Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, March 06, 1924, Image 1

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    H alsey
NO. 32
S h o rt S torie s fro m S u n d ry
while Miss Drinkard remained for a
longer stay.
Miss Melba Neal went to Albany
J. C. Bramwell and J. C. Walton
drove to Albany Saturday.
¥ •xu: •9.
-«I* Al
Walt Smith is doing carpenter work
Miss Donna Robertson went to Eu­
at the Thomas Ardry home.
gene Saturday.
Joe Kirk and wife of Portland were
The Murphy Motor company of Al­ guests at the O. W. From home Sun­
bany sold five autos last week.
WHO > S rA R T £ D
r w s e ^ P 3 £ C (/e
Ths combined value of exports fro®
Portland for February reached >3,741,.
The home of Samuel Wamboult,
Harry Bressler went to Lyons Fri­
near Harrisburg, was burned Thurs­ day to act as railroad section fore
day morning.
< i v
I ~
Mrs. Edith Kelly, president of the
Miss Clarice Gourley has taken a
Rebekah assembly, will visit the lodge posidion as bookkeeper at Sw iftr,
here March 20.
cream station, in Albany.
W. A. Carey went to Walla Walla,
Mrs. Mary E. Robnett of Browns­
Wash., Monday, on a business and ville was the guest of Mrs. Elixa
pleasure trip.
He will visit his Brandon several days J a tt week.
brother, Robert Carey, while there.
E. T. Newbry, who has been visit­
Jean Simpson, manager of the state ing M. B. Harding and family, return­
game farm at Corvallis, and F. C ed to his home at Medford Friday.
Stellmacher. president of the Santlara
The Oddfellows have contracted for
Fish and Game association, liberated the MeCully building for $2400, so
>00 pheasants on the reserves at Scio
now it will be Oddfellows’ hall in fa ct
m d Tangent.
Dr. Charles Price was in Albany a
Mr. Anderson, early this week, ex­ tew hours Saturday.
His meeting
pected the preliminary survey of the in the armory there will begin March
Clear Lake water proejet to be in 9,
progress before the week end.
Mrs. L. E. Walton, James Rector,
Of Linn county bonds $556,928 are Thomas Miller and Ralph McNeil
outstanding, of which $493,500 are were all passengers to Harrisburg
county highway bonds.
Municipal laturday.
bonds in the county are Albany, $172,-
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Moody and little
869; Scio, $65,257; Harrisburg, $11.-
305; Lebanon, $98,500; Halsey, $550; ' grandson, Jerry Moody, of Harris­
burg were visitors at the C. P. Moody
Brownsville, $97,000.
There are
home Thursday.
$292,601 outstanding against school
districts and $2,037 against union
Mrs. Joseph Krewson returned to
high school districts. H alsey's share her home at Leona Thursday. Her
mother, Mrs. J. T. Curry, who was ill,
of school debt is $807.
is able to be out again.
E. B. Penland, after a surgical op­
Mr. and Mrs. George Drinkard of
eration in Oakland, Cal., recovered so
that be dispensed w ith a nurse, Wasco returned to th eir hom e S a t­
but suffered a relapse and was again urday, after a visit here with Mr. and
in the nurse’s care at last reports. Mrs. Jarnos Drinkard and other rela­
Mrs. Flora Taylor and Miss Anna
Mrs. Fred Tay’or of Eugene arrived
Drinkard, who have been spending
the winter in California, arrived for a Tuesday and spent the day with her
visit with their sister, Mrs. D. Taylor, father, J. C. Standish, and wife. She
last week.
The first named lady left Wednesday for Salem, where she
went Monday for a visit in Portland, visited httr brother, Everett Standish.
E p ito m e o f Events in the
Beaver State
I v*
John J. Roberta has let a contract1
for a three-story apartment hows* in
Salem that will cost approximately
Poison, planted maliciously In oae
of the logging camps near Bend re-'
cently, hat caused the death of 17
valuable dogs.
Taxes in Marten county due during
1924, based on 1923 valuations, og
gregate $1,010.172.62, or >64.665 less
than last year.
Due to the fact that comparativaly
little hay has been fed. a large surplus
will be held by livestock men after
the winter is oyer.
Deputy asiess o n hare received no­
tice that taxes will be reduced 9 per
cent In Union county for the coming
year on all Improved farm lands.
William D. Wallace, 79, Oregon pio­
neer, died at Jasper. He wag the son
of Mr. and Mr». James A. Wallace,
who crossed the plains to Oregon In
H li
I s ten
v -
Georgo Campbell, 12-year-old Bend
boy, accidentally discharged a pistol
which he thought was unloaded, the
bullet lodging in the muscles of his
V v,A.
Roseburg's city beautiful commis­
sion hue started a movement to eltni-
Inate wooden signs, and unattractive
awnings from the city’s business
Forty per cent of Portland's crimes
during the month of February were
cleared up by the police, according to
tho monthly report of the Inspectors’
John L. Cooper, who for 20 years
hae guided tourists through the fast­
nesses of the Cascade mountains, died
at Salem following an operation for
Pending an Investigation, the public
-From the Portland Oregonian.
service commission has suspended the
new tariff filed by the Klamath Tele­
No sooner had W. F. White shaken
'and hostess, were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm
phone 4- Telegraph com pony until Aug­
> w w x v v v
a n % w. ®
the dust o f drouth-parched California
Templeton, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. early days, andi s also a veteran ust 30 of this year.
from his -feet and returned to happy
Thompson and son, Kenton, Mrs. o( the Indian wars. He tells ol
Robbers entered the stores of Peter
W e H ave
Halsey 1;han there came a rain of
(By Special Correspondent)
Thompson, Mrs. Whited and one occasion wbeo, away from McDonald and D. L. Vandlele at St.
from an inch to nearly 2 inches over
civilization and tanking food, he Paul and appropriated 90 dozen eggs,
Marvel Lawrence spent the week daughter, Ivy, and George Kauble.
the centr al and southern part of the end with Belle Burson at Lebanon.
O ptical
and a companion roasted a croi^, and a large quantity of shoea and
Mrs. Jake Ackerman celebrated her which thnyate without salt.
state andl turned that dust into mud
other wearing apparel.
V itz Ramsdell was in the vicinity birthday Sunday with t dinner to
And California is happy because its
Is the Cause of Mauy
The atate highway commission will
name ¡3 mud, for drouth threatened this past week on insurance business. which the following guests were invit­
Tomorrow and Saturday even receive bide fer paving tho Albaay
ed: Mr. and Mrs. Glen Levaugh and
If yeur eyes give you trouble or
Bruce and Jim Burson have rented children, Barbara and Clive, Mr. and ings at the Globe theater id Al. CorvaiJIs section of the Pacific high
many ci ties.
Much irreparable dam­
your glasses are annoying
bany the old-time songs “Sweet wav at a mooting to be held in Port­
the Ramsdell stock ranch for the
Mrs. Howard Srigley of Alpine, Mrs.
SHE US. We can Relieve You 1» age had already been done by the
Rosio O’Otsdy."
“ In the Shade land on Monday, March 10.
Mary West and Margaret Morrison of
droutb, but late crops are safe and
B ancroft Optical Co.
•f the Old Apple Tree’’ and
going to be married.
The national guard units of ths atgte
Albany, Mrs. Begley of Halsey, Mr.
313 1st St. W. Albany, Phone
g green feed will be plentiful again,
Sweet Adaline’’ will bW fllastrat are so nearly recruited up to strength
The Baptists are buay this week
i (Continued an page J)
ed, humorously and otherwise, on at the present time that the advisabil­
putting in a lavatory room in the Effie Haverland and son, Lewis, Mr. the screen and auog by the an- ity of stopping recruiting In the neat-
basement of the church and laying a and Mrs. Jake Ackerman.
It is a new departure future is being considered.
that promises agreeable thrills.
Dr. W. H. Lytle, state veterinarian.
y r
w d.
Is la California, wtfere he will spend
At a special school meeting in Ash Crou-Robertson
Friends of M’M ’Marie Snead
Swale district Saturday night, Walter
The marriage of Miss Donna Rob­ will be pleased la-ldafn that ahe 10 days or two weeks assisting the
authorities there in their fight «gainst
Watson was unanimously elected to ertson and Jesse O. Cross took place
has bten choirn to fill the place of the foot and mouth disease.
fill the unexpired term of two years at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
head librarian at the atate univar-
At the request of a large number
and four months as director left va­ Robertson, parents of the bride, Sun­ sity in Seattle.
Marie hat been
cant by Vltz Ramsdell.
day morning, March 2. The ring a faithful -Student-and deserves of residents of Yonoalls, the city coun­
cil has passed an ordinance requiring
ceremony waa read by Lon Chamlee, ths honor,
The Christian and Baptist churches
license fee of >30 for all public
pastor of the Christian church, at
.•------■---- U fa ' * !»>
have opened their doors to the Meth­
given it) the future.
9:30, in the presence of the immediate
odist services since the Methodist
Oregon pensloae have been granted
family of the bride, Mrs. Chamlee
church burned, and the Presbyterians and two little sons were present also.
as follows- Sarah A. MeChHx, Day-
opened up the manse and the Cain Following tha ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
ton, >30; William ■. Conine, Roseburg,
family are living there.
There is
>1>; Charles F. Foster. Portland, $12;
Cross left on their hoasymoon. After
good fellowship between the
Margaret. M Rates, Portland. $10. |
March 10 they will make their home
churches of the town.
However, the
Robert Crawford, in cbar$e of the
in Halsey.
Methodists held morning services in
flax Industry at the Oregon mot« peni­
The bride is an accomplished pianist
the schoolhouse.
It is to be decided and has taught music the past winter.
tentiary has returned from California,
this week whether they will build soon
•peat, two weebs Investigat­
Mr. Cross is employed at the O. W.
or not.
ing various kinds of hemp machinery.
Frum warehouse
Nearly $90,000 more In construction
It is believed that Donna will be
George Blain, who recently went to
work is going on now In the city of
able to bear her Cross without any
Halsey Church of Christ
California to reside, has returned to pangs, and we feel sure that the
Eugene than wee on the schedule a
Brownswille, and he says that Linn Crosses will not be cross to each
year ago. adcordlag to the record» In
Church Announcements
the office of the city building Inspec­
county is good enough for him.
Rev. W. J. Craig has bought a new
McMinnville voted at a special «lee-
Chevrolet and turned his faithful old wish them a happy life voyage.
lion to emend tba etty charter so that
hors« out to grass.
Mr. Craig is one
It would comply with the atata law
son, superintendent.
o f the oldest men in Brownsville and Pioneer of 1853
Morning worship, 11. Lord’s on holding and conducting municipal
has for many years had the contract
elections. Five other proposed amend­
supper every Lord's day.
A. F. Chrisman, from Lebanon, uncle
to carry the mail between the rail-
ments were defeated
1 road station and the postoffice.
He of C. C. Jackson, went home Monday,
An appropriation of liooo to aid
The gentleman ia
is a superannuated M E. m inister after a visit here.
The church without a bishop, in the promotion of the socalled Uma­
' . tilla Rapids Irrigation project, on the
and one of the most highly respected 88 years old, and as he came to Ore­ the country without a king.
f residents of the Calapooia metropolis. gon in 1853 he can surely be classed
If jon have no church home Columbia river below Pendleton, waa
H you want to know why, drop ia nad see our styles, oar grt U range of beau
as an Oregonian.
He could fill thia come aud worship with us.
authorised by the directors of the
tnul pure wool 1st net and our superb qualities at
Portland chambqr of commerce.
page with reminiscences of his life in Methodist:
(From the Times)
Indications of activity in tha wool
this state and every paragraph would
Robert Parker, pastor.
market are evident In Klamath county
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Austin were sur­ be worth readi.ig.
!(• saw much
Sunday School, 10.
by contracts between woolbuyers and
prised by a group of their friends re­ service in war with Indians in eastern
Preaching, 11.
sheepmen. A number of contracts have
cently when they dropped in to pay Oregon and appears to remember
Intermediate League, 6:30.
hern drawn with the prioe tet at 4«
their respects.
The event was the events of those days as if they had
League, 6:30.
cents and >1 a bead advance mode
ninth wedding anniversary. Those occurred yesterday.
y I’rayer.meetiPjpThursday,.7-3O, j on the clip.
-> (
____ _
i who, were in the party, beside thd host
Ha was a prospa«tor lo the
Preaching,r7:30. ’
(Contiaacd on page 2)
:? V X
Brownsville Briefs
$25 TO $ 50