In Days of Poor Richard] American. "Shu drew off h»<- hat raU and a young woman about twanty-algbt jaars CH APTER X I Bound to Wasta Money. ^ ^ •" 9 — Continued of age and of astonishing beauty stood A man la bound to waste a consld before me.” THa Departure. erable amount of money. ,,t There, now, I am out of business,* "living expenses" senselessly o m it That erening Jack re cal red a brief she remarked In a plcusant voice as note from Preston. I t M id ; this, though it is Inevitable. Fisk and Gales rire» A ll kiu dt of accessories F L O R A L & M U S IC S H O P »he aat down at the table which bad " I learn that jroeie Clark« it very been spread before the fireplace. 'J W illard battery service Special equipment for handling wrecked cars We grow our own cut flowers m . I think you would better get out w ill do my best to be a companion to Gold banded. Rubruin and other hardv Trouble calls given prompt attention any time and any where of England for fear of what may come. yea natll Margaret arrives.’ lily bulbs now on band, A trial would be apt to cause »mKar­ She looked Into my eyes and Nice geraniums every Saturday, ra aeraent in high places. Caa I giro smiled. Her sheath of Ice had fallen Phene 16tJ you aaalataater* Telephone 1 ^ 10P- 16*5 from her. I Residence, nights, 18x A L B E R T F O O T E Prop. Jack returned thia note by the tame Phone 312 Y Satisfaction guaranteed "The waiter came with a tray con This is good advice: ’’ I f you live tneesenger t Price |J, 50 talnlng soup, glasses and a bottle of in Albany, trade m Albany ; if yon live "Thanks, good friend. I shall go aa sherry. We sat dowa at the tabla end in some other town, trade in that town.” F R E D B. JO NES aoon as my business is finished, which our waiter filled two glasses with the der it was unanimously agreed to once under good headway should be Bui in these automobile days many re­ I hope may he tomorrow." sherry. establish a national sales agency serv-1 able to explore and open up new- mar- siding elsewhere find it advisable to do Juet before the young wan went to ’Thank you, but self-denial la an­ ice for the marketing of condensed j kets, especially in foreign countries at least part of their buying in the ALBANY bed a brief note arrived from M argaret other duty of mine,’ she remarked milk, butter and cheese and sweet J and. In fact, In ninny parts of our own larger town Those who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms Piano Tuner for leading music stores in I t read: cream— the by-products of the cow | country, that would materially increase when I offered her a glass of the wine named below ready to fill their require­ Albany "Dearest Jack. My father has T live In n tipsy world and drink— milking business. A committee of nine j the actual consumption of dairy prod- ments with courtesy an t fairness. learned of our meeting yesterday and *a te r. I live In a merry world and wos then chosen to work out a plan of [ ucte. of how It camo about He la angry. keep n stern face. It la a vile world organization which was to be present 8. The organisation should be able. A lb a n y B a k e ry , 321 L yo n street, ed to delegates from the various co­ In competitive markets, to greatly re H e forhlde another meeting. I shall and yet I am unpolluted.' l * Best one-pound loaf of bread made operative associations for approval duce the expense of selling products of 5 cents. not submit to hie tyranny. We must “I drank my glass of wine and had assert our rights like good Americans. begun to eat ray soup when a strange and adoption. Wedding cakes to order. bought, sold and exchanged at all times Its members, because instead of many Forced to Federate Into Unita. I hare a plan. You w ill learn of It feeling came over me. members having their own direct rep­ A lb a n y F lo ra l Co. C u t flowers My plate It was outlined by the various lead­ resentatives or brokers, and u conse­ when we meet totuorrow at eleven. seemed to be sinking throogh the table. B E N T. S U D T E L L and plants. Floral art for every Do not eend an answer. Lovingly, The wall and fireplace were receding ers present that It takes more than a quent expense of the maintenance of and ail occasions. Phone 7fi-R, 123 N. Broadalbin s t, Albany M AR G A RET.” Into dim distance. I knew then tbai local plant to establish a demand for these selling forces in competitive nisr- Flow er phone 458-1. He slept little, and In the morning ad tasted the cup of Circe. My dairy products, and for that reason J kets, one branch or selling agency in A lb a n y E le c tric Store. R adio awaited with kswn Impatience the hour hands fell through my lap and end the local plants of all the Important each competitive market would be en seta Electric wiring. Delco l ight dairy districts had been forced to fed- «bled to handle the business for all of his appointment. \ dehly the day ended. It was like products 202 Second erate Into unite of one kind or another members at a very large saving us com- On hla way to the place he heard a sawing off a hoard. The end bad fallen G lenn W illard W m . höflich The tendency then wag to form these pared with present methods newsboy shouting the word "doel” and There Is nothing more to be said of unit. Into state association, which 4. , t „ gpnprall acknowlpdted D l o e B ird R e sta u ran t, 309 Lyon 'Yankee,” followed by t t y 9uggesihe It because my brain had ceased to re casA(, brpk. -8-" street. Eat here when in Albany. statement: “Bloody muriAer In high celve and record impressions. I war are doing more In finding and estnb- faPt , ha, ln far top Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8 life." \ os totally out of business as n man Ilslilng a market than the local can prg SUppPaPd to bp rpprPapntlng , hp j Interests of the sellers of dairy prod Mss. B lount . Evidently Lionel Clarke h;bd died of In hl? grave. When I came to, I was ever hope to do- The locav agency Is without means „cts ln compa„ ttve ,l)arkpts arp oft Shoes that cost less per month of wear his wound. He saw people standing In In a berth on the ship King William for advertising extensively enough. \ tllBPg prPne ,n rpa|l ,ncllnpd I ) R ü K 8 W i C K groups and reading the paper. \ He be bound for New York. As soon as 1 PHO NO G RAPH S The national agency which had been tP rPgar,, thp ,nterp3ta of thp b „ u gan to share the nervousness ox' l'rea- knew anything. I knew that I had been at proposed should be able to handle the . | , hough thpy Hrp drawln. tliplr ton and the wise, far-seeing FdffckJIn. tricked. Hy clothes had been removed W O O D W O R T H ’S Halsey HiFfenirgg advertising and selling for all the re commission or brokers' charges from H e Jumped into a cab and was «ft the and were lying on a chair near me. Clonal associations and reduce this , he 6e„ Pr i n fact% ,t , po niUfh t(1 J A iv e n p o rt M u sic com pxny offers (Continued from page 1) corner some minutes ahead of tim e My watch and money were undisturbed expense to a minimum. say that tlle brokwage py, teni as c„n bargains : Saxaphonc, good as new had a severe pain In my head. 1 Precisely at eleven he saw the ,w>a