I : UNIVERSAL J STOVES and J RANGES • I » design and 17216186 c o o k in g convenience and e ffic ie n c y " e have th e best lin e o t the m ever shown " ’e now hive the F u rn itu re Telephone 16x5 ki>Ji., ? .tsotgratV UI- 1 feel , l u » « ! But first you’ll want fe X ™ t L am, yIn* t0 « ! ’"» « my I t* r to know how i behave. j gm no( a flgb(e- - I think I know, now whvl th* Indian women do the drudgery " ' ’ « k o o V a ^ o u ^ c ; - " C h m ttW *’ F R E D B- J O N E S a n y ç £ /) ir e c t o r y right Yo” r Patron- Piano Tuning and Repairing ALBANY HALSEY GARAGE * ' - T— 6 f o r l e a ^ .„„sic store. B EN s t7 L " I hope so." like you " » h ? ° r expected t0 « « men ""Are you a Presbyterian?” ,IKe jou, she went on. see^h“ ‘n b? k’ ’ hut 1 never hoped to Church of England " ^ - - - ^ ¿ 'r iV u t ih V ; ; « ^ like Ale etrj There were manv |h|lL f t t,hei”8 horae and the books In boy had Ihed his leisure In them, He thought a moment and answered: Tes, I think you are as beautiful “ e* J ””“ * doe playing to the'"w.'te'r SHOE 6 SERVICE electric wiring. Del«, , j„ ht Shoes that cost less per month - f ------- "Pact and report upon“ the d e fe n d of ... Products W m . H oflich . hl" majesty. He wore the uniform o OLMNt< W ttL a a n Haliey Happenings a colonel of ,he King’s guard T h e « j ^ l b a n y F lo ra l Co C u t dowers ] and plants, Plorai art for every i (Continued from pBge jj and all occasions I Grand Jury meets today. ab7 ' ^ a“ a hW d i r ^ ------------------------- Flowerjihone 458-f B A, ! ^ 1NS 1N SKCON D-H AND ¡ T l , X . y " " r" “ rn" 1 and mustache Just beginning , 0 Fine second-hand piano case organ Born. FA. 2,, „ Davenport Music House. B ' . U,reeT r F ? e' U u r a D t . 309 Lyon ren Isom, a sop. will see you tomorrow." street Eat here when in Albanv vail?.1 f “ ? th l came homc from C or. «were°d m no,b‘"« ’” I™>" an Open from 6 to z and 5 to to 8. 8. V vallis Friday evening. ^ k h t e r ,s d X ^ ^ c X M rs . H lount . F , i 2 len cArmstron« came home from fanmus acout-Solomon Blnkua." R ü N 8 W I c K -ug.nc Saturday morning. old rough-barked hickorv ph o n og ra ph s man . the colonel exclaimed, Miss . at " I hope with" M Harl,° W Ot Eu« * n’ io see him soon.” W O O D W O R T H ’S visited with Mrs. J8V Moore la it d"ugh«:rento’ r'ooT.e t o X ? ’^ 1^ ( *, nlght"'’ tb,> *0®« »• ?7eTni "Dr* “ d*nP* ** w11’ ”• tood to d,ay 8 « S IX ment, turned In aoon after supper the flreeDa ’ d P‘ ° B thetr b,ank* ‘ 8' bf for .“ d i j er* up before daylight “I knew all about you took my hand and helped when you I for a dip to the creek near by. While me on the | en «nd*r M?[: t,la< ’ em- pony—or nearly all. You ate a gen tleman.” creeks de drTn h,d fh Satisfaction guaranteed Price «3,50 ph*a ‘ s good « d -.._ , „ n Albany, trade tu Albany ; tf veu iiv. « u U n eththCr ,OWD ,r“de “ "at‘own.’ ’ and - L h , >OUU g “ * • are overworked "ut in these automobile days manv re used ®" long as I have to." ».ding elsewhere find „ sdv/sabTe to do three i n 00‘ ' Dd P"’ T Card" ” Di11 bought, .old and exchanged „ ,ilne# t n '7 * . B ?re' ’ "Iking down the trail m lX mornln« “ d sleep until at least part of their buying the meet them, hod come near. Their arger town, those w ho ¿o £ a , ban» fight L d 1? * “ Iune,,eo,‘ ,n d “ >• cock- b * .‘ “ d and Parliament! The ed?'buZe00* ° f *he wllderDe«s had end- to transact business will find the firms t su dtell named below ready to fill their re.iutre ^ nt76- R" » » N Broadalbin „ ., AHiaay 1U W . i J * 0D,y thre* ,tM d y h“ >- Th „ Keuch ** new “ ,e " ad begun uienta with courtesy an t fairness 4 ’ •And O Krk and 8,Ddy M d “»«P" ladles had d i “ d father of ,be ‘ "o •■We ® « ,/- , r _ 0 u n ljriutd Pilone ’ 12 Y Pr°P°rt'°n«toly. C°"‘P'e te and P” <*s arc Ca" PAGE AND rARM MACHINERY D in in « : .GENERAL HARDWAP s EJ h i l l & (§. : the white Vo'lk^t, " n,nng govag»« and other \v • ** hav<> ,O Protert each other. W ere used to it.’’ ^ -X p C ltS EN T P R A acisr A L B E R T F O O T E Prop. .Chairs o u r line. E v -' v e r v f ked at her darü eye» were very aérions. J X irr m ! 7 d° ne llttIe ” 8ald he- “H I* in o \US Wh° re8cued you. We live * Onr M ac, ot When in went of anything for C4r J » appreciated. TT A » is a w ork of< • MORRIS rockers , • Ä Ä * K r ig h t in as Republican paper« „ ixpreaai cun. cern k s t th e ir friend», th e dsnio- Crata’ run M cA doo a,ld lose out Massasoit 30x3' Cord Tire for J9 DO „, - th e ra re a rt I H A LSEY R e p a ir in g bv i» ? at day tbe released eaptlveg were •n better spirits. Soon afte^ n " n ,b” w h X ’ n.'i’ ? me ,0 ' awo,I*n rIver. to d 7 Th ¡ T ’ ha'’ "Om* "«vlmmlng lowto« Toh aDlmal8 and the f °l lowing colts went through all right ß « eek. evening he satisfied ashore ^ ’ “ ount and bring her . Tl nl and 225 ? Ma.n ” ore’ . 212 W. E.r.t h,r,t >nd South S.rurdF. y Cam£ e lhaa; dc? X ly . — V« asiiii^vir ¡.nee. '“ "vchandise at the right the railroad. ^ P l°.v m e n t on influence and 7 o n ; X X tr!° ' ° ,,B rgP| F 'v v ? '.m í,'" " ' it Is terribly exciting.” " d^ 'el°P«s ago. J .r l W.nt to b r o o k , , , , " ; ™ ”; p i r s t garage goin g n o rth . Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carey w e « b*‘a7 H.nd ,D ' he sun,,Kht richly col- ‘ ires, accessorie», oila,'ga»oiine ted , that she had slender flngprs repair work. A rrn ,try rz hun>- she "h HPT fUl Sk‘D' a" 8,1OW|"K fha? W. H. H ulburt , ahe had been delicately bred He ™ ‘ e7 hd ' h? m ,n d op8nad t b i r eye» P O K D SALES AND « E R v fc E “And you look as if you believed ridden h ^ ’“ ' eDVled ‘V boy wb® >'nd m u h ’ " ’ ridden before and behind her half the yourself," said she. " I am surp Tlres and accessorie» Kcpairs length of Tryon county. - M i T H S J ' ,Chenoweth’ mother of h.iRK-I'oi.i,AK M otor C o . It was a close association and Jack h- a • d 7 f ” ° raCe A rm strong came Satur­ found It so agreeable that he often lo h av e F i l a l i b, Ì rL i ';— ° re Rf’ n and M'«r~ day for an extended visit. ritto 7 / ° ‘ hat rMe BS the ""’at ex •Ut h 7 7 r rZ | P' * n' Ì W 50 Wish "*’jn L : bUf "Ot ** "'P" *• ’ «-"Uhl ■OOP; citing adventure of his life ’ ‘ u.,Bbet ‘ ted raspherry pianti. Thur»d J° r Krew,on ° f I p on« arrived *8 per 1000. coded to ! L ann’ 7 ? ' d' " °“r "What Is your name?” he asked htenberg Bros., 2JS Lyon Thursday for a visit with her mother. are as happy as I am " J air ana i k " 1 l0v'’ yonr -laughter •H o L ' X ' F a re" ’ he • « ’ «red. fu Mrs. J. T. Curry, who is yj, and a.2 her to h““ n,e tP" l’‘'1 I f ’ortiniJ 1er Furniture Co. aweredW” 8° happy” « "* ■» m i­ Mow did they catch you’ ” ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves - y T J bP my wlfe "ometlrae" l l r ‘? ^ h . 7 7 T ! u,,denl* « « d atealth- nages, I,Va. \ . P" 'ne of P1«mview was a r. funeral directors. 427-433 l n i ^ i " 'h . ,v ? f ‘ Ut*ftl1 e° UBtry ar* colon".?. ’ al" ‘ h’ west First rested Friday by S h eriff R lchard f or Hy, as they do In the story books, when Hreet. Albany, Oregon. m i i have forgotten all about the e were alone In camp. My father each other not quite three*“ ka"n7 n having hqnor. He paid »200 fine - n B“r H.nv e ,b: Qhard8hlp and have known you !ls ,nanJ ho" d and tbe guldes ,la'l gone out to hunt." ■” returned that I do not look as if I were worth Home made candy and ice Cream. V S ‘. . X ’ „ * Ä X , - ; ; ? with them to spend the week end. saving, i suppose that I muat have C leanin g W o ik s , JI1C; turned Into an old woman, la my hair hand’ o !e!kh’edr m’ uth hlra POt her| T B. Davidson of Eugeno was vi white J" Cor. Fourth and Lvon mg his nephew, Claude David.on, tend Ma«««'. Over, and Cleaner. No. You are the best-looking girl looking after farm Interests hem F ri- Made Io-M easure Clothes would’ ' / . - » • ‘Wng H * ever saw," he declared with rustic « > must take the first ship back •he remVrVed'**““ 'B° ’ t UB’»‘ ' d«>X." to frankness. you h a v e frien d s they should and, said the colonel. ’T oil lirve your photograph “I never had a compliment that theAl | EhndeaV°,r8 * re invited to " ttend Pleased me so much?" she answered, i n tv - * »« Clifford'i Studio the ch h” n,f lhe,r new quiarter. iR ba Q o h h «f a n > U e >l »'»r»l street, Albanv. •a her elbows tightened a little on his would like me better It I toeUX ’eCtrOn “ h" - n a I f M 8 30 r , OhUW!h Sunday evenin»f hands, which were clinging to her coat. a little." the worse for a little keeping ’ ' 7 ,','’ \ O a ra « e— M 6.30 and learn the way to I almost loved you for what you did happi- "I do not think so." mty house. Eaide Battery distrih. ncss. (To t*e continued) the^hoy returned to the world o X ’ to the old villain. I saw blood on the countv, ^ utora ï . for » S Linn Ä Œ . . *' Rep- - d‘ wltoh?. h 7 h b*‘, , * r * b° y'8 head '»ok, "Ido of your head. I fear he hurt with hlg hair cut close like yours Our . “ ‘8B He,* n »•«’•diet, who teaches your M m ncVui0“’ b" r Tbey d0 nof Ha »e* v Z me 8Ch001' n’° tored t0 "He Jabbed me once. It la nothing." •o mucn like— men.” dark QUIET 25 MILES UP AGNETO ELECTRIC CO HaUey Friday and took the train for ice eu im o *1 S‘ ro,,,ber« carburetor Mr»- How brave you were I” "Long hair Is not for roueh wnrv Bnt d ld n t you really mean i t r ah . Ale Louservative prices All la So Rare There the Light ice station, "I think I am more scared now than , * „ v * bu8b' tbe hoy remarked. ••ked with troubled e ^ . “* ïiïL iS îîîîte e d __ 119 121 vv. «fe««,]. Waves i was then," said Jack. Pase Unobstructed Y ° t n* People’8 Soc'«ty of 1 ou really look brave and strone n a / t M 8“ 01,1 and more’ bnt I ought "Seared! W h y r " h L v ° d»« T ° ney a r” h *81 w he" Chr , Han Endeavor of the Church o f in 8JI?nc« .h” , ” ’ "’ ™ t “ ‘“ ^ • « K l l t n o w I t l n - t i S r do slaters."1 “ * ‘° " cept my buey. Make your dollars work m Christ have moved into their new J have Just escaped fro » a great Afl re ascend from the earth’« ”ur. “ v,nIi?’ department. A i . ranv S tat « “Tve always had to do thlngg" ans’in'd eb t t o ” ,Ot * " OtJ° n H ank Under government supervision. the^chTrci* add‘ tiOn reCen“ 3 She laughed and answered: T h e / came op to the party, who h«H much aboni ° #nd yOU d®0 '1 know lurfacs the air becomes less dense, 'And I am not used to heroes. I stopped to camp f w the night It was mucn about me anyhow." or, as hnudlj gtated> more rgn> &n(J 'b 'r Motor Sales Sa?urd.v‘ rV* n80n f ' ra,,y arriv«<‘ am sure you cannot he so scared as I 1 a clear, warm evening. After the, him ** b'8 patb >"okln, up at Oakland and Jewett car. am, but I rather enjoy it. I like to had hobbled the hones In a neat »'» of its components decrease in h,m e 7 . / ° r ‘ w w k * Bd visit with i '!£? •cceiÄcries b e ^ c a re d -a little. Thia la so differ They B, io drove meadow flat, Jack and his father mad" » m 2 . " Albâoy, Oregon home f„k s . wb,‘ per* d « y amount; at 30 miles up (here is lit­ I First and Baker Sts tle or no oxygen and the density of orlon A Speer Service Com- Brownsville for a visit with Harold I like you," he declared with a « lean-to for the women and children the air at that altitude is about one •nd wife Sunday. and roofed It with bark. Then they pally laugh. one-hundredth that at the sea level. Headquarter, for g.xxl tires "! f*»red you would not like an Eng­ cut »sod and built a fire and gathered Clifford Carey . „ d hls bride .pent boughs for bedding. Later, tea was lish girl. So many North Americans At 50 miles the nitrogen ceases and I’lione 65 First and I.ycn the wack end and holiday at the home made and beefsteaks and bacon grilled bate England." there is practically no water vapor JV l";p h y Motor (X H b ^ i T ^ i on spits of green birch, the dripping of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W A y’n®'*sb bare been hard on us £ l evro et »«towobiles. Tires and above 6 miles, .ays 8. E. Tillman, rat being caught on slices of toasting | C«rey, and a dinner was given Sunday What do you mean?" accessorie» in the North American Review. '"They send us governors whom we bread whereon the meat was presently n honor of the young people. Albanv, Orerò«. Phone 280. served. ’ H L * " = 1 Above 25 miles the air is too rare do not like; they make laws for ut I’ redtrick Sutton, grandson of My» J ^ « ’S 'JO E A M E - H A R D W A R E , The masterful power with which the which we have to obey; they Impose I to transmit sound and absolute si- tot'“ kr,n^ On’ h#d the n,i» f°rtune to. «he itnee there prevail. the hard taxes which are not Just and they stalwart youtlt and his father swung turned snd said: W IN C H ESTER S T O K E injure his hip. He wa» recently taken M il not let on have « word to say the ax and their cunning craftsman­ T «nnted you tp knew As the air ia very rare at that al­ .122 'V First st. ship Impressed the English woman and •bout It.” bnt I have to • apec alist at Tacoma, who Pro- »«Id nothing i c U|dn.f her daughter and were aoon to be the I am under titude and aa no motes or dust are i think It la wrong and I"m going nouncad it a "lock hip," straightened « »acred promise. Ton SON there the light waves paa. almost t-> "Und up for you," the girl answered. topic of many a London tea party, O I.Î r'L",* * nl » * " dcr"' hardware » u.‘ t h T * “ P la,ter Ca8t- wh,*-h Mrs Hare spoke of it aa she was eat­ man and you will not klaa me or speak Where do you live?" he asked. UDobaHucted and there j. nearly - X tn,,8: X r8k 8 re iO n ‘ed ” “ 1,8Bd muat be kept on for six months Hfw ^ y X V ’ i ,:2h ehaVe ' X d ing her supper. ' In London. I am an English girl, total darkness and absence of all "It may surprise you further to learn parents reside at Orondo, Wash. uf please do not hate me for that. that tne boy lg fairly fam iliar with cur country But I n-ant you^toTnow » to r; the temperature, too. i. very S ; ‘ ' l ; . ? f '..T H E 8 H 0 K d o c t o r A recommendation to the Juvenile I want to do what la right and I shall that I am very happy.** the Aeneld and the Odea of Horace ow, probably approaching that of store. Second »treet, opposite Hamilton's court that Mr. and Mrs. B. M. M iller »»ver let anyone aay a word against *7 don’t know how r and the history of France and Eng dared to say oo ^ V a th u reP ° n “ ‘h*° Americana without taking their part." land.” Raid John Irons. be permittd to adopt Ismra Bell Crow »nd do what I dltf, hut i ''Sudden Service.* couldn't help one of dark color, cold, silence. ..»•7. , f ‘8 “One la enough." said Jack 2 L WB,t7 I w111 ’- a L a New World." •bly hydrogen, helium or kindred •void a collision with M . Haley’s » ma- " I d love to show them a real hero." band aa they were walking beside each "How do.you flnd-tlme for,It?" unknown gases. chine. n .e loan p iy . in p, "Don't call me th a t I f you would As Zimmerman was "O h., we have leisure here—more other and added: "For g oin r tiring lhe principal ’ Juat cjy ms ¿gck ita x u x ^ ji^ r bet- than you have.- m England even your 8lr* et " nd Haley south T . too. wm h, antn e.ed,-and ueray. ,g_ Cheap ra in No f i ' ' * " * L ? 0" ' " Nintb ,„ . * “ " » ' » * • » o - r t ,h . H * 11'' rF;°" ' JJub r'"/.!0 MT ni A- I I ANO M M ]Vf M S. ;S, ,GI,'BKR 1 * "I farm loans W’h at’. an "tfily pohti.lan ’ ? '/‘ - f Co 1 « Lyon St., Albany, J right of w ,y w a, Z l m m ^ ; ; " . " 1 (Continued on paga 4y I