PAGE 4 G LO BE HALSEY ENTERPRISE returned Sunday in the H L. Straley cay. ALBANY SUNDAY—MONDAY, Mac. 2-3 ! The big northern pbetoplay ’ JACK LONDON’S W. A. Monday. Carey was a Shedd caller C. J. Whte of Glenbrook was a Hai- sey visitor Sunday (A Far-Sighted Water Project W il l C oat <7JUOO,000 a rid T h e n S om e W ith th e H ig h S c h o o l C laaaica By MARGARET BOYD <® by Margaret ■eyS ) □head Snapshots North By Anna PennellP No. 18, 1J-37 a. m. 24, [4 :2 7 p in. Axel Saliog went to Tortland Sun­ 22, 3:20 a day Harold Shedd spent I iiere. South No 17, 12:15 p. m. 23, 4.27 p. in. 21, 11:32 p m. Nos. 21 and 22 stop only it dogged the week end No. 14, due Halsey at S:O4 p in,, steps to lei od passengers from south ot Shedd visitor! Roseburg A comparison of the Clear lage „ “ • ■ r*P«nt* n<* •■t"’ *♦’«'« Frank Porter was a . , been going on to r sixteen years."— Silas I last week. No. 23 runs to Cottage Grove only. water project with Saa hraocisco’s Marner. No. 21 rnns to Eugene, thence Marsh­ Miss Lyda Gregory spent the week __ plan Godfrey had let bis daughter go uo Lawrence Wells was home from to Eu pipe water 150 m iles from field branch. gene for Washington’s birthday and I Hetcb H etcby baa been made It c**‘m*<* ?OT »lateen years. Then l*e |cnJ in Corvallis. Passengers for south of Roseburg should < “• — * » • « " • L” « 1,“ » •«'” » 2 S i S . ’S i ’L ’K . ’S The Dickson family, who have all take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer w ith J ______ _ three J wlU Uut “• *« long in m aterialitiug seemed to think bis repentance ail been sick with flu, are reported better. to No. 13. A N A L L -S T A R CAST daughters of Portland, were week end | ** on* *“ California. People that was needed to undo the past, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hobbs of Albany SUNDAY MAIL HOURS guests of Mcs. IT. 1. Marks. have been born, grown to maturity Epple meanwhile had grown up aa the raised fam ilies since San weaver's foster child; had been edu- visited at the Pennell home Sunday, The delivery window of tbe and don't forget | Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Standish were Francisco newspapers were full of c,,ei1 *“ ,h* weaver’s beliefs, and bad Mrs. C. A. Pugh and Mrs. Nellie Halsey poetoffice is open Sundays passengers Sunday for Salem, where I Hatch H etcby. fallen in love with one of the weav •er’s Sr.tchweU were Corvallis visitors Fri­ from 10:50 to 11 a. m. and 12:15 own rank. Silas here points out that day. they visited their son Everett. The Harrisburg Bulletin says . to 12:30 p. m.| no amount of repentance can change D. I. I,™ , who has been under t h e L o X ^ "“T ? on T ? •• t what has already been done, what be­ ¿ X doctor’s care at Eugene for several * V ° * exP*ndedc “ >• longs to the past. Albany theater last week during the weeks, was reported not ao well l « t “ 6 P f! C#ut M a il goes south once a day, closing at Halsey Happenings, etc. Godfrey overestimated the value of 11:05 a. ru. ; north twice, closing 11:25 I WU1 '*• »350.000 a year, or 15 per repentance—so do many of the reet showing of ‘The Covered Wagon.” 'Continued from page 5) I year for every m an, woman aad of ua The value oi Mrs. Tom Hill of Halsey spent a. in. and 5:30 p. ni. M a il stage for of repentance la to Mr. and Mrs. Olin Shook, who re-(child in all the towus from Eugene the one who repents, not to those be Monday evening at the J. B. Cornett Brownsville. Crawfordsville and Sweet Roland Marks returned to his stud Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. ni. ently moved into Miss Nettie Spen-Jto Salem . The water p lants all has wronged. The repentance of the home. le» at 0. A. C. Sunday evening. car’s house, have secured a house at »long tbe line must be taken over, (hlef on the cross did not In the least Mr». L. S. Pike of Crow wan a Hal Shedd and moved there Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Correy of Card of Thanks land after everything is in readi- • alter 1,“r the ,h® harm he •“ had done ■» during —•— «-•- ble sey visitor the last of the week Sparks, Nev., visited in Shedd last We lake this method of express, « v . os»« the system must be operated. lifetime. The widow whom he had Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dnnkard went All th is w ill cost about »2 more robbed, and who had starved because I week. ink our heartfelt thanks to our Miss Mary Smith and her mother to Corvallis Sunday, where Mr. Drink- per year for every m an, woman of his robbery, was not fed by his re­ Mrs. T. I. Marks and Balph Bond friends for words and deeds of Mrs. Josie Smith, motored to Albany ard constituted one of the team In the and obild. A fam ily of six would pentance. The orphan whom he robbed and Mrs. Bert Clarke were in Shedd sympathy on the occasion of our Monday. of the money for his schooling was not shooting match between Portland and pay over $70 per year, Wednesday evening, attending East­ bereavement and for the beautiful Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Davis of At Corvallis. flowers at the final ceremonies. The match was won by “ But tbs men who have been educated by his repentance, nor were ern Star. | figuring this thing out know all the years and opportunity that were bany were visitors at Jay Moore’r the Corvallis team. M rs . N. C. S mith and S ons . lost for lack of that education restored Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Powers left for A lva S mith . about this. They know, too, thot to the victim by the thief’s repentance. Mrs. W. N. Stuart of Albany M rs J W. F. W ahl . D|". J. C. Booth and ion Clarenc. visited her sister, Mrs. A. C tba pepplo will not Ihoulder that The man who lost faith in humanity Sparks, Nev., Tuesday after a m onth's load unless there are unusual in. because bla friend stole from him did visit with friends and relatives near M rs . C hari . xs G ibson . of Lebanon were visitors at the D. H Armstrong, Tuesday. M rs . M artha S mith dueewents. And |it is the in­ not have his faith restored because the Shedd and Albany. Sturtevant home Sunday. The Rebekahs held a meeting ducements which encourage these thief repented. The value of the re­ Mt. and Mrs. L. P. Fox and son pentance was to the thief; not to those Mr. and Mrs. G. W. I.aubner drovt and bad a general good time last men to go ahead. Obituary Phillip of Denver, ’who have been to Albany Saturday night and attend evening. Louise Roknetl, Clarice “ Tbe valley would have one ot who had suffered because of his thefts N. C. Smith was born July 1, visiting Mrs. Agnes Clarke and Jim Repentance has two merits: It offers ed “The Covered Wagon.’’ Gourley and Ray Gansle were the finest water syatems in tbe promise of better conduct In the future 1877, farm on wnicu which hs - i / i i , on vu the m i iarui nt Tait, left Wednesday for Portland. J. C. Bramwell and Wid Allen wert initiated. Ice cream and cake world, capable of supplying a on the part of the one who repents, and was residing, near Halsey, at the million people with all tbe water ware served. Mesdamcs Kenneth Robson, L .E. Corvallis visitors Sunday, Mr. Allei It establishes the stan^rds of men as time of bis death. they need, and that la the thing correct. I ennell a . Fred and Harry Sprenger going over for medical attention. He was uuited iu marriage Jan. Lane conoty will vote on a H ar. which the a hard-headed buaitiwss If men did wrong continually and attended the sewing circle at Mrs. P. 1, 1908, with Miss Mav Ferrell. The meu see. They ste a Willametts never repented of their wrongdoing, G. E. Reinhardt, who has been visit ritburg bridge tax in May. H. Freerksen s Wednesday. Mrs. To this union two eons were born, ing at the B. M. Bond and M. C. Bom slate will p«v« from Harrisburg to valley growing to a size to meet we should lose faith In our standards Henry Freerksen was able to be pres­ Wayne and Fleming. Junction City as soon as the bridge the expenditure, to a size where of conduct—we should begin to think homes, went to Albany Tuesday. ent. is assured. He passed away Feb. 24, 1924, L « the water rate will be inaignlficant, that what we believed wrong must Ronald Whitlatch came down fron at St. M ary ’s hospital, following really be right. The fundamental law Mr. and Mrs. J, W. McCumber re­ “ It is one of the most optimiatio Eugene Monday to visit at the hom> Boro, Feb. 22. near Pittsburg, of our moral belief Is that while we do turned to Shedd from Portland Satur­ an operation. Besides bis widow views of the future the business Pa., to Dean Tuselng and wife, of his grandfather, Giant Taylor. right we do not wish we had acted dif­ Mrs. McCumbsr had made a and sons he leaves one brother, ton. A. A. Tuning ad wnife are men of the valley have ever taken. ferently, but that as soon as w» do day. Alva of Albany, and three sistors, Miss Lois Drinkard, who is spend “ The man who will keep the three months visit in Canada. grandparents of the youngster. wrong we begin to wish that we had Mrs. Martha Smith. Portland, and ing the winter with her aunt, Mrs project going are largely hard- Mr. and Mrs. Amos Taylor of Al­ | As bis birthday falls on tbs day acted otherwise. A man never wishes Mrs. Charles Gibson and Mrs. W . D. Taylor, spent the week end witl haaded business men who are not to undo a good deed; but always bany were in Shedd Wednesday to at­ P. Wahl, Halsey. Also a large we celebrate, be has been named hei father, Homer Drinkard of Har­ George Washington fussing. The in tha tiabit of throwing their time wishes he could undo s wicked deed. tend the regular meeting of the East- circle of friends. risburg. That la. we never repent of doing good ern Star. young mother paid the Halsey away chasing rainbows.’’ The funeral was held at Pine J . C»pt. GeorgeS Edm utditoue, but always repent of doing evil. This Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ferrell o fussing« a visit last summer. Dean Grove chapel Feb. 26 Rev, Dr, belief is to mortality what gravitation former Oregon Electric engineer, Brownsville were met here by Mrs. J is a patternmaker at the Westing- Spaulding of Albany and Loti is to the physical world. If a man does Study Club A. Munun of Portland Tuesday am bouse electric works. He and his n an article in last Sunday’» wrong and never repents of that wrong Cham lee Conducted the services. Democrat says : The Women’s Study club with together they attended the funeral o’ wife are deaf mutes, doing, we are left with the same feel Nestling at Ilia foot of mount N. C. Smith. met _ „„ at __ the Birthday Surprise D. J. Hayes went to Albany Washington, at an altitude cf ing that we should have If we threw eleven members present __ home of Mrs. J. W. Drinkard Thurs­ a stone up In the air and it never re Mias Lavelle Palmer of this city Wednesday to consult a doctor 3lX>0 feet «boye sea level, lies Char A very pleasant surprise was given turned to the earth. Repentance, there­ who has been a student at the stats ibout bis shoulder, wbioh has Ink», the focus of the run-off from fore. serves to establish our standards day. A brief study of A m ericaniza­ Mrs. M. C. Bond at her home in this tion was followed by a business se s­ normal for some time, has been sel I beeu troubling him. one hundred square miles of of right and wrong. Just us the return­ city Sunday, the occasion being her ected to teach a school near Oreiror 1 sparsely.timbered, badly shattered ing stone serves to establish tbe law of sion. «.59th birthday. Present were her City. 1 The club voted to lend its support gravitation. Judge Uordnn of Philadel. lava terrain in the Cascades, all sons, G. T. Hockensmith and wife of to the McCormick child labor law, the phia has ruled tbat Florence within the Uuited States forest re­ Revival services at the Gsk Plaii Albany, G. G. Hockensmith and fam­ Capper uniform marriage and divorce School Notes serve in Linn county. schoolhouse under charge of Rev. Rol Kyne, an infant, is entitled to law and the sena-e bill providing a ily and B. M. Bond and family of “ Except for two small rivulet» < B nt«r»rlse C arrea»oadeaoa) automobile •rt Parket began Tuesday eveninj lamages from an water supply for the Pima Indians it! ber son, G. T. Hockonsmilh of he »ource of water supply is We are sorry to report defeat for Iriver who injured her a mouth and will continue indefinitely. Albany, and wife, Her sons F. Q. md 11 days before ber birth when solely subterrsnoan, save during a the Halsey boys in the tournament at Arizona. The library building committee was Hockensraitb and Balf Bund of limited period of Ibe early sum Albany. lie ran into ber mother. Mrs. Mamie Robinson of Seattle i It fell to Halsey to play mer, when tbe melted snows dis­ Svio. The score was 15 to 10. Well, instructed to consult with the city Halsey, and families, her daughter, visiting with Mrs. M. E. Basset sni | » ♦ * ♦ ♦ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 + + + , charge 1200 second feet through we won’t cry over spilt milk but will’ council in regard to consolidating the Mr» J. L Palmer, and tha latter’s at the fT. I. Marks home. We under its ootlet. Then, and then only, redeem our defeat next Friday (to­ proposed library and community daughter Leone and »on Gordon, stand Mrs. Robinson will make hei M ary S u cceed « ajid Miss Mona Bond. is there a surface dircharga into morrow) night buildings. hume at Portland in the future. the lake. .Well filled baskets were produeed The lesson, which covered the o n M a in S t r e e t The delegates sent to the conven­ Mr. and Mrs. George Drinkard anc I he greatest visible inflow is tion at O. A. C. say that they enjoyed Burns country, the life of Robert a:id A bountiful dinner was spread at tho “ Giant spring,” a lava basin the latter’» mother, Mrs, Ferrill, of „, noon. Mrs. Bond was the daughter By LAURA MILLER ''«D' much. They were Genevieve Burns and verses from Bums, was <>0 feet *n diajueter and 16 feet in Wasco, arrived Saturday on account given by Mrt. G. W. Laubner, Mrs. of Joseph Keeney, one of the earl Wells, Gladys Hadley, Leone Palmer, ♦♦♦♦♦♦0000000++++++++++++, depth, floored with dazzling white of the serious illness of N. C. Smith, Martin Cummings and Mrs. S. J. Uionserx of the Willamette valley, and C i IS IS , k y Laura Millar volcanic earnl, discharging over 2o - Melba Neal, Grace Pehrsson and Mrs. Smith. who died at Albany at 12:16 Sunday. was bom in the foothills near Browns­ Freeland. PHARMACY COMPOUNDED 000,000 gallons of,water in each 24 A group of B’ jms lyrics, two-part, ville. Besides her children, who The basketball season is almost Mr. and Mrs. James Bond of AI W ITH FRIENDSHIP hours, supplemented by tbe •’ Fig. were sung by Mrs. C. P. Stafford and wt re all present, she has eight grand- bany and Miss Minnie Harlow of Eu over, so let's have everyone out to my,’ ’ which flows 11.000,000 gal. Miss Donna Robertson. chi Idren, four of whom were present, the last games of the season. Wouldn’t yon expect the first worn- Ions during a like period. gene were guests at the J. W Moorf Mrs. C. H. Koontz was guest of the arc two great-grandchildren. nn In the United Stntea who’s become The O. A. C. students did not re­ home the first of the week. Mrs ” It is perfectly feasible Io de­ club. president of a state board of phar­ Moore is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs macy to be a bit “hard boiled" and velop a supply of water sufficient turn until Monday because of a gen­ A luncheon was served, table decor­ eral cleaning up after the convention. Bond. for« populstiou o, 1,175,000. R e 1) skah Basket Social cynical? Or at least to hall from a ations complimenting Washington’s Chester Curtis and family of Al­ ” Iu addition Clear lake is sus­ T’Xe basekt social and program J. C. Walton. James McWUUamr city where she had a good acquaint­ ceptible of producing energy to ford paid Mr. Curtis’ sister, Mrs. Bert birthday. ance among other voting pharmacists? give n by the Rebekahs Friday even­ March fith the club will meet with and John Southworth departed Mon Clark, a brief visit Saturday evening. Honors go to a cltlsen of New the amount of 210,000,000 kilo- day on nn extended business trij Pragiie. Minn. New Prague boasts of watt hours annually, which if all ing was very successful and well at- The basketball girls were victorious Mrs. J. C. Porter. which will take them to Salem, Port less than 6,000 cltisens. of all ages •o'd at 1 esut per kilowatt hour Thursday night by a score of 29 to 9. tenc td. The proceeds for the even­ land. The Dalles and up into the Hood and slzea. That has left plenty of would produce a revenue of 12 . The Scio girls put up a good fight but Frank Porter is driving a fine ing’s entertainment were >105.30, room, apparently, for one cltlsen to 100,00(1 per year. River valley country. they will have to go some to get new Dodge car. spread--not cynicism, but enthusiasm. $16.07 of which went to Mrs. Otto ahead of Halsey. Halsey’s lino-up Mr. and Mrs. J. g. Davidson of Starting at fifteen, of necessity, Ma­ Neff’s mother for a quilt which was Tuesday nidriiing G«.«u."cc was as follows: Center, Agnes Chand­ Portland and Mr. and Mrs. llomer rte Ptealngar, prescription druggist, T H ’ OLE G RO UCH raffled «off for her during the evening. Randolph Chester, tho nov­ ler: side center, Pauline Hardin; Carson of Salem motored to Halsey put her heart into her work. “I have Mrs. lT » ik Gansle won the quilt. The vuards, Ruth Frum and Genevieve Sunday and visited at the Jay Moore enjoyed every mtaute of It," she an- elist, iu his New York hnius, sat net proceeds, over all expenses, were E* KtHBOOM's eyRiOUS home. From here, Mr. and Mrs. Da