PAO B 4 HA LJBY E N T E R P R IS « G LO BE ALBANY A pbil IJ -14 shows daily-l:J»-J 15-7:39-9 1» three! from the Lib­ erty >t Portland REX B E A C H ’S * F lowing G o ld j w MILTON I ANNA Q. J , SILLS J NILSSON Attend the matinee and avoid the evening crush * *****♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « Soon LILIES OF THE FIELD Haltey Happenings etc. (Continued from page young people’s missionary society of the church, will have charge of the evening service. The league service« will begin at seven and the following service at eight o’clock next Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Bramwell and Mise Mary Smith drove to Hrwwnsville, Saturday. The “ block signal ejgnal ays* tem,” which the Southern Pacific has jurt installed through this part of the valley, divides the track into sections called blocks Wh«u a train enters a block it ait- SPECIAL OFFER ) The Linn realty board meets at A1 bany tomorrow. W ear E ver' I t is expected that the Clear Lake survey w ill begin today. A L U M IN U M D O U B L E - at A. C. Armstrong and fam ily visited W. P. Wahl's Sunday afternon John Willbanks and wife visited at Geo. W orkinger’s Sunday afternon. J. H. Wilkins of Sweet Home took the train here for Hood River Thurs dry. George H . Handle of Lebanon seeks the republican nomination lor assessor. E arl and Orville Armstrong arc back In school again afte r their siege with the measles. The biggest open forum meeting yet held in the county wag that at Scio Monday evening. H a rry Commons towatically cell • aigaal at each Saturday Mrs. L E. Walton and l«od of tbat blook, wbiob it a 8on Jam«4 went to Eugene, where , and wife visited Wallace Sprenger at the Hanson poultry ranch Thursday. Mrs. Tussing, Mrs. Bond and Mrs. Bert Clark attended the Eastern Star lodge at Brownsville Monday night. Mrs. Geerge Tycer of Portland was called home on account of the ser­ ious illness of her brother, .H a rry Bressler, last week. H a rry is re-1 ported somo better. Mrs. C. P. Moody and little daugh­ H IL L & © offer «11 kinds of BOILER. Wear-Ever Aluminum Goods /À Ï â Il 11 98 to JA« oftir »xoirtt Saturday, April 19 A pril t9 th . What are you goiog to do al>out that car? Don’t wait till the spring rush. trips when you need it the moa». Have it ready for spring Our shop equipment is among the best, which enables us to do your job the way it should be done. All Work Guaranteed ARROW GARAGE G A N SL E BRO S. Mrs. J. W. Clark aud her moth­ M r. and Mre. H. L. Straley and ad on the republican ticket for commissioner. Grant Froman, also a republican, filed for as ■essor; ( harles II. Leonard, county surveyor, in repuhtioan pr maries for réélection, and Jay W. Moor«, Halsey. In republient primaries Halsey, in the Republican primaries for county assessor. We have a large line of Easter Goods C A R D S of ™’°*4 ta d prices C H IC K E N S - d R A B B IT S RINGO DRUO STORE I • Now is the Time to Dress upj throughout the special tale Thursday, April 10, P. W. Falk made a trip to Albany son I.eRoy visited Albsny and one day last week to purchase sup Corvallis Saturday. plies for the Brandon baseball team There is a game scheduled for F r i­ O. W Frum. Glenn Cornet day, April I I , Brandon vs. Spoon hs o . R . W a lk e r place for two River College. y««ri. They are putting the w hole Hulbert’s garage, the first one at 130 tilled acrea into oats. Albany, as one drives from Halsey, Mr?. Adda Ringo and Mrs J counted 220 tourist cars going past « '• " ’ * » » » • » with the Neigh, last Sunday in nine hours. A year •ora of Woodcraft at 8bedd T u n - ago the number was H l . Others cars lay night. passing during the nine hours brought the total up to about 1000. W . Clark was called " R edding, C a l., on aocount of Among those who attended the re • he serious lllnusa of his vival meeting held at Rowland last »Ira. M K C la rk ''¿ h n 'd .- T u day. . k . Clark. She died Mou- week were Mrs. Elisa Brandon. Mrs , ,, A rthu r Wesley and Misses Beulah J- n . I bompaon and wife of Al- M iller and Anna Drinkard. The '»•"7 visited O. W. Frum and meetings closed Wednesday. Read Prof. Horner’s "Short His­ to ry" which sells for a dollar, for au­ thentic facts about the beginnings of Oregon, and read "In the Days of Poor Richard,” in the Enterprise for the same kind of a view of the be­ ginnings of U. S. A. R. C. Pepperling. Scio. Monday fil- ¡Spring isHerej at I Similar Reduction A large number of Men’s and Young Men’s * • S u its are now on display. Spring styles**’ • models for the > oung fellow, and the regular’ • conservative styles for men. • Come in now, before Easter, while our stock • is complete, and make your selection. 5 Prices unreasonably low O See our Spring O OXFO RDS HATS a S H IR T S • T IE S sox Quality Stylo Service People usually read stories mainly for amusement. The Enterprise is publishing some that yield trustwor­ thy education as well. Mrs. A. King of Tacoma left Tues- , day. after a visit with her sister, Mrs. J. T . Curry, for Leona, to visit her B L A IN CLOTH inoco ] ALBANY Boys’ c lothing OREGON C O M IN G ! EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS HALSEY CHURCH OF CHRIST Friday, April 11, to Sunday, April 20 L O N C H A M L E E , SUfiST ,to C L Y D E S M IT H of Eugene, tong leader niece, M r*. Joseph Krewson Come and hear the G os Del in ftarmnn and Miss Dorothy Cornelius, whose fath ­ er was formerly station agent here and it now Southern Pacific telegraph man at Albany, was visiting friends in Halsey Saturday. A new tn rin of the uregon-Can- fomta Power company. which ft- crease slightly torn« of tha rates of the corporation la Oregoa, became ef­ fective as of April 1. according to an order laaued by the puMle service commission. The tariff previously was suspended by the commission pending an Investigation. A fund, not to exceed 116,000, was asked of the state emergency board at its meeting Monday by the atate sani­ tary livestock commission to be used, if necessary, In policing the California- Oregon line to Insure enforcement dF the quarantine which this state has placed agalnat the products of that state to prevent the spread of the foot and month disease Into Oregon. The first timber wolves to be caught In Oregon far some time were taken in a trap on Erane creek In Josephine county last week, acoordlng to Stan ley O. Jewett, predatory animal in- spector of the United States biological survey. After months of hunting to orsdlcate a fam ily of the almost ex­ tinct species, three were caught and killed In one week by H arry Stokes, predatory animal hunter. HALSEY RAILROAD TIME North | No. 18, 11:37 a. in. South No. 17, 12:15 p. m. 24, ,4:27 p. nt, 23, 4.27 p. m, 22, 3:20 a. m. 21, 11:32 p. m, No«. 21 and 22 stop only if flagged. I No. 14, due Halsey at 5:09 p. m., stops to let off | Roseburg. passengers from south No. 23 runs to Eugene only. No. 21 inns to Eugene, thence Marsh­ field branch. Passengers (or south of Roseburg should take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer I to No. 15. SUNDAY M A IL HOURS News N o : m QAn# destroyed school district will be held Tuesday, Jefferson county. A dam 100 feet hy fire last week, along with 150 ApFll 29, to \u th o rlze a bond issue high is contemplated, the power so developed to be used In pumping for J-iVng chirks. It is supposed it not to exceed 3125.000, the funds to Irrigation and for commercial pur­ be used to purchase a alte or sites caught from the lamp. for the construction of a new school poses. bftllding or buildings. Issuance of a supplemeatary pro­ clamation prohibiting the shipment Cltisens of Brogan In Malheur conn Into Oregon from California of any ty have filed a petition with ih e pub lie service commission protesting carcasses or hay. and providing other drastic regulations not Included In against the proposed curtailment of previous proclamations Issued by Gov- train service on the Vaie-Brogan ernor Pterce, will be announced with­ branch of the Oregon Short Line. in the next few dsya, according to The growth of Cottage Grove is Dr W. H. Lytle. N O T IC E well Indicated by the growth of freight Because the Wasco county court re­ of hearing of final account. business at the Southern Pacific sta fused to accept the lowest bid for the Notice is hereby given that the final Hon. In 1921 the total freight handled construction of the 1*23 market road, scconat of Rosa Powell as execu trix of was 34.547 tons to In 1923 It had In and decided to go ahead with the coo Ute last w ill and testament pf T. A. Æ creased to 64.1 Powell, deceased, has beeti filed in the 4,126. despite the competi­ stmetion Itself, under the supervision County Court of Ltun County, State of tion of motor vehicles. of P. W. Marx, county roadmsster, ' he H , t d»J of A p ril, While the bank clearings In Fugene 121,000 has been saved the taxpayers 1924, at the hour of to o'clock a. n t. haa during March were slightly less than It was announced recently by mem been duly appointed by said conrt for t h e hearing of objections to said final those during the same period last bers of the court. account and the settlement thereof, at year tha clearings for the first three T. C Beckett, assistant postmaster which time any person interested ia months of thia year show an increase c7 Medford, was arrested and placed said estate may appear and file objec­ tions thereto ,n w ritin g and contest the of 10 per cent over those of the first in the county Jail at Jacksonville same. three months during 1923 charged with the embesalement of be­ i ORa,ed 10d f***1 Published March 2«th' Ronald B. Reid, piano Instructor In tween »5000 or »9000 In hie stamp and *’**• R osa P owbll , _ Kxecutiiv Aforesaid. th« school of music at the University cash accounts. Beckett attempted sul A m o s A T fs ttw c . Atty, for E x rx t'f Oregon, was found In his coupe in clde by taking poison after leaving a Hendricks* park. Fugene. wttk a hul letter admitting the shortage, accord­ NOTICE of appoinrtnent of adm inistrator : without any injurious tffect, for it let wound In his head and died In the ing to Sheriff Terrill. Notice is hereby given that the un- Eugene hospital Reid, only 32 years Exclusive ot tae laresimenis m««rv is «11 made of lha purest mattri- old. was thought to have committed during 1923, which were not Included deraigne.1 by an order of the County « *» " ‘ 7. Oregon, hat been ala, and ia fresh »very day The yulrld«. tn the capital account, the rate cl re appointed adtuini.trator of tbe relate of purity and freshness of our con­ turn from operations of the Pacific l o h n P Waggener. deceased. AU per- Governor Pierce and Bam A Koser fectionery baa always bean our secretary of state, have signed a con Telephone A Telegraph company dur •ons h a tin g claims against said estate are required to present them w ithin six strong point, and it haa always tract whereby an appropriation of Ing the year was slightly mor- than frOnl ,he d4te of ,,n ’ "otic*, 4 per cent This was set out in tb , found favor with th« cgudt eating Ilff.OOd authorised at the last session witn the proper touchers to the under- hl! »bout 4 X miles public. Just tr y a bva and b« con- of the legislature will be made avail- annual report of the corporation filed * ' * y ’ ,h L,B" te o " ^ ' able to pay the coat of preparing a | tn the offices of the public service Oregon* vioced it ia tb« best cand. made. report dealing with the Investigation commission The net income of the fir“ Pb^t^bed this 2«th of the Umatilla rapids, new Pendle , corporation for the year was 35,447 day of March, l ’ J4 «’ 3 27. and the capital lnvaatment tea. A. G WAOOHWga. a a . Adm inistrator Aforesaid. • 140,142,473.34. A A. TvaatMo. Atty foT Admr. 4 1 JERSEE MILK FOOD COMPOUND I lie right feed for calvos, pigs and chickens Baby ( hick Feed and Developing Mash O. \Y. F R U M dz A Child May Eat Our Candy Clark’s Confectionery > W S . of The delivery window of the Halsey postoffice is open Sundays from 10:60 to 11 a. m. and 12:15 J to 12:30 p. m.l Sunday mall goes out only on | the north-bound 11:37 train: Mrs. A. Maiers of Philomath and little grandson are visiting at the J. T. Curry home. Miss Helen Staab of Oregon City arrived Saturday for a visit with Frank Gansle and wife. Tan prisoners, one of them convict­ ed of manslaughter, escaped from the Lana county jail at Eugene by digging a btx hole through the west wall. N in e w ere re ca p tu re d . A system of week-day Bible study In the public schools of Oregon Is being developed by the state end will be launched In Oregon, In a email way, at least, next fall, declared J. A. Church­ ill, state superintendent of public in stmetion, In an address before the Lane County Sunday School associa­ tion in session at Central Presbyterian church In Eugene. The regular pries of the W ear-Rver aluui- unui boiler offered here for S1.9bdnrtng the special sale, A B R I L 10 T O 1» is 33.05 tw o q u a rt In “ Flowing Gold" at the Globe er, Mrs. M. B. Southern, went to Albany, next Sunday and Monday, Albany yesterday. you can see the gold flowing from the Frum A MoMahsn sold a bunch bowels of the enrth. A startling ex­ of cattle to Henry Brodurs, Eugene plosion and a river of fire are among butcher, Monday. the incidents. Fifteen new market roads are*in the county court's 1924 program, though probably they w ill n«t all be finished this year for want of funds. One of these is from Halsey to Tulsa and one from the Brandon school- house to the Pacific highway. The maoager of an Illia o u country newspaper wrote to the dtan of the Missouri school of ,« n a ilifm : Please tend use a re­ porter who has been graduated from your school. I married the last reporter you sent me and I know you turo out good material ter Corsica went to Portland Monday. They returned next day, accompa­ nied by Mrs. P. A. Blanchard of Greybull, Wyo,, and two children, < who, a fte rs short visit, went to Harraburg to visit Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Moody, parents of the la­ dle«. Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Carter and Meads met E E. Gormley and George Lanbuer went to Albany yesterday noon. W , F. Carter was in Brownsville family Sunday. Mrs. Thompson A sign at Junction City directing Monday. is Mr. Frum's aial«r. highway traffic is proposed by the Albany chamber of commerce, the ex Undertaker Wright of Harris- Mrs. W illiam Beene w 8 b a Eugene pense to be borne by Harrisburg, Hal burg was in town Monday, shopper Monday. sey, Shedd and Albany. , Jam* ’ MBSU,t*d 4n ocul‘»t ,n re«»rd 10 *J * trouble. Yesterday they went again and Charles Reeves went with them to rpeud his seventh birthday with hie father, _______________________________ may never have another opportu- iog the eignala oa the block it has nity to attend one. just left. A block may he a mile, The pastor jot the Methodist church or more, or lea», dpeuding on the will preach next Sunday morning and lay of the land and the frequency the Standard Bearers, which is the of train» S U N D A Y— M O N D A Y 4 APR IL 10 1924 •••1 tertalnment D o o t overlook the French e o -( warning to all other trains to Friday night. Y«u keep off, at the same time raleai . (Continued fro m page 1)