HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. XII HALSEY, LIN N COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL J, l«.M HALSEY HAPPENINGS AND COUNTY EVENTS which they were making a trip to California. Brownsville Briefs Shedd^ Snapshots NO. 35 py representatives of awalUr com ­ munities, who think they are db- Cal Wioley «as a passenger to Al­ | criminated against under sticl By Anna Pennell! (By Special Correspondent) bany Friday. Mrs M . T. Nolen is reported centralization na now exists. That psy taxes for roads that they Short Stories from Sundry Mrs. Bert S. Clark was an Albany , Faye Mallow is quite ill with mea- quite ill. E p ito m e o f E vents in th o not g- I. shopper Friday. i I m . Sources Rev. M r. Ritchie spent Wednes­ B e aver S ta te D. J. Hayes returned from a trip to Milton Millet's Platform Charles Howe is on the tick list this day of last week in Albany. H. H. Bierly has a new Ford. Albany Saturday. week. Harold Troutman end Russell I It seen,« that the meeting Monday The Pendleton city camp grounds Dr. Cormack died in Albany Thurs­ Mrs. George Hayes made a flying Mrs. A. Dunlap is slowly improv­ Cooper are working at Oakridge. ! night »» Tangent w u an April Foo! day, aged 81. will be opened April 1 instead of trip to Albany Monday evening, ing after her long Beige of illness Mrs Waller Moore of B h d g .ti joke to nil but the I ebanon self ctn April IS. to red boosters. Mrs. Ida Jackson went to Harris­ Mrs. Charles Carlson and son Al­ (pent the week end visiting friends R. P. Donghertj got a 12 bobcat flops are maturing tn Haines for i i Shedd. In his "keynote speech” at Lebanon burg Friday, to visit her cousin, Mise bert are convalescing after a seige of bovnty Saturday. the formation of an association ol I last week Milton A. Miller declared Bilye u. Pbillip Bnkowski of Cottage na Males. lettuce growers. The "Four square gospel" meetings Grove spent Sunday in Shedd vis- in favor of strict immigration laws Mrs. Arvid Nelson, who haa been ting Jim Tait. Tha Nehalem B»y Commercial club The “made-in-Oregon week" cel at Harrisburg are being held in the I rigid enforcement of the law and com­ Methodist church. pletion of irrigation proejets now un- »•a orgaoltad add Incorporated at ! the Albany college fund ahead about visiting her mother at Shedd, is Leonard Pennell of Scio was an j der way in Oregon by the federal WhaeJer, Tillamook county $1000. home again. Jay W. Moore is secretary of the over-night visitor at tbe Pennell I government. He opposed the Mel­ W. p. Shaft, 60, a cripple, comuilt- Mrs. Emma Harrison left Tuesday hojae in Shedd. Albany chamber of commerce’s land Registration closes May 16. All ton plan and fnvored the Gamer plan t«d suicide by drowning himself la settlement committee. for Lebanon to visit, her titter, Mrs. who wish to register may do so at Miss Pearl Smith of Eugene Under the Mellon plan he said, only the adllrare near Stayton. K. Arnold, for a few days. spent Sunday in Shedd visiting 28 people in Oregon would be relie veil County Judge Payne and Assessor Clark’s confectionery. Governor Pierce hat issued a p u b lic alia. Irene Lovely (nee Harrison,) Mrs. Agnes CJerk. Giddings have filed for the democrat­ whereas under the Gamer plan 62,776 letter urging the people of Oregon to John Standish left yesterday ic nominations ito succeed themselves. j for V\ enatchee by a roudabout whose home is in California, is here Lyman Pennell spent Salmdav would be benefited. Mr. Miller de observe “Be kind to animals week," route and nmerous porta of call i visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. and Sunday with his mother, Mrs. cUrcd himself in favor of a non Stirling April 8, Miss Lois Johnson couldn’t stay ! Will Harrison partisan tariff commission. He as S. C. Pennell, near Canby. Mrs. Mary E. Robnett of Browns­ Plana for the new borne for the away from Halsey. She has left her scried that farmers have to pay more Galen, lodge of Elks have been adopt- ville took the train here for Salem Tha Priscilla club members Mrs. N. L. Burson entertained a seaside job and is with Mrs. Ringo in than their share of transportation ( ed The structure will coat approxl- Friday on business and pleasure bent. i tew of the young people of the neigh­ weie entertained at the home of the drugstore again. charges, and he favored repeal o- ' mately »178,000 •She returned Saturday. borhood Saturday night in honor of Mrs. Barney Aibers Wednesday. amendment of the Each-Cummins bill The Hawley automobile party from ' her son Bruce’s birthday. The even­ Logging operations In the lower M r. and Mr. Ernest Abraham A large part of the speech was de Mrs. Mary Miller went to Eugene ing was pleasa'itly spent in playing Portland to Mexico City crossed the Columbia river district continue slack. and son Lester returned Tuesday voted to eulogising Woodrow Wilson I line at El Peso Monday of last week Friday to visit lier daughter, Mrs. games after which the hostess served from a ten-weeks vivit to Califor­ end enumerating the achievements oi In some localities tbe operations bare Harry Leeper, and to have some den­ ico cream aud cake.* and entered that 100-mile desert. been cnrtalled materially nia tal work done. congress during the two Wilson ad 1 This week our friend, Jack lions, M in Gladys Nelson of Browns­ ministrations. Mr. Miller denounced ' Tbe state tax on gasoline and dis­ The Baptist ladies gave a farewell Don't write “Mrs. Jason Smith (nee dinner at the church for Mrs. Sabra ville spent Wednesday visiting at wai and expressed himself as in fav 1 tillate sales for February aggregated in ’’In the Days of Poor Richard” meets his lady love in London once, Jennie Jones ) ’• •' N ee” raasna 'born •' ( owlet, who has been spending the the home of her parents, Mr. und or of arbitrating differences and I 1146,?Í1.ÍS, according to a statement then goes to meet her again, is drug­ She was bom Jones, but not Jennie, winter with her sisters, Mrs. O’Mara Mrs. Clell Thompson. settling disputes of the world around j ootapiled by the secretary of state. ged and wakes up aboard ship, bound for her parents didn’t know till after the council ttble before rather than ! Three county prisoners confined tn *nd Mrs. Tindla. Mra C ow let left for home. tbe Klamath ra ils otty jell made tbelr the event but her name might be Anna Laura (n o t the famous aftei w'r. the fore part of the week for her John. escape by (awing the bars on a win­ Annie Laurie or Lawrie) Fennel, All the achool teachers are retain­ home in Wisconsin. Like moat east­ our Shedd correspondnt, and Har- dow of tbelr cell with hacksaw blades. Epreme Darnell, a native of Turkey ed for the coming year except Mrs. A patron before entering the Globe erners, she spesat well of Oregon. old S Pugh were married Tuesday aegd 36, was killed Friday near Mil' Judge T. H. Crawford, 7», one of Brown, who did not apply for another theater at Albany during the run of and she never mentioned it in this City, by a 30-pound chunk from i the most highly respected of eastern term and is succeeded by Miss Louise "The Spanish Dancer,” asked: "Is the I week's le tte r! What do you know Oregon pioneers, died at La Grande Robnett. play naughty enough to be good?” J Following the example of congresa ab iut that? M r. and Mrs Pugh blasted stump on the highway which the Study club has investigated oil was blown 400 feet and hit him in the after a long fight against caacer of tbe Coming out he said: "It was .good will reside in Shedd. throat. Governor Pierce has reprieved John and Mrs. Clara Starr made a report head. bot m t naughty." deWolfe, bootlegger, on acount of his The Qragaa Growers' Co-operative at the last meeting. Shedd Forum Mooting dependent family, but if he is caught «•(Oclatlon of Salem has reported the Mrs. C. N. Moody arrived I'hurs Rev. J. C. Orr and Rev. M. S. talé Of 1000 boxes of prunes for domes­ offending again during the reprieve day for a visit at the home of her The Halsey I. 0 . O. F. orchestra, D. I. Isom Passes tic consumption tn the eastern mar* he must serve out the remainder of son, C. P. Moody, and to see her W oodworth attended a n u ttin g D. I. Isom, who underwent an oper Menrs T . J. Sklrvin, Hud Marg his sentence and take the chance for grandson, Cedric, who had been ill at the Rocky Point school house Fri­ ntion on his throat in a Eugene hos kata at »1» dent* a new one. day. Mr. Orr played on his steel aaon, Frank Gentle, Curtis Veatch, pital and has been at the home of his but is recovering. Governor Pierce haa lavltad the ax« guitar and Mr. Woodworth spoke on Truman Robnett, Jcaae Cross, Chas. daughter, Mrs. Rova Robnett of tha' oxtatlves oxutivea of Wasbtagton Washington and Idaho to A. E. Haines, publisher of the Twin Straley, C. P. Moody r.nd B. M. Bond, Mrs. Callie Frum, employee at the “The Home, the Church and the lot» In a cah for a porti, gorthweat citizens' city, died Saturday morning. Falls County Tribune of Twin Falls, state hospital at Salem, arrived Wed­ School." corked up, furnished nrtaic and com u n ­ to Ve held Mr.- Isom was e nathrn of this t e * •afo r'H ag n t « COWgrees Idaho, with his wife, two sons and nesday for a visit with her son Glen, edy for the Shedd open forum meet­ ía ^ortigad Jdué 1 to 3 T — - . — - I, , Inclusive Ti-------- county, having been born at Plain four children of a neighbor, none of at the Claude Davidson home. Mra. Jesse Cross She Aubrey S, Tossing, who took ing Friday night. th e Hood River county court has view 66 years ago. the children over 8 years old, camped returned to her work Thursday. over the Brownsville law practice played the piano. received Instructions from tbs bureau Forty four years ago he married here Friday night in a big truck in The Harrisburg band furnished mu­ of public roods (4 proceed at once to A prize for tbe best essay on when bis father, A A . Tutting, sic before and rftcr t h : Helsey enter­ Sofia Troutman and they had resided acquire rights of way for tba Cooper's “ How to Keep a H usband" was came to Halsey, wat presented by since then on the farm southwest of k « O - k W U W-v A V ■w-w awarded to one of three words: h it wife with a daugh'gr Tuesday. tainment. Halsey where Mrs. Isom still hrs her apRr lateral of the Mount Hood loop Moro outside people than had evci highway. “ Feed the brute ’ ’ That is what home. The annual pion gr p'enic W e H ave before gathered ir. Shedd are said by tbe Women of Woodcraft did'at After an active Ilfs as a resident of Mrs. Robnett, mentioned above, and w ill be held June 18, lU atid the Herald’s report to hove been pres k EVERY THING their hall last night. 30. A menagerie will be tbe en t,' Mrs. C. E. Mercer, also of Eugene Oféfon for about «0 ysara. Mrs Jose- O ptical phhié Mayer Hlrsch. aged 72. widow Mrs. M. M. Ward and her daugh­ draw ing card tbe first d a y — the At at Halsey, Dr. Puling was the are daughters of the deceased and hl» of Solomon Htrsch and member of a G. O. P. elep h a n t, tha dem .(’d) widow and E. D. and J. F. Isom of ter, Hattie Saylor of Portlspd, EYE STRAIN principal speaker. promluaat plonear family, died at her donkey and p olities! hybrids are Halsey are son/. 1» the Cause of Many James Bryant, vice-president of the visited friends and relatives . at in v llt d to contribute verbal fire- residence tn Portland. County Commissioner J. D. Isom ’HUMAN ILLS . Lfrownsville and Crawfordsville sev­ w irks. county forum, presided, rfter the Three pavlag Improvement dlatricta If yanr eyes give you trouble or eral days last week. Thursday they opening of the meeting bv C. J and John Isom of Alaska are brothert are planned at La Granda- Work has your grasses are annoying of deceased, and Mrs. K. Skinnsr. At the meeting to consider means Shedd. went to Albany, Mrs. Ward to visit SEE US. We can Relieve You olteady be»ua o»e dlitrlct »ad be­ for a few days while Mrs. Snyltr Re­ of inducing the Southern Pacific to Following Dr. Poling, Attorney Mrs. Frank Woods, Mrs. Franz H fore tha tensón te »vqr between »16»,. Bancroft Optical Co. Pfeiffer, Mrs. Sarah Cleek, Mrs continue the daily Albany Brownsville turned to her home at Portland. ; Trill of Harrisburg; Leonard Gilkey 600 to »200,bqd wUl bars been spent JIJ 1st St. W. Albany. Phone train Traveling Passenger Agent Jen­ of near Scio; Clarence Brown of Frances Ward and Mrs. Cynthia la laying hard agyftca. (Continued on page J) kins of the Southern Pacific suggest­ Shedd; Peter Froerkacn of near W ard, all of A lb an y, and Mra. E K. W MrMlndas Clatsop manty ed that if the trains were taken off Shedd; and J, P. Philpott of Harris J. Lanning of Tacom a ata sister*: agricultural agett, (g negotiating with a twice-a-day stage might be run to burg spoke. Frank Bryant of River­ Ho h.sd bean an active democrat in the railroads to NHM isaflve a lower freight Connect with trains at Halsey, but side entertained with two readings. politics. For many years up to the rate to Aaterla on lime, vast quantities the Brownsville business men thought The ladies of Shedd served a chick­ time of his death he was road super­ of which are used by the farmer» In U T T A Y IM the continuance of the trains would en dinner, the proceeds to go to the visor of this district. the lower river district. ¡«¡f. DO YOUR be better for Halseys' reputation and lighting of the streets. The funeral was at the Halsey Dtsssnaton betw»en the faculty and TAILORING they are trying to keep enough Christian church Monday, the ser­ board of the Oladatona achool tn Clack­ freight going by train instead of by vices being conducted by I-on Cham- amas county, ended whan tha three Rod Meeting at Tangent truck to make the trains pay. lee of Eugene. The Oddfellows had members of tha aahool hoard tendered At a road meeting at Mother's charge at the cemetery, where inter­ their resignation ta Brenton Vadder. (Brownsville Times! Inn at Tangent Tuesday evening mer t wss made. county schoql euperintenden'. were gathered nearly fifty butiiiesr Veters of Deytoh at a special elec­ The city water plant now presents men from Albany, Lebanon. H a l­ tion authorized tha issuance a»d agJe a scene of bustling activity. A new sey, Brownsville, Sweet Home, of refunding hon-U amounting to »1»,« Fairbanks-Morse water pump driven Scio, Foster end Tangent, 066 ter tha ru ry e p of redaethlog and by a James Lcfrel turbine is being ’Ilia main discussion was cen­ retiring a simfler amount of elty water installed in a new reinforced concrete tered on tha south Santiatn pass and street Improvement bonds. lert Parker, pastor. pa atty In tha offices of tha state pro­ moving the shoal caused by the north Douglas Taylor and Jay W. Sunday School, 10. hibition oommiaaloRtr are not peace slough below Cushman and to those at Moors, among Halsey people pres­ Preaching, I I , officers an leas commissioned by the Port Orford, Coquille. Yaqutna and ent, spoke oil issues raised. Intermediate League, 6:30. governor, end are not required to Rldpanon, where surveys arc desired. A centralisation of road author­ Epworth League. 0:30. (tie bonds, according to a legal kpia- Hawley believes these will all be in­ ity in tha county, with some meat- Prayer meeting Thursday, 7 30 lon announred by I H Van tvtnkie at- GOOD GOODS cluded. ura of stale cuntrol, was opposed Preaching, 7:30. » tevnay gaaargl, • ____ , s-1 ‘ • «- . ' y n e v 5 $25 TO $ 50 KOONTZG Jb .• * • . «>< r NEWS NOTES FROM ALL OVER OREGON