i can be reestablished and where the furnished medical aid for 11 persons, finest and noblest consciousness of supplied 343 garments, 30 pairs of womanhood can be brought out, and shoes, 23 beds, $9.80 worth of wood, the girls who come in caring lit t le ! 300 poftnds of coal, 35 individual for the future and loving only the ' meals, and paid $52.55 for lights, fuel Replacing Dark Despair things of time can later step out with and telephone, $93,30 for salaries, but one eager desire, to win the re- ’ $44.00 far rent, $70.56 for relief and With Blessed Dope spect of those that they live with be- j gave $28.93 to headquarters. In ad- White Shield Home, cause of their clean, straightforward 1 dition to supplying families with the J necessary food bought at the stores, Portland, March 11 and honorable Christian life. This is not a story of one, but a go quarts of milk, 400 loaves of Ed. Enterprise:—Your letter has composite story of those who enter, bread, 50 pounds of fish and much been forwarded to me from Captain and I want to thank you for your in- . . . . . . . » , 1 ,rm t and other foods gtvan H«isiog«r, who is our men’s social terest, for I believe ' your interest is at the Salvation Army for the needy, officer. shown in your letter of question. have been distributed. M. D. Lee, Superintendent. ou ask whether our announce­ The sum sent to headquarters is ments in the papers bring results. (Albany Democrat) used fer the support of the general ( might say for your encouragement With a cash income of only $289.34 office, the industrial work for men, that I know of no other medium which helps our girls to find a place during Februr.v and January, the and to the White Shield for unfortun­ of refuge like that little ad which is Salvation Army supplied 73 families ate girls, to which place four girls published in the Weekly Enterprise in Linn county with food, found em­ from Linn county have recently been and othgf- papers in the counties of ployment for 1 1 women and 17 men, sent. Oregon. When I admit a girl I sometimes ask: “How did you know of the home, and who sent you?” and many times I I get the answer: "I saw your little • • ad in the paper.” So that you can I well feel that you are doing your share in bringing about a readjust­ ment in their lives for which we also are working. Having disposed of my farm, will offer to le s , we have at the present time the highest bidder my personal property girls in the home from Linn county, on the farm, three miles south o f Halsey, nnd I believe that in the future your little ad will be a beacon light in the on the Pacific highway, darkness of many a girl's life. I feel that it is more essential in the SA TU R D A Y , M ARCH 22, 1924 little town paper« that go out into Look for the bills Everybody welcome country districts, for in town there is always someone who can help a girl. We have accomodation for 50 girls and 25 babies, and during this last month every bed has been in demand and we have been glad to open our doors to those who came in their Lerwill Making Good i Oregon, has had four of his articles need. Eleven little babies were born j accepted for publication. Three of (Browntvill« Times) here during this period, and the Lerwill’s articles were accepted by greater majority of girls who come, If the correspondent in the Halsey national newspaper syndicates. knowing not what to do, find courage One of the stories written by Ler­ and sympathy and go out to work Enterprise from Brownsville who lays with their little ones to seek to re­ stress upon children playing on north will related to the girls’ rifle team at adjust their lives in society and live Main street, would first educate the the university. This article together down the past. I admire any girl elders af the north end to walk on with another submitted later concern­ who seeks to do this and will help the wooden sidewalks and stay off ing a proof reading experiment con­ her to the limit. The army home at the streets with their short cuts and ducted by a university professor was the back of her, to which she can the like, possibly fewer children accepted by the same syndicate. It is cer­ come when out of work or in her free would be in the streets. The Brownsville man then conceiv­ time, is real home to her, knowing tainly a hard matter to explain to ed the possibility of writing up the children why they must not be in the proof reading experiment from an­ b«re are thos« who earn, and sh e streets when the large school children other angle and sold the story to an can bring her little baby, to know and elders shun the sidewalks and other syndicate. The fourth article that there are those who will love and walk the pavement. discussed a successful experiment in watch its growth with interest. University of Oregon, Eugene, Mar. The stay of three months in the 13.— (Special)—Leonard lerw ill of the chemistry ,,f paper making and home is looked upon as a period of Brownsville, enrolled in Prof. Ralph was accepted by a western lumber precious time when boken hearts can D. Casey's course in special feature journal. Lerwill is a iremer of Sigma Delta be made whole, when blighted hope writing and trade journalism offered Chi, men’s national honorary journ­ can be resurrected, when courage upperclassmen at the University of alistic fraternity. • w One Work of the Salvation Army Public Sale G. R . W A L K E R