Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, March 27, 1924, Image 5

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u iiv u
"!Templeton!•! sister,! Mrs.! Joseph! Han-
Portland! who! is! dangerously
ed! dunn,
iuring! the! week.
ife.v! C.! Steel,! federal! game! warden
(of! Oregon! and! Washington! hae! rw
leased! lv6! ducks! U d ! geese! freaa! eeM
?"SP<4! fo»|{)i,'Uft! h>! Medford! uporte
» 3 . contrary! to!the!game! and! sturage
lasfs! of! the! country.! The! game! waa
aen|! to! the! poor! farm! and! other! ineU
tutfobs! In! Jackson! county! to! he! teen
fo)! hood! for! the! inmetee.!
Mr*! Am»! Burt! of! Btnd! T ell,! el!
H*rry! Bres*lfrr! finished! h i.! work
Joyqut! New! Years.!
;! aS! ,ect,on! foren!an! at! Lyons! and! re-
i Mr.! Amy! Burt,! of! Bend,! bgs! qhafg«! I!turn«d! home! Wednesday.
t>t! eight! hundred! fifty! bo*a! in! ai! r!
f ! i'! u . !
American! orphanage! la! Corfu.! Greece! ? " !
G’! H! ™ r!
’ >»“ •
Last! Christmas! when! these! boy.! heart! ed! her! parenti'! Mr.! end! Mrs.! Chancy
that! native! children! w^re! hungry! they! Sickel’ >! for! »! few! days.
too»! their! o<n! nltifully! meagre! boil
M is.! Pearl! Fehrsson,! a! student! at
After! almost! a! year! of! controversy
dty!allowtoscA.! added! td!It! money! earn
•d! by! the! older! boys! In! ploklng! olives O.! A.! C.,! arrived! Wednesday! to! spend oier! the! appoiatment! of! a! director! of
and! Invited! bn.!hundred! children! more the! spring! vacation! with! her! parents hatcheries! for! the! commerotal! Osh
unfortunate! than! themselves! to! a Mr.! and! Mrs.! P.! A.! Pehr»3on.
tz>m!mission! of! Oregon,! Hugh! MPrtell
least.! The! feast! was! to! be! a! good
Mi!.! and! Mrs.! Zone! Rudd! of! Albany of! the! federal! bureau! of! fisher.ee! »us
aquare! meal! el! bean,! and! meat,! dell
appointed! to! the! position! Since! the
cades! unknown! to! their! guests,! with and! Mrs.! Thad! Young! of! Portland
of! R.! E! Clanton! laut! year! the
eandy.! tigs! abd! nut.! in! little! ba*, called! at! the! M.! V.! Koontz! and! J.! W
Curl! D.
decorated! with! an! American! flag,! ac Drinkard! honiC3! Wednesday.! Mr. »fork! has! been! handled!
shoemaker,! master! fish! wardeu,! with
an! extra! treat.! Paper! chains,! greens, Young! wa9! also! here! In! the! evening.
the! assistance! of! Harland! D.! Kefeuee
a! Christmas! tree,! Banta! Claus! on! a
Wednesday! Mrs.! C.! J.! Straloy! and as! supervisor.
carnal! were! part! of! the! scheme
"The! great! day! finally! came,”! write. children! went! to! Albany! where! they
Three! confessions! were! obtained! by
Mrs.! Burt! to! J.! J.! Hudsaker.! of! the were! met! by! Mrs.! Esther! O.! Rike! of
H.! Pomeroy,! state! fire! marshal,! an«
Near! East! Relief,! Portland,! "and! at Corvallis,! and! spent! the! afternoon
other! officers! from! Dr.! James! Oils
half! past! tan! the! guests! arrived,! truly
Mrs.! Rike! returned! to Kenyon.! Milton! dentist,! that! he! wrote
a! pathetic! group,! ragged! and! thin! and shopping!
white! faced.! They! were! met! by! an Halsey! with! them! for! a! short! visit. threatening! letters! to! Dr.! A.! D.! Wood­
equal! number! of! tha! boys—two! from
No! amount! of! space! filled! with mansee.! alto! of! Milton,! and! twiee! aat
each! table—who! took! them! by! the words! could! tell! the! story! of! the fires! in! the! latter's! office.! The! firee
hand! and! brought! them! to! the! gaily
that! caused! damage! of! approximately
decorated! hall.! It! was! really! touching "Mount! Hood! Loop”! road,! what! it! is $4500! to! the! ccntOnte! of! Dr.! Wood­
te! tee! the! loving! care! with! whleh! the
llttlest! ones! Were! picked! up! and! car* lic e ! map,! page! 1,! E verybody! who mansee's! office! occurred! November! I,
1933,! and! January! 31,! 1(24.
rled—one! or! two! frightened! and! yell
Ing! at! the! top! of! their! lunge—and! all (! examined! it! will! know! what! the! loop
No! road! district,! whether! wlthth! an
treated! with! the! greatest! courtesy! and is! when! it! is! mentioned,! a3! it! so! fre­ Incorporated! city! or! outside,! ha#! the
attention.! After! the! program,! gener quently! is,! in! the! current! news.
authority! to! iivy! a! tax! for! improve­
ally! voted! a! success,! the! little! guests
ment! of! a! city! street,! w-as! the! dedletea
were! led! under! the! big! Chrlatmat! tree
handed! down! at! Aetoria! by! Circuit
and! given! Christmas! bags,! along! with Open Forum
Judge! Campbell! in! the! rase! of! A.! O.
their! host,! and! then! on! down! to! the
The! community! meeting! at! the! city
dining! room! where! the! ybung! waiters hall! was! a! decided! success,! if! one! may Spexarth! against! Clatsop! county! sad
had! the! bountiful! dinner! of! meat! and judge! from! the! crowded! house! and! the Its! officers! The! action! was! brought
to! teat! the! validity! of! the! special! levy
beans! ready.! It! Was! à! gorgeous! din­
ner,! really,! with! seconds! all! round interest! and! enthusiasm! shown. of! $100,000! made! by! the! Astorte! road
and! the! hag! of! tweets! gnd! nuts! to! top Many! prominent! business! men! from district! meeting! last! fall! to! pay! a
eff! with—and! the! guests! had! the! first surrounding! towns! were! present! and portion! of!the!cost! of! Improving! Taylor
and! best! of! everything.! It! was! good gave! some! splendid! talks.
and! West! Bond! street.
to! see.! All! the! dignitaries! of! Corfu
h!red! Callister! of! Albany,! president
Laying! of! rails! on! the! Eugene-
civil,! military! and! ecclesiastic,! to­ o f the! Open! Forum! of! J! inn! county,
Klamath! Falla! line! of! the! Southern
gether! with! most! of! the! English! pen
pie! were! present! and! enjoyed! seeing had! charge! of! the! meeting.! Aft«" Pacific! has! been! completed! a! total
the! children! quits! as! much! at! the! pro­ a! selection! by! the! orchestra! and! cn! in distance! of! 37!is! miles,! according! te
gram.! The! next! morning! I! took! oc­ vocation! by! Rev! Mr.! Tucker! of! Al­ announcement! made! by! W ltllaa
casion! to! atk! the! boys! In! assembly bany,! Dr.! Poling! led! in! a! community Sprbule,! president! of! the! Sonthera! Pa­
meeting! what! das! the! very! nicest sing! and! it! was! good! to! hear! such! a cific! company.! Rails! have! been! laid
thing—what! they! had! enjoyed! most large! number! of! voices! blended! in
a! distance! of! #H! miles! beyond! Oak­
the! day! before—expecting! to! hear
ridge! on! the! north! end! of! the! ao-ealled
candy! or! the! cgmel! perhaps,! but! in­ “America”! and! “Old! Black! Joe.”
Dr.! Poling! then! gave! a! stirring! ad­ Natron! cut-off.! and! for! a! distance! of
stantly! from! »11! parts! of! tho! room
came! 'the! little! Oreek! children.'! I» dress,! followed! by! shorter! talks! by 31! miles! north! of! Kirk,! at! the! south
was! a! nice! day,”
Wayne! Stanard! of! Brownsville,! A t­ end! of! the! new! Improvement.! This
torney! Shanks! of! Lebanon,! Leonard leaves! 81! miles! to! be! completed.
J.! L.! Clough,! 79,! one! of! the! beet
Gilkey! of! Scio,! Mr.! Philpott! of! Harris
burg! and! James! Bryant! of! River­ known! characters! of! Douglas! county,
WARRANT SIGNED side.! The! business! men! of! Halsey died! at! hla! home! In! Canyonville-! Mr.
Clough! was! one! of! the! stage! drivers
Oregon! Man! Gives! Reasons! far! Un­ were! then! called! upon! and! C.! H
Koontz,! D.! Taylor,! C.! C.! Jackson! and who! braved! danger! and! hardships! on
usual! Action—Protests! execution.
the! Oregon!California! trail! In! the! days
Referring! to! a! threatened! reduction A.! J.! Hill! responded.
in! food! and! other! supplies! to! Near
Cake! and! ice! cream! were! served before! the! railroad.! He! went! through
East! orphanages! as! a! death! warraht, at! the! close! of! the! meeting! and! the maily! thrilling! experiences! In! the
Barclay! Acbeson.! formerly! of! Port­ remainder! of! the! time! spent! socially rough! life! of! that! day.
land,! writes! as! follows! to! J. J.! Hand
The! special! city! election! at*! Sil­
saker,! State! Director! of! th«! Near! East A! com m un ity! m eeting!
verton! February! 25! has! been! declar­
Relief,! Portland:! "I! hope! thgt! yon! In Foster,! March! 24! and! another
ed! Illegal! and! the! measures! carried
Oregon! understand! the! grave! slgnl Shedd.! March! 28! were! announced.
have! been! set! aside.! Recorder! Bar»
ftcance! of! the! reduction! io! appropria-
Ice! was! said! to! have! overlooked! the
tlona! affective! May! first.! It! Is! no
necessity! of! sending! out! pamphlets
more! nor! less! than! a! death! warrant." Oregon Occurrences
"We! know! that! when! the! New! York
containing! the! measure#! to! be! voted
Committee! voted! that! cut! of! 25%! they
upon! to! all! of! the! voter#! before! the
Authority! for! a! per! capita! payment election,! as! required! by! state! law.
did! It! simply! because! the! treasury
waa! empty,! and! we! also! know! that! the of! |150! to! tho! Indiana! of! the! Klamatt
Fourteen! boys! of! Westport! were
treasury! Is! empty! because! of! the! mil agency! In! Oregon! was! granted! by! th<
Ilona! of! dollars! which! we! were! com secretary! of! the! Interior.! The! amouni summoned! to! appear! before! the! Jusea-
pelted! to! spend! out! here! for! the! relief to! he! distributed! Is! approximately lle! court! at! Astoria! to! udswer! chargee
of! more! than! a! million! people! fleeing 1133,000.! About! 1220! Indians! wil of! larceny.! The! lads,! whose! leader! is
from! their! homes! last! year.! But! no
but! 16! years! of! age.! have! been! t4eak-
matter! what! the! cause.! It! means! death share! la! the! payments.
lng! Into! box! cars,! taking! candy!ea! well
—or! worse—to! children! In! Near! East
The! state! of! Oregon! will! be! 11m at! hams,! other! eatablea! end! soda
Relief! orphanages.
lted! to! ten! votes! at! the! national! demo w fler! from! them! and! the! loeel! sioree
“The! folks! who! have! been! uprooted
from! their! homes! are! not! to! hlame! for cratlc! convention! to! be! held! In! New for! use! during! their! excursion#! fatd
thia! condition,! and! certainly! the! chil­ York! next! June,! regardless! of! how th*! wood*
The! question! of! the! validity! of! the
dren! are! not.! In! the! mad! scramble! to m iny! delegates! are! sent! to! the! meet
escape! from! Turkey! during! the! time lng,! according! to! a! legal! opinion! hand state! law! which! provides! that! licenses
for! fishing! In! the! Columbia! fiver! aheti
set! by! the! Turks,! at! least! 100,000! peo ed! down! by! the! attorney-general.
Pie! died.! The! death! rate! would! have
In! an! address! before! the! Klamath be! issued! only! to!cltIsens! of!the! (Jilted
been! trebled! but! for! America! being! on
States! will! be! tested! In! the! courts.! M
the! Job.! There! was! nothing! for! us! to Falls! chamber! of! commerce! Colonel Is! reported! at! Aatoria.! Attorneys! have
do! but! to! extend! aid! as! far! as! poa
been! employed! to! bring! court! action,
slble,! even! at! the! cost! of! al"! our! re­ Crater! Lake! national! park,! stated! that
serve! fund—and! more.! Now! It! It! a rWords! of! parks! for! last! year! showed but! what! the! oatnre! of! the! suit! will
fight! with! us! to! keep! the! children! In Crater! Lake! the! only! self-support!Ing be! baa! not! been! announced.! It! la! uu
deratood.! however,! that! the! couetttu
the! orphanages,! and! if! the! 25%! cut national! park! In! the! United! States.
Is! made! May! first.! It! means! that! some
tlon alltyof! the! act! will! he! attacked
of! the! children! you! played! with! when
on! the! groildd! that! It! lx! clast! legtala
yon! were! out! here! two! years! ago! will the! issuance! of! »987.000! of! bonds! to Ion.
he! turned! on! the! streets! to! die."
A! wagon! drawn! by! the! seme! powet
..! those! who!
„„„! read! «vuweoue!
rn ! qufrtng! rights!of!way! for! wide! bridge
Acheson's! u me*
eage! will! reepond! to! the! limit! of! their! approaches! was! adopted! by! the! votera that! moved! plouesrs! westward! screes
« K l H t v ! T! a ! - ! e n n f l A A a t ! t U . i !
1 - . . !.J! » a ! I L . ! _ _ ! x _ e
ability.! I! am! confident! that! Oregon's
of! Pert!land!
at! the! special! city! elec the! continent! In! early! days,! alow,! but
part! of!the! children! will! remain! In! the tlon! held! March! 4! by! 5#54! majority. reliable! oxen,! was! In! Bend! last! week
orphanages! until! able! to! make! their
on! the! final! lap! of! a! 3#oo! mile! trip
Discussion! of! the! labor! situation
own! way.! as! they! must,! at! the! age
from! Connecticut! to! Oregon.! The
of! sixteen."! states! Handsaker.! The
oxen! were! driven! by! J.! C.! Berreag
Near! East! Relief! office! Is! at! #13! Stock whereby! workers! may! be! distributed who! It! accompanied! on! hla! alow! trgl
to! the! beet! advantage! of! both! em
Exchange,! Portland.
aornsa! the! United! States! by! kts! wife
ployer! and! employe,! will! feature! a
meeting! of! the! seasonal! employment Berrang! said! he! bad! headed! the
toward!the! western! prairies! aad! Bonn
commission! to! be! held! In! Portland! Sat
alas! on! December! I,! l$20! The! trlj
of! tto! Berrqnga! wiu! end! i t ! Medford
An! order! for! a! special! election! to! be where! the! Bertanga! intend! to task»
held! In! Lane! county! May! 1#! at! the their! hone
All! of! the! following! news! matter time! of! the! primaries! to! vote! upon! the
The! Sen! Frandeco! chamber! M iu m
ueation! of! levying! a! special! tax! of
on! this! page! was! crowded! out! of! last
qterce! has! petitioned! to! intervene! la
mills! to! raise! Lane! county's! share! of
week's! Enterprise:
support! oi!a! mov#faent! initiated! by! t>i
the! coat! of! constructing! the! Pacific
public! service! eomnyesTob! of! q r i f d f
Haliey Happenings, etc.
highway! bridge! over! the! Willamette to! obtain! ¿onelructfog! of! u rujiroa#
river! at! Harrisburg! waa! made! by! the
S.! S.! Hayes! of! Portland! visited! hi} colinty! court.
line! lpteadod! to! leageo! the! dtet*ars
bet!wten!euatern!Oregon!polite! and Bus
brother,! P.! J.! Hayes,! a! few! days.
There! were! two! fatalttlei! In! Oregon Frahriaco! h /! 400.! miles.! T ie ! pettMet
Mrs.! Nettie! Tuylor! of! Portland! has due! to! Industrial! accidents! during! the
was! (orwdfded! to! the! thteTMaft Mfe
been! the! guest! of! her! mother,! Mrs. week! ending! March! 12,! according! to! a
merce! commlaalon! The! art Ida WR
M.! M.! Ward,! and! brother,! Albert! Mil­ report! prepared! by!the! state! Industrial
be! hedrd! el! P ortlud! Morel! H. I V
ler,! a! few! day#.
accident! commission.! Th*! victims railroad! lluu! la! rhquerled from O rlde
Raleigh! Templeton! and! family! p<*!s- »era"! Louis! Larson,! Holbrook,! fore wettwerd! t»! a connection! at! Odel
ed! through! Halsey! Tuesday! for! their min.! and!D.! B! Wagner,! Molalla,! edger.. with! the! Natron! cu to ff oi the _
home'!in! Coburg! after! a! visit! to! Mrs. A! total! of! gig! accident!a! were! report era! Peelflo,
v m
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