POLA NEGRI 4THE SPANISH DANCER’ * # These # # pictures * * * * soon * * : # Burning Sands Flowing Gold Twenty One Lilies o f the Field Ponjola B en B artcher, w ho recen tly bought a b u ild in g corn er of fir«t an d F erry street#, A lb a n y , for a new hom e for th e B a rtch er t it R obrbaugb fu rn itu re b u sin ess, has now b o u g h t C h a rles Z. R ohr- tiau gh ’a in terest and is so le pro. p rieto r. ‘.‘ T h e S p a n ish D a n c e r ” w ill be at th e G lo b e th eater in A lb an y tbe d y Mr. P »rk er ta lg s a m o u t " T h e M 'de u Dance ” in tbe H a l-e y M sth o d ist ch u rch aud the d ay be- E ugene called on th e cou sin , C . P . S tafford , ana S u n d ay. Wear.Ever is .temped from hard m etal-not spun nor cast. Spou « b le b I. p r .J » c r f e n d « b . . . f P « » » " g , . 0 , , it c a t . o o o t b l , it ¡- » ' « ■ ) » ' l b I - » 6 . •» ’ P «' “ allov wb.ch en cou rage, the disin tegration of tun w e t.1 by w ater • G et the best W ear-E ver is tbe beet. containing iw p u n .ie s . n A clean , fresh sto ck c f (Continued from page 5) JERSEE MILK FOOD COMPOUND clerk. Helen Armstrong was home oyer the week end and returned Sunday to Eugene. Baby Chick Feed and Developing Mash O. W . F R U M Steve Hayes, brother of Dan Hayes returned to Portland Friday, after visit here. Helen Armstrong and Delma Wahl drove to Albany Saturday and spent the afternoon shopping. Mrs. Edythe Kelly, president of thr Rebekah Assembly, returned to hei home at Roseburg Friday. Mrs. Charles Standish of Salen visited friends and relatives in Halsey and llrownsville last week. Emm ett Sharp, Lane county com mlssioner, and wife were visiting th« S. C. Veatch fam ily Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Robinson ani daughter Mabel were guests of M r and Mrs. A. E. Foote Thursday. M r. and Mrs. Ray Frum and littl son of Plainview were guests of O W. Frum and fam ily Saturday. Mrs. Fred Hester of Salem, niece of Mr. and Mrs. John Bressler, arriv ed hist week for a visit at their home Miss Hallie Bierly, who has beei visiting at the lwe Hayes home, re turned to her Albany home Saturday Mis. M. F. W yatt of Cottage G tovi was an arrival here Saturday. Shi motored to Crawfordsvillo for a visit with relatives. Mrs. W illiam Peachey and grand children took the train for their homi at Banks Saturday. They had beer visiting in Brownsville. Mrs. America Cushman of Browns ville, took the train here Friday fo Seattle, where she will visit he’ daughter, Mrs. F. B. Spellman. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carey of Eu gene were Halsey visitors Frid.iy an also guests of Cliffords' parents, W A. Carey and wife of near Halsey. . ..Mrs. Eliza Brandon, Miss Fleet) Livick and A. J H ill drove to Shedc Friday night, with Rev. Robert Park er, to attend the revival meeting. Mrs. C. P. Stafford went to Port la n d F rid a y and stopped in O f g o i City for a visit with her brother. C She i- M r. and Mrs. tslenn Stevenson am little son Richard of Beaverton hav, been spending several days with horn' folks. They returned to their horn* Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Elvin Wallace, sister of Mrs Wayne Stanard of Brownsville, tool the train here Friday for her honv at W olf Creek. Mrs. Chas. Howe ac companies! her to the station. Misses Marie Sneed of Seattle anc Lillian Sneed of Portland arrived a! Halsey Saturday evening and spent Sunday w ith home folks. It war necessary for both to return Sunday evening. Mrs. Flora B. Taylor, sister o' Mrs. D. Taylor, left for a visit it Portland Friday. From there shi w ill go to Spokane. Her nephew t-awrence Taylor, accompemed her ar fa> as Portland Mrs Marcella K irk came down from Portland Saturday to .-pend the week end with her parents, Mr. am’ Mrs. J. J. Corcoran Mrs. K irk wW graduate as nurse from the Good Samaritan hospital May 12 after four years training. A force of men with teams has been hauling gravel from railroad Harry Bressler is suffering with cars here to the Ifalsey-Brownsvile .onsilitis. road all the week. Adrian Smith made a business trip • Jeff Myers, the new state treasurer, o Eugene Monday. has appointed John J. Bryant, late 0 . W .F ru tn and fa m ily sp en tS u n - cashier of the First National Bank of 'ay afternoon in Albany. Albany, as his deputy. Henry Brock has a new Chevrolet. W. G. T rill of Harrisburg was a Blissina Byers and sister Betty of lalsey visitor Monday. Independence are visitors at the Roland Marks returned to Corvallis homes cf their aunts, Mrs. W illiam 'uesilay, afte r a visit with home Robertson and Mrs. Clara M iller. oiks. Linn Norton had the misfortune to George Maxwell and wife and Mrs. burn his hand very badly with acid f. C. Standish motored to Albany one and will not be able to fill his place at the Ha'sey garage for some time. *ay last week. • THE MODERN DANCE ® « • Sunday, March 30, at 11 « J * • will be discus»«! at tbe Methodist church rest o ’clock. Come and hear the plain facts J. W. Mail goes south once a day, closing at Moore best man, Drinkard Mrs. J. W. 11:03 a. m. , north twice, closing 1125 bride’s father and Jimmy a. in. and 5:30 p. ra. Mail stage for Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Sweat Mrs. Jesse Cross (late Donna Rob- Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. tu. Smith ring bearer. rt.-on) was presented with a pyrex Mrs. J. C. Porter assisted the hos­ as »-role and a set of quilt blocks, tess in serving refreshment«. PaW-fw Paragraph« h- result of the afternoon’s industry, Mrs. G. T. Kitchen of Portland was 'there wts a mock marriage with (5c n line) Mrs. ij. M. Bond as bride, Mrs. C. P. a guest. If it ie dairy chop feed yon want, call on J. 8. Nice wood. The price will be right. Phene 38. i RIALTO ! Old papers for sale at 5c a Lundls at the Enterprise office. • No Finer Workers Anywhere Than 0. A. C. Graduates. "America hasn't done anything finer In her history than the constructive work she is now doing In Armenia. Greece, Palestine and Syria,” states »»Governor Allen, of Ransts "Recent ly I was In tbe Near la s t. saw the work and the splendid group of work­ ers and I am glad to say there are ao fiaer workers anywhere than those re lief workers, and Leonard Hart hilt and Ethel Long Newman, of the Ore ton Agricultural Colhga. are two of the beat among then* ‘At Aleundropol, I met HarthlU. vho Is In charge of s great agricultural -or I He Is teaching la an ancient and modern agriculture sad modern ■tock breeding Worklnx almost with out material, he is creating an tnstl ntion which will he to that country ■ hat Institutions Ilka O A 0. a rt to Oregon By modern method« he has doubled the productivity of the toll tod already his graduates are being .ought hy the Government One of he beet things he has done Is to fight successfully the Russian plague 'I also met Ethel Long Newman, 'ormerly of Oregoo. who together with her husband, ts doing a splendid work >n the Caucasus. Their ranch is ta he rome la time a school tinder the dlrec lion of the governmeat. At present It ts a part of the vary groat work that Hartblll sod the N e w *aa s are carry log on for the Near East Relief.” Concerning this school. Mrs Naw- man writes "We shall have a small school, emphasising agriculture, of course, and correlate It with practical care, breeding and feeding of stock, milk production. dairying general sardenlng. forage crops etc We shall hare not more than fifty girls whom Halsey Meat Market Land Ow ners ! riio market whore volt al­ w ays get the best in meats. W . F. C A R T E R j 9 j Harrisburg, Wednesday, April 2 Brownsville, Thursday, April 3 ! : T h e © < : ; < of © < < S N otre Dam e ; • «- defendant In the prosecution of the case according to legal opinion handed An allotment of $23,000 for Improve­ down by I. H. VanWinkle, attorney- ment work on Willamette slough at general. Portland, wa* announced by General Captain George Mayo, corps of engi­ Lansing H. Beach, chief of army en­ neers, United States army, tn charge gineers. of the first Oregon district, received Oregon Occurrences The Jackson county sheriff's office has received word that Milam Jones, ' long sought by the authorities as a member of the Jones brothers gang of Josephine and Jackson counties, has been arrested in Log Angeles. Jones will be brought hack for trial. (Bntsrprles CerreepongesK«) (A gnes H ayes, Reporter) H unchback • Q asAtAsal M a a l 9wfw©i n w i l W word from Washington. D. C , that the award of the contract for iSd.OOO tons of rock for use on the Coos bay Jetty had been approved. The contract waa awarded to the Hauser Construction company. Miss Enid Veatch,' a U. of 0. stu­ dent, visited the high school Friday afternoon. Baseball has become a popular sport with the students. Every portion of the grounds ia utilised by enthusiastic players during the recreation period. It has become necessary for one room of the grades to have its recess at a different time in order to have ade­ quate space for playing. M isses Pearl Pehrsaon and Mearle Strnley, both o f the '23 class, were visiting the school on Friday. Miss Straley Is taking teachers' training at Monmouth, and Mias Pehrsxon is at­ tending O. A. C. The boys w ert to Shedd Friday ts play a practice game, and were de­ feated, 27 to 13 This was their first game with another town this season. While they were gone the rest of the boys o f the high school played a game wtth the grades and defeated them 13 to 8. A former student of our school, De Etta Robnett, who is now a senior in the univeralty high of Eugene, spent one day of last week visiting the school. (By an Enterprise Reporter) The baseball grounds are being pre­ pared for the first game of the sea­ son. Miss Ida Jackaon has had to quit school on account of trouble with her eyes. She may be able to continue later. Surveys for the power plant ef the Pringle Falls Power A W ater com­ pany. 40 miles above Bend oa the Deschutes river, have been completed. It la stated by Oswald West, president hand. I am afraid with my western of the company. The company plana Ideas that I shall bo a little loath to to develop 6750 theoretical horsepower have them qualify for the latter Job! M r. and Mr«. Seymour Bowman and for use In pumping water for Irriga j But knowing that to be married is Increase in the street car fares in 1 tlon from wells in the Fort Rock Misa Beulah M ille r returned Sunday . their chief aim, perhaps I had better evening from th eir trip by auto to , have them known as particularly good Salem and Eugene from 6 to 7 cents, valley. harvest hands!" Ailss Amanda Mitzner effective April 22, is proposed In a The Guardian Life Insurance com­ Los Angeles. "The emergency Is not past," con­ revised schedule filed with the state pany, Incorporated under the laws of remained for a longer stay with her cludes Allen. "Children are dying public service commission by the New York state, brought suit 1« the brother and wife, M r. and Mrs. H. D. every day in the Near East for Inck While in Los Angeles the Southern Pacific company, which owns Douglas county circuit court against Mitxner. of nourishment. I have borrowed Roy A. A. D'Autremont, alleged Siski­ party spent a day and a half 1» money to contribute to the Near East the trolley systems in those cities Relief work I wish I had more to Oregon has rapidly become the you train robber, and Miss Dorothy sight seeing nnd Miss M iller also give it than I have. I am not a crank haven of refuge for distressed Can- Wllberg, clerk in a Roseburg confec visited her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. upon the subject, but I have picked | adlan husbands and wives who are tlonery. The suit Is to annul four In­ Louis Ashbaugh of Pasadena. They It cut as one of the most deserving of ' fleeing to this state to obtain di­ surance policies, amounting In all to report a very enojyable trip. efforts because it deals mainly with 16000, alleged to have been taken out childhood life. The correction of the vorces that they cannot get in the situation over there must beglu wtth dominion, according to R. P. Bonham, in favor of Miss Wllberg by D'Autre­ Amor A. T utting the generations that are now coming immigration director for the district. mont prior to the train robbery and murder In which he Is believed to have on." For the announced purpose of pre­ Tbe Oregon office of Near East Re­ venting the possible Introduction Into participated. LAWYER£AND NOTARY lief is at <13 Stock Exchange. Port Installation of measured or meter this district of the hoof and mouth land. H alsey , O rkoo » disease steps are being taken at As­ service on all business telephones In toria to prevent vessels entering the the city of Portland, reduction of rates In Days c f Poor R chard| port from dumping refuse and garbage on all farmer lines with the exception N O T IC E (Continued from page 3) into the harbor or onto the wharves. of those radiating out of Portlknd. of heariag of fiosl account. . Notice is hereby given that '1 ‘ “"‘ J Between 40.000 and 45.000 lambs Salem and Eugene; regrouping of ex­ Preston came to Jack and whls changes affecting Albany. Heppner. account of Rosa Powell ss executrix 01 the last will and testament o! >• *• pered: “The outcome Is a great sur­ grown In Umatilla county have been Hermiston. Prineville and fFoodburn. Powell, deceeted, hae been filed i" prise to tbe other side. Young Clarke contracted for sale for fall delivery, Is a dead shot. An Injured olflcer of according to Mac Hoke, of Pendleton, and elimination of alleged Inconsis­ Coeaty Court of Linn Cbuuty. State » Oregon, and that the 21st day of Apnk the English army may cause uncx secretary of the Oregon Wool Grow- tencies existing in the rat»« between 1924. at the hour of 10 o'clock ». m pec ted embarrassment. But you have ers Prices, f. o. b. nearest shipping Portland and Oswego and Portland been duly appointed by said court 1 time enough and no haste. You can point, range from 9(4 to 10 cents a and Milwaukie, were the outstanding ihe hearing of objections to s a id “ * take the post chaise and reach the pound. features in a order issued by tbe pub­ account and the settlement thereof, ship well abend of her salting." lic service commission affecting tbe which time any person The Cold Springs government reser­ said estate may appear aed file oh»“ ' "I am of a mind not to go with rates nf the Pacific Telephone A Tele­ lions thereto!« writing and eonleet u> y«wi," Jack said to Sotomon. "When voir. which snpplteg storage water for graph company. I go. I shall take Margaret with me." the Umatilla project, ts now full to •*“ * -a.).' Dated and first published March .»is Ex liquor dealers and benkers of It So it happened that Jack returned the dashboards of the spillway 1424, Rosa rowaLV to London while Solomon waited for contains 50.000 acre feet of water, or the middle west were named In a »100- Eeecutiiv Aforesaid. the post chaise to Peal. what Is equivalent to 50 Inches of 000 auit filed la the federal eeurt In A m o b A. T tS iin o . Atty, for Ksrx. rainfall for the lands that will be irri I Portland by John 8 Coke, United (To be continued) States attorney, (o recover money this S^ASOB. N O T IC E lost by the government en an alleged In addition to some 500.000.000 feet Mr». M T. H over rend? iu a ef appoinrinent of administrator: dummy entry scheme. T V , govern- of Klamath Indian timber advertised 1 Notice i t herebv given that rh* ■ ' w hite L eghorn egg jn»t a» the for sale ten days ago. 35A.oon.Aoo ,»«.( ' ment esserted that It has lost the pres.) ie ready to start It is 7x8 more has been offered by the depart j money through the operations of a liersigned. by an order of tbe uonulf Court of Linn county. Oregon, !’«» hee ioeb e* >n c ir c u o ife ie n c s and wi i ' » meet The latest offering, known as ! , heme to defraud In connection wttb appointed administrator of the eMsts nearly a quarter of a pound. the North M irth unit, ts practically j some of the best timber lands la Baker lohn P. Waggener, deeeased Ail r* sons having claims agaiast aam »•“ »11 western yellow pine for which ■ end Union -ountiea Defendant« were; are required to preeent them v lh u . • minimum of i t 50 « thousand feet Is u. F Mackmlller, eX saloon man of montha from the date of this s«“ ®* Iron River. Wls ; Mrs MertnnBler. M. with the proper vouchers, te the 'tw asked. for late give me • new list at one- tint W odwsrd *z saloon m te of La signed at his residence, about <‘i Although in illegal search warrant I may place it with ibe Grand- R a 9teckeha«ar and Byron •eutheast of Halaev. ih Liao cooiiy- »as imiued by officers in searching Oregon. ■ ptey hankers of Minnesota. Reiser Stats Chamber ef Commerce Dated and first published premises for liquor or apparatus used Hoch .« brewer of Duluth. Prank 8 dav of March. 14»4 through the I.inn County 1 , 1 Settle in Its manufacture any ertdenee found A. O. V /k d O V < tt. Herbert .ud L llll.m H- UallaMn. Iron meat committee. Jay W Meow* 1» such a raid may be used against the , . Administrator Aforeea* H l'er, Win. X A, Trsatwo, Atty, fot A d »r- ! I expect to give training In home- Elx-Congressman , making — not forgetting that the Armenian wife la at once the house­ Praises Oregonians keeper, dairy maid and general farm Declares of the from 10:50 to 11 n. m. and l ’j q j to 12:30 p. m.| Sunday mail goes out only on ' Stafford groom, Mrs. 3. J. Smith par­ the north-bonnd 11:37 train: son, Mrs. T. I. »Marks bridesmaid, Mrs. The Study Club © Miss Ida Jackson and her cousin Opal Jackson of Harrisburg, were Albany visitors Friday. Mrs. Susan E. H all of John Day arrived Saturday for a visit with hei brother, George Shaw. The delivery window The right feed for calves, pigs and chickens J. F . Kukacka of Scio is a candi­ date for republican nomination for county commissioner. M A IL HOURS Watch for the annouceinent day with Mr# W A. Muller. Henry Nolan of Lacomb wants to he the democratic nominee for county .No. 17, 12; ¿5 p. n t 23, 4.27 p. w'. of these goods e a rly in A p r il Halsey postoffice is open Sundays The ladies’ Study ciub met Thurs Halwy Happenings, etc. la id ly . 1 C o in P »• SU N D A Y u ct me u w . Special bale * ••••••• O. Dryden and hi arc ag du. • South 11:37 a. m. 22. 3:30 a. tu. 21, ti:32 p m Nos. 21 and 22 atop only if No. 14, dua Halsey at S:09 p. m.. to let ofl passeagert from south 0( Roseburg. No. 23 runs to Rugeus only. No. 21 rnus to Eugene, thence Marsh- field branch. Pataengen for south of Roseburg »hoqld take No. 17 to Fngene and there traaifer to No. ;5. H ILL & CO.’S wife Rob'-tt, 9 - y e a r o lil son of W. 1». M arks, A lb a n y , u p stt ft vessel of b oilin g e s t e r on Lis le ft arm and sh ou ld er y esterd ay aud was b ad ly scald ed . C hier up, R obert. T he left arm of the editor of th e E n ter­ prise bears sca rs from a s c a ld in g re- j ceived in the sam e w ay, and he lias lived se v en ty y ears sin ce they were m ade. North No. 18, ?4. B,g stock of W o r - E w r kitchen u ta o .il. Jurt received at GLOBE H er la te st S en sa tio n H A L S E Y R A IL R O A D TlMJt WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM M A R C H V . 1*24 HALSEY RNTER PRISR ' for» and the day after, aud it can PAGE 4 __ ___ ._________ . r .e tty safely »aid th a t it w ill T h e N eigh b ors of W oodcraft ea- oot be a d an ce th a t he would n w .a b e r .lp « » * - « .v>u (cv tb e d an ce 7 0U p ecia lly req u est th a t all ALBANY w ould better hear him too. be present n ext W ed n esd a y n :g h t, Mr. and M rs E. H ancon and as tbare is sp ecia l b u sin ess to com e SUNDAY M O N D A -Y T U R h D A Y dau gn ter G ertrude and Mrs. Hati- M abch 30-51-A ran , 1 before th e m eetin g (o n ’saiater. Mrs. T . E S ea v y , of Two large eagles, which linemen believe had been engaged In an aerial fight and (ailed to see electric power lines, resulted in power being cut off from Pendleton for a brief period. The birds were found dead entangled In the lines not far from Umatilla.