Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, March 27, 1924, Image 1

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    0 <¿'4
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Sudtell was auctioneer and Balf
Bond clerk.
NO . ¿4
W illia m Smith, a newspaper,
man and several other things,
passed through town yesterday on
Short Stories from Sundry an
exploration trip by automobile 1
from Portland.
Just think how much more joy
M ii« Id * Jackson went to A l­ there would be in living if we had
had a game commission when those
bas? yesterday.
on the front page 1
Mi«« Clarice Gourley is helping were in pictured
bloom I We might now j
at the Hogh Leeper home.
havo a saber-toothed tiger in the
A rthur Foote and family are ex­ front yard or a two-horned rhinoce­
pected home from Ohio tomoriow ros in the frog pond.
D. H . Pierce of Albany seeks a
republican nomination as county
Prof. English and family visited
bis mother and sister iu Eugene
over the week eud.
Mrs. Lola Hathaway and little
son of Brownsville took the train
here for Detroit yesterday.
Epitome of Events in the
Beaver Stato
Activities of operatives of the statg
traffic department resulted In 187 ar»
rests during February.
Organization of the Clackamas Coun>
ty Credit Reporting association waa
perfected at Oregon City.
Agitation for an aviation field fot
Portland will be started Immediately
by the Aero club of Oregon.
Voters In a special election authorts-'
Jay W Moore is not only H a l­
sey’s oaodidate for the republican
nomination for the assessorship
but he has many friends all over
the ccunty. He has the educatton
requisite for efficiency, he has had
exteneive field experience a« deputy
assessor and as a realtar he is well
posted on real estate values.
ed the city of Roseburg to issue up
to »18,000 In bonds to acquire a city!
F e w o f O u r Predecessors in the L a n d
Doubt is expressed of the posei-;
O T. Kitohen and son Lavelle bility of financing a community ' l - Ma,lc<5on- <-Bro.d-f.ced Ox. 3-Three toed Hortes.
—Tapirs, i —Saber-toothed Tiger, ¿--Hippopotamus. 7—Or
drove up from Portland Saturday
and look Mrs. Kitchen bom«.
Mre. Eether Rike came from Cor­
v a llis and epent the holidays with
her daughter. Mrs. H . L. Straley.
building large enough to meet all
of Haleey's most erving needs.
Proi. J. B. Horner’s “Short History to delving into the evidence of pre­
would do well to read the verses of Oregon,” just out, will be a historic events, and several pages of
referring to the Ladies’ Aid which
. , , . ..
, , , .
. v
great help to those who, lacking time the new work are devoted to this sub­
were published iu last week s En-
We reproduce the frontispiece,
Wellington Bond and parents terprise and then organize a Hal to study an elaborate historical work,
visited Mis. Bond’s cousin, Mt«« sey Ladies’ Aid. If a job is too1 would like to learn the outstanding which depicts ancient animal life nere
Maude Henderson, in Albany Sun­ big for the men let the women facts and events in the development cs antiquarians see it through evi­
| of this state. It will probably find dence they have unearthed.
try it.
The book is liberally illustrated and
j its way into extensive use iq the
M r. and Mr«. A . J. H ill, Mrs.
“ The Hunchback
of Notre
has been beautifully executed by
J. J. Corcoran and Mrs. L>,
Dame ” will be shown at the
1 of Oregon history, down to a late Dimm & Sons of Portland, who arc
Mornhinweg motored to Albany movie theaters in Brownsville and |
. .
. ,1
date, but has devoted much time well known as printers in Eugene
Harrisburg Tuesday and Wednes
M r and Mrs B M . M iller and j day. See the advertisement. The
daughter Gardie ‘spent Monday writer of this saw It at the Globe,
S hedd Snapshots
A lfo r d A r r o w s
with Mrs. H. M. M iller aoddaugh- in Albany, and, aside from inter­
est in the story, thought it w»:th
tar Beulah.
Bv Auna Pennell'.
(By an E nterprise Reporter)
many times the time and ’’ tin ’ ’ it
Mrs. T. I. Marks and Mrs. cost to see Lon Chaney changed
Frank P orter of Portland was a
G. R. W alker and family visited at
James Drmksrd motored to H ar­ in form and features, even to the Shedd visitor last week.
the E. A. Starnes home Sunday.
risburg Tuesday and visited with teeth in his mouth, into the mis­
M.. and Mrs. Jack Cornett and
Alvin Kropf spent Saturday nigl t
M r. and Mrs. L. E. Walton.
shapen wretch who is the titu la r ,
Helen were in Albany S at­ at the Lee Ingram home.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Shook of
urday evening.
Portland visited thir sou 01>n an<l fly” stunts while maintaining the ,
P.ev. Mi. Neugen and family took
Mrs. M. T. Nolan returned S a tu r - ; dinner at the J. II. Rickard home Sun-
wile at Shedd Saturday and their grotesque character in every detail.
other son. M. H ., here Sunday.
A “ made in Oregon week,” he- day from several weeks' visit with her day.
The two Shooks have theersam of ginning last Wednesday aud con­ son in Idaho.
Jay Curtia of Lebanon called on his
business iu Halsey and 8hedd. tinuing all the week, is in progress
Misc Pearl Thompson spent a few brother, C hejter Austin, Thursday of
They run the two cream stations. in the building on Third and
j days with * sister, Mrs. Gladys Nel-, .last week.
G, R. W alker’s auction Satur­ Broadalbin streets, Albany, re­ son, near Brownsville.
Lee Ingram and A. E. WhltBeck
day draw an immense crowd. The cently vacated by the Ftshar-Bra-
Charley Elder left last week for called nu D. I. Isoin at Eugene
best draft horse hrought $180 To­ den Furniture company. Cooking
ta l receipts were 11863.80. Ben olasses are conducted each day southern Oregon to work on the S, last week.
by Mrs L. A. Humphrey. A P. with a bridge crew.
Mrs. Charles Tandy and son E l­
small admission fee ¡«charged, and
visited at the home of her daugh-
proceeds go to the college library
fund. Perhaps the most im port­ Mr. end Mrs. Lyman Pennell drove to er, Mrs. Chester Curtis, Sunday.
W e H ave
ant feature is a babv clinic, Lebanon Friday evening.
Miss I.illic Itickard is home from
which is open from 10 to 12 and
1. N. Hughes left late Sunday for Monmouth, where she attends school,
O ptical
1:30 to 5 daily, with an entrance Portland, afte r conducting two weeks suffering from an attack of the flu.
fee of 50 cents. Miss Mitigate,
of revival services at the M. E.
F rank Bond and family of Spring-
state health uurae, and compe ei t
Is the Cause of Many
field took dinner at the home of
local physicians are in attendance church.
H U M A N IL L S •
and ready to give advice to moth­
Members of the U. P. church had a F ran k ’s sister, Mrs. E. D. Isom, Sun­
If yonr eyes give yon trontde or
“clean-up” day last week, raking up day.
yonr glasses are annoying
1 as than perfect. I t is a roade-in- the church yard, burning trash and
ERR US. We can Relieve You
J . H. Rickard and Chester Curtis
Oregon show, but imported babies planting flowers.
called on D. I. Isom in Eugene Sun­
Bancroft Optical Co.
are not barred.
^ ^ 1 3 1st St W. Albany. Phone
I Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Pennell and day morning.
(Continued on page J)
sons, Lotus and Leland, drove to Scio
Sunday to visit Mr. Pennell’s brother,
Charles Pennell.
Mr. and Mrs. Stew art of Albany
were v isitin g th e ir d a u g h te rs, Mrs.
Erwin Rodgers and Mrs. Barney Al-
I bers Saturday and Sunday.
Misses Mearle
{ Shedd, who arc
: came home last
! spring vacation,
) J«!’-
Pugh and Raymond
attending O. A. C.,
week to spend their
returning on Tues-
Misses Unline Dannen and Dorothy
Satchwell, who are attending normal
school at Monmouth, spent their
spring vacation with their parents in
Mr. Norone. the high school teach­
er, h a d th e m isfo rtu n e , d r iv in g
ou th e h ig h w a y , to h av e his car
ertshed Into, smashing it pretty badly.
He escaped with minor injuries.
If you want to know why. drop in und «ee our styles, oar
tifu l pure wool fa' tics and our «operi» qualities at
g n a t ringe
$25 TO $50
The second annual dog show of the ,
Portland Kennel club opened Wed )
nesday In the public auditorium to’
B ro w n s v ille Briefs
(By Special Correspondent)
Jim Callaway of o A. C. w ar
1 o ne for the v. eek end.
B 'lle Burson and Louie Welst of
Lebanon spent Sunday at the N
C. Burson home.
Miss-cs Eva and Gertrude Shrunk
are spending their vacation fr ui
normal school at home.
The democratic club of OTegon w ill
hold Its annual Jefferson day ban­
quet Saturday night. April 12, at the
Benson hotel In Portland.
Mrs. George H. Burnett, wife of
Justice George H. ffhrnett of the Ore­
gon supreme court, died at their home
In Salem, after a lingering Illness.
Ftfly delegates were registered at
the annual presbyterlal or missionary
I conference at Eugene of the Presby­
terian churches of the W illamette
, valley.
The farm value of Oregon dair."
products In 1923 was 823.882,342 28,
according to statistics issued by J. D.
Mickle, state dairy and food commis­
July 25 and 26 have been set as th«
dates for the 17th annual convention
of the Orogon State Editorial asso-
; elation. The convention will be held
at Tillamook.
The Clackamas county court has out­
Rev. 11. W. Fellinan of Albany lined a program of road construction
Baptist churt h i* giving « eerier j that will include 20.45 miles of bond
of lectures at the local Baptist roads that have been designated as
church on “ .The Four cquir» Gos­
Mi-1» Oletha leoui visited high
school one day Inst week. SI e is
a last-)ear gruduute and is attend
Ing normal at Monmouth and
spending her vacation at home.
Mrs. Etta Chus'aiu of l ’ortlind
has boon Iu Btowsnville (or th
past ten days visiting relatives aud
friends, hut expects to go from
here to Sodaville to visit her
daughter Florence
! market roads.
The Upper Columbia Athletic league,
comprising the high schools of Sher­
man, Gilliam, Wheeler and Morrow
counties, will begin the second annual
baseball season Saturday.
Inability of the Bank of Gold H ill
to pay cheeks sent through regular
banking channels was given as the
cause for an order Issued by the state
bank examiner, closing the institu­
The Oregon ststs fish commission
has appealed the decision of a Jury at
Hood Rtver. March 6, awarding to
Sidney S. Mohler, 85000 for 5 H acres
of land now occupied by the commis­
The Adventists of town opened
up their doors to the Methodirt
people since the Mothodist church
burned and the latter are holding
Indignation, especially by business
their regular services in the for­
Rev. Mr. Neugen of Peoria preach mer’s church ¡n South Browns­ men of La Grande, has been aroused
ed at the Alford church Sunday. He ville.
In the last week because Industrial
will preach again in two weeks at
It. M. Walls and family returned Workers of the World have establish
3 p. m.
Saturday from Southern Oregon, ed eastern Oregon beadquartsrs In
J. H. B urnett and family and M uses where th ey were called to th e bed- that city.
The Astoria city commission hsa
Kate and Hazel Green were a fte r­ side of Mrs. W altz’ brother, who
noon callers at the I-ee Ingram home was so badly in ju r'd in an acci­ granted a 20-year franchise to the
dent that there is little hope of his Astoria Transit company for operating
motor bus lines In the city to replace
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Starnes
the street car system, which la to be
(Continned in next column)
has eus pended.
The Stanwood sawmill
changed bands, but we have not
La Grande baa organised a company
the n irai of the new owner.
of riflemen, known temporarily as the
Mrs A. B. Dunlap, mother . of 162d infantry, but later to be known
the owners of the Dunlap drug­ as company E. 18<th Infantry of the
national guard, with 75 men enlisting
store, is serinudy ill.
The Sawyer Brother»' sawmill near
Brownsville, suffered a loss of »05,000
by fire. The m ill Itself was saved,
but the fire destroyed Urge stacks of
Halsey Church ol Christ
Mrs. Fred Sprenger, Mrs. Ida Rob- C h u rch Announcements
I son and Mrs. Lymcn Pennell attend-
Church of C h rist:
| ed the sewing circle at the home of
Lon C b a tn lee. m in ister.
Mrs. Hans Cook on Wednesday.
Bible school, 10, W . H . Robert­
quilt for the W. C. T. U. children’s
son, superintendent.
home was worked on.
The next
Morning worship, 11. Ix>rd’s
meeting is to be a t the home of Mrs.
supper every Lord's day.
M artha Abraham.
Christian Endeavor, 6:80.
Evening service, 7:30.
Profesaor William J. 8ly. of Linfield | The church without a bishop, in
College, who spent last summer In the 1 the country without a king.
-Near East, travailing Iu company with
I f you have no ohiirch l.orne
Alice Megan Rice, the author of "Mrs
Wlggs,” and others, states that he ' come and worship with us.
found all the orphanages dean. t>e
1 children well-behaved and passionate­
ly devoted to the American Relief
workers. After the Tusranla tourists
had visited the orphanages and es
they were leaving the Near East, they
assembled on deck one day and cob -
I trtbuted »12.00000 to the Near East
‘ Relief funds.
and as at one time publishing the
Springfield News.
The edition is prepared as a text,
giving a concis- and authentic histor­
ical outline of the history of the state
in chronological order covering the
early explorations, early life in Ore­
gon, the Indian wars, and the relig­
ious, lite ra ry and g o v e rn m e n ta l a d ­ ,
vancement of the state. The time is
divided into six epochs.
Of 643 head of cattle tested In Uma­
tilla county recently for tuberculosis,
only six bead were found to be af­
flicted with the disease
R o b ert P a rk e r,
Sunday School, 10.
Breaching, 11.
Intermediate League, 6:30.
Epworth League, 6:30.
Prayer meeting Thursday, L 3 0 .
Preaching, 7:30.
for service.
The Southern Pacific company, la
its street ear operations, made money
at both West Linn and Salem In 1924,
but lost at. Eugene, according to the
annual report filed with the publto
service commission.
Women inmates of the Oregon state
)Contiuneiffrom precedingcoluatti)
penitentiary hereafter will be compell­
Mrs. J. F. Isom went to Eugene S at­ ed to wear prison garb, deposit their
Jewelry and money with the matron
urday afternoon.
when they enter the Institution, and
write letters on stationery furnished
by the state.
T h e . Tillamook county fair board
has adopted a plan to construct one
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Isom and daugh­ tnaln building on the new fair grounds
ter Beverly and nieces, D eE tta and In the Fairview district that wyi be
Doris RoEr.ett, drove to Albany S at­ modeled after the main building of
urday afternoon.
the Pacific tnternatlonal Livestock ex­
W. H, Robertson of Halsey took position at Portland.
Families wbo have been using water
Sunday dinner at the E. D. Isom home
anil accompanied the family to E u­ from springs In various parts of the
gene in the afternoon to call on D. city of Astoria, have been officially
Informed that the water Is Impure. Re­
I. Isom.
cently City Manager Krats and City
Mi and Mrs E. D. Isom and Mrs. Physician Vernon took samples of
J. F . Isom went to Eugene Thursday water from six of these springe and
of last week. *1 h eir nieces, D e E tta h*3 them tested by the state board
and Doris Robnett, accompanied them of health. The report showed that
Only one sample was pars.
home to.- several days’ visit.
Mi. and Mrs. Holt of Salem called
at the borne of their aunt, Mrs. Lee
Ingram, Sunday on their way to Riv-
ersidy, Cal.