Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, March 06, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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    HAL3Ö Y KN I EK T K llU I
!■«—■■«■■> IV O T
■arteria Huns. «l i» a yœ r u U t « « .
Advertising, 20c an inch; ao diacoua
lot Urna or spac» ; ao charge for uoo
position or changa».
to "Paid-for Paragraphs." a» » 11-
advertising disguised aa aawa
». ITM
V. '-’ w u u ia ii
ay paone wading at approxi
A nation.wide campaign la on merely TM.art.00« feet, board measure,
to prohibit the teaching of evolu- at ripa verterà yellow pine and other
at Umber on the Klamath In-
tlon in the schools. I f the law
retervatlea of Oregon has been
eonld compel the thrashing out of approved by the secretary of the In­
the sridenee on both sides some­ terior The Um bar it tho tribal prop­
thing wnrth while might he acoom. erty at the Indians living on the raser-
pllshed, but a law banning one
side of n moot gneetlea eno be
prndaetire of misohief only. One
religious faction bnlievee the ero-
Otta» hour», y to 11 and 2 io 6 »scapi intioa theory ooinddee with the
Monday» and Friday forenoons.
Bible. Another belieyee they ooc*
S»et. The majority bee no right
to prohibit the etady of aetnrnl
fsete anr to permit the teeebiog io
Fred J. Preston, in last wook'f the scbonle of religious or nnti-
Brownsville Times, gives evidence religlone tbeeriee bated on them.
that he is still in the fight for a de
cent road from Brownsville to Moon
tain Home which his father waged as
long as he lived.
We disagree with him in the idea
below that the
leave no money in the state.
leave it in millions, but it does th<
fanner little good.
I t benefits tb<
people who were able to hog all th»
load funds for their own benefit anc
leave the farmers go hang.
I t bar
been pointed out that quite a lot el
this tourist money goes fo r farm pro
E. D. Isom and fam ily and John
~Tb«ea were two fatalltlao In Oregon Willbanks went to Eugene Sunday a f­
dae te Industrial accidents In the week ternoon to visit D. I. Isom.
eadteg February 18, according to a
report issued by the state industrial
Linn county’s net debt was reduced
accident commlaalon. The victima »100,000 in 1923.
A. E. Aldridge, Beaverton, log­
ger. aad James McGraw, Loueve, hook-
leader. A total of «11 accidents wire
Tha Roaebarg chamber of commerce
withdrew from the United State»
chamber of commerce after a member­
ship of a tew days, when members of
Wa have received a pamplet full of toe local poet of the American Legion
|reaaona why ere are stood to favor pvaaaatod literature bearing the name
< r. Underwood as a democratic preei- at the United States chamber oppos­
ing adjusted compensation for world
lent, hut we fail to find in it any- war veterans.
king to controvert the report that
Although Oregon frequently baa
" wants the pn-hi bi bon bars lowered
bean charged with extravagance In
toe operation of Its educational sys­
hoioe for that an certain piece in the tem, figure« in possession of J. A
Cburehlll. state superintendent of
.». , • '*
schools, show that Maryland It the
only state that spent less than Ore­
Oil paintings are not pdpular in
gon for eduatlon In 1920, baaed on
gome people there total expenditures.
>ave heea pointed in oU-nnUl they
Jnst as the highway commission was
• little.
be a bad man. He was a
manual training teacher of boys:
at Hood river and highly respect­
ed. He lured a 10-year-old boy
to help him in a aories of thefts
and be landed io jail, as offenders
usually do.
fTberefsre he ca n t he our
Halsey, Oregon
The grand jury indicted Roy bemp-
sey for his share in the robbery of
the store of Lam ar & Lam ar at
Plates, Crowns, Bridge Work and Fillings
“P l a t e s t h a t F it
The state
City to
highway from
Florence goes
through his
farm, or w ill if it aver com«« In full
Marion »rritea:
‘The Italian who had made Ufa a
nightmare for ua for tho laat five
months, while he camped In our door-
yard with as many as twenty-tire
horaei and monkeyed around with the
road, has gone and if I ever get the
panch back In tha shape it »raa in
before, as fa r aa tha road w ill let me,
we w ill feel better."
•mmto p rO R THE DIGNITY of
•toto x l P the professional man
•h a w««u partteo te too crime
or woman tho Shelltex
•to rt 'rtdrtud by tkaeo por­
tai teoooa aggmgatla» Sburon is dependable.
Available in c h e r r y ,
.r w . tbo
„ . . « r y s t a l , brown-mottled,
rtte rt mao »»parted from
Columbta igvoe durlag
ibdr. i »» a |domi-amber and black,
'**• tow
o * r t tbo
porta la
to« Uatted Btetoq e um Ma r
Ooeembor oBl|to«ale tr»m toe Celum
Second st., opposite Halsey Garage
Short orders at all hours up to 11 p. m.
S q u are M eal, 50c
M odern
B a rb er Shop
Laundry sent Tuesdays
Agency Hub Cleaning Works
A B E ’S P L A C E
"The radio is Ihe most marvelous
invention of tho 20th century, to my
It has brought tho moot «■-
quisitely beautiful muste,
from tho most celebrated
pur fireside."
F. M . G R A Y ,
All work done|promptly and reason­
ably. Phone No. 269
rles were busy makln? looms and
spinning wheels; skilled men and
women taught the arts of spinning
weaving and tailoring.
The slogan
"Home made or nothing^" traveled far
and wide.
I-ate in February Ja<4k Irons and
Motor Hears».
Solomon Binkus went east as delegates Efficient Service.
to a large meeting of the Sons of Lib­
Lad»- Attendant
erty in Springfield. Tbejt traveled on Brownsville____ _____ ________ Oregon
'uneral Director and Li«
censed Embalmer
W - L. W R IG H T
M ortician & Funeral D irector
Ilalsey and Harrisburg
C all D. T a ylo r , Halsey, or
W. I - W r ig h t . Harrisburg
I can make both FA R M and C ITI
L O A N S at a very row rale of intetesl
From 5 to 10 years. Write me lor pai
G. W. L aflar ,
Salem, Ore.
410 Oregon Bldg
Cream and Produce Static!
Cash paid for
Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Vea
& Hides. M. H« SH O O K
B a rb er S h op T? Bitlu
snowshoes and b j stage, finding the
bitterness of the people growing more
intense as they proceeded. They found
(Continued on page
First-Class Work
Agent for Eugene Steam Laundry
Sent Tuesdays.
W . S T E P H E N S O N . Prop
A m e r ic a n E a g le
At Fort Stanwlx, John Irons «old his
farm and house and atock to Peter
Bones and decided to move his family
to Albany, where he could educate his
Both he and his wife had
jrown weary of the loneliness of the
lack iountry, and the peril from which
they had been delivered was a dedd-
ng factor. So It happened that tha
“ We ««nt The Tim««, Lea Angeles.
I K H J ) a letter a little over a week
ago, thanking (hem for what they
were doing for us, and Joking about
directions and Invitations to a harbu-
cue. tolling him that 1 cranked Liaste
up and backed her into tho road and
ah« sank Into tho mud up 1» tho soot
of hoc pants, and I backed nut, and
Uncle John road tho whole works to
ua laat night.
»by ba good to the boy. Tou'd never
have to bo 'shamed o' him."
Ho's a likely .lad." «aid Colonel
Hare. "And I am rather Impressed by
Four words, although they present a
view that Is new to me. We shall be
returning soon and I dare say they
will presently forget each other, but
if not. and« be becomes a good man—
»s good a man aa his father—let us
‘•y and she should wish to marry
him. I would gladly put her hand I d
Phone Sellwood 1757
Like Earl Albertson here, Mariam |
has a home-maJe radio plant.
Give us a trial.
Dad’s and Mani’s Restaurant
ind D o n 't K n o w It ?
11« couldn’t help it.
Cut Flowers
Pot and betiding Plants
First-class Funeral work. Prices reason­
Hive Y o u Appendicitis
R ob in son F lo ra l ©
Write for list of perennials Green­
houses b40 East 40th st.. P O R T L A N D ,
718 A cres C entral
R IN O O D R UO 8 T 0 R E
Peoria. E . W • Cole was in d icted for
stealing sheep, pleaded guilty and was
sentenced to six months in ja il and
paroled on account of illness in his
fam ily.
O nly one other case was
investigated and the accused, being
named Wheeler, was not indicted. He
was W. R. Wheeler of Lebanon, ac­
cused of forgery.
I t will pay you to get my prices on your dental work
‘ re ver» weary e f it. ;
itopartmoat. aador tbo jarladMUoa of
W iu M o rta «tote lasaña««
Cusick Bank Building, Albany, Oregon
A lhprtfl
$ 2 5 ,0 0 0 .
but ha ought not te b« bldmad for
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
D R . C. FIC Q ,
about to open bids for paving with
concrete 10 miles between Albany and
ton when unpaved roads are good an<‘
Corvallis, an opinion was received
M r. Vanderlip ptjbeked a dead
from tbo attorney-general that the
most farmers are too busy to uar
jresjdeal and I d t t h e battle. Now advertisement tor thia Job was Illegal.
"A road passable at all timer ie is attasking e íiv e eas. Watch
Tha Illegality consisted in advertis­
of the year to the heaviest of traffic' I or tha anatom«.
ing for ono type, o» pavement, which
which M r. Preston calls for, Is wha'
prevented competition.
was promised when votes for bondr
Investigation resuming from the an-
Tha Piar««' racall aavemaat
were wanted, and it has not been pro « ili «alato—»4 !•■ « and halting aoaaeemeat by Governor Pierce that
he Intends to go before the legislature
duced even on the paved highway. It •xiatoaa«. Paar Iittiä nrphaa !
at «a next session and urge an In-
is a pretty sanguine farmer wh<
creased appropriation for the conduct
Mr. Madden'and Senatsr R««d of tho state prohibition department
hopes to live to see such roads reach
Ing back into the country whets big ara aol ajdapihg together.'
has revealed that the entire «28,000
I allotted tv toad ¿Cpáá x ta e n t for iiw first
loads of produce ought to be movinf
I year’s operations was spent In less
toward market all winter. We give
than nine months.
(Ooa Unete fro n pa«« l )
some extracts from M r. Preston's let
The Indian school enrollment at
', , /
Tbo pwbUo cervie»
(ilea Chemawa will be reduced approxi­
mately one-third and more than 300
Our citizens are waiting the decisior
students now attending the Institu­
of the County Court aa to tha designs
raltostga epooaUad to Oragaa to a » tion »rill be prevented from continu­
tion of our road and would aak reas
W I K . oommMoa trortprttte. tato
on a i to the cause of delay.
Solomon Binkoa and Peter and Israel
tion aow pending before congress Is
offset* lewoa grate ra tea
We stand ready to go forward w ltl
and John Bones and some settlers
order lacead by too paHte
not blocked. The house has Inserted
our end of the program, to deed th< I paltosoal a tow r a t o « -age.
, r a provision In the Interior department north of Horse valley arrived next day
with the captured Indians, who, under
right of way, board the surveyors fre<
MU Prob’
prohibiting Alaskan children from a military guard, were sent on to the
— »
’ ‘
’ • i / * * , I ®IU
Tbo aaotara Orogoa basketball tear- »tteatllrm
of charge and carry the chalna In th<
Great Father at Johnson castle.
* 1
preliminary survey. I f the accursed la a k e a t tev’ dacldo v ú l i team
aft«» July. 1914, which the senate had
Colonel Hare was astonished that
district Ml*.
No. » I to&
A MtAIfd. ollmtaated. but Sonator McNary Is
automobile together with some of th< - roproooat w«wwww
neither Solomon Binkus nor John
politicians were banished from th<
not euro but that An attempt will be Irons nor his son would accept any gift
earth, the rural population would havi Fratrie City, Baker, 'ty rth Pewdar.
for the great service they had done
I to have It reinserted.
had market roads long ago and not Ualoa. La Oreada, tototer. . Wallowa,
Enterprise aad Joseph: ; '
ao much money would have been ex
" I owe you more than I can ever
pay." he said to the faithful Binkus.
Tbo public sorrisa «oaamtaoloa. la
pended on the highways for the bene
"Money would not ba good enough for
fit of the summer tourist, who go toiograaaa eoat te Iba tetarotAto com
your reward.”
thither and yon, who add nothing U
Fally equipped. No
Solomon stepped close to the great
P rv-
aortlfleatea of coa X l l M V l t a
the coffers of tha state and oftar
man and said In a low tone:
_i« o o H y to too Mal
leave a tra ij of crime in their wake.
"Them young 'uns has growed kind
W« want action, nothing last will hour IM lroad aempaay aad too Valter
o' lovesick an' I wouldn't wonder. I
For goatral farm, Willamette valley.
satisfy us. We want a road built up * Ml*«» Railroad oampaay.
don't ask only one thing. Don't make
Owner, H. E lk is j ,
to the specifications of the atato mar­
Farttead*« beak eteartage tee Fab-
no mistake 'bout this "ere boy In tt»c
bush we have a way o' pickin' out men
ket road law, passable at all time of
Ibooo of ear February
w e see how they atan' up to danger
to too htetery af too «loarte« bous»
the year to the heaviest of tra f
an hard work an’ goln' hungry. Jock
it will give ua an outlet for our • r**t-
WRb doarlado ter tha aaoath of «14b.-
I* * rtg la r he-man. I know 'em when
eat natural resource—tho timber, and TW.M8, too latoi wao P.T8 »or coat
I see 'em, which—it's a cure fact— I ’ve
make it possible to give our children sbovo U « Mgk««< total for thio ported
seen all kinds. He'« got brains an'
a high school eucation at home.
Much fo-called »touiaeh trouble is courage, an' a tough arm an' a good
We approcite the efforts of Editor
Tbo Curvy coualy grand Jury at really chronic appendicitis. Thi» can heart Ho d die for a friend
n T day.
Loomis, Charles Starling and tboir eo-
Ruaob rotara«« a art true kill ofta» bo relieved by simple glycerine, Ve kaln’t do no more. So don make
workera to secure allotments to be after boaria« ovldoaua aa too kiillä» Backkora bark, etc., as combine,I in Al no mistake ’bout him. He ain't no
spent thia year, and are going to act • f Lawroao« Karu by Faul Muapowar. derika. Mott medicines act only on hemlock bow. I escalate there aln t
on Mr. Loomis’s suggestion and keep « •to Itouor aguat. A a rt truo bill lower bowel, but Alderikaaett on BOTH no better man timber nowbere—no.
•too was rotúrate la U o
x ■PPeraad lower bowels, and remove, »11 sir, not nowbere In thia world—call it
“ plugging."
Brings out matter kteg er lord er duke er any name ye
Moto, who was trerklag with Mum gases and poisons
So. air, if ye feel like doin'
yau aaver (bought was in yonr system. llbe.
Marlon P. Wheeler of Greenleaf 1» power. .. A..,'
| Kxcelleat for obstinate constipation,
suthln' fer mo—which I didn't never
the son of the editor of the Knterpriet
ta I I » too «tato Be« laarahaJ »
expect It. when I done what I dbl—H l
duce, but it goes in the summer aea
M ead e & Albro,
ttoevuled. botbg
b«M ««ur too» tort r t r t - '. , / . - - i .>
Optometrist», Manutacturing Opti, tans
Albany, Oregon
I t p a y s to P la n t B ulk Seed
It is cheap
It is tested
You can see what you are buying
Fire Insurance Co.
is worlJi ju st as much in storage a
-v<»u might g e t for it in case o f fire. T h )
|Ainci icati Ea g io Fire Insurance compa n <
iWill pay voir 85% of the cash \alu e in caise
of loss by fi .re.
Irons family »nd Solomon went to
Albany by bateaux wtth the Hares. It
si.» « delightful trip in good autumn
weather, in which Colonel Hare has
acknowledged that both he and his wife
acquired a deep respect "for these1
sinewy, wise, upright Americans, some
of whom are as well learned, I should
»«'. ss most men you would meet In
C. P . S T A F F O R D , A g e n t
Sowing th« Dragon's Teeth.
Every thing, from
Grass U Bir4
/ ’J ' . 1! 6 "
>* I i 4 t • h' < »
That winter the Irons family
Solomon Binkus went often to
meetings of the Sons of Liberty,
purpose of this organization
Induce people to manufact*
<TRS to
own necessities and thus «•
Ji* their .
the producta of Great Bri ' 0,<1 huTln«
* -
tala. Facto
Any Girl in Trouble
may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation A rm y aal the
White Shield Home, S6S Mayfair avenue. Portland, Oregon.