1 HALSEY B N T E X P X II PAO B I HÀLflïY KNTKBP1ZSB i»4 our Anybod> elsC | who gets it, gets it wrong now. those who help themselves." forest by hard further from the letter, for the en of every struggling Oregon farmer: We are milking six cows now anr getting about 180 pound* of milk Two of them are heifers which hsv, just freshened. We have one mori heifer and a cow to freshen in week or ao. toiler he bad in th> world behind hem. Railroad managers will shed tears >f sympathy (perhaps) over the re­ ha* been g ivin g about pounds of milk a day. fo rty -fo u i port of the W illamette Valley trana- med in by mountains, and for road» they had the promises with which tkr state was flooded in the road-bond campaign. Their cream goes to th< railroad over a route which has re ceived Just enough attention iron, road builders to make it more d iffi cult of navigation than it was then They pay their road money in the shape of auto license fees, but they escape some of the gasoline tax foi the roads are impassable, practically for the machine except in summer so it is not using the taxed fluid now They hope to live long enough to get benefit from the road burden they carry. They know the premium nature of fers to the dairying business in west *m Oregon, and starting in a very small way they are Increasing and Improving their little herd and their acreage. They are not waiting for help from congress, which would help the wheat farm er by artlflcally raising the price and thus benefiting Argentina and Russia and killing the chance for sales of Ametica’s They are practicing a wheat abroad strong-arm method, not on •» human hold-up vic­ tim , but on Nature, who like* to be so treated and yields treasures In re­ turn. They have not put their eggs all in one basket, however. They •ay: The lettuce and peat are up and look nice. We intend to sell quite a few peas. I-aat year we got 8c a pound for them and at that price there is very good money in them. In summer, when they can freight over the fro m roads, it ia haul worth one to two cents a pound to take a load to market, ao that at or­ dinary prices there are few crops that will stand the freight. The wheat farmers of Oregon could raise all the grain crops these people do. Few of them could pas­ ture the grain fields, before allowing the crop to grow to m aturity, be- j sandy loam our correspondent* have, ^ ^ ¿ ^ vvw ^ ^ ^ a a a a a a a a a a a a a p a a a a a a a a a a a > a a a a a a a a ’ FOR EXCHANGE 718 Acres Central A lh p r ta z a lu v l It* Fu,ly «1485 on Its 1928 by gom„ meang theyqj find out man after his card had been taken to .the doctor’s oflleo. He was shown leave to 6end them to America on business and the latter a loae of >«28, | what Meang mMng Into a reception room aod asked to condition that they should not be pub­ of which the bill it failed to pay for wait, where others were waiting. An lished. Of course, they proved nothing sdvertlsing in the Enterprise is, we| hour passed and the day was growing but the treachery of Hutchinson, Young Tooze seeks reinstatement dusk whtn all the callers save Jack Rogers and Oliver, Now I seem to be presume, g part. 4 Efficient Service. Motor Hearse, ns republican state chairman. Does had been disposed of. Then Franklln tarred by the same stick.” Lady Attendant Jack told him of his prospects and entered. Jack remembered tbe strong, the organization want to dvertise it well-knit frame and kindly gray eyes especially of the generosity of his Brownsville........................ .......... Oregon There ia a loud and aaniaa noise self aa favoring the carrying of an of the philosopher. His thick hair, friend Solomon Blnkus and of the about money being diverted from hanging below his collar, was now i plight the latter was ln. Illegal pocket flask? useful Industrie* into tax-free •*■ “He must be a remarkable man,” white, n e was very grand la a suit of W - L. W R IG H T black Manchester velvet with white said Franklln. "W ith Preston's help ouritlee. We, the people, issued Mortician & Funeral Director silk stockings and bright silver buckles he will be coming on to London ln s The Pierce recall petitions are every dollar of thaaa tax-free seen, Halsey and Harrisburg on his shoe* There was a gentle dig­ day or so. I f necessary you and I will Who’ll bid C all D. T aylor , Halsey, or ritiee in exchange for a dollar ported fo r sale, nity In his face when he took tbe go down there. We shall not neglect W, L. W r ig h t , Harrisburg him. Have you any dinner clothes? nickel! boy's hand and said with a »mile: which we needed and which wc They w ill he Important to you." lo u are so big. Jack. Yon have straightway put into circulation. “I thought, sir, that I should best How nicely ’•Tooze” rhymes with built a six foot two inch man of that wait until I had arrived here.’’ If wa bad not mad* the obligation* small Ind I knew ln Albany, and well "You thought wisely. I shall Intro­ tax fra* w* ibould have had to pay ‘boo eel" finished, too— great thighs, heavy shoulders, a mustache, a hoblo brow, duce you to a good cloth mechanic. 1 can nuke both FAR M and C IT Y jast ao mach more lntereat on anr and shall I say tbe eye of Mors? It's Go to him at once and get one suit for L O A N S at a very row rate of inteiest labt and abould have oollaetad It wonder what time and ment and dinner and perhaps two for the street. hrom 5 to 10 years. Write me for par bsak la taxee an tba paper. It la bread and potatoes snd Rlr can ac­ It costs money to be a gentleman G. W. I.AKLAR, W,H do what w< complish. But perhaps Industry Rnd here. I t ’s a fine art. While you are ln ircnlars. aa broad as it is long, and tba claim for it — good reading have done gome work on London you'll have to get the uniform Salem, Ore. 410 Oregon Bldg money is working all tba time aa rid your system of C atsn h or Deafness the Job.” and fall in line and go through the caused by Catarrh. hard as ever. HALSEY Jack blushed and answered: “It evolutions or you will be a ‘North MX H Xriuaisk Av vvsv 4S rwn American savage.' You shall meet the "Would be hard to fix the blame." Since the oil drums have begun to F. J. CHENEY 6 l CO., Toledo, Ohio Franklln put hla hand on thè young Hares In my bouse as soon as your clothes are ready. Ask the tailor to man's shoulder and saldi Cash paid for She Is n lovely gtr). Jack. You hurry up. They must be finished by have excellent good taste. I congratu­ Wednesday noon. You had better have Jream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal late you. H er pulchritude l i a s a lodgings near me. I w ill attend to & Hides, H- S H O O K background of good character and Mie that for you." Tbe Doctor sat down and wrote on Is alive with the spirit of the New World. I have given her no chance a number of card*. “These will pro­ vide for cloth, linen, leather and hats," to forget you If that had been possible Pince I became the agent In England he said. "Let the blfla be gent to me. of yourself and sundry American prov­ Theo you'll not be cheated. Come ln First-Class Work inces, I have seen her often, but never tomorrew at half after two." Jack bade the Doctor good night without longing for the gift of youth. Agent for Eugene Steam Laundry How ta my familyT' and drove to The Spread Eagle where. Sent Tuesdays. "They ar* well. I bring you letters.' The th rifty man when making a trip (Continued on page 3) J . W. ST E PH E N SO N . Prep. "Come up to my office and w ell will C3K tH B T R A IN because: give an hour to the news." Me can aava tnouay by parehasing a When they were sented before the I round-trip ticket at reduced fare. grate Are in the large, pleasant room above stairs whose windows looked He w ill measure in dollar* and cents out upon the sqnare, (lie young man tba safety of tba trip as well aa tba said : aonatorta it provides. "Ftvat I shall give you. sir, a letter from Major Washington. It wag en He will apend his money where he trusted to a friend of mins who came 1 knows his home town will get tha oo the same ship with raw. He was greatest benefit—w ith the railroad — arrested at Deal, but, fortunately, ibe a big faetor in tb* development of the letter was In my pocket” eommnalty. "Arrested? Why?" “1 think, sir, the charge was that He will capitalise en the fact that tb* he had helped to tar aod feather a train will ran regard!*** of nnfavorabla British subject." weather condition* and gat him to hie Feathers and tar are poor argu­ destination aafaiy. ments," tb* Doctor remarked as he breke the seal of tb* letter. It was a long letter snd Franklln sat for near lialf an hour thought­ fully rending and rereading I t By and by he folded and put It Into hla pocket, For aay railroad laferaiation ea.1 on your ticket ageut sai Ing as he did so: “An sngrv man —he will gladly assist yea