e FAO fl 4 H A L S F Y K N T C R P J tlS * H H M IU M im m H H I l GLOBE ALBANY M Ä K L N *. IT H family, A. F. Albertson and family Shedd Snapshots Is refused, bring salt for eondem nation. and Ira Miner and family went to • y A bo * Feaaell; f a r m u o -o p e ra jiv e s a ilin g North (C aatlnuad fro m paga I ) Ingram Island Sunday to attend the South No. 18, n:37 a. in. No. 17, 12:1$ p. m. 24, f4:27 p. m. 23. 4.27 p. a . 22, 3:20 a. tu. 21. 11:32 p. a . Nos. 21 aud 22 stop only it dagged No. 14, due Halsey at 5:(M p. m ., stops to lei off passengers from south ei Roseburg. No. 23 runs to Cottage Grove only. No. 21 runs to Eugene, theuce M arsh­ field branch. Passengers for south of Roseburg should take No. 17 to Eugene aud there transfer to No. 15. bankers offered to loan »1.800.000. in spits of the fact that uoe of the lead- S U N D A Y -M O N D A Y -T U B S D A Y The people of this neighborhood lag banks of the Mouth gave out the M a c i 9-10-11 Mrs. Charley Davis was an Albany were quite surprised Saturday morn- oplAion that the whole cov>peraUve Mrs. Freeland visited Bbedd for H ere h 1«--------- inovuiLunl was Illegal. Judge Blag- stopper Thursday ing to learn that one of the burglars the week end. ham offered a m illion dollars o f his R e x I n g r f l m ’a captured in the LaM ar store was aa M r. end Mrs. H arry Sprenger were personal fortuaa. T he country hank- A . C. Armstrong sad wife were old neighbor, having lived where Otto in Salem Thursday. . teo, hundreds o f them, loaned in Monroe Tuesday. N eff does several years ago. th eir Ilm lL Altogether they sub­ Miss Mearle Pugh came home from George Maxwell aud wife were scribed »3.400,000. 0. A. C. this week end. A group of expert buyers worked in Albany Monday. Greater thaa la g r im a “ d Horse- out a system of grading T he system Rev. M. T . Nolen is conducting re­ Curds Vs*U h is having a well hit upon is declared to be the best one “‘•a . Tbs aaaaod best picture vival meetings io Peoria. (■aterprtse CerveepoadeaeeJ drilled on bis farm. ever devised. Thu tobacco was grad­ e l the J ear and aaaoad »ala _, ___ was _____ A banquet served . to Scio ed at the local warehouse where the Io T h e Covered Wagoa,* A surprise party was given Elmer W. J. Carey of Eugene, was a S U N D A Y M A IL H O U R S after the gains Friday night SHOWS D A ILY ----- < grower received a receipt which stated Margsson Friday night, his birthday. Halsey visitor Tuesday. The delivery window of the what he had delivered together w ith a 1:30 3:34 7:3d 4.JO Mrs. Berths Gould and children of Tbs Halsty girls will play d ra ft upon the association ef so many -falsey postoffice is open Sundays Mre. J. Chenoweth ef Oak* ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a Castle Rock are visiting relatives at Brownsville on the la tte r’s floor cents per pound fo r the grade. The land returned home Munday. And then com«» from 10:50 to 11 a. m. and 12:15 Friday (tomorrow) night. Shedd. local banker paid fu ll value for this to 12:30 p. m.| ‘ A N N A C H R IS T IE ” A. C. Armstrong end wife were draft. Sunday mail goes out only on io Albany Saturday on business. M r. and Mrs. A. D. Elder returned The high school will give a party A fte r tbe tobacco was re-drled snd the north-bound 11:37 train: Sunday from their trip tlyxjugh C ali­ after the games Saturday night for stored in the Lexington warehouse Mrs. T. I. Marks end Mrs. C. P. M ail goes south once a day, closing at tits purpose of presenting tbe let President Stone wired all the buyers Stafford motored to Albany Wed fornia. 11:05 a. tu. ; north twice, closing 11 25 ten to the basketball teams. to come and give th eir orders. And neaday, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Pennell spent (Continued from page 5) a. m. and 5:30 p. m. M a il stage (or he sent them samples of a il the 52 Brownsville. Craw fordsville and Sweet Sunday in Scio with M r. Pennell’s D . J. Hayes was io Albany lio n Friday night at the city hall the grades. For the first time in history Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. m. C. H . Davidson went eucoeesfully ., )# through a surgical operation at brother. d‘ J- Halsey boys got their coveted re­ the buyer asked— "W hat are the Albany Monday. Paul Brann, who has been visiting venge oe Scio, winning by a score e prices r Miaa Mearle Straley returned to W ith in 40 days ail the loans for the In Shedd for some time, left Saturday 20 to 8. The line-up waa: Halsey— f first advance payment had been paid Monmouth last week. Mrs. W. C. Smith visited at the for Holt, Cal. Corbin, r. f.; Cross, 1. f.; Van Nice, c.; off aud a second payment had be«i (5c a line) Mrs. Ollie M iller area « Halsey A. C. Armstrong home Wsdnss- Miller, r. g.; Robnett, 1. g. Scio— made to growers based on snips. The d«y afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sprenger and For sale—Used Sewing Machines visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Arnold drove to M cK right, r, f.; M iller, 1. f.; Knauf, average price received was 2 1 H cents 1 Rotary White, . 930 00 J. H . Veuuiee end family mot­ Last week Theodore Henry went to per pound net a fte r all overhead e.; Zysset, r. g.; McKnlght, 1. g. Salam Wednesday. 1 Rotary W hite, . 27.50 ored to Albany Sunday and at- charges had been deducted. T he aver­ Glenbrook to work. Knauf and McKnight played best 1 ..................... 18.00 tmded church there. M r r Dora Davis and Mrs. Minnie for the losers. Knauf made a long age price received by growers outside 1 Merwin, . . . 70.00 Mrs. Geo. Hayes and sod Keith of the association was almost two Cornett left Friday for Portland to sensational shot from back of center. Mrs. L. W Byerlty Byerlsy of Albany visit friends and relatives. 1 Sears & Roebuck, 10.00 were Albany visitors Wedaesday, cents less. T he average operating The last basketball game of the cost during 1981 and 1922 was three- A ll drop head. visited her parents, Mr. sad Mrs' Good condition O. T. OI osod o f Brownsrills season will be at the city hall Satur­ fourths of a cent per pound. Hugh Leeper, several days laet W- J. L a n i , Brownsville, Ore. went to augene Wednesday via week. day evening, when there w ill be a Many New Members. Halsey, Since the first sign-up more than double-head entertainment. The Old papers for sale at 5c a Lundie The young people's gospel team Mra. Florence Leeper of Eugene Shedd freshmen and sophomores will 21,000 growers have Joined th eir neigh­ at the Enterprise office. the services at the arrived Tuesday to visit her mother, eoodneted play the Halsey second team and the bors fo r co-operative m arketing in the Msthodiet church Sunday evening. I - - . bnrley district alone. T h e association Mrs. May M iller. alumni w ill play against Halsey high functioned In fu ll blast w ith the lK G Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Mo»dy, Mr. school. crop, handling 120,000,000 pounds o f a and Mrs. Frank Gansie, •' “ • ’■ '• H S h e d d Mre. Henry Davis and Mr. and Mrs. C Mre. L. E. Walton and Mrs. V S‘ C° ° d ,e,B 175,000.000-pound crop. O ther tobacco Laura Bramwell, Mre. N . Morn- J. Straley and little son Lowell motor­ farmers In other tobacco states have • «■u » I i f. ■ «., hinweg, Mrs. A A. Tuseing, Mrs. ed to Corvallis Sunday. taken up the work. Tbetr membership Jsy Moore went te Eugene W ed-' * nd Adda Ringo and Mies Mary Smith adds three-quarters of a m illion more Sam Henry went to Cbltwood aeeday for a visit with Miss M in­ to tbe cooperative ranks In the of Pnrity Rebekah lodge visited Mrs. Walton also Wednesday, where be has employ­ nie Hsrlsw. Virginias sad the Carolinas 83,000 with Rachael Rebekah lodge at aonaulted a dentist while there ment in a logging camp. bright-tobaece growers have organ­ Brownsville Tuesday night, Other A. A , Turning and J. P. Hunter, I High S c h o o l Mrs. H. J, H a y ti of Dallas ar. ized the Tobacco Growers’ Co-cq>era- visitors were present from Sweet By MARGARET BOYD M a r c h ft ft n m rived hers Wednesday and motor­ president of the Llnn-Bepton Odd- tlve association, handling 86 8« per Home, Crawfordsville, Shedd and cent of the total crop. T he 60,000 Corvallia. ed to Brownsville lor a visit with fellow., visited the Albany lodge A Seven were initiated 19 by M argaret Boyd.) members of the D a rk Tobacco Grow- and a bauqet was served. friends. Judg­ lest night. Albany Oddfellows H A I I are eomiog over Feb. IS to put on “ C 1 1 r i Z A L -L - " T * love one maiden only, cleave to ertf Co-operative association control 73 ing from the hour they returned, Mr« Ballsy of the missionary her, per cent o f the total crop In the ----------- sooioty, who visited tbs sooisty the degree work here. And worship h tr by years of noble eastern states Is the Connecticut V a l­ they must have had a good time. Adoritelo!, l i ta d 2S c. hers in Halsey, spent Tuesday deeds." ley Tobacco association, which has The radia entsrtalnmsnt at tbe night with Mrs. Welle. — Idylls ef the King. over A300 members producing 84 per oily ball last night drew a full W hether or not a man can love more cent o f the cigar w rapper tobacco Mrs. (Thomas Hailey and Mrs. Esth­ house Tbe leading feature was than one maiden is a question almost grown In Connecticut and Massachu­ er Strome, both of Eugene, were the old-fashloa violin musio by O U want a wide-awake, reliable as old as tba humaa race. The philoso­ setts. In Wisconsin 78 per cent of the (B y an Enterprise Reporter) speakers at the miasionarry meeting Walker Brothers at Fereet Grove. firm to represent you on the Port­ phers and poets are no more agreed state's crop Is controlled by the mem­ The W alken bave beta voluntas/ at the Christian church Tuesday. Miss Lila Dudley of Halsey visited «• the subject than are common mor­ bers »f the co-operative tobacco pool. land market. tog these eoaeerta, going to tbe Jeff d a y , whose average Income for We can give you prompt and efficient M r. and Mrs. Vaanies were Oregonian sUtioa to give them, the Alford school one afternoon last ta ls "No, we never sicken w ith love len years had been somewhere around service in selling your F R U IT S . V E G ­ celled to the home of Mr. Vea- and the Portland station bad tent week. twice, writes Jerome K. Jerome. »400, doubled It In l » i l . For the first ETA B LES, HOGS. V E A L. P O U L ­ nioe’e father Tuesday night. The out a request for a earprise dona- Cupid spends no second arrow on the tim e In five years Jeff bought new - — — - - Isom end Mrs. J. F. Isom and old gentlemen was net sxpsstsd to tian to them. T R Y aad E G G S . We have been in " I f yon Responses totaling two sens went to Eugene Thursday same heart. Love's handmaid« are shoes fo r his little fam ily. the produce business in Portland for live. eur lifelong friends, lleapect, and ad­ were to happen down In Bourbon coun­ over 40 years nearly $100 ware reported to last of ,a ’ t week. ty today you would find Jeff Clay living miration, and affection, our doors may Ask your neighbor about it. W rite us O. R. Walker has traded his night's meeting here, soma com. M .. farm to W. E Kyler of Correllie ng from as far away as California. Mrs John Wil,b“nl“ ¡« enjoying a always be le ft open for. but thetr great In a new foui^room bungalow with for prices. for irrigated lend at Yakima, Halsey gave enough last night to v l,it from her mother, Mrs. Davis of celestial master, in lilt royal progress, dowered wail paper In the parlor snd hrussels rug on tho floor Jeff pays but one vlalt, and departs. We Wash. Look out for a big euctioo leave 95 lor tba Walkers after the Alb,ny- like, we cherish, we are very, very doesn't owe the country grocer a cent, ale. Portl« llJ Oregon hall rent wae paid. A vote sf v, u «* r. , fond of—but we never love again. A for the first time in tw enty years— Halsey . f f a l ^ s u i d ^ n o ^ k a r o ^ B .rody went t o T b a u y D. H. Sturtevant and fam ily mo­ man's heart Is s firework thst once in so the grocer says. Jeff is Just one of tbe thousands and thousands o f to­ tored to Eugene Sunday and spent Friday afternoon. l like i l t , it It h biases i,,.» . e,,. ... bacco farmers who la learning some for . a moment, and . lights the day with Mr. and Mr». L. B. Kim- out of order. w ith its glory the whole world be­ thing ahont living. brel and son. M r. and Mre. Henry Brock and neath. Theo the night of our sordid I little daughter Dorie were Sunday a f­ common-place Ufe doses la around IL Pehrsaon A Sylvester spent SI ad B. M . M iller and wife have Halsey is not dead— not oven ternoon callers at the Chester Curtis and the burned out rase, failing back adopted a five.year-old girl from vertising baby chicks In tho Enter­ Io earth, lies useless snd uncared for. Our "olty b a ll.” where home. prise and believe that orders for •alatp. the Boys’ and G irls’ Aid society. slowly smoldering into ashes. the oeuucil meets, is net a verv in. I n . „ , J200 resulted from the advertisement. spiring architectural show place f,mily ° f Phi,0‘ Kmerson evades somewhat the «ues- The little girl has lived with them She is named There are people* here » ¡ . '“ ii* * home ot Ge®r«fe’» tlea of whether a roan can lore more fo r over a year. Optom etrisL w ith The motor vehicle hasn’t run the But wait. horse out of the country by a good who see visions (of better things) rnother’ Mr"- John Rolfe, the first of thaa one maiden, but toecus of the Gaardie Frances M iller. F . M . F r e n c h & S ons •pinion that there Is little chance that deal. The big stock of team harness and dream dreams which may week- Mesdatnes Arthur Wesley, E l in "tie w ill fall violently In love a fte r the J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S hanging in H ill A Co.’s store indicates l ° T h e tr n s v t M s a i f It a I M ,s l D«nn«i and Mrs. Dick- • ge e f thirty. He. however, thought Brandon and N. T . Sneed were that old Dobbin is still man’s most Albany, Oregot^ love quite as potent a force as Arthur driven out to the Oak Plains Mrs. Agnes Clarke «eut to Albany Mrs. Lantaer bee been eu jory Monday. duty. f revival meetings there. School Notes 4 --- I. Halsey Happenings, ste. Paid-for Paragraphs BASKETBALL Mut game of season Big double-header vc Halsey W ith the High School Classics Alumni vs. »» » P- m. A t the C ITY FARMERS, Alford Arrows Y‘ PAGE & SON, W hy suffer from headache ? Have your eyes exam ined A Community Building S. T . F R E N C H useful four-footed friend. believed IL w ritin g : "For. though the celestial raptura falling eut of heaven Miss Iaiis Johnson, from the Ringo seizes only upon those of tender age— drug store, has gone to Seaside to W e need a big c a m a u n ity h a lt. S e T W l e f the neighbors went to oo roan ever forgot tba visitations of hold a position in tho Log Cobin drug th e school needs g vm aaeinm as- EuF*n< during last week to see D. I. thst power to his heart snd brain, and store for the busy summer season. a rt; which made the face of nature Mra. V i . £ b L T Among a ™ ^ ? ^ Her mother, Mrs. Avis Johnson of ’ “S o u d v ' X n i R t the mors radiant with purple lig h t; the morning Salem, will reside nt Seaside with bilious sanguine soul. souls started tious and and sanguine s ta rt., thee* were.- J. N . Burnett. B. n thoe« going were; whan a single ..." tone A '? ef one voice eiraid her. the ball rolling at a meeting at k . Cogswell, Lee Ingram, J. H. Rick- make the heart beat, and the moat the city hall with Meyer Clark as erd. Michael Rickard, Chester Curtis, i ‘ Hvlel circumstances assoelated with S«m H e n ry was hams Sunday night and returned Monday to Chip- chairman and B. M. Bend scare A E. Whltbeck and M r. and Mrs. E “ one * form, is put In “ the amber of wood, near Toledo, to his work in a tary. memory; when we became all eye A. Starnes. C. H . Keonti, C. P. Moody and when one was present, snd eU memory logging ramp. He recently got Lewis W allett and fam ily and Wm. when one was gone." W. Leubner wars made a com­ thrown from logs he was riding in the McCann of Wellsdala visited at the Bacon thinks that even one maiden water, but righted himself and went mittee on arrangements for anolh. John Rolfe home Saturday. IS altogether teo many to love. He er meeting, atwhioh outside speak ahead as If nothing had happened. . .,“5. R F. Campbell and ---------- - * fam .... ily, *• who ere occupying Nettie Spene«r*s house on Second ntr*A»t came ra m * here ItAwkta from Shedd. Second «treat, Mr. Campbell 1« engaged In install­ ing the bh«^ signal system on the Southern Thrtfic and the fam ily moves from town to town at the work progresses to the southward. The Campbells expect to ba in Hsl- sev about two months. era may talk. The idee i. to •rest a building iaai that m (hall house ail turn« ■ publie library, city eouoeil tare« n puhllegatheriBgi.eehoal a h Mae — _ a adUrftie. f . . .• snd the like— a eonsmaaity house * A. D. S. Cold Tablets * De Witt’« Cold Tablets ; Casears Quinine or X Bromo Quinine RINGO DRUG 8TORE (Satarprlea O srresnaaiM ice) A Pst-peurri Miss Pearl Pehrsaon was from O. A. C. last week end. William F. 'White i» homo after a lour-menth. stay Jn U , Angt, •d at the Our California. While there he worked Delegatee from all aver the • t t M carpenter trade for which he county have aiked the county M«ot»od »1 an hour. Hen is Cali­ court to offer the Oregon and fornia as he sees It* Woatoni Colonisation company Cailfornia was dlvenverad by the 96.000 for Its right of way threngh j settled by the Yanks, built the Bantiam pass and, if the offer [by the Japanese, worked by the ih in e w fought f0r by the Iriah. own­ e * » e * * * e e * e e e * * e * w e * » a a e e ed by the Jews and run by the Native For that cold take Pine Grove Patters home M r. and Mrs. A. L. Knighton visit Bramwell home io Brownsville Sunday. Volet Gibson, Iona Albertson, Alta Miner and Ruth McNeil spent the h end at Ingram Island. Rose Eagy fell against a saw S at­ urday, cutting a gash in his wrist which reuqirad six stitches to close. M r. and Mrs George Chamberlain snd Mra. N . E. Chandler and daugh- Los Angeles ha« hut two kinds ef ter Agnes were Albany callers Sat- weethar. perfect and unusual. When he « t i asked i f he erperienc Sens. „ Mrs. Jensen. Mr. Francis snd Prof, and Mrs. Horner of Corvallis attend- E SrJX on Oregon history. Mrs. Gibson, W. G.V McNeil and » states: "The stage is more beholding to love than the life of man. You nmy observe, th a t amongst all the great sod worthy j>ers« s e t the best in meats. W . F. C A R T E R Sweets to the Sweet T he age of the g irl doesn't coast when it comes to esndy. h,r *„ d littls . they all love it. The caadies that we M il «re made of pure, u a d i iterated »ugsr and flavoring», »„d consequently bo matter how much is cates there can be no harmful t fleet T ak e home a box, knowing that it it the purest eaudy made. ■ Clark’s Confectionery