liA & & HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X I I HALSEY, L IN N CO UNTY, OREGON, THUR SDAY, U C H . 13, 1924 many atay away it will HALSEY HAPPENINGS ANO COUNTY EVENTS dad. Short Stories from Sundry Sources C. for the week end. tao be a ¡W h e r e T o y la n d ’g J o y s A r e L i t t l e K n o w n J. C. Standish was a passenger to Albany Monday. V irg il Corbin was homa from 0 . Mexico C ity and OREGON OCCURRENCES Return by A uto A. RECITED FOR READERS Attem pters Passe»I Thru Epitome of Events in the Halsey Sunday Beaver State W r. and Mrs. Elm er Munson were J. c . Staodieh waa an Albany Albany shoppers Monday. visitor Monday. Miaa Cleona Smith came down from L. C Marriam mada a trip to U. of O. and visited her father over Albany yaataiday, the week and. Mrt. Cecil Allord spent yestsr- A Miee Alberta Kooatx, etndeit at W il­ day with homa folks. lam ette University, vpent the week Dudley Haary, who baa am» and at her home in Halsey. plovment at Toledo, spent y eater- B .'S i. Wilson returned the laat of day with homo lolka. Mra. O. W. Merobinwej laft y eater day lor Davltt for a visit with her aoa Charles and wife. N O . 33 Tw o autos which passed through Halecy Sundav morning were a transformed Ford and Jawett, in | which W illard P. Hftw lfv, president of the Oregon City papermilla, and three others have undertaken to run from Portland to the city of Mexico and return in »ime to celebrate the 4th of July in Portland. As they passed the Arrow garage the representative of the C-T-C tire company, who stood there, said to Frank Canale: • I very much wanted to speak to Hawley.” “ We can overtake them before they cross the Harrisburg fe rry ,” said Frank. ' And they did. the week from an extensive atay in Portland where he was under the care of a doctor. Good apples are atill in the mar­ Viotor Lawia of O. A. 0 ., ket. See aa advartisemant in this nephew of Herman Steinke, wae paper. - Soon the 1923 trap will he £ £ in Brtrrt. Uv-M, visiting hare the first of the week. a thing of the past Gat a box - « • « ’ Boo— the B ^ e n t yorere e f mu- and tamtee ta Mr. and Mrs A. J. Hill drovb while yaa can. "An apple a day Ore ba»« Corvallis mouth spent the week end in Shedd. Harry Breasler, who hai baaa theta yoaag mao, soft sand in a ear,’ visitor ast Thursday. Phillip Marion of Halsey spent Sun­ working at Lyona, came homa on ' “ I said 1 could. Bert Stevens of the Woodworth Carl Carlson, north of tow», spent the aiak list, but waa able to re­ Drug company of Albany was in H a l­ day in Shedd. “ ‘ I ’ve got »1000 that says you turn to work Monday. Mrs. M. T . Nolan is visiting her son the week end at Mountain Home can’t ,’ said he. sey Saturday afte r .having been to * ioun,T > *» M ain crowded ‘ nOrm“ C,pael,y There are only 1400 bales of last year's hop crop left unsold ia Oregon, Revenues of the port of Astoria from February 1 to March 1 totaled ap proximately »46,000. Cove citiaeus are proposing to start a campaign to float an »»000 bond is­ sue t<» build a community hall. Girl reserves from all sections of Oregon gathered at Salem to attend the annual can vent ion of the organisa­ tion. The North Powder Commercial d u b ia the name gieen to the civic organi­ zation which was formed in that city- last week. The University of Washington wot» over the University of Oregon in a de­ bate at Eugene on the Harding world court plan. The port of Aatoria w ill expend from »15,000 to »20,000 during the coming summer for repairs to its property and for new equipment. Uniforms have been ordered and wWhln a few days the members of the Oregon City police force will appear ia regulation apparel. visiting friends. Pine Grove neighborhood west of in Idaho. ” 1 tote him ( bad »16,too that said town to deliver nineteen band and or­ M r. and Mrs, Lyall Bowers of Leb­ I could, and I ’m on my way to do it.” Newt Anderson of Albany is work­ During the present season 3000 car­ chestra instruments to .the recently ing fo r H a rry Sprenger. anon visited in the community Satur­ A t El Paso he strikes out across loads or in excess of 4.000,000 bushels organized orchestra. I the desert toward Mexico City. M r. and Mrs. W . Sprenger of Cor­ day and Sunday. of wheat have bean handled at the The Ford car ia fitted with broad port or Aatorta thratteals. vallis spent Sunday in Shedd. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Dawson of Lawrgnce T a y lo r ' and his mother, Mr. and Mra Seymour Bowman T^rs. D. .Taylor, .wentAo Curvalhs Sun­ The Jewett has C-T-C M r. and Mrs. C. A, Troutm an of Berlin spent the week end visiting Buick Urea. After (0 years of constant service, aad Miaa Beulah Miller will atari tires which are expected to outlast the the historic Kplecopal church of Ire Albany attended the M. E. dedication. relatives north of town. day, and the following day Lawrence Ly auto today for Loa Angeles. trip, and the Buick and C-T-C tire Granda la to be rated to make room M r. and Mra. Cuthbert Cooper of They expect to ba gone aheut two had hie tonsil* removed. Miss Anna Booker of Portland ia comp „flies are backing Hawley. for a modern church edifice. Brownsville were Shedd visitors last weeks. here visiting her sisters, Mrs. Joe Mrs. Cecil Quimby spent g few days The party consists of Hawley and An organisation to further tha rw week. Harrison and Miss Frances Booker Mra. f . J. True waa a passenger th e 'la s t of the week with her par­ his machinist, a movie cameraman chll of L. N: Roney aad Emmett Sharp. M r. and Mrs. L. C. Pennell of Can­ Monday to Salam, where aha is ents, M r. arid M rs. A . W . Dykstra. Mrs. Cleve Harrison entertained who w ill "take” vie^ra along the route Lane county commissioners, was per­ by visited their son, Lyman Penhell, yat under a dootera care, though her husband with a birthday party and a newspapirman who will write fected at a meeting in Eugene. / If G,,’.Bl W alker doe« not have a Sunday. much improved in health. Miaa last Saturday night. About forty up the a ffa ir far pubiication. Negotiations for the transfer of ap­ Lila Dudley accompanied bar. < big eroVvd' at. h it auction sale it will M r. and Mrs. J. W . McCumber went were present. A fte r spending the What are those?“ asked Gansle, proximately 2io aorta of land near be surprising., Ha ia advertising it to Portland Wednesday and returned evening m playing games tunchebd, pointing to a couple of cylinders Rowena loops oa the Columbia high­ Go ta the community meeting fo r two or,three weeks in the Browns­ consisting of sandwiches, cake and about 18 inch’ s in- length and 14 way to the stats for park purposes,, at the city heli next Wednesday ville, Hgrrisburg and Halsey papers Saturday. Bev. F. W. Nugen of Peoria Con­ eolfce, wis served at midnight. Th evening. Thia ia the loot iaaue rif and putting ont 1000 auction bills. In diam eter w hich ware on board are nearing completion. the Kntarpriaa before the meeting He has had morR than one such sale ducted the evening services at the M. gueats departed at a late hour after A total of 1780 nou-reaident auto­ Hawley'e car. Tnat gathering may ha the atart in the p ait'an d knows'tHkt i t pays to E. charch Sunday. wishing Cleve a happy returne of his mobiles were registered In Oregon “They are drums to be attached to of a big, long nooat for Hhlaey.: IJ advertise. Mra. C. Bernhardt and son George birthday with such ■ celebration. '■ ■ ■ < • during the period January 1 to Febru­ the drive wheels of the Jewett if we '■ \ t i ? ' ' ' (*’ t- of Salem visited Mrs. Lyman Pennell ary 28, 19X4. according to a report Laat Sunday morning as Jest Bow­ find we can't cross the desert without The E n terp ris e: got the data and fam ily Sunday. prepared by the secretary of atate. ers was driving into town, he met an »hem. " A part of the desert is rocky, for the . Oddfellews’ degree sneetfag a Miss Herthel Höflich of Portland The republican statq ventral com­ but m»»eh o f-It is soft, d riftin g sand, W e H ave few weeks early or about a year visited her grandparents, Mr. and auto at the «other by the old livery mittee w ill meet within a month to barn. On« car was on the wrong ia which car wheels might gink out of too ia te .ii T}ie -'type was eet by a Mrs. T. Sprenger, last week. »E V E R Y T H IN G elect a state chairman. W alter L , Wo shall have 500 feet, of side of the road, causing a collision sight. p rin te r. who came along Wednesday Tooee Jr., the present chairman, w ill O ptical Revival services w ill be conducted in which Bowers' youngest eon was rope. I f we cannot crore the desert night. - The error wee not discovered not be a candidate for re-eleetion. for the next two weeks at the M. E. catapulted through the Windshield, any other way we propose to set by the proof < reader, and the copy Tha quaation of purchasing addi­ church, Rev. I. N. Hughes evangelist. cutting his face up badly. l i the C i u m of Many When .»takes, attach tl»e rope to the stake had been destroyed ; I t is Impossible tional flre-flghtintr equipment « t a i l ­ . H U M A N IL L S { and the drums and let the motor pull men learn t« observe the tra ffic laws Claude Davidson returned Saturday to se'y ■ who Jwa» ta blame,' ao w« w ill ing a cost estibsated at »19,060 w ill be I f year eyea give you trouble oi lay it en th e lra v e lin g printer. W e’U from Albany where he had undergone such acidents trill cease to happen the car by winding the rope on the submitted to tha voters of Salem a t your g lu tc t are annoying lay all ether errors in that issue to a minor operation the firs t of the The street from this same corner up drums. I f the Ford, with Rs broad a special election to be held May 16. S 8 8 US. We can Relieve You to the library is dangerous with ao Jres, gets stuck, we expect the Jew eek. him. ' He's gone and 'can’t dispute On« hundred thirty-three common many short turns, and ia no play­ stt to pull it tao.” the aecuaation. ^ ^ 13 let S t W. Albany. Phone laborers went on strike at tbe Cooa The members of the Priscilla club To have evidence o f the honest per ground for children. Some, day a Bay Lumber company mills a t Marsh­ ' (Ceatiaaed aa page *1 entertained their husbands last Wed­ formance of the stunt, Hawley waa child w ill get k ille d on th is s t r e e t ; field. after asking for a replacement nesday at the home of M r. and Mrs. iccompenied from Portland to fialem . »r- r of the former minimum wage of »6» then parents will be more careful Erwin Rodgers. j y aix motorcycle traffic officers, and 31 ■- a day. about letting babiea run in the street. The M. E. church was dedicated dhief R afferty of the atate traffic The w riter has seen cars stop to let About 75 engineers from Oregon sxd' Sunday. A fte r the services a com­ iepartment accompanied him from three-year-olds get out of the way. a few from Washington and Idaho, at­ munity dinner waa enjoyed a t W . O. Salem to the California line. The tended tha third annnsl convention W. hall. Many from surrounding itart from Portland waa mada at ef the Oregon chapter of the Am eri­ Oscar Rankin has bought the towns attended. 10:80 Saturday morning. eighty-acre Jake Ackerman place for can Association of Engineers, held In- Mayor Baker of Portland, who de­ M r. and Mrs. Claude Fickliry of Portland. a home. livered an address a t Marshfield Sat Huntington spent Sunday in Shedd At a meeting of the congregation o f visiting friends and relatives and -'at­ I t ia expected th at' Brownsville irday night, le ft there at midrdght to the Flret Presbyterian church at- tending the M. E. church dedication farmers w ill plant 20 or 30 acres of ?reet Hawley’s party a t Roseburg Salem it waa decided to proceed w ith ­ cucumbers for the Albany pickle fac­ Hawley carnet a personal message out delay with the construction of at tory. • ' rom Governor Pierce to President new church to aoet approximately ibregon of Mexico »121.000 The mother i f L. L. Haakin, the d£ A Union county economic confer­ Brownsville photographer and floral ence was held at Union for a survey botanist, died last week Thursday at of agricultural condition* Several the home of a daughter in Browns­ (B y an Enterprise Reporter) hundred larmers representing e re ry ville, aged about 60. section of the county attended th e F.. A. Starnes eerved on the jury The Brownsville radio entertain! conference. ment was held in the Woodman hall ail last week. « Repreeentetlves of the Rilvertoni the same night the radio entertain­ Mra. W . C. Sickles and son Harold Poet of the American Legion appeared ment was given in Halsey, In addi­ >f Eugene visited Mra. Sickles' sister, nt a meeting of the city council wltR tion to what came through the air Halsey Church of Christ Mra. E. D. Isom, Saturday and Sun­ request for an ordinance proridiag for eighteen er twenty radio sets wer» »10,000 bond Iseee to build an day. ,: presented and explained to the gath Chtrch Announcement« armory at Sllrerton. ering. Bob Yates of Libby, Montana, was Church of Christ: Ole Nelson, former sheriff of Clat­ ------ j — ■ - — i— > guest at the Lee Ingram home aev- Lon Chamlee, minister. sop eonnty. who was recalled from of­ John Standish is progressing as an Bible school, 10, W. H. Robert artist with brush and pencil. Some iral days laat week. fice seme tim e ago after being charg­ j ... f e - son, superintendent. M r. and M rs, Fred Burkhart of ed with drunkenness, waa aoquitted of tim e ago he submitted one of his Morning worship, 11. Lord’i paintings to a Chicago advertising Salem ■ spent th« week end at their the charge In circuit court at Aatoria. supper every Lord’s day. Nelson had appealed the ease. firm and was awarded a scholarship farm. Christian Endeavor, 6:80. Steps will be taken to force the Im­ in the Chicago A rt Institute for it I-ee Ingram and family attended a Evening service, 7:30, T k . « » ,;. u i . V ------ ’ . . . . I The firm wrote th at the picture was .■ommunlty dance between Monroe mediate rating of all temporary b«mt- in valued at «150 I t will probably be neat structures erected in Astoria on »nd Corvalhs one evening last week. the country without a king. mediately following the big tire, whose» used in clothing advertising. I f you If you have no church home Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Isom and daugh­ owners hare not compiled with the- see going the rounds a picture of one • • ’ »• ’•*-»••«•» come end worship with ua. ter Beverly and Mra. J. F. Isom drove city ordinances before March 18. 1/ y a j aaat te>ai}w why. drop ia aad sec our styles ear groat raags of beau hoy in a football suit and two in dres« to Eugene Sunday afternoon. Tbe unite« statae tercet s e m e *, tifal pur« wool fa> nc» aad our superb qualities at- Mstbodiat, ’ clothes sitting en a roil fence think which is under tha department of agri­ Robert Parker, pastor. Miaa H attie Dannen and Esther n t John and his brush. He expects culture. ia baeh of two bllle submit­ Sunday School, 10. to leave Wenatchee for Seattle thia Starnes of Shedd spent Sunday at the ted by Sengtor MeNary to Include Preaching. 11. week and later go to Portland and E. A. Starnes home. large areas ef y»e Ovegoa Callfarate Intermediate League, 6:30. next summer to Chicago to the insti­ M r. and Mrs. C. E. Mercer of Eu- railroad land grant aad the C