- improving. Miss Leitner is practicing her H. Ternan of Salem visited his Standard Bearers for a program to be given at the Methodist church mother, Mrs. J C. Bramwell, Mon- day. soon. 11. PRESENT C O N D IT IO N of - v “ O re g o n - t'J H O> : ■ .. ' ■ road . * T* ,7." ‘ \CSL >»*ÉieAÌ *2^2 hood R i ver , t z zoo * oo? too? 'T'X? i - 'W Busness,’’ p u blish ed b y of the m ount hoop loop P E v E M B tH 1,132.3. k- >r >> V a ’ ¿»if¿f t. ft ‘‘¿ I ’t f 'k 'i v ’ £,+¿1 \ OK >’¿5/»f‘ UF’ *>4^**1. t- 6 g Art'/»r YJ,' • : K.'-’Vl-CDOft'• /-I \ 1 -* cAp Jt-ir t tfiMf 7\ a AfcXU' . W L, . £ a * u -»--»f ' c H a ' » « e\-v r» 0*^ ' . t i l ‘U, ■ V * ‘ 9.0 to ciouo s»trj % & & & hni ro t-vs- t> CiwreJ’v w - 6. a FVv OA .¡W ^ , 5A W.Z-, 7XJC HOOP ”0 / >7v’ó V • K i ? y " " * * 5 ¿ S K i 'i” — S. Ù «4r<&< f f Mrs. L. E. Wlton was a passenger the L. Goos was such a goose that he O re g o n V I if y ran his car too fast on the Albany to Harrisburg Friday and again Sat­ v ''" XJÌ ^-'«ùr * | fa«ST MuNiwir urday. - bridge Sundy, for which he paid a Seate X- .< * \ $10 fine. Mrs. W. P. Wahl visted at the A. VrS*' •*- % T q v ii {J V | Armstrong heme Monday after­ Charles H. Leonard has been ap­ noon. C h a m b e r o f pointed county surveyor in the place ^*7"/ Z Z’z _>?/ rra tt’s brother, L. C. Merriam, and Mrs. Emma Gregory was an Al- cing nicely after his seige of pneu trip to Albany Friday. day in the evening, flew over Oregon wife, Thursday. Mrs. Inez omitn spent tne week ntonia. oany shopper Thursday. and is on its way for a trip around B. E. Cogswell of Portland ¡9 Miss L ottie B sm rossof th e S ik tz end at her home in Albany. the world to make Jules Verne turn country has been visiting at the H. Bud McElvnin of Portland was a Mr«. Ira Kent (nee Slavens) has pending the week at his ranch. Mrs. Gladys Gibson visited Mr. and been visiting her sister, Mrs. \Ii,c • r a r In h 's grave and groan. E»zen M. Henry home. Si» is now helping ‘ Shedd visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. II L. Strnlcy and son Mrs. Schultz h few days last week. Moore, the past. week. planes passed west of Halsey, go­ the Gourley family. , I.eRoy wete Sunday nfternon callers Mrs. Glenn Hill of Harrisburg ing n o rth , yesterday and are pre- Mrs. Jane Bucher visited her ljt-p Miss Anna Booker hfl3 returned to at the A. E. Whitbeck home. A. G. Waggener has been named ''isitod Mra. G regory Saturday, ■umed to have been th e world hew, Bert Haynes, and family last Portland after a two weeks visit with Alvin Allen and two children touriata and some of th e ir friends. administrator of the estate of John - | . I. N. Hughes is to continue the re­ weeL. friends and relath-er'tWrfh of town Of f Grove visile,I nt , home A. vival meetings the rest of this week. State President Edythe Kelly of F. Waggener, valued at $2,400. George Chandler, Dean Bdyeu and of her sister, Mrs. Chester Curtis, H. Quimby, Curtis Veatch and John Mis. Fred If arrison, matron «nd Roseburg and Grand Secretary Ora Mrs. Al Nelson of Rainier, formerly Mrs. Elmer Munson are the commit­ last week. Edwards are appraisers. of Shedd, visited friends here last tee to purchase a piano and we ex­ chief nurse in the Brownsville lioipi C otper of P o rtlan d will visit th e Mra. E. A. Starnes spent Wednes­ tai, has been quite sick and Is under David Foote, father of A. E. Foote week. pect to have one by next meeting. Rebekahs tonight and degree work day of |a-t week with Mrs. Harry a doctor's care. of this city, has sold his residence at A large crow! rttm d-'d the ruppci Commune. Mrs. Clell Thompson visited her Litchfeld, Ohio, and will return to It has been reported that George at the Pine Grove schoolhouse Friday- Oregon with Arthur. Foote and wife. sister, Mrs. Randolph, in Albany, last Mi. and Mrr. E. D. Isom and week. evening and $43.36 was realized. The Howe, teacher in Ash Swale, ha They are expected here in about two W e H ave signed up for another year there. daughter and Mrs. J. F. Isom and < ntertainment, given by the Corvallis weeks. Rex Davis and family of Albany 1 haniber of C-u.interce, v oi much en- Mr. Howe is a splendid teacher and is two sons drove to Eugene Sunday af­ EVERYTHING spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. jtyed. Abou- fifteen Corvallis getting good results from his labors ternoon. O ptical Mrs. James McMahan had as Dora Davis. people were present guests at her home (Tuesday Mrs. ilre. Michael Rickard spent several Josie and (lari Carlson »rp nuite E Y E S T R A IN Mrs. Henry Freerksen spent the Ora Cooper, secretary of tha Rebekah days last week in Benton county car­ The members of the orchestra met ill with measles. They went to Al­ Is the Cause of Many sssembly, Mrs. Edith Kelly of Rose­ week end at the home of her son, at the schoolhouse Monday evening, bany to nee their sister Ruby mar ing for her daughter-In law, Mrs. HUMAN ILLS j burg, president, and Miss Belle Bel- Pete Freerksen, near Halsey. expecting to have their first lesson, ried and while there broke out with If yeur eyes give you trouble or Ray Ri kartl, who is quite ill with Leland Pennell attended a party in but the teacher did not come. They measles. ^ „ „ your K1»“ «» are annoying Non-: of the C'arLpti.; bare ohuer of L afay ette, past president measles. SBE US, We can Relieve You They attended lodge meeting at Albany Wednesday evening at the sent a car aftei hint and still he ever had them. B ancroft Optical Co. home of Miss Gail Troutman. would not come, so they are now- Brownsville in the evening. Word was received here last week Who is the Goat ? 313 1st S t W. Albany, Phone jl Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Rodgers and looking for a new instructor, as tliiP that R..v. Earl Cochran of Tacoma is (Continued en paga 3) Mr. and Mrs. Shook attended the made twice this gentleman said he Robert Morgan, in an article in to help Rev. Mr. Kline of Grants Pass Price meeting in .Albany Friday eve­ would come and did not appear the Iiearborn Independent, says: carry on a revival meeting. Mr ning. Without exception, (he reputable, Kline preached here a few years ago Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Sprenger spent Misunderstood and is the fathej. ol Mrs. Earl Stan- well Gained physicians, the managing board« of the nation’s best hospitals, Sunday at the home of Mrs. Spreng- ard. H a— Hello, Cutie. the leading medical research labor­ er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Swatzka, She—D j n 't you call ina a co-rtio. near Tangent. No doubt the reader has read this: atories, the state, county and city In the spring a young man’s fancy” medical organizations, and (hose C. J. Shedd tripped over a board on W. G. Trill, the Harrisburg attor­ ttc. Well, spring is undoubtedly board« which ha- e charge of our law« the tiJewalk and {fall, cutting^ a sev- ney, made a short stay in Halsey here, even if the calendar doesn’t say regelating the practice of medicine, j ere gash in his head which had to be Monday, while returning from a trip »o, for there were three weddings t i l " * de' l®rin8r with one 'h at the ! attended to by a physician. to Albany. * , town First, Ruby Carl p!T,'*n,< day Pr* ^"'e of gland surgery, town last last week. week. L o c ^ f .¿ » ..„ ,1 lr ^ P l “nt.t,on, gland in jec The Priscilla club members met at son and Axel Salvog of Portland tlon. and gland-pill dosage Is utter­ the home of Pdrs. Vem Arnold on Kuby is a fine young woman and Mr Wednesday. Mesdames Fred and Salvog is to be congratulated for hav­ ly without merit, worthless as a pre- Harry Sprenger were visitors. ing procured her for his life partner. ventative of disease, valueless in tho Haulsh liber, quo of Brownsville’! prolongation of life, useless as a re­ Among Albanv shoppers Saturday giaduates laat year, was married to storer of mental or sexual vigor, and were Mr. and Mrs. Vern Arnold and actually damaging to the person sub­ a young ineob.vntc of Wiedling, Beulah mitting to it. daughter Lurhoe, Mr. aad Mrs. Ken­ is n girl of sterling qualities. 'Phcn neth Robson, Miss Ann Pennell and Ihe goat-gla: d scrums made from Saturday Goldie Nance and George glands supplied by ilaughterhouses Mrs. George Maxwell and daughter Blain . wore married. Goldie was Dorothy. ----, - from - . New York to sraaii lldll'in'G «INI San Francisco and one of Brownsville's young widows , from Minneapolis to New Oileans is, T he local M alonic lodge had a She is a fine Christian woman and for ihe most part, dirty and infee- huay session Saturday afternoon and Mi. Blain is to be congratulated. H alsey Church oi C h rist tious. The writer has had the privi- ! evening, the occasion being the con- ledge of examining not less than | ferring •( Cue matter Maso'a degree Church Announcement! twenty bottles of this scrum, manu­ upon Dr. T. I Mark* aad Clyde Koontz An effort to bar motion picture; factured by as many mushroom "lab­ C hurch of C h r is t: from the city is reported. of Halsey and Charles Rosen and Carl Lon Charnlee, m in istir. oratories” scattered throughout thia Bible school, 10, W. H . Robert- R oonetikanip of T angent A bvn- Not one of these bottles Brownsville has another new country. was free from foreign substances, in quet was served to about sixty. in­ son, superintendent. waterworks pump. M orning worship, 11. L ord’s some cases dirt and hair and other cluding visitors from Albany, Jef­ supper every L ord’s day. B. T. Kuiu'er lies inats.'Nd on elec­ materials. ferson, Corvallis and Brownrvile. C hristian Endeavor, (5:80. tric incubator which will take care of The writer has personal knowledge The wife of E. A. Batnford, vice- E vening service, 7:30. over 500 eggs at a time. of four instances, in one western city, preiider.t of Page t Son, of Portland, The church w ithout a bishop, in o - . . . . I three women, and one man. all of whose advertisement appear a in the th e country w ithout a king. Business men are signing * pledge i . . ,, . . . . . *, K a 1 " w h o m are toda/ in hospitals suffer- boycott freight trucks competing _ - If you have no church borue to Lnterpeise elsewhere, waa injured fa­ „ . .. .. ,nK from severe poisoning as a resu t with the railroads if the Southern , , n __ i . , , tf you wsnt te know why, drop in db J ree our styles, oor great range of beau­ tally when Bamford'e car skidded and come and worship with us. Pariflc will continue its daily Albany-1 ? 7 1 h . e. «,’ nd -erum .nyection. tiful pure wool fr* rice end our superb qualities at upse’ Saturday near Portland. She M ethodist: Rrown„.ilU X 7 administered by one goat gland pr.c- Brownsville train, firmly clasped hi»- six-months- old titioner. And he Is supposed to be H obart Parker, p asto r. granddaughter in tjie accident, saving Hnnday School, 10. few well-trained physicians Foster or 4 Kleiser, the ruaicr iwciser, ine Portland 1 onianu hill Dill- one ™ of "" the ' it from injury-, w^ich act may have Preaching, 11. board company, intimate that th e y ! have entered this field. How coit her life. Interm ediate League, 6:30. are willing to keep tobacco off the | ^reat thcn *• the danger from the E pw orth League, 8:80. billboards if the council will restore I untrained operator? P ray er m eeting T h u rsd ay , 7 30. the right to maintain big ones. The State T rearurer Hqff Is dead. T here, G ertrude A therton, w ith GOOD GOODS P reaching, 7:30. yuur “ Black O xen,” take th a t ! council is cogitating. t." $25 TO $ 50 KOONTZft ¥■ »Ka