H A L S E Y R A IL R O A D T I M E School Notes MARCH 11 1*H HALSEY TjfTtRPRM f* A O E « N orth (Bw urprlan C«rrnapoad«maat G LO B E a neighbor they continued on their way home. alxany Special sale tor Saturday, March 15 Mill Run at $28 per ton, cash C. H. Falk aad R. E. Bierly were Albany visitors Tuesday. S U N D A Y -M O N D A Y -T U B S D A Y MaacK 16-17-1« Mrs. W. 0. Smith who wae on the sick list last week ia recorering. Thos. H. Ince’« P. H. Willis visited relatives at Shedd, Salem and other points Sat urday. ANNA CHRISTIE with Blanche Sweet and a big cast wall doac * * * * * * * * * * * Be sura to keep “ W IT H IN T H E L A W ” Charity grange vxpects to take in twelve member« Saturday, six naw onee and twelve who have haeo member« of the order before. This will be the lest all-day see- KalMy Happenings, etc. sion this ssasea. Mr. sad Mrs. C, P. Moudy, Frank (Continued from page 5) M. E. Gardner and wife and Adrian Gansle, T. J. Skirvia. Lawrence Tay­ lor, Ray Gansle and B. M. Bond at­ Smith motored to Albany Monday. tended the minstrel show at Harris­ Adolph Speri’ng returned Monday burg Friday evening. from a two-daya trip to Portland. Mr. and Mr». C. P. Mood, Frank Mra. M. B. Southern and ton Willit Mr. and Mra. Fred Taylor of Eu­ were passengers to Albany Tuesday. gene »pent Sunday at J. C. Standish’». Phil Merriam returned the last of Mi»» Clarice Gourley, now of Al­ the week from Glendale, where he bany was visiting in Halsey Sunday. had been for a few days. This is for one day onlyS | so do not fail to take advantatr« ''i thif special > f price. QUALIT Y FFEDS at right pr’ces’i f E. 0 . Ward of Eugene stopped off at Haleey Tuesday for a visit wtth his mother, Mra. M. M. Ward. A. C. Armstrong and wife «*r* in Albany Saturday and they and W P. Wahl were there again Monday. I t i t a real production, a stupead- o ut drama aad esceptioeaUy $ O. W . FR U M I in w in d 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ped Templeton were Mr». Hugh Ixeper was the guest ol her daughter, M rt. 1.. W. Ryerley, guest» of Mrs. IL M. Miller and laughter Beulah Sunday. in Albany several days last week. Claron Gormley came up from Cen- Sheriff Richard teekt the republi­ can nomination to succeed himself .ral Point, where he ha» employment, and R. L. Chandler, a deputy, will to »pend tha week end with heme folks. contest the issue with him. Thompson and Wilkin», the Eugene Mrs. C. P. Stufford returned Sat- 'joys accused of trying to rob LaMar ui day evening from Portland, where she was an over-night guest of Mr. i LaMar «tore at Peoria, who were urned loose for want of evidence, and Mra. G. T. Kitchen. ve-re sent to Corvallis to be tried for Mrs. Eliza Brandon took the train robbing the Wilhelm »tore at Monroe. for Shedd Tuesday. There she war R. W. Tripp is the new president of to be met by Mrs. Anna Morgan and .he Linn County Realty board Jay taken to Plainview for a visit. W. Moore of Halsey continue! as Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman secretary. and niece, June I^yton, spent the Earl, Orville and Dorothy Arm­ week end with the former’s sister, Miss Amelia Zimmerman, at her home strong, little children deserted by their father, have been awarded by in Albany. the juvenile court to the care of their Mrs. L. E. Walton and Mr*. J. W. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Moore returned Thursday from Eu­ Arasstroag. Their metber baa sines gene, where they had visited Mi«« tsnght te have the order set »aide. Minnie Marlow and Mrs. Walton had D. S. McWilliams took .dinner at some dental work done. the S. J. Smith home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Stevenson of the Mr». D. S. Davis of Albany was IJnn Drug company of Eugene pass visiting her daughters, Mr». Lyle ed through Halsey Thursday on their Chance and Mrs. John Willbanks, both way to Portland and left their chil­ residing near Halsey, last week. Her dren in the care of the grandparents, granddaughter, Ml»« Gladys Will- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stevenson. banks, returned to Albany with her The nine and one-half miles from for a visit. Albany bridge to Corvallis is to he Mrs. A. P. Phillips of Albany had paved, 18 feet wide, with cement con business In Halsey last Thursday and crate and will have the heaviest pave­ Friday. ment laid thus far by th state. J. Mita Opal Jackaon of Harrisburg C. Compton has the contract for »24,- visited Miss Ida Jackson between 300, which ia said to be lower for the trains Friday. work than on any previous job. Mrs. Fred Taylor returned Satur­ day evening from Salem, where she had been visiting her brother, Ever­ ett Standish. She was joined here by Mr. Taylor and they spent the night at the home of her father, J. C. Standish, and wife, returning to Eugene Sunday. Mra. A. Maiers and Uttla son of IT.ileiuath visited *t the J. T. Curry home last wask. Why Women Use Glycerine Mixture RINGO DRUG STORE (Continued fro m page 1) Spring farm work ia starting earner ia central Oregon this year than ever before. With practically no winter, spring arrived more than a month earlier, ahd flowing and harrowing is general in the agricultural districts. Baperiaaants conducted near Herm­ iston in the west end of Umatilla coun­ ty for converting alfalfa bay into mut­ ton by feeding limbs has resulted in an excellent price for the hay, ac- sordlng to Prod Beunion, county agent. Efforts of predatory animal hunt­ ers of the United States blologloal survey In Oregon resulted in the death of 534 animals in the month of Febru­ ary. accortllng to a report of Stanley O. Jdwett, predatory animal Inspector. James Henderson McFarland, one of the founders of the city of Cottage Orove, died there at the age of 79. He wae a pioneer of 1863, coming from Missouri, and took up a donation land eltflar where Cottage Orove no* stands. Mrs. Mary 8tarmer. Oregon pioneer, died at Silverton. She was an aunt Of Homer Davenport and cousin of T. T. Geer Che was born in 1851 in Waldo hill» and lived all her life on gtrt of tho old R. C. Goer donation M M claim. Mhieg Lather Felker, United States army, retired and now at Hill Military academy. Portland, has been cited by the war department for gallantry io “ Ralph Miller is taking orjers for N ew tow n A pples from Rood River, TSSStr $1-04 a box postpaid. Fresh aad so n d Two or m art hoses cheaper by freight WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM Big stock ol Wear-Eyar kitchen ntsostls just ree» î ted at H IL L & CO.’S Wear-Ever is stamped from hard motel— out spun nar Cast. Bpaa articles are made from soft sheets. Cast nastal Is more porous than that which it produced nader heavy pressure Besides, to ef make it w*el smoothly it ia mixed with from A to 8 per cant cent of by water alloy, whtoh oneonraget the disintegration of the metal by containing impurities. Got tbs best, W ear-lK er la tho beet. boat. (Enterprise Correspondence) Albert M in er nss an Albany visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haynea visited the W. E. Hover family at Harrisburg Sunday. M rs. F red H e in rio h and M a rg a re t visited the Misses Sophia and Anna Heinrich at Corvallis Sunday. i Mrs. Will McLaren and Dorothy and Mr. and Mrs. George McNeil were Corvallis callers Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Albertson and Mr. and Mrs. Minckley attended the radio concert in Halsey Wednesday evening. A number of the young men met at the schoolhouse Tuesday evening and formed an orchestra. Many have purchased instruments. They are now looking for an instructor. Mr. and Mrs.' N. E. Chandler at­ tended the dedication of the M. E. church at Shedd Sunday. A cafeteria supper will be served at the Pine Grove schoolhouse Fri­ day evening, March 14, beginning at seven o’clock. After the supper the Commercial club of Corvallis will give cn entertainment. The proceeds from the supper will be used to make the first payment on a piano for the schoolhouse. Public Sale The delivery window of the Halsey postoffice is open Sundays from 10:50 to 11 a. m. and 12:15 to 12:30 p. m.i Sunday mail goes out only on the north-bound 11:37 train: M a il goes south once a day, closing at 11:05 a. ni. ; north twice, closing 11:25 a. ni. and 5:30 p. in. M a il stage for Brownsville. Crawfordsville and Sweet Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. in. Paid-for Paragraphs (5c a line) For sale—Used Sewing Machine» ’ 1 Rotary White, . 130 00 1 Rotary W hite, . 27.50 1 Free, , . . . 18.00 1 Merwin, . . . 17.00 1 Sears & Roebuck, 10 00 A ll drop head. Good condition W . J. L ank , Brownsville, Ore. Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle at the Enterprise office. The Study Club The Women’s Study club met March 6th at the home of Mrs. J. C. Por­ ter, ten members responding to roll call with answers to an Americaniza­ tion questionnaire. During the business session plans for furthering the community organ­ ization were discussed. The lesson on “Scotland” was con­ tinued by Mrs. Marks, who gave an interesting account of Oban and the Highlands. Mrs. Stafford of the art committee gave a descriptive talk on “Carmen” and played numerous selections from the opera on the vic- trola. Mrs. Fred Sprenger of Shedd was a guest. The hostess was assisted in serving luncheon by Mrs. W. A. Mul­ ler. The club will meet March 20th with Mrs. W. A. Muller. Lake Creek Locals Mrs. Roy Gentry of Albany was a passenger to Brownsville by way of Halsey Friday. (By an Enterprise Reporter) J Having disposed of my farm, will offer to the highest bidder my personal property q on the farm, three miles south of Halsey, • on tho Pacific highway, SA TU R D A Y , M ARCH 22, 1924 • Look for the bills Everybody welcome Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hill spent Fri­ day evening hete. Mrs. George Alford and children re­ turned to their home at Irving Sun­ Clarence Williams and wife visited dry, after a visit with her parents, E. in Harrisburg Sunday. E. Gor.nley and wife. J. H. Rickard and family of Al­ Mrs. W. C. Sickels, daughter-in- ford attended church here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arley Cummings en­ law of Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Sickels, joyed chicken pie at Lake Creek Fri­ and little son of Eugene arrived Sat­ urday for a visit with relatives. day evening. 5 J •• SUNDAY M A IL HOURS John Evans is quite ill. G. R. W ALKER Miss Mary LaRue went Friday for several days’ visit in Eugene. Miss Mabel Robinson visited her sister Mrs. A. E. Foote, last week. Her father,' F. M. Robinson, motored Word comes from Fred G. Smith doom from Junction City Thursday and family that they are now living The Woman's Foreign Missionary on the one-thous«nd-acre ranch of society met laat Friday at tho home Mr. Cobb at Oakland, Oregon, and of Mra. G. W. Momhlftweg wtth fif­ litre recently completed the setting of teen members present. The lesson on 5t)0 prune trees end five acres »1 wal­ “tithing” was given by Mr». A. W es­ nuts. ley, Mre. M. E. Gardner and Mias Mrs. Mornhinweg Mr. and Mrs. Stone, living near Beulah Miller. Twin Butte, when returning home had charge of the devotions. A com­ from town Sunday, trying to turn mittee was appointed to prepare a from the highway Into the cross road program for founder’’ day. two miles south of town when travel­ Another man tban Charlie ing at too great a speed, turned over ^ C h a p l in get a faceful of pie in the ditch. Nei.ther of them was seriously inujred, and with the aid of (■'Portland Monday morning. H e vaa W . R. Mollis ond was taking pits from a baker’s dsllvsry rig he raa. Another driver ran against him, humping him into tha piao hs was aalaading. Women appreciate tha qoiek action of simple glycerine, bnckthoen hark, etc., as mised ia A ld trika, Most medicine* act only on lo w tr hews), but A idenka acts on B O TH upper and lower bowels, and rtm uvts all gasses and poiooal Rxeellsnt for obstinate constipation and to guard against appendicitis. Helps gas ea stomach in T E N minutes* Pine Grove Patters Oregon Ooeurronoos • • _ 11 — ■ Mrs. Elsie Carpenter and son of Salem spent the week end at the J. S. Nicewood home. FARMERS, Y action against Spanish forces during the attaek on San Juau hill, Cuba, Jtfy 1. IMS. Little Eva Rieka. 3 years old. was burned to death In a barn fire on the L N. Conley ranch, four m