easter on the fourteenth of what His kingdom, power snd glory 1950. Nl inn were termed by their opponents Invol ve. Hut April 1 does not stand alone Quarfodeclinnns. Another objection to The Lord's Prayer Is a complete rec­ in this respect and lias to share honors the Eustem way of reckoning the feast ord of all that the Lord has done for with April 17, which claims Easter In was due to the imperfections of tho us. I t tells us of “our Father In the 1927, 193«, 1940 and 1900 April 5 Is Jewish calendar. The Western Cbrta- heavens,” elsewhere described as "the another favorite occasion—the Easter llans considered the vernal equinox high and lofty one that Inhablteth date of 1931, 1942 and 1953—as Is tlie beginning of the naturnl year, and eternity, whose name is holy” (Isa. (17: April 9, the day upon which the Resur­ owing to the miscalculation In the 15), who yet came to establish Ills rection is observed In 1939, 1944 and Jewish calendar the Passover was "kingdom" among men end to show sometimes celebrated before the ver­ how Ills “will" might he done taong nal equinox. This resulted In the them. He spoke of Himself as “the Halsey Church ol Christ paschal feast aometiines being held bread of life” to them and the “for- twice within one year and omitted al­ glver” of their sins. He endured Tlie Easter celebration which skips together In tlie next. “temptations" against the hells to pro Church Announcements so carelessly over the month of March mote His work, hut overcame and “de­ Church of C h ris t: slid April was the subject of n bitter livered” us from the evil that other Ixin Chatnlee, m inister. controversy, which raged some 10 wise had threatened. So “He hath Bible school, 10, W . I I . Robert At tho beginning of the Fourtl centuries ago. The present rule for taken Ills great power and hath son, superintendent. the determination of Easter Is that It century the Emperor Constantine de reigned" (Rev. 11:17). M orning worship, 11. Lord ’s must full on the flrst Sunday after the elded that It waa time to end the cou Whence there Is, in brief, the whole fourteenth day of the moon that hap­ troveray. And at that time at tin story of the Lord's redemption ts ef­ supper every Lord's day. pens to be reigning at the time of the council of Nice t lie regulation wbi Christian Endeavor, 7. fected for ua In tha Lord’s Prayer. And vernal equinox (the point which the made that Easter should fall upon tin Evening servii e 8. It tells, too, of HLs present work ol Lord's day following the full moon ol J ÏT » VLOft 6 Ctt VO«* -CM«CA+O salvation In us, as we follow Him. that Tha church without a bi.hop. in aun passes In crossing the equator KI mb . from south to north). But the vernal we may know and co-operate with the country w ithout a king. Hut owing to several cauats, among Him alone as our Heavenly Father; I f jo u have no church home equinox was arbitrarily determined them, perhaps, the use of different and declared to fall on March 21, I I you want to know why. drop in un.l see our styles, onr great range of that we may reverence Hla name or come and worship with us. beau whether It would or no. In reality It astronomical eyeles, this regulation charsctar In all tha graces of mercy, tiiul pure wool fj' rics and our fuperb qualities at often fell a little earlier or a little did not do away with all controversies humility, Justice and aeLf-forgstfnlneaa M ethodist: concerning the date. Certain It Is that later. liobert Parker, pastor. which are embodied In H im ; that a the Irish and early Anglo Saxons, be­ The controversy arose over the Sunday School, 10. way may be prepared for the entrance fore the council of Whitby, did not fact that in the early days tha >f Hla kingdom lute our minds, as tha Preaching, 11. observe the same day as tha Romans. Christian Easter and the Jewish Page government of Hla love and wisdom Interm ediate League, 7 To settle the matter, Oewy, King of over were usually celebrated on the '.here; that we may fuiflll Hla will la Epw orth League, 7. Northumbria, decided to take the mat­ same day. As the opposition of the ill our earthly vocations and deeds; GOOD GOODS Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 ter In hand and held a council at Christians to the Jews became more bat H U sustaining love «a living Whitby, a I ) , «at Colman, bishop Preaching, 8. ncute^the agitation against celebrating of Lindisfarne, rej.re.>nted the Brttl^tf Suttnks iBakp an Eaaipr Nrat 1 i i J * ^ * ‘* ^% WWfc.-*. m. V* *.-* $ 2 5 TO $ 5 0 ROONTZG ©ur Eiiatrr fli-aipr fcaftfpr <2> U llir tt E a s ie r ffin n trn