DR. C. FICQ, DENTIST H A LS E Y 1 Fisk and Gates riree A ll kinds of accessories W illard battery service Special equipment for bandliog wrecked cars HALSEY GARAGE Telephone ' Sb°P. 1 ' I Residence, tights, 18x P la te s th a t F it ” £ (Continued ft am page 2) will prit. M fc 'fó è many of our Mends." R wan an astonishing bit of frank- Trouble calls given prompt attention any time and any where I t w ill pay you to get my prices on your dental work U Pottfndntwhs It repairing GARAGE Cusick Bank Building, Albany, Oregon Plates, Crowns, Bridge Work and Fillings A U T O M O B IL E answered. “1 ra w e d with him one evenin' down In Virglnny an' I'll never tackle him ag^In, you hear to me. His right flipper is as big as mine an' when It takes holt ye’d think It were goln' to strip the shuck off yer soul.* “H e’s in every way a big man,” said the Doctor. "On the whole, he's my mother, there never was Such a pair of eyes. Their long, dark lashes and the glow between them I remem­ ber chiefly. The latter was the friend­ ly light of her sp irit To me It was like a candle In the window to guide my feet. 'Come,' It seemed to say. ‘Here Is a welcome for you.’ 1 sow the pink In her cheeks, the crimson in her lips, the white of hdr neck, the glow of her abundant hair, the shape­ liness of brow and nose and chth in that first glance. I saw the beating of her heart even. I remember there was a tiny mole on her temple under the edge of thHt beautiful, golden crown of hers. It did not escape my eye. I tell you she was fair as the first vi­ olets In Meadowrale on a dewy morn­ ing. Of course, she was at her best It was the last moment In years of ^ n k ne :ebIc: , s r r i ^ i A L B E R T F O O T E Prop. K U tn f 3 )ir ttfo r y — Continued H A L LS ' (Continued on page 4) F L O R A L & M U S IC S H O P ^//lbanyj^)irectory We grow our own cut flowers Gold bended. Rubrnm and other hardy lily bulbs now on hand. Nice geraniums every Saturday, Phone lboj Phcpe ’ 12 V Satisfaction guaranteed This is good advice; " It you live Price fd.50 I in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in that town F R E D B. J O N E S But in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their having in the ALBANY larger town Those who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms Piano Tuner for leading music stores in named below ready to fill their require- Albany | ments with courtesy an t fairness. Piano Tuning and Repairing so bad as you take them T o te ? I as­ sured him. “ 'I hope you are right,’ he answered. 1 am told that the whole matter rests with your Doctor Franklin. I f we are te go on from bad to worse he will be responsible. New Ibany Bakery, 321 Lyon street, and " 'If It rests with him I can assure Best one-ponnd loaf of bread made. used you, sir, that our troubles will end,’ 5 cents. I said, looking only at the surface of Wedding cakes to order. bought, sold and exchanged at all timet the matter aod speaking confidently A FURNITURE AND FARM MACHINERY before he went to bed, he ’ wrote To h it parents and a long letter to the Pennsylvania Gazette, ffescrlblng bis voyage and h it arrival subsequently as the facts are here recorded Next B E N T. S U D T E L L out of the bottomless pit of my Inex­ A Ibany Floral Co. Cut flowers morning he ordered eveiy detail In his and plants. Floral art for every perience as the young are like to do. “uniforms" for morning and evening Phone ,6-R, 123 N. Broadalbin st., All>a«y and all occasions, “ 'I believe you are right,’ he de­ __________ Flower phone 458-f. wear and returning agarn to the inn clared and went on wjfli a smile. ’Now, found Solomon waiting In tha lobby. Electric Store. Radio my young friend, the girl has a notion A lb an y “Here I be,” said the scout and that she loves you. I am aware of * * sete. Electric wiring. Delco Light trapper. prodnets 202 Second that—so are you, I happen to know. G lenn W illard W m . H oflich "What happened to yo u r' Through Doctor Franklin's Influence "S’arched an’ shoved me Into a we have allowed her to receive your | D l u e Bird Restaurant, 809 Lyon • dark hole in the wall. Ye know, Jnck, letters end to answer them. I have ; * “* street Eat here when in i Albany _____ Albany. with you an’ roe. It allu t 'pears to br 1 - - <; Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. be workln'.” Mas. bloc nt . romantic. I have seen great moments. - Wilat h#* cotn<> t0 “What?" Shoes ’.hat cost less per month of wear "Good luck. Cur’ua thing the papers as you know, but this Is the one I pass. She Is our only child and you B R U N S W I C K can scarcely blame me If I balk at could least afford to give up. I had was on you 'atld of me—eyes, air, • • PHO NO G RAPHS long been wondering what I should do a marriage which promises to turn 'twaa. Did ye hand ’em orer safe?” at Halsey Happnirgs when It came. Now It was come and her away from us and fill our family “Last night I put 'em In Franklin's W O O D W O R T H ’S there was no taking thought of wbat with dissension.’ hands." (Continued front page 1) 'May we not respect each other I Fkavenport Music company offers we should do. That would seem to "Hunkldory! I ’m ready fer to go titles T I asked. ■•“'bargains ; Saxspbone, good as new The swallows bnve come. and disagree in politicar have been settled out of court I hum." \ ’’ ‘In politics, yes, but not in war. I I Holton Cornet, Holton Slide. King kissed her lips and she kissed «nine "Doctor Franklin wants to see you,” Days and nights of equal length. I Slide. Used Pianos. and for a few moments I think We begin to see danger of war and that is said Jack. “Put on your, Sunday H . R. Bierly has a new Ford could have stood in a half bushel full of the bitterness of death. I f Doc­ C ’ astburn Bros.— T w o big grocery clothes an' we'll go over to Ills house. measure. Then the Doctor laughed tor Franklin w ill do what he can to stores, 212 W. First and 225 South coupe. I think I can lead you th e rA , I f we re-establish loyalty and order In the Main. Good merchandise st the right and gave her ladyship a smack get lost we'll Jump into a cab.” Mrs. Edith Drinkard visited in Eu­ colonies my fear will be removed and prices. the cheek. When they set out Solomon < was gene Saturday. I shall welcome you to my family.1 " ‘I don't know about you, my lady, dressed In fine shoes and brown , wool "1 began to show a glint of lntelll Uh I ms developed and printed. hut It fills me with the glow of youth W illiam Green of Brownsville was stockings and drab trousers, a botter- We mail them right back to you. genes and said: ’I f the ministers will • to see such going on,' he remarked nut Jacket and blue coat, and a big, Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, O r­ over here Friday to consult Lawyer co-operate It will not be difficult.1 T m only twenty-one and nobody egon. black three-cornered hat. His slouch­ Turning. ’’ ’The ministers will do anything It knows It— nobody suspects It even. ing gait and large body and weathered Is In their power to do. These wrinkles and gray hair are only p h ret garage going north. Mrs. M. B. Southern and Mrs. face and the variety of colors In his “Then the timely entrance of Mar­ • Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline, George Hayes were shopping in A l­ a mask that « ere the heart of costume began at once to attract the boy.’ garet and her mother. repair work. attention of the crowd. A half-drsnk bany Saturday. about our biggest man. An officer who “ '1 suppose that I shall shock my _______________ W. H. H vlburt I confess that such a scene docs harridan surveyed him, from top io came out of the ambuscade at Fort push me back Into my girlhood,’ sold father but t cannot help It,’ said the Grant Froman of Albany, one-time toe. and made a profound bow its Duquesne with thirty living men out P O R D SALES AND SERVICE girl as she kissed me. county recorder, is announced as a he pasted. A number o f small hoys of three companies and four shot boles Lady Hare. ‘Alas I I feel the old • Tires sad accessories thrill.’ "You may be sure that I had my part candidate for the a9sessorshlp. scurried along with thum, curiously In his coat must have an engagement Repairs Suddenly Solomon arrived. Of In that game. She stood beside me, staring Into the face of Solomon. K ir k -P ollak M otor C o . with Destiny. Evidently his work was course where Solomon is, one would her arm around my waist and mine P. H. Freerksen’s territo ry as dep­ “Ain’t this like cornin’, Into a sav­ not finished. You have traveled about P o r t r o ille r F u rn itu re C o ., fu m i- uty assessor ha« been extended this expect solecisms. They were not want­ around her shoulders. age tribe that ain't seen no civilized some. What Is the feeling over there ing. I had not tried to prepare him ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves raHges. " 'Father, can you blame me for lor • human bein' fer years?” I year south to the Lane county toward England?" for the ordeal. Solomon Is bound to Ing this big, splendid hero who saved Funeral directors. 427-453 west First line. 7 “Wot Is It?" a voice slloutUd. “They're like a b'llln' pot every­ be himself wherever he Is. and why us from the Indians and the bandits? street, Albany, Oregon. ■”E's a blarsted bush W acker from I t Is unlike you to be such a hardened P C L L E R G ROCER\\~28.5 Lyon where. England has got to step care­ not? There Is no better man living. A flue fire nt the A. W| Dykstra North Hamertca, 'e Is,” another an­ ful now.” wretch. But for him you would have • " 'You're as purty as a golden robin, home, north of town, made a hole (Successor to Stenberg Bros. ) swered. "Tell Sir Jeffrey that, If you see be said to Margaret, shaking her hand rielther wife nor daughter.' Groceries Fruita Produce several feet in diameter in the roof Jack stopped a cab « id they got “She put It on thick but I held my Phone 263R him, just th a t Don't mince matters. In his big one. Thursday but was quenched. Into It. Jack, I'll eend my man with you and "He was not so much put out as I peace as I have done many a time In “8how ns some of the great build W- SEXAUKR, auto and geu- the presence of a woman's cunning. Mr. Blnkus to show) you the new thought he would be. I never saw I t is now claimed that the Western • ersi erti painter naiat»r Ings and land na In an hour at 10 lodgings. We found them this morn­ gentler man with women. As bard as Anyhow, she Is apt to believe herself Colonization company hits no valid Bloomsbury square, East,” lie said. Get my estimate ing." Iron In a fight, there has always been and In a matter of the heart can find title to that right of way on the Ran- 201 First street W ith a sense of relief they were a curious vein of chivalry In the old her way through difficulties which tiam pass road which th county court whisked away In the stream,of traffic. CHAPTER V» scout. He stood and Joked with the would appall a man. O O L M A N & JACKSON has been petitioned to o ffer $5000 Keep yourself In bounds, tny They passed the king's palace and girl, in his odd fashion, and set us all *"*• Grocery—Bakery for. 1 Everything in the line o( eats the great town bouses of the duke of laughing. Margaret and her mother daughter,* her father answered. The lovers. i i« i Bedford and Lord Balcarras. each of The fashionable tailor was done enjoyed his talk and spoke of If, oftm Aexl T. Salvog of Vining, Mich., Opposite Postoffice which was pointed out by the driver with Jack's equipment. Franklin had after that. ub Candy C o., First street, next and Miss Ruby E. Carlson of Shedd Suddenly every vehicle n e a r, them “I dressed and went to dine with the seen aod approved the admirably were married Wednesday. They w ill door to Blain Clothing Co, stopped, while their male occupants shaped and fitted garments. The Hares that evening. They lived In a reside at Portland, where the groom Noon lunches. eat with bared heads. Jack observed yoang man and h it friend Solomon large bouse on a fashionable ’road' ng Home-made candy and ice Cream, is an employe of a construction com­ a curious procession on the sidewalk had moved to their new lodgings on certain of the streets were called. It pany as a mechanic. passing between two llnea of halted Bloomsbury square. The ecout had wag a typical upper class, English ub Cleaning Works, Inc. people, acquired a suit for street wear and home. There were many fine old things Cov. Fourth and Lyon A rthur Leininger, Albany dentist, "H it’s their majesties!” the driver was now able to walk abroad without lu It but no bright colors, nothing to Master Dyers tad Cleaners was fata lly burned and his father, whispered under his breath. M ade-To-M easure Clothes exciting the multitudes. The Doctor dazzle or astonish you like the wooden H. A. Leininger received painful The king*—a stout, red-noted, blue- was planning what he called “a enug iDdlan in war paint and feathers and I f f you have Iriende they should bums when a gasoline tank in their Jowled man. with big, gray, staring little party ” So he announced when the stuffed bear and high colored rugs [ • have your photograph. office exploded and filled their office eyes—-wae In a sedan chair surmount­ Jack aod 8olomou came, adding: In the parlor of Mr. Uoaport In Phil­ Clifford's Studio ed by a crown. He was dressod la with flames Saturday morning. “But first yon are to meet Margaret adelphia. Every piece of furniture wag 3-U West First street, Albany. light cloth with silver buttons. Queen and her mother here at half after like the quiet, still-footed servants who Everything in the office was destroy­ Charlotte, also In a chair, was dressed four.” came and went making the smallest ed, but the firemen caved the rest of Official Strömberg carburetor serv­ In lemon colored silk ornamented with Jack mode careful preparation for possible demand upon your attention. the building. ice station. Conservative prices. All brocaded flowers. The two were smil­ that event. Fortunately It was a clear, "I was shown Into the library where work guaranteed 119-121 W. Seoond. ing and bowing as they phased In a bright day after foggy weather. Solo­ Sir Benjamin sat alone reading a news­ Monday a fire alarm came from the moment the procession entered a I en and tnoney are best when S. T . Hillm an home. I t was another mon had refused to go with Jack for paper He greeted me pditreiy great gate. Then there whs a crack busy. Make yonr dollars work in case of defective flue. ” ‘The news Is disquieting,’ he said fear of being in the way. Glenn Frum I our savings department. A lbany S tatk of whips and the traffic resumed Its " I want to see her an' her folks, but presently. 'What have you to tell us | B ank . Under government supervision. was first on the aeons. A number hurried pace. I reckon ye'U have yer hands full to­ of the situation tn America?* drove out from town. The blaze was When they had been conducted to ” I t Is critical? I answered. Tt can day,” he remarked. “Ye don't need no iller Motor Sales the pretence of Doctor Franklin ho quelled before much damage occur­ scout on that kind o' reconnolterln'. be mended, however, If the government Oakland and Jewett cars took Solomon's h&Dd and said: red. Neighbors reach a fire more Supplies and accessories You go on ahead an' git through with will act promptly.’ “Mr. Blnkue, 1 am glad to bid you ‘"W h a t should tt doT I First and Baker Sts. Albany, Oregon quickly in response to an alarm than yer smackin' an’ bym-by m straggle welcome.” Make concessions, air, atop ship­ in." Y j u r p h y Motor Co. Butek and before we lied the ” horseless car­ Precisely at four thirty five Jack ping tea for a time. Don't try to force ' He looked down at the slnawy, .big­ I I ’ M Chevrn Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and riage? presented himself at the lodgings of an export with a duty on It. I think boned, right hand of the scout, still I accessories. Delford Condra, member of the his distinguished friend. He het said the government should not shake the bolding it. Al tin n y , Oregon. Phone 2D0. mailed fist at us? Pilot Rock basketball team, which “Will you step over to the window In t letter, when bis dramatic adeem know hie merit« and should like to " 'But think of the violence and the oscoe a mes hardware had won the championship of four • moment and give me t look at your tares were all behind him. that this you married and hope to, but I the wae the most thrilling moment be had destruction of property I' hands?” be asked. must ask you to be patient until you eastern Oregon counties, came with W IN C H ESTU R S T O K E “ 'All that will abate and disappear can go to a loyal colony with your They went to the wlndew and the known. "The butler had told me that the team to Salem Friday, where they 322 W, First st. If the cause Is removed. We. who the ladles were there," he wrote. husband.’ Doctor put on his spectacles and ex­ played against the Salem high school "Upon my word It pot me out of keep our affection for England, have amined them closely. It was a pleasant dinner through S. GILBERI & SON and were defeated. Delford form er­ “I have never seen such an able breath climbing that Uttle flight of done our beat to hold the passions of which they kept me telling of my ad­ • Adding a line of builders' hardware stairs. But It wae In fact the end of the people In check, but we get no help ventures tn the bush. Save the Im­ Old customers are invited to call ted ly lived with his parents near H a l­ 8amsonlan fist," he went on. "I think sey and came down from Salem F r i­ mediate family only Mrs. Riggs re, a see the new stock. the look of those hands would let you a long Journey. It Is curious that my from this side of toe ocean.’ "Sir Benjamin sat thoughtfully feel­ sister of Lady Hare, and a young Into Paradise. What a record of hu­ feeling then should remind me, as It day to visit his old home and friends. CTIM SO N TH E SHOE DOCTOR man service Is writ upon them ! Hands does, of moments when I have been ing bts silvered mustache. He had nephew of Sir Benjamin were et the •vJ Second street, opposite Hamilton's He went from here to Brownsville to like that have laid the foundations of close up te the enemy, within his grown stouter and fuller-faced since table." visit his aunt. Mrs. Tamscl Thom ­ store. America They have been generous lines, sn^ lying hard against the we had parted In Albany when he had ' Sudden Service.” son, Saturday, and from there re­ looked like a prosperous, well-bred ground In some thicket while British hands. They tell me all I need to CHAPTER V II aldo Anderson A Son. distrib­ turned to Salem, where the team w ill know of your spirit, your lungs, your soldiers were tramping so near I could merchant In military dress and had utors snd dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ spend a day or two sightseeing before feel the ground shake. In the room been limbered nnd soiled by knocking The Dawn, heart and your stomach." mers, Essex, Hudson A llnpmobile cars. returning to eastern Oregon. Fraaklln, whom Jack saw the next ' They're purty heavy— that's why I I saw Lady Hare end Doctor Frank­ about In the bush. Now he wore a n'sUy carry 'em In my pockets when lin standing side by aide. What a white wig and ruffle« and looked as day. liked Dot the attitude of the bar­ Accessories. Supplies. 1st A Broadalbin. (Continued on page 4) smile he wore as be looked at met I dignified a t a Tory magistrate. onet. ain't busy," said Solomon. "In the moment of silence I mustered "I saw Sir Jeffrey Amherst this have never known a human being who He Is one of the king's men on the morning and told hlqt yen were in had such e cheering light In bis coun­ up my courage and spoke out big chess board," said the old phil­ W rite for booklet descrilring our 20- " ’Sir Benjamin,' 1 sabl. 1 have osopher. "All that he said te you has year Rural Credit Amortized Loans. London He le fond of yon and paid tenance I have seen It brighten the darkest days of the war elded by the come to claim your daughter under you many compliments and made me the sound of strategy. I have reneon The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ light of his words. Uls faith and good the promise you gave me at Fort 8tan- to believe that they ere trying to tow tiring the principal, Cheap r»les. No promise to bring you to his home.” T d Hie to smoke S pipe with ol' sheer were Immovable. I felt the wlx. I have not ceased to love her os into port snd Margaret I t only one delay. Constant gat causes Inflammation B ram L and C o ., snd If she continues to love roe I am of many ropes. Hare's attitude Is not Jeff," Solomon answered. "They ain't latter when be s lid ! tvhiah may involve the appendii. Sim­ l.H Lyon St., Albany, Ore sure that oor wishes will have your so nonsense "bout him. 1 learnt him that of so honest man." " 'See the look of alarm In his face. ple glveerine, bnekhorn bark, ate., as favor end blessing.' how to talk Injun an' read rapids an' Now for a pretty drama P Only three days before the philoso­ mixed in A dltrika helps any case gas " 'I have not forgotten the promise,' pher had bed a talk with North at the build a Are with Under an' elbow "Mrs. Here gave me her band and on the a to m a rh In 1EN minutes Most grease Be knows me plenty. He I kissed It and said that I had ex­ he said. ’But America has changed argent request of ITowe, who, to h it medicines set only on lower bowel, but staked his life on ms a dosaO times pected Margaret and hoped that she It Is likely to be a hotbed of rebellion credit, wee eager for reconciliation. Adleriks sets on RO TH tipper and at lowest rate of interest. lower bowel« and removes all gaa and la the Injun war.'* was not BL There was a thistledown —perhaps even the scene of a bloody The king’s friend and minister was Prompt service. Courteous treatmeet. poiso* a. Excellent (or obstinate con­ “How is Major Washington?” the touch on my cheek from behind and war. I must consider my daughter’s •ontewptuom stipation end to guard against appendi­ happiness.’ Doctor asked. “I am quite Indifférant to war,” ke WM B a in , loo m 5, First Savings Bank citis. turning I saw th« laughing face I “ ‘Conditions In America, sir, are pot bad_ejçdc»lly deçlgftfl at lift, "Tlie “5 t ° 5 L * 8 1 P9>t 2 ’ finger," Solomon eought looking up at me. I tell /o u , bnllning Albany RINGO DRUG 8T0RE j SHQE O SERVICE F H H I lyÄGNKTOiTECTRitrcÖ.- M- M , R S W r FARM LO AN S Gas On Stomach M ay Cause Appendicitis FARM UrV--» 4^1?' i. ’ LO AN S f 'l* t « f i