PAGP 4 HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E G L O B E ALBANY ....... * SU N D A Y— M O N D A Y A pril 4-7 W e a tw o r -q u E ver a rt B O IIJ X . : 2 : : «■ who mad« " T h e S h ir k ," ** Saloruy Jan* " and other* * * * * * * * * * * Wear-Ever I Aluminum Goods : M IL T O N S IL L S produeed b y ' leorge i i * C om i wo You’ll have to corn* early to get inside for F L O W IN G G O LD : ■ u 98 , Halsey Happenings etc. (Continued from page H iL L & . Similar Reduction Thursday, April 10, | Saturday, April 19 a stroke of pi ralysis last week and lied Friday. ) Realty Men Banquet S P E C IA L O ï T E K * ‘ 1 1 Burning Sands ¡ A N N A Q. N tL S S O N A pril «towers today. A P R IL 3 l«M School Notos (Agnes H.-yes,' Reporter) P. H. W illis was a Salem visitor, Tk. , ,, , . Monday ' french 11 class is presenting j two humorous French plays, “The Mrs. A. C. Armstrong is recovering | ° W. From took hogs to Albany Surprize of Isidor,” and "The Return from a cold. iur ay. | Soldiers” at the city hall April J. W. Clark moves into the house| Ward Commons is out of school t l . These are to be something new vacated by Ben Holt. with a cold. I in th e way o f entertainments, fo r the Ben Hiflt moved into the G. W charzcters converse in the French Mrs. Freeland was in Shedd over Shaw house yesterday. language. In order th at the plays the week end. can be fully understood and enojyed Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Tusaing were | M i. and Mrs. Charles Mornhinweg the acts are to te explained in English in Portland over the week end. ¿ave moved to Oakridge. by stereopticou picture«. 8everal The Missionary society of the I Ped Simons had business which French songs are to be given by the Church of Christ will meet Tuesday | took him to Albany Tuesday. member» of botti classes. The pro afternoon a t the church. ceeds go towards the fund which is to M r. and Mr«. C. E. Smith spent M r. and Mrs. Henry Brock and | be raised for the construction of a daughter Doris drove to Albany Tues­ Sunday at the home of Frank Kirk. gymnasium. The general admission day In the new Chevrolet. Miss Powell, treasurer, and Mrs. will be 25c, reserved seats 35c and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Standish visited| Jeer, school superintendent, will geek children 15c. .he democratic nomination to succeed their son Everett at Salem Sunday The boys’ and girls’ basketball Ilia condition remains about thi 'hcmselves. teams go to Shedd Friday afternoon. same. Mrs. J. C. Bramwell arid her daugh­ The boys are determined to be the W. M. Moss of Holley, wants a ter, Miss Dorothy Ternan, were pas­ victors this time and the girls are out democratic nomination for county I sengers to Salem Monday on the to win every game they play this arly morning train. commissioner. season. A. C. Armstrong wag in Saturday. Albany Some ¡eft-over local Items will M r. and Mrs. English and Mrs Miss Melba Neal was forced to be More tou t in Walton went to Portland Saturday lippeur next week. absent last week because of illness. J lite r the last copy g'ffs to the tin- The latter stayed over, while the The sophomore class is planning to ¡□type, Tuesday n ig h t, than can be Englishes come home. be ai\ aid to the gym fund. They L e t in type here. are considering giving three short Howard Ternan, Dorothy Ternan Among those who attended the plays. If. Lewis, Mrs. Helen Wooda and M r “ Mias Civilization," ‘‘The Townsend were guests of M r. and Iro td meeting at Tangent were D Flower of Yeddo,” and “The Revolt” iT iy lo r , Bert C lark, Jay Moore, A. towards the close of the school term. Mrs. J. C. Bramwell Thursday. O. W Frum, D. Taylor, ft. Gansle Bert Clark, C. H. Davis, J. W. Moore and Tom HUI attended the road meet- ing at Tangent Tuesday evening. Orville Armstrong is getting over he messies and he and E a rl expect to return to school Monday. H. M. Henry hug gone to Newport Miss Lcltner spent the week end with her mother in Portland. 11 H ill, liny Gansle, O. W, Frum tnd C lin t Davis. A general showing of the high school students' sense of humor was apparent Tuesday. There were Halsey Minstrels at Eugene many “ April Fools” during the day TBo Halsey 1. O. O. F. orchestra that went to sleep a trifle vexed, per­ haps, thinking of "getting even” next rave its minstrel entertainment to crowded house at the I. O. O. F. time. temple at Eugene Saturday evening, the occasion being a benefit for the Orientals and the Ladies of the Orient. The minstrels were well re­ Arthur Wesley will not say that ceived, it being something new to his cancer has been cured, but then all in entertainers from outside has been no evidence of its existence ‘.owns. A fte r the show a sale of since he took the X-ray treatment askets netted approximately $100. w hich m ust be m ig h ty com forting Present from this vicinity were and encouraging. lesse Cross, J. F. Salash, T. J. Skir- Mrs. Em il Itelseth and two tilth vin, H. M. Bond, F. E. Gansle and Jay sons returned to Eugene Monday af •V. Moore and their wives, Mrs Edith te r a ten-days' visit with Mrs uid Louise Robnett, Mrs. Adda Ringo, Helseth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L Ray Gansle, Ralph McNeil, Truman Wells. Robnett, J. C. Bramwell, C. P. Frank K irk and C. E. Smith, wht Moody, Kenneth Cross, Bud Morga­ are employed at Glenbrook, spen> son, Curtis Veatch, Wayne Veatch and William McDowell. Sunday at home Mr. Kirk was ac When the party reached the H ar­ companied by Chas. Platt, employe | risburg ferry on the way home, in the also at Glenbrook, who spent the daj ittlo hours of Sunday morning, they at the K irk home. They returnei ound the works out of order and a to their work Sunday evening. long delay across the river made John Standish was in town Monday them pretty late arrivals at Halssy. He did not leave Wenatchee, but is still employed or the daily Son there which belongs to M ayor Brown ot Seattle, Standish works chiefly the making of pictures and he h steadily progressing in the art. Instead of the regular services a special program including a pageant entitled "Christ in America,” a shor' talk by Theodore Bailey of Eugeni and several numbers will be given a the Christian church next Sunda) evening at 7:30. An offbring wll be taken. Profeasor English had an assembly last Friday and decided what sub­ jects would be taught in the high school next year. , W. L . Norton bae a radio out!!’ « Guy Layton and «on Morris, from Halst», visited here over the week end. A clean, fresh stock c f JERSEE MILK FOOD COMPOUND $ 1 ho right food for calves, ¡»igs and chicken« Samuel Murray, who had the Fin ley place at Crawfordsville, suffered A Child M ay E a t O ur Candy without auy Injurious effect, for it Is all made of the purest m ateri­ al«, and ia fr««b every day. The purity and freehneee of our coo- fectionery has always been our KOLOR-BAK for re e to r ln f hair to Ita natural color Is sa sffsctive dandruff «ura tad scalo tomo KINOO DRUG STORE O. VY. FR U M J strong point, and it he« always found favor with the candy eating publie. Juet try a box and heeoo- vineed it is the beet eaadv made. Clart's Confectionery S. T. F R E N C H Card o f T htnks Optometrist, with f m . french We wish to express our heartfelt I tliaoke to our frie n d s ’ and neigh­ bors and to the Odd Fellows for I words and deeds of sympathy ou the occasion . of our bereavement and for the beautiful flowers at the Anal ceremonies of our husband I and father. M rs . D. I. I som . M r . and M rs . J. F. I som . M r . and M rs . R. D . I som . M r . and M rs . A. F. R obm ktt , M r . and M rs . C. E. M ercer . & sons J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S Albany, Oregon EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS HALSEY CHURCH OF CHRIST •» w » « **« *********# -» « ** « » * * » ♦ » « Friday. April 11, to Sunday, April 20 w ill LO N CHAM LEE, J X * C L Y D E S M IT H of Eugene, song leader do 41 » « the 1 * 1« » « f 2 » « » * News Notes (Continued from page 1> kfs 740 sawmills in Oregon hour« of 1S.- ctordIng to WiWR' Yfralfter ÓT the whl-t. t erB Um ax, which has just come .T ila o r r îv û il I Ju st t arrived! Large shipm ent of * pabcolin R ugs Iff Come and hear the Gospel in serm on and so n g All new patterns E. L. STIFF Furniture <3. Albany. Oregon wee« ehning March 37, accord the weei ing to a report prepared by the atate industrial accident commission. The vlotlms were; W illiam Haymao. Knappa. logger; Sam Strielc, Aoode port, rockman, and Jamea Albert Dunn. i Bekar. hooker. A total of 5«( aocl- , I t shows 67 shingle ,, w * ,- . . . ■- « j, h . VanWinkle, attorney-general, 303 placing mille, rape with capacity of has sent to the secretary of state a )«r eight houre, and J legal opinion In which he held that s with 1856 mil«« of i a state treasurer !a to be elected In Oregon this year. The opinion was ” I need glasses for far sight aud • a . I ¿odffbt by Secretary of State Kossr to ahyclpatlMi of ( i s issuance of a The .„« fro e y -g w e « ! hag hel4 tha, near-sight. I f I had to change proclamaiioft within tha next few days -.i— 2 ... . . the term of Jefferson Myers a t state I them every few seconds, nay work settlor «side the Jieriod April 21 to 27 | treasurer expires January I of nsxt ' committee ot promln to arrange an appro- by the ynftvprablp re- .(‘•road district vote In ttajy, the backers of a hlgh- tl Mt* UPpor dooj bay. Marsh 4 North fiend, and the suburbs cities, baVe stdrted a second a for an election to be held thA date of the May primaries. The compulsory public school law has been declared unconstitutional by the supreme court. 1 M ail goes south once a day, closing i t 111:05 a. iu. j north twice, closing 11:25 | a. m. and 5:30 p. ni M ail stage for Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Sweet I Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. in. C O M IN G ! Ua appointed Mr«. K 3. M t r t t i r i v i C t-i gens Wednesday for a visit with her eousi >, Mr«. M attie Bond. Mrs. G. F . Schroll bss received word of the death of her sister, Mrs. Z N. Boardmanof Riverside, C e l., March 26, aged 70 W hy suffer from headache? Have your eyes examined would be impossible. The old- M fc*«st F. A i projection week, - . Elliott . ; year, and not in the year 1537, as In fashioned bifocals, with their lines [otsstef, ¡ffHfftffr, hat announced that he dtcated in the commission Issued by There are 30.000 more automobiles in Portland than a year ago. Baby ('hick Feed and Developing Mash A t the Rebekah lodge meeting last week Meadaatej Minnie Cross, Elfa Moore and Esther Bond were elected to attend the grand lodge at Hood River and certificates of perfection for having the secret work letter per feet, were presented to Mrs Elfs Moore, Miss Mary Smith, Mrs. Agnes Brown, Mrs. Charity Clark, Mrs. Nel lie From, M r*. Esther Bond and B M. Bond. s F*> Jackson, A . M . H am m er, Owen Beam, Clyde W illiam son, H iram Torbet, P. A . Young and Irv in Hood of A lb a n y and D. Taylor and Jay W . Moore of Halsey. Other meetings of the hoard are being planned, at which round­ table talks on trade and prospect! w ill be features. The Linn Connty Land Settle­ ment committee will meet with membtrs of the Portland and state in front of the eyes, would After directing the calling for bide nearly as bad, so I wear Governor Pierce. on road work In half a dozen ooua K RYPTOKS GLASSES, ties and awarding a couple of con­ the IN V ISIBLE BIFOCAL, aad tracts, the highway «ommlaaton ad don't know what I would do w ith ­ Journed Its meeting la Portland to out th e m .” meet agalo April ji The ¿rust to portent rohd job In prospect Is the grading of a section of the Rupee veil coast highway from Brighten l i Jetty Meade & Albro, Optometrist«, M anufacturing Opticians ______Albany, Oregon creek, in Tillamook oocnty. which will Tb$ jubile f H1'1- service commission, In permit free flow of bsach traftit; from tided d<5wa, ddwa. designated the ! Clst»°P county to the Ltaeoln Co tuny | ler ha handed as ordsf boundaflde *tth ln which the Pacific I line. Telephone A Telegraph company and Because of reports received la Salem the Multgomah A Clackamas Mutual j that the foot aod niofltb disease again Telephone company may make future ' has Infected a number of district* in •xt en »tons The order was necessary. California, the state llveeteck sanitary It was said, because of overlapping board caused Governor fierce to la service. sue A proclamation placing additional The work of auditing the books and restrictions on the shipment of live stock and other commodities late Ore­ record» In the state treasury depart •o t hat started under the direction gon. and providing tor the disinfection À. J Ÿuurtellotte. Portland account Of iheep shearers and other persons arjt. gad à fepresentatlve of the con who. because of the ehartotar of their coril tgat provided surely protection employment, might be carriers of the for tb« previous administration. It disease. wae said that two w«eks *111 be re Weather conditions are normal ia Hatred to complete the Audit. the Crater lake regloq Becahee et The North Coast Power company, recent gjiow storms a shortage of operating at Hillsboro and Ralnlor, watpr for irrigation sad other pur U d dperatjag In oom« aggregating poles which had been (eared for tbs ltM.071 69 during llfej. accordtug to coming summer It act sow probable the annual report of the corporation according to Colonel C. <) Tbempson rung with the public service commie superintendent of Crater lake national gloij Operating reveries of tire com park tolonel Thompson says storms papjr totaled I«l3,381.1g, w iu e óperat during the last ten days have added te the depth of snow la the higher alti­ ing expenses were 3378,009.13. tudes. and at present there Is ten fast Oregon pAusipn» have been granted of snow at the rim of the lake. as follo«e charles N. Pierce. Port­ Even though the courts should ge land. 3X3: Catherine Marsbey. Eugene. clare unconstitutional the stats taeomr 310; v«u; same James P. Baker, Bend. 313; u - - . — .A k - .kA ____ 7. Charleé J. fiedfleld, Marshfield. 116; tab lew enacted by thd last legisla ? garlee H wood. Dorega. 315; Harry tore üiM « *k o have paid the tag may Tfley. F o r ortlaad, 3X3; MoLUe ployer. Idee t&dlr md'ney i ee there la no way 120; Ancg M Juak. 330;) In which they taa reoover f r o * the «tatd. is the iotlwatlo« given in out a< •g. O o l M ® w ebh. Roseburg thd attorney-general's ofrtcg to la U l t i In compliance with a move which V. tb it II It was pointed Aut. however, was alleged to have tag support of a person affected by the law pay« hi« practically all of the mofe important t a i under protest and obtalto« a formal lumber operators In the Pactflc north receipt from the etate tax eomato west, the Charlee K Spaulding Log Won be probably would be to t poel gtng votnpahy, which ha« « number of tlon to recovet th< amount of mofcd* plante ta the state, reduced Its output starting A & ü 1 by «ubstltutütg two p ail Í h o v working shtftg tor *M (Wo be Mrs. Janet Tycer. who sms known ht-hour shifts formerly In effect here before marriage as Janet Boggs, There were three fatalities la Ore­ gets the Enterprise now at Oakland, gon due te lpdastrtal accldante gprlaa C aU the new home of the Tvcere. j , Amor A. Tusaing LAW YERXA ND NOTARY H alsey , O regon N O T IC E ef hearing of final account. Notice is hereby given that the final acvonnt of Ko,a Powell as executrix of the last w ill and testament of T. A. Powell, deceased, has been filed in th t Connty Court of Linn County, State of Oregon, and that the 2l»t day of A p ril, 1424. at the hour of to o’clock a. in., ha« iieen duly appointed by said court for ibe hearing of objections to »aid final account and the »ettlement thereof, at which time any person interested ia ' «aid estate may appear and file objec­ tions th tre to jn w riting and contest the same Dated aad firat published March 20th‘ R osa R o w a n , Executiiv Aforesaid. A m o r a T ussiw g . Atty, for Exrx. N O T IC E of appoinrment of adm inistrator; Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned. by an order of the County Court of Liun county. Oregon, ha« been appointed admisistrator of the estate of John P. Waggener, deceased. A ll per- *° n* bayieg claims against said estate months’1'?™ tOn,re“ nt lhe,'n ,w’lh,a “ l fro,u ,h * ----------— d» « of tins . notice. . notice, with the proper vouchers, te the under­ signed at his residence, »bout 4W miles southeast of Halsey, ih Linn county, ( ’tegoti. Dated and first published this 23th day of March. 1924 A. G W anonirnn. Adm inistrator Aforesaid A A. T t »SIWO, Atty, toy Admr. Statement of the ownership, m sn- n sem ent o tc , of the Halaey E n te r, prie», publiahed st Halsey. Oregon, as rnq-itend by the net o f coogt *en of Aug 3«. X313 Halsey. Oregon April 1, 1424 Owner, eeitor and manager. W n w. W iw in of Holenz, M a n eoujstes v f? fo a BondhOldera m ortgage«* and oth­ er eocarttp hold-re. none Wm H W JÎE JU X P . Edito«,