Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, March 13, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAOB J
HALSBV B N T E R P » ! « ,
What are yea going to do about that oar f
Don't wait till tb« spring rush.
the proepecthre settler ia likely to be
marooned on hie farm , wttk an im­
passable sen of mod between him and
Have it ready for spring
tripe when yea need it the moat.
Halsey, Oregon
Onr ahep equipment is among the beat, which enables o* to
• paved road or a raOroed, for the
greater p ert o f the year, reveal tba
M e i ri» to.- . « l.» í * yen» 1» »«vane*.
to bhn before he pate hie money
Advertising. 20c aa in c h ; bo anew»«
lo t time <x » pace . BO charge for oom into a bottomless hole.
poeitson or < aanges.
The state abounds In fertile tract»
■a “P e ia -f'-i Paragraph«." (e
Me U n n i « « » dlaffulaad as m » i
of land like that on the western and
de year job the way it should be done.
end a
W alter
L. Toot« jr .
haa pleaded
»tart haa teen made at placing one in guilty to a liquor, charge and resign­
eastern Oregon.
A thread o f the ed the state republican chairmanship.
warp reaehe» from Astoria to Uma- .Moonshine ia like a two-edged »word.
woof reacts« from Aatoria to V ma­ I t cuts whoever fools w ith It.
tin * county.
Moot of the rest ia “in
O f th e woof thread through l u -
gene to Florence the state commis­
sion made a beginning a m « year«
ago, starting from Junction City in­
subject where haste it being made «o
slowly after all these year».
I t said
‘The low pass road over the »uni
Guy F.
will o f Germ any to pay.’’
More might.
the coast highway.
He »aid that the
718 Acres Central
A lh c a r f a
’’“ » r
• d “ >Pi*d-
2 * l U v I LdX encarobrance.
contractors on tne mountain section
, S>25.OOO.
will have to wait until dry weather
come» before they can repair the road Par g eatral (a r a . W illam ette valley.
over the summit.
Owner, H. E l k is *.
Hanna, Alberta.
Only the base rock
has been laid and thia has been cut
i through in many places.
,TThe road built by the Atkinson
company around the lake la In good
shape, said M r. Lyons.
tion work w ill be resnJned below the
lake when the weather w ill permit of
continuous operations, he said.
the professional man
or woman the Shelltex
Shuron is dependable.
Available in c h e r r y ,
c r y s ta l, brown-mottled,
demi-amber and black.
The American Telephone and Tele
mad* a
profit of
share in 1922, by charging inch
royalties and fee» against subsidiary
companies, like the Oregon Telephone
chamber of
on *
poor mouth and ask leave to
commerce raise rate», but ra ilro a d com pa­
committee nies m u s tn 't m a ke over 6 per cant
Meade & Albro,
rhoae business it ia to give Informa-
i f governing com m iieio na can p re ­ Optometrists, M aaafacturing Optician«
vent it .
Albany, Oregon
hamberi of commerce have similar
ommlttees at
Irides may ba made In getting land-
eia people upon peoplelesa land and
icreaslng the population of thia
T he railroads are launching a $3,
«0,000 campaign to bring settler* to
he want and the Portland chamber
< commerce is putting 1300,000 Into
be acheme.
I t ia proclaimed that “ a portion of
he ad ve rtisin g fu n d w ill be weed in
dating the
ae ttle u as they
rhey are not to be le ft at the mercy
if the land hawker« who had fleeced
he newcomers before.“
Douglas T aylo r represented Halsey
it a conference on thia subject In A l-
jeny Wednesday night of laat week
The T h rifty Man
B u ys in th e B est
M arket!
Tbe tb riftv man whan making a trip
will USE T H E T R A IN because:
He can eave money by purebesiog a
round-trip ticket nt reduced fere.
He w ill measure In duller» and cents
tba safsty nf tha trip as well as the
oomferts it provides.
He will spend his money where he
knewe hie home tewa will get the
greatest benefit—w ith the railroad—
a big factor la tha development of tbe
He will eapitalise en the feot that tbe
train will run regardleae nf unfavorable
weather eeodittoni end get him to bie
destination safely.
where W . E. Wadsworth of Harria-
urg, M. D. Shank» of Lebanon aed
-eonard Gllkey or Scio ware appoint-
U to nam e a larger beard who shall
idvlee settler« carding to Linn county
In a t h r i f t , tr a v e le r and rid e th e tr a in
For any railroad lefecmet«en ea.1 ee your ticket agent
—he w ill gladly assist yea te every wa, poseible
if the value of lands and seek to save
hem from being lit^wsed on In the
price or Induced to take more lend
hen they can handle
To be efficient thia much needed
-ommittoe should end we hope will
ixplaia to newcomers the transporta ,
Jon (acuities for any tract on whkh
hey may contémplate locating.
, U
pressly excluded from the ban in that
The state law prevails.
Plates, Crowns, Bridge Work and Fillings
I t w ill pay >0n to get my prices on your dental work
“P la te s th a t F i t ”
Robinson Floral ©
Cut Flowers
Pot and bedding Plant»
First-class Enteral work. Prices reason­
able. Give us a trial.
W rite for list of perennials
houses 940 East 40th st. P O R T L A N D ,
Ore. Phone Sellwood 1757
Dad’s and Mam’s Restaurant
Second st., opposite Halsey Garage
7zz the
Short orders at all hours up to 11 p. m.
p L fà ÿ S
r , % / IRVING
« v irio
Square Meal, 50c
Barber Shop
Laundry sent Tuesdays
Agency Hub Cleaning Works
F. M. G R A Y ,
A ll work donefproruptly and reason­
ably. Phone No. 269
presently their motherly hearts were
touched by the look of the big. gentle-
faced. homsslck boy. They made a
The Jeumey to Philadelphia.
■ Tha New Y o rk M ercury o f Novem­ room ready for him on the top floor
and showed him the wonders of the
ber 4, 1770, contains thia ttem :
big house— the library, the electrical
“John Irons, Jr., and Solomon Bln-
kua, the famous »coot, arrived Wednes­ appaiatns, the rocking chair w ith It« Efficient Service.
M jto r Hearse
fan swayed by tha movement of tbe
day morning on the schooner Ariel
chair, the new stove and grato which
from Albany.
M r. Blnkus Is on his
way to Alexandria. Va., where be Is the doctor had Invented. T h a t eve­ Brownsville___________ '------------ Oregon
to meet M ajo r Washington and accom­ ning, a fte r an excellent snpper, Jack
suggested that die would like to have a
pany him to the Great Kanawha river
part of the work to do.
In the F a r W est.’’
w . L. W R IG H T
" I can aweep and clean as well a«
Solomon was soon to meet an officer
Mortician & Funeral Director
w ith whom he waa to And the amplest
anyone,"i he said. “My mother taught
Halsey and Harrisburg
scope for his talent«. Jaek was on hl»
me how to do that. Tou must call on
C all D. T a y l o r , Halsey, or
way to Philadelphia. They had found
me fo r «ny help you noed."
W. L. W r ig h t . Harrisburg
the ship crowded and Jack and two j
"Now I wouldn't wonder but what
other boy» "pigged together’’— in the
w e ll git erlong real happy," said M fe
expressive phrase of that time— on the
F ra n k lin
" I f you’ll git up ’arly* an
cabin floor, through the two nights of j dost the main floor an' do the broom
their Jonrney. Jack minded not the
w ork an' All the wood boxes an' fetch
hardness of the floor, but there was
I can make both F A R M anil C I T Y
w ater. I'll see ye don't go hungry.”
much drinking and arguing and ex
a very row rate of inteieat
Jack went to the shop and was put L O A N S
pounding of the common lew In the for­
to w ork next morning.
H e had to From 5 to 10 years. W rite me for par
ward end of the cabin, which often In
carry beer and suffef a lot of humili­ trculars.
G. W. I. a f l a x ,
te m p te d his slumbers.
ating Imposition from older boys In
Salem, Ore.
410 Oregon Bldg
H e took the boat to Amboy as Ben­
the big shop, but he bore It patiently
jam in F ran klin had done, but without
mishap, and thence traveled by stnge '■ and made friends and good progress.
T hat w inter he took dancing lesson»
to Burlington. There he met M r. John
from the famous John T ro tte r of New
Adams of Boston, wbo waa on his way
York and practiced fencing with the
to Philadelphia.
was a fu ll faced,
well-known M aster BrIsaac. H e also
Cash paid (or
ruddy, stroig -bu llt man o f about thirty-
took a course In geometry and trigo­
five years, w ith thick, wavy dnrk hair
nometry at the academy and w rote an
that fell In well-trim med tufts on
article describing his trip to Boston for
either cheek end almost concealed hta
the O steite. The la tte r was warm ly
It v « i beginning to show gray
praised by the editor and reprinted In
He had a prominent forehead, large
New York and Boston Journals. He
hlue and expressive eyes and a voice
Joined the company fo r home defense
clear and resonant
H e was hand-
and excelled lb the gamee. on training
eomely dressed.
First-Class Work
day, especially at the running, wres
M r. Adams greeted the bey warmly
tllng. boxing and target shooting
end told him that the testimony which ,
Agent for Engene Steam Laundry
There were many shooting galleries In
he and Solomon Blnkus gave had saved
Sent Tuesdays.
PtidsilelnM a wherein Jack h id shewn .
the life of Captain Preston. The great
J . W . S T E P H E N S O N . Prop.
law yer took much Interest In the boy
(Continued on page 3)e'
and accompanied him to the top o f Che
stage, the weather being clear and
W hen Jack waa taking leave of
M r Adams at the Black Horae tav­
ern to Philadelphia the la tte r Invited
the hoy te visit him la Borin® I f hl»
way should lead h ta there.
Jack went to the house o f the p rin t­
er. where be did neft receive the warm
wetomne be had expected.
rra n lltn wa» a fat, hard working. Illit­
erate, economical housewife
She had
a great pride la her husband, but had
fallen h-'peleealj behind him. She re­
garded w ith awe and slight under­
standing the aeromfeMahmanta of h li
virile, relentless, onjmablng Intellect
She dM not know how to enjoy the J
projpertty th a t had cqm * to th e m It
wee a neat and cleanly home, b u t a*
of old. Deborah was doing m o ri of the
work herself She Would not have had i
it otherwise
• lien think» we ortn’t to ba doin'
nethto' but Set tin' erena In silk drvsees
an’ reedin' books an' gabbtn’ w ith
eonip'ny.” »he said. “ Men don t know
hew hard Tie to gtt help th a t dean.«
good an coeke decent. Everybody fee»»
so kind ** big an* Indarpcmdent they
won't »tan' tt to be feand fau lt w ith.”
H e r daughter. M r * Beebe, and the
Z may communicate w ith Eesign Lee of tbe Salvation Arm y at the' 1
la tte r t children were there. Suddenly
confront» 1 by the problem of a strange
W hite Shield Home. 545 M ayfair aveaue. Portland, Oregon.
lad coming into the houae to live with
them tb*y w jra « bit d to m j/H - >M J, * a « e t * e » M M » f « e « « » 4 « H i» * s « H ( » e e e M « ( M « H » « « « » *
Funeral Director and Li­
censed Embalmer
Cream and Produce Station
Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal
& Hides. M. H- SH O O K
rlth It and the hope la expresaed that
went into efleet and it» po»se»»ion ex ­
111.86 a »hare in 1923, againat >1144
though the liquor was in the party’»
Cusick Bank Building, Albany, Oregon
sad Telegraph company, that th»y pat
Then It
H a ir * C atarrh
company which has the contract to
build the Blachly-Ratnrock section of
mit of the mountain is in pretty bed rtd your system o f Catarrh or Deafncai
shape, saye Scott Lyons, who has just caused by Catarrh.
ItU h *■»**> M «w to
returned from Triangle lake where
F. J. C H E N E Y 4k C O ., Toledo, Ohio
he had been for a number of weeks
be among the reaulte.
Separate buildings, without co­
operation, would bo impossible be-
cauae ol the expence.
Thia pago la printed Wednesday
morning, before the Haleey meet­
The state
possession of intoxicant» is valid al­
ha* nothing on which to depend.
Register ehed more light on thia dark varieties of seed».
A building which would bon.ee
tha city council, fraternal eocietj
entertainment*, radio and other
concerle, lecture», banquete, eobool
pleye, game* and gymnaatica, tba
public library, ate., will probably
The federal supreme court has de­
cided that a state law prohibiting the
m e n u by G erm any "depend upon the
Over 45,000,000 pound* of clover,
stead of Eugene.
Its condition was grass, millet, rape, rye and vetch
referred to in a quotation from M ar­ seed* were imported in six month*
Some Ore­
ion Wheeler in these column« last ending January 31 last.
gon farm er* p ro fit in ra ilin g those
Thursday’s Eugene
working for
W e a re told th a t rep aration pay-
me eye, H oratio.’’
The community organiaalion be­
ing aooompliahed with the aid of
the county forum mean* an intern-
Hying el thia oo-operative eplrit.
One of the early reeulta ia likely
to be a apaciou* community houae
in which tbepublie work ol Halaey
organisation* may be preaented.
Several localitiea in the county al­
ready heva auch building* end are
deriving general good (rotn them,
G A N S L E B R O S.
One thread of the warp of that net­ those vitamines we’ll know what to
work ha» been usuaiixed in the Paci­ catch when we hunt grub.
fic highway.
Another is euggeeted
as the
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
of the east and weal highway, eroee-
Office boar». 9 Io 11 and 3 Io 6 ewcejrt mg the Cascades and running through
Experiment« with rata a t O. A. C.
Moo Jar» and Friday forenoon»
g-agsot to Florence, of which wa bear d prove that the absence of vitamines
*o much four or five year» ego when
A end B from the diet of the young
we were adviced to vote bonds to it a serious handicap to growth.
Tha county forum, with local build a network of highway» which
Now if we can have the appropriate
forum» co-opatatiug with it nnd would develop Oregon’» resource».
letters branded on the backs of all
with each other, may mean much
to Linn county. “ Eraty ooa lor
himself and tbe deuce taka the
hindmokt ” may hate auilad tb*
cava man and tome of tha genera-
liooa in tha courae ol hi* evolution
into the race a* we have it today,
hut that motto ia obaolete among
right-thinking people.
“ A ll (or eaeh and each (or n i l ”
ia more in harmony with tha
»pint of progreaa.
Hal«ey ia ripe (or development
along thia line. Tha moving pict­
ure hare, at one time our moat
noticeable week-day diversion, wai
starved out by tha inoreaaing num
bar and popularity ol entertain­
ment* by horn* talent. School
organisation*, (ratarnal bodiee and
aeoiatiaa ara giving mare and bat­
ter diveraion» from the daily grind
and receiving liberal patronage.
The time teem* to be approaching
when even a prophet might be re­
ceived with honor in h i * own
All Work Guaranteed
Barber Shop
A m e ric a n E ag le
Fire Insurance Co.
Hay is worth’ju st as.much in storage a
You might get for i t ' in case of fire. Th 5
^American Eagle Fire Insurance company
Iwill pay you 80% o f the cash value in < as?
’of loss by fire.
• J
» •«><*••••• ><•••*•♦•••••• MtaessisiHaHH
Any G ir1 in Trouble
Southern Pacific Lines