HALSEY ENTERPRISE SUPPLEMENT H A L S E Y , O R E C O N . A P R IL IO. 1924 I he Enterprise sees no oliejctioa to ■ law prohibiting the issuance of tax- exempt bonds, for it would put the burden of public works on the taxpay­ er, as now, only in a new form as re­ gards interest on debt. We should then pay the full interest on our bonds, instead of placing them at a lower rate and remitting enough taxes to balance the difference. But we have no patience with the guff that is being peddled about tax-exempt l>onds attracting money away from productive industry. What becomes of that money after it is paid for tax- • xempt bonds? Stito Income Tax Twitters’ Institute Tbs following appeared in last The outstanding feature nt the S uutlay’a Portland Journal : teachers' institute Saturday was n U. C. Chapm an, Portland, Or.*— talk -by Prof. J. B. Horner of the his­ Dear s i r : Y our letter received, tory department of O. A. C. asking for a oentribution to help He said that nature had left rec­ repeal the state 'income’ tax law, ords buried in earth and rock which and I wish to assure you th a t I w ill do a ll I can legitim ately to we are able at this late date to ex­ hume and decipher, and tfiat some of defeat your purpose. these records antedate anything in I f I hail believed the state in ­ Petri­ come tax law was detrim ental to any other part of the world. Oregon or any taxpayer 1 would factions which have evidently been not have worked last fa ll to have hidden for many thousands of years the h ill sustained by the voters, show that this region was occupied after it had been passed by the leg­ by human beings of high Intelligence, islature, and afterwards referred to and, wonderful to tell, these humans the people by a little handful of were cotemporaneous with the ele­ tax-dodgers who contributed $2 6 ,. phant, the rhir.ocerous, the saber- 000 to defeat the b ill, and the Ore­ toothed tiger and many other species Congressman Hawley has secured gon Voter, of which you are the who have, like men of that time, long When Europe was but the appropriation to dredge the Sius- publisher, iliew from the said fund been extinct. law to a depth of twelve feet from ♦ 1130, yet I find no record of « scattering of islands, the present mountain tops, the northern portion Cushman down and thereafter main­ where you contributed one cent. Do you believe it is a detrim ent , of this continent was hoary with age. tain that depth. to Oregon to have people come Instead of this being the “new world,” here to btsv property and then re­ it is the oldest land known. Every Senators McNary and Stanfield fuse to buy when they find out animal known in the world has at have promised to try to amend the how high the taxes are? la it some time been at home in Oregon. I ill giving United States government any worse to have a man who is Earlier races of men and animals relief to starving German children so paying no taxes put his bonds as to include near east suffers in the in his trun k and move across the passed away so long ago that the American Indians had not even the lw, and the tendent. gave a talk setting forth the Jor re-election. It is claimed it his farmers and prottertv onunrs must opportunities which the teachers of iavor that in federal appropriations ba relieved ol some of the burdens the state enjoy and exercise for leav­ ing the jmprint of their work upon and authorizations for the develop­ of taxation, the future manhood and womanhood ment of Oregon's resources and in­ 1 am w ith you in any campaign of the state. dustries during the seven years that to make Oiegnn prosperous, l>ut The occasion was a literary treat, he has been in the United States sen­ the repeal of the income tax law but the most emphatic applause of te. »32.024,337 has been gained w ill not do it. Too nianv property owners have the audience greeted the efforts of largely through his preserverance and influence by virtue of his powerful fnutnl out that th eir state taxes are the Harrisburg school board of six positions upon major committees of lower this year to be fooled by wind and two stringed instruments, *he senate, his standing with the ad­ any bugaboo of driving capital out with Miss Sibyl Gilbert at the piano. ministration and the leaders In con­ of the slate. California raises ell Miss Helen Weber is the band leader structive legislation; and, by reason state takes by a gross tax on cor­ U, E . A rnold, the Lebanon of th is prestige, he is in p osi. porations, and W ashington ta to poultry m an, hss added electria vote on an income tax this sear, brooders for 8000 chinks to hie tion to secure even greater service so where is the pone tax-dodger to plant thia season. He hatchea 26,- for Oregon in the future. go? Gaonna R a i . m it k k . 0(X) this year and keepa 6,000, State Grange Master. soma of which we are counting be­ Two-thirds of Japan is forest, es­ fore they are hatched. A total of 21,573 cash bonuses au­ timated to contain half as much tim- **r as the whole United States. Japan thorized by the world war veterana', H . I*. W illi« , 8. P. station has been practicing forestry for 400 state aid commission had been paid agent and telegrapher , on the m orning shift, welcomed hie wife ears and is buying lumber in this up to March 31. and five children on the a rriv a l of country, while growing it at home for Mias Clarice Gourley returned Tues­ future use. an early train veaterday morning day from a visit to Albany. He ia looking for a residence.