PAGE 4 HALSEY RN TERPRISB MARCH M l*M WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM A p ril shower« in mid-Mareh, »»»»»»»»»*»»»»»>»> M i l « 25-24 NORMA Big stock of W«ar-Evar kitchen uteoaila fast received at A clean , Ir ish sto ck o f SUN D A Y —M U N D A Y HILL & CO.’S JERSEE MILK FOOD COMPOUND TALMADGE “ WITHIN THE LAW ” Wear-Ever is stamped from hard metal— not spun nor cast. Spun articles are made from soft sheets. Cast metal Is more porous than that which is produced under heavy pressure. Besides, to make it cast smoothly it ia mixed w ith from 5 to 8 per cent of alloy, which eocourages the disintegration of the metal by water containing im purities. Get the best. Wear-Ever is the best. T h e rig h t feed f o r calv es, p ig s a n d c h ic k e n s T h e g r e a t s ta r in a p ic tu r e o f p r is o n w alls a n d love * * * * » ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ » Baby Chick Feed and Developing Mash O. W . F R I M Beware Q rs lrs opeC lH l OHIC ‘THE SPANISH DANCER’ non Hat«ey Happenings, etc. nwAawwn M a John l a Hue was an Albany visitor Monday. E p ito m e o f E v e n ts in th e B e a v e r S ta te The Rebekahs have received tl.e new silverwarn. Steve Hayes of Portland was visit ing in Haisey Friday. destroy Fire of uodetenalaefi origin destroy ed the plan, and storage werabeu# is. of the Vale Grain A Feed company a Vale. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bramwell mo­ tored to Albany Friday Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bramwell spent Sunday afternoon in Harrisburg. Eight doses China pheasants ship ped from the state game farm at Eh gene were released In Clacks e h connty. D. H. Sturtevant was a Sunday caller at the C. H. Davidson home. O. R W alker has rented the W. J. C .r ty home and w ill soou move 1». Hood River chamber of commerc« has voted to appoint a commission t< endeavor to attrhct new settlers t« the valley. ■lay Gansle made a business trip to Eugene Saturday, returning home Monday. More than «009 persons «Handed th< Medford American Legion poet s Is door circus. The circle netted th< poet a substantial sum. J. C. Bramwell ia employed at the C. H . Davidson home while Mr. Dav­ idson ia convalescing. A county public health aeeoclatlon Oregot Mrs. G. W. Mornhiuweg re- »hloh will , he a branch , .1 of < the . °¿* or turnad Mondas om her visit w ith I " . ’Ä S ? ** Charles and and wile wile at e viti. * * Bl,ed lB VmbUHb Charles at D D evitt. I A landslide one and one-half mile« southeast of Loetlaa, oa the U Grande-Wallowa lake state highway blocked the road to traVeL Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Neal spent Sun­ day in Brownsville as guests of their son, Alonzo Neal, and fam ily. Portland pastors are aeeklag way» a glorious fall and winter, with one real "cold snap,” instead of two or and means to bring about the abol three, as usual and it ia too late I ishtnent of moving picture shows or Sunday throughout the entire state. now to expect another Coustruetlon work on Bend's new Morton & Speer, A lb a n y ■ u to , high school, approved by taxpayer« dealers and repairers, hays dis et the recent O u t,000 hood election solved and H, 5[orton i* ■ ?le probably will start In the next few proprietor. weeks. ( K. Those (food Rivwr Newtown sp Ralph M ilU r is adver- tib in g are O K. They have been sampled at the Enterprise olfiea. pies that Mr». Pearl Livingston of Kelso has brought suit for divorce, alleging that the man she married under the name of IJvingston ia really Rulie Johnson, the accomplice in the mur­ der of Sheriff Dunlap in this county, who broke ja il at Albany and has not been recaptured. oil be meeting« s i Foster on th e 2 l t h end at Shedd th« 28th and t n - other here >.H>n North Bend le feet becoming th« palm city of Oregon. The d tp ha« just finished piantthg 1 H palms in the boulevard seotions of Sherman avenue. The W illamette rtf«» frog» Oregon City to He mouth wgg Moeed to co: mereiai flehtag Salard*? ho««. March Id. and w ill hot «p ei àgata until De­ cember l. AdvertiAhmeate for bids for appresi mately JOOO.00O feet of ripe tlsabei on th« Klamath In d ia i reservation In Oreghg have "bhdn eMhortoed by the deperimoà^ of the IntiH or. On the charge of •abeislenseat of H t f « of poet office money Bdward E Dyere, ex postmaster (Mena. was sent eared to three mol»the la jell hy Federal Judge Be«« at Portland More than 10 forest reagars from Vnloa. ('m attila and Wallowa cowl ties attanded a meeting at Feadletoa when final plant for th * summer see eloa la the forests were «ran ged Bids for the -------- -w » eoeetractloa — — ws.wnw»w w. . of w oxlm ately JO miles of new highway ani • of bridges w ill be eon eldered at a meeting ef the state high way commission In Portland. March 17 8 '» R li*. about M years old. whose Figures compiled by Carl b She* home w e t la Butte, wee killed at the maker, secretary of the comi ere!» I government construction damp st Mc­ fish commission of Oregoa, show »hai Kay dim . near Peodletoa. when an ia the last six years 111171.10« tel moo •ngtne ran over him end cur- off both try have been pleated ta rivers tad <»g* •»reams of the Columbia river dis The Tiling,oek i-cunty court has an trtet. i geged N ti Ngaea of Fords ad to The Warrwatoe city covaci) has beer | > raise not lest thee 100.000 acres ef reeueeted by the e tite game commit j timber land in the county, the cruise etoa to construct a fish ladder at th« | to be cqinpieted on or before pec«® city water system beedworks oa th« ber L , m « . Lewis aad Clark r t v * Clatsop ceun ty sportsmen h ir e asked to have th« above the dam closed to aaglvt (1 *: Passengers for south of Roseburg should take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer to No. 15. SUNDAY MAIL HOURS of th e s e g o o d s e a rly in A p ril W a tc h fo r th e a n n o u c e in e n t meats. W . F. C A R T E R »h» or the dignity of th e p ro fe s s io n a l m a n F o r w o m an th e S h e llte x The d elivery window of the Halsey postoffice is open Sundays from 10:50 to 11 a. m. and 12:15 to 12:30 p. m.| Sunday m ail goea out >nly oa the north-bound 11:37 tra in : Mail goes south once a day, closing at 11:05 a. ni. 1 north twice, closing 11:25 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. M ail stage lor Brownsville. Crawfordsville and Sweet Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. in. I t seats a thousand people, the fin ­ est io the town, And when 'twas dedicated we Paid-for Paragraphs planked ten thousand down; (5c a lin e ) S h u ro n is d e p e n d a b le . That is, we paid five thousaed, Ev h Is net likely that the foot and For sale—Used Sewing Machines A v a ila b le in c h e r r y , cry deacon did hia beet. Meuth disease will spread to Oregon 1 R otary W hite, . 130 00 Aod the Ladies’ Aid society, it fM ordtng to Dr. W H. Lytle, state c r y s t a l , b ro w n -m o ttle d , 1 Rotary W h ite , . 27.60 promised a ll the rest. lerlnarlan. who has returned Iron d e m i-a m b e r a n d black. 1 Free, , . . , 18.00 lornla, where be assisted tn nieaj J» We’ ve got an organ in the church 1 M erwin, . . . 17 00 to stop the epidemic. the finest in the land. 1 Sears & Roebuck, 10 00 ^he American Legion la Oregon - I t ’s got a thousand pipes or more A ll drop head. Good condition (creasing In membership so rapidly Its melody is grand. W ■ J. L a s », Brow nsville, Ore. it there Is every Indication that be And when we sit in cushioned maay months there will be 10. pews and hear the master Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle |C0 members, according to Fred Kiddle play at the E nterprise office. • f I»i*o4 Uty, gtgte copupaoder. It carries us to re»..ns of bliss tin numbered miles away. Miss Amanda Mitzner accompan­ I t co t a cool five thousand, and The Walkers Surprised i t ’s stood the hardest test. ied M i. and Mrs. Seymour Bowman A number of friends and neigh­ We’ ll ’ p a y a thousand on it, and bors of the G. R. W alker fa m ily and Miss Beulah M iller on their trip the Ladiea’ ^Aid the rest. b.. automobile to Los Angeles. She will last Friday night gave the W a lk, They’ll give a hundred socials, are a genuine surprise. Each fam. visit her brother, Herman Mitzner, Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians ily brought a w ell-filled baeket. cantatas, too, and tens, and wife while there. Albany, Oregon The evening was sppnt in plays, They’ ll bake a thousand angel cakts and tons of cream games on the law n, te llin g jokes, they’ll freeze, guessing riddles and singing songs. They'll beg and scrape and to il and Sandwiches, coffee and cocoa sweat for seven years or were served at m id n ig h t, after more, which, at the request o f friends, And then they’l l start all o'er R. B. M ille r gave a short ta lk and again for a carpej on the presented to the W a lk e r fa m ily floor. a large a lum inum roaster. N o; it ivnt just like digging out Present were B lisha Jacksoo, •d fy & a n y , O r e g o n Ute money from the vest Bryan Perry, Charles and Fred When the Ladies’aid gets busy and Falk, R. B. M iller, H. W . Steinke says : We’ l l do the rest.'’ and A L. F a lk and th e ir fa m ilits a id Mrs. E B Gago and G. W. A a tu n r t d a j to t h o l r t t o e k o f ^ t r a m i t i a n d S / a t f Of course we're proud of our big Shaw. church, from p u lp it up to AU went home late and happy, t r a m a f u l l tin o o f spire. wishing the Walkers a ll good It's the darlin g of our eyes and the things. crown of our desire, M r. W alker does not iotend to But when I see the sisters work to move to the Yakim a property for raise the cash that lacks which he traded. sometimes th in k tne church is b u ilt on women’s tired Paul Ashton and fam ily of Albany backs. (/h visited Mrs. S. C. Bass Sunday. Mrs. And sometimes I c a n 't help th in k , Ashton is Mrs. Bass’ daughter. ing when we reach the re­ gion blest. That men w ill get the to il and August Wardell, who has been vis­ sweat and the Ladies’ A id iting George Maxwell and wife, re­ the re«t. M. E. A id . turned to his home at Silver Lake i Schooner Martha Buchner, kaoched tare Into the water, which t UrtoB Meade & Albro, vS. k V. S d i/b e rt (Sr ò o n S S u i/clers a n è ò/ie/f J ^a rd iv a re . ¿ fa rd e n ¿Too/s Monday. We leave over a big bunch of local news for which there is not Official hat tee bee boss given that room on the final pages th is m orn­ the war kapertm eat oa April 1 will ing. But please keep tending i t io , friends. Ws w ant it and w ill •ell at tV*We anetea all the temporary frame buildings which were erected tr y to make room, some way, here- at Fort Stevens daring the war. a fla t. The com m unity meeting last evening filled the c ity h a ll. Talks were made by Messrs, l ’oling and C allister of A lb a n y, Shanks Lebanon, O ilkev of Scio, P h ilp o lt( of H arrisburg, Bryan of R iver­ side, Sianard of B ro w n sville and others. Among those who cams over from Brow nsville were Charles S terliog. H C. T h o m p ­ son and ,-------------- Leon Morse, There w n en«e« w i ill ll field branch. ^George Finley of Portland visited Ladies’ Aid Pays th e Rest with his daughter, Miss Ruth Finley, Brtndon .W e ’ve put a grand addition to the and his sister, Mrs. Eliza good old church at home Thursday of last week. The Southern Pacific railway bridge I t ’s ju s t the latest kilter, w ith a gallery and dome. a e s a r a a l Across Coos bay was damaged to the OREGON OCCURRENCES RECITED FOR READERS «• d‘ <* (Continued from page 5) South North No. 18, 11:37 a. m. No. 17, 12.1S p. m. 24, [4:27 p. m. 23, 4,27 p. 22, 3:20 a. tu. 21, U :J2 p m N04. 21 and 22 stop only if flagged. No. 14, due Halsey at 5:09 p. m., stop* to let off passengers from south of Roseburg. No. 23 runs to Rugeue only. No. 21 rons to Eugene, thence Marsh­ ¿ fra n ite Ì Kzre School Notes FARMERS, (Enterprise Correspondence) d ilu m in u m Wednesday afternoon the state health nurse visited the school. Citensils, etc. Every room in school has a base­ ball team, even the first, second and third rrades. S o n to in a n d to a n n f i o in tr'o ftu eto n tf p r i t o a on t h u e J O tlil The baseball season has liegun. Loth boyj and girls have the promise of »roi.d teams. The plans for the "Trip Around the World" are progressing at a rapid rate. The committees have been I n D a y s of P o o r R ic h a r d i _ Wint<:r dallying ¡n the iap of chosen to take charge of each of the Spring gives to those so disposed different lands. (Continued fro m page 1) their usual excuse for growling about Missis Georgina Clark, Esther See- the slowness of the approach of gen­ " I rake this opportunity of assuring feld and Irene Quimby will take part renr lordship that for all the property uine warm weather, but it has been in the nation-wde oratorical contest ran »else or destroy I d America, you on the subject of the American con­ *IU pay to the lest farthing.” sa'd NOTICE stitution, of wh.h the Portland Tele­ Franklin. ; of hearing of final account Thia treatment was like that be had Notice is hereby given that the final gram hus charge in this section. received from other members of the jcconnt of Rosa Powell as executrix of {overaaeet since the unfortunate pnh the last w ill and testament of T. A. Icetlon «if the ilu tc h ln * n. Rogers on 1 Powell, deceased, has been filed in the Preliminary «»-rangement» for dodi Gllver letter* They seemed to enter- Com ity Court of Linn County, State of cation of the b|g highway bridge at Oregon, and tbat the 21st d ay'ot A pril, 'aid the notion that he had forfeited 1924. t l the hour of III o'cloo'k a. ci has Winchester are being made by com :b« respect due s geotleman been duly appointed by said court lor mlttees representing the Roseburg ihe bearing of objections to said fi nal chamber of commerce and civic club« (To be continued) account and the settlement thereof, at which tim e any person interested in of Oakland and Yoncalla. This bridge, one of the largest and longest on th» said estate may appear and file ob,ec lions there!? Ja w riting and contest the Pacific highway, «pane the North fini» same H qua at Winchester and is to be named Dated and first published March 20th the R. A Booth bridge In honor of I 1»«. Rosa Powxu.. tna former highway commlMloner E xrcu tii. Aforesaid. AMOU A. TrsSiKG, Atty, for Ears The dedicatory exerci«es probably »m be held Sunday afternoon, April 27. Sheep Guano T h e b e s t g a rd e n fe rtiliz e r N o w eed s. C le a n to h a n d le 80-lb. sack, $1.50 NOTICE of appoinrment i»f administrator: Notice is hereby given thxt the nn- dersifned. by tn order of the Connty Court of Liun county, Oregon, has beet, appoiatej »dm m utrator of the estate of lahn F Waggvner deceased All per » ■ns having claims against eai.l esute a rt required to present them within six m m ths from the date of this notice with the pn'jw r vonebet«, tn the under j signed st hie res.dense about »’ , mile» '••u tb e e s t of Haleev, ih Linn countv j Oregon Dated end fir»t published this 'Oth dsv of March. 1«14 A O'ma. Administrator Afore«».d A A. T t M t x o Atty, for Admr j OU want a wide-awake, reliable firm to represent you oa the Port­ land market. \te can give you prompt aad efficient service in selling your F R U IT S . V E G ­ E T A B L E S , HOGS. V E A L . P O U L ­ T R Y auj E G G S . We have bee« in the produce business in Portland for over 40 years Ask your neighbor about it. W riK us for prices. Y PAGE & SON, Portland Oregon ^V hy Buffer fro m headache ? H av e y o u r e y e s e x a m in e d «. T. F R E N C H Optometrist, with F. M. F r e n c h & S o n s J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S Albany, Oregon Amor A. Tussi ng LAW Y E R JA N D NOTARY H a lsey , O regon Confectionery for the Affection-ary I f the way to a m an ’a heart la Ihrovgh his «tomacb, as the old la y in g goes, then aurelv th e rig ht road to a woman'a good graoea ia through a box of chocolates and bonboue. o f cettree o n ly tha da ntiaat morssla w ill accompliah th a t end, and " heat ” mean« C larks'. Send a box today to your tnstast. ’ ’ W ham thera’a n candy box. there the heart un« lo a k i.”