LSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. XII HALSEY, LINN COUNTV, OREGON. THURSDAY, APL. 1», IW NO. 3« HALSEY HAPPENINGS AND COUNTY EVENTS She was the guest of Mrs. II. F. En­ glish. B ro w n s v ille Briefs S h e d d S n a pshots O. W. From shipped out three car­ loads of grain hay. at »11 a ton, last week. Bv Anna Pennell? (By Special Correspondent) d _„ w u j .» . , ' Lyman Pennell loft for Portland K«v. M 8. ood worth preached Thursday, Mrs. S. E. Stevens of Eugene was at the Holley church S today af­ | c »rl Robnett left for Springfield ternoon. Mrs. C. P. Stafford spent the week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cross J. C. Harrison and Bruce Bur- "ednesday. Friday. end in Portland. ton motored to the county seat Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pugh drove to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McVey of Row­ W. J .Carey returned to his home Friday to pay their taxer. i Canby Saturday. land were in Halsey Friday, on the Et Eugene Saturday. way to Albany. May 8 and 9 are datee for »1 a Merle Gragg of Monroe spent the Mrs. William H. Robertson was an state examinations Ona notices i week end in Shedd, Miss Alice Davis of Portland, visit- that the »„e w eighth g o lo graders K, Albany shopper Friday. are a little uarrv ed with Miss Willamina Corcoran L- busier days • these ■ • Marry Sprenger was a business Mrs. Curtis Veatch was the guest of over the week end. } visitor in Lebanon Saturday. .. _ The Roeedsle poultry ranch has Miss Beulah Miller Wednesday L. L. Swan of Albany was a busi­ H.C. Ternsn of oBiem Salam »pent rpante a tew few turned turned out out 76UU 2600 chicks chicks aed haj ha« Mrs. L C Merrinm •v .u i.n ui »re Albany visitors Thursday P ¿ “ys with his moth' r- Mrs. J. C. J2 0 0 . •« « • »®w incubating. Mr. ness visitor in Shedd Wednesday. were Albany Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pugh and Miss r visitors Thursday inursday. Bramwell, this week ........... .............. - . j . a - . to . Harrisoa, u tLe owner, according D. H. Sturtevant returned from a . i **>• •>■“ *« live« with h*a Katherine were Corvallis visitors I ¡it / I ch ick ., now that they are hatched. Sunday. business trip to Eugene Monday. Short Stories from Sundry Sources School Notes (Agnes Hayes, Reporter) NEWS NOTES FROM i AIL OVER OREGON The high school was visited one day of last week by a graduate of the ’25 E p ito m e o f E vents in the ! class, John Standish. B eaver S ta te A number oi students attended the moving picture "The Hunchback of North Bend will stage its annual Notre Dame" at Brownsville Thurs wild flower show In May day night. The boys’ team won the game at Shedd with the score 7 to 6. Thomas Palmer, who pluyed right field, knock ed a home run which brought in an other player also , The Tlllamock County Flah and Game Protective association has been organised at Tillamook Slz’ y eight building permits, repre­ senting a total construction cost of »<»*.«»5. were Issued in Eugene dur­ ing March. The boys’ team ol Brownsville high Falls City will probably have a new will play basebcll here Friday. Since the outcome of the last game, our hank buBdlng ibis comic; summer, according to present plans ot the Bank Mrs. George Laubner made a busi­ take the train for Portland Monday- Mi. and Mrs- Vem Arnold and team has been very much enthused of Falls City. and the boys more determined than daughter Luriine spent Sunday in ness and pleasure trip to Albany Fri- before. J W. Brswiter, executive secretary Linn county has received »26,133.32 M i. and M rr. Arvid Nelson an- Lebanon. of the Oregon state chamber of com­ , as ite of the vehicb Il- tertsined the yeung folks of Ash Iu honor of Helen W illiam s’ six­ merce for four years, has resigned, Mi. and Mrs. J. W. McCunibcr drove Mr. and Mrs. Charles Poole and son ! censes in the six months to March 15 Swale Satarday night at their -------------------------- teenth birthday a marshmallow toast effeetlve May 1. up from Portland hist week to get and Mr. and Mrs. William Curtis Ben Bartcher and Bessie Bartcher ) house on the W ill Harrison place. were visitors at the Bert Clark home 1. , a"a De” le öartener was held for her on the Shook lawn their belonging} at Saddle Butte. Apple shipments from Portland by pre ___ Monday, I ,ucce*d Bartcher & Rohrbaugh at Al- Those present were M r. and Mrs Thursday evening. Many forma of water for the seaaen reached «82.724 Reaoe Mallow, Misita Gladys Hoy, M,. and Mrs. C. J. Shedd and Mrs. bany as “The Bartcher Furniture Co., M *b ie Buieon, Marvel Lawiencr, Dora Davis of Shedd and Howard merrymaking were enjoyed until a boxes, the Port of Portland traffic Mrs. W. C. Smith and daughter incorporated. late hour. bureau has reported. Balle Burson and Bruct and Jim Jenks ot Tangent drove to Salem Edith visited at the Harry Commons Out of the 791 students in «1 schools Miss Amanda Mitzner returned Sat­ Button, Louis Wrist of Lebanon Wednesday. and A. C. Armstrong homes Saturday Of the three contestants, Georginu of Clackamas county, visited by the afternoon. urday after several w<-ek»’ visit in and John Bowers. C lark, Esther Secfold and Irene Mr. and Mrs. Bill Porter returned county health officer, officer. 580 were found ’’oun,F Quimby, the latter w ...- '"S Ch° ~ n » ; ! to be physically defective Mr». W- F . Carter and M r’ . R. K. Los Angeles with her brother. H D. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Friday evening from a week’s visit in Mitzner, and wife. resent high tebool at A lbany Fri Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Por Gormley drove over to Brownsville Roy Miller Friday. Blnce January 1 a total of 4798 mo­ ter came with them. lay, where other students of Linn Thursday, where Mrs. Gormley had Mrs. H. F. English and children tor vehicles bearing 1994 licen see of One farmer north of Brownsville dental work done. Miss Helen Ritchie came up from county will assemble to deliver or other slates and countries have been went to Euger.e Thursday to visit offers »60 and others are interested In Portland last week to visit with her ations. Miss Quimby received an granted visitors' permits In Oregon. Mr. English’s mother. They return­ the capturing a coyote that is preying Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cross drove to ed by auto Friday. parents a few days. She was ac­ award in the form of a medal and c The Oregon coaat artillery corps 1« cn sheep and lambs. Hillsboro Friday, to spend the week Certificates were given to encamp at Fort Barry, Cal., June companied by her friend, Mrs. Gith certificate. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gansle and end with Mrs. Cross’ parents, Mr. to the other two also. A story with photos concerning the ens. 14 to 18, according to a revised sched­ and Mrs. Morrell. l Mrs. Adda Ringo motored to Eugene triplet fawns in the McKercher paik The girls baseball team came bad, ule of national guard encampments Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Nolen, Mrs. Saturday. Mrs. Ringo continued on at Crawfordsville has been placed by Mrs. J. C. Bramwell, Mrs. Adda to Cottage Grove. from Shedd victorious Friday. Thi in the west. Everett Earle Stanard with a Phila- Nellie Satchwell and Mrs. J. C. Clay Ringo. Mrs. C. P. Moodv, Miss Mary- James Madden waa arrested In La se en was 26 to 23. The Hi key play left Saturday for «andon to attend deplhia magazine. Smith and Mrs. George Taylor at­ Miss Leitner and Misses Ellen and revival meetings being conducted ers were: Agnus Hayes, p; Rut» Grande by federal officers and plac­ tended the meeting of the Rebekahs Roberta Vannice attended the Willam­ There was a fire in C. F. Rauch's there by Rev. I. N. Hughes. Frum, c; Iona Albertson, f. b; Willi ed In Jail in default of »1000 nail on at Shedd Thursday evening. ette Glee at Salem Friday. Ted Mitz­ blacksmith shop on the south side char*« of tailing narcotic« to high mina Corcoran, s. b.; Agnea Chandler Mrs. Agnea Clarke and Mrs Emma t. fc.; Pauline Hardin, s. t.; Rena Wal cbool pupils. ner went Saturday. Friday morning that caused quite * Wednesday evening of last week scare, as it was feared it might Gregory were in Eugene Saturday to her, s. t.; Helen Carter, I. f.; Elsie Officers of Salem lodge of Elks are Mr. and Mrs. D. 0 . Woodworth of Al­ Misses Ruth Frum, Genevieve spread, but the fire department con­ attend the funeral of Ronald Reid, Reynolds, r. f., Helen William«, I making arrangements to Issue »100,- bany went to Tangent, starting at Wells and Rena Walker drove to fined it to that building and the upper who formerly lived in Shedd and who c. I. 000 Io bonds to defray at leaet a part seven and arriving at home agai.n at Brownsville Thursday Jo see "The floor of Nelson’s garage. Loss about committed suicide in a fit of insanity of the coat of constructing the new 8:15. Burglars entered their residence Hunchback of Notre Dame." »400. home tor the order. Don’t forget the French plays, "The Member« of tba Priroilla club e n while they were gone and left after A survey of the floche of pure bred Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter came Surprise of Isidore” and “The Re they returned, taking about »200 tertalned thetr husbands nt the home (Brownsville Times) sheep In the Desebntea country at the ns far as Shedd Friday. Since then turn of the Soldiers" of "Le Retoui worth of Jewelry. of Mr. and Mr»' Barney Albers or and of the lambing se««on shows an Frank has been painting and primping Word received by Mrs. C. B. Tycer Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs U rn of the Soldi. r«,” _ , ‘Le Retoui Mrs. Thomas Bailey of Eugene ar­ up buildings on bis farm, which i this week from C. B. who just recent- Increase of approximately 125 per cent C. A. Troutman and daughter Gail of first mentioned play are: Monsieur , ,n th. month. rived Saturday- and spoke at the C. S. Wright is carrying on. Mrs. ! ly left for Oakland, California, to Albany were visitors. f icard, Kenneth VanNiee; Madam« Christian church Sunday evening. A flareup of typhoid fever Io Port­ Porter expected to return to Portland visit his two sons and daughter, Picard, Iona Albertson; Isidore, Mil At a special meeting of Willamette ford Muller; Madame Duval, Grace land, apparently due Io foreign mat­ •s that Oregon is the best coun­ today and Frank to stay over to the try on the face of the earth after all. chapter, order of the Frrter.i Star, Pehrsson; Jennie, Gladys Hadley. ter In raw milk sold by a dairy, has Odd Fellows' meeting tomorrow. He alto imparts the information that Wtorthy Grand Matron Mrs. Stella K. Those in the other play are: Le Lieu­ aubalded. Two deaths from the dis­ ease were recorded. W e H ave We all know the regulation band- Mr. and Mrs. L. Dean Tycer have a LTake of Portland was present tenant Georges Lefranc, Kenneth Van master, with his imposing chapeau, I new girl born March 16th who was Other visitor« were Mr«. Allierta 8. Dlrectore of the Tolent Irrigation E V E R Y T H IN G Nice; Comus. Truman Robnett; Suz­ ponderous baton and resounding, per christened Frances Marie. In speak McMurphj and Miss Emma Brown of anne Larmigna-, I^one Palmer; Ma diatrlct in Jackson county awarded O ptical emptory voice. A contrast was the ing further of the two states Mr. Ty­ Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Por rle, Agnea Chandler ¡Mon.ieur Lar- the contract for eoaetructfig a new E Y E S T R A IN . leader of the Harrisburg school band, cer said: “If I equid have my Oregon ter of Portland. mignar, Milford Muller; Msdamc Lar dtm on Emigrant creek to W. A Kram ­ Is the Cause of Many here last Saturday’, a bit of perhaps acreage down here. 1 would he much er of 9an Francisco. mignac, Ellen Van Nice. H U M A N IL L S t 75 pounds of femininity, whose scarce’y contentetf, but as it Is, Oregon is the Federal Income tax collections In I f yeur eyes give you trouble or audible " Ready. Play •• started all the best gtate. Oregon for tka first quarter of 1124 What Oregon need* ie your glasses are annoying (By an Enterpriae Reporter) instruments with as perfect unison as California’s advertising, and Califor totaled »>,176.175, according to an­ SEE US. We caa Relieve You