Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, February 28, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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    ----— — —- — a«-»«* y in iu n r
tial timber available for the democrat­
■ » ■ » « * —« w i
» a b U a k .4 « v e r ?
T k a ie S a /
• » Wm. H. » H l i l t x
People who deory the teaching
of evolution are usually peopls
eriptiuus. »1 (0 a year la advaooe who do net know the msaoiug of
A 4»erti..a r . 2Uc .a 10l.b ■ no discoun the word. H alf of them think It
lor lime or «pace , no charge for corn
position or cbauges
ic party, and no taint o f corruption
has been fastened upon him, but the
fact that he has drawn large fees as
attorney fo r “ big business” since he
withdrew from public office would
boose, truck driver, aad A B. Aid
ridge. Rector, log««*’ A total of I»»
accident* was reported
Fine* collected tkrougb the a d iv i
ties of the state traffic officers operai
lng under the dtrectlua of the law
enforcement bureau of the d ate motor
vehicle department dar lag lt M ag
gregatad 925.751.15. according to the
annual report of the traffic depart
m* " ‘ - FeM “ >t*l**l MS.«» M The re
Port Indicates that the traffic officer«
covered 247.»«« miles and made 117«
Halsey, Oregon
means tbs theory that mau de cost him and the party many votes if
*■ T a ie - f o r Paragraphs,- te s Uaa
aceoded from the ape aud that he should be the nominee, and tne
"a advertising d l.g u l.a g * . O. W1L
J Darwin taught it, neither of which chance that he may be is not as good
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
suppositions is true.
* - -----
O «ee hour», 9 to 12 and 2 to t , , cep,
• — • ¡t
every attempt
Evolution is the proes«« which to fasten oil stains on Coolidge has
-Mondays and Friday forenoons.
produced the Burbank and rose failed and today he is the logical can­
Allotments amounting to 24W.174
T H E IN E V IT A B L E HAS COME potatoes from their scrub ancestors.
didate of his party.
have been approved by the bureau of
Representative Hawley of Oregon,
It produced the gorgeous blooms
A Salvation A rm y lass had ap­
public roads for the forest road sec
The expected hae arrived.
A of the modern flower garden from
a member of the ways and means proached a group of young sports
tlons of the Roosevelt highway, Sena
move ie on foot to initiate a reduc modest-blossoming wild plants
Oregon Occurrence»
lor McNary was advised These funds committee of the bouse of represen­ standing on a corner, and one of them
tiou of three-fourths in the price
It has produced the belleflower
to be used as follows: Reedsport. tatives, in a speech on the proposed as she held out her tambourine took
(Continued from page 1 >
of auto and truck licence.
Coot bay section, three mllee. I«M 74; tax reduction bill declared that the a nickel Irom hi» p»ooket and said
Spitsenberg and Baldwio . ppie.
a i a m eeting nem In Condon and I Brush creek. Mussel creek section present bill proposes to make it pos­ freshly, “ I f I give you thia ni,^ el
Oregon hat shouldered an enor ■ Hom the ------
z Ijttle (rujts our
composed «f the majority of farmers 275,000; Neskowln-SUeti section. 22.5 sible to multiply the number who pay will you say a prayer fo r me thia
naoua bonded debt for roads which J8r«“‘ -grandfalhere knew,
and business men of Gilliam county, miles, 5228,500. Another allotment for income taxes above $10,00«. The bill
evening when you lay your pretty
certainly were needed hut which
I t took the scrub cattle of a few two resolutions were adopted with­ still another section Is for 568,000.
reduces the taxes of all taxpayers,
head on yeur pillow ? ” " I ’ll »ay h
she was unable without much die oenturies ago and from them out a dissenting vote, urging eongrete
County agricultural conferences to
now” she replied, and as he dropped
comfort to pay for.
evolved the Jersey, Holstein and to pats the McNary-Haugen export cor­ consider the agricultural program number now paying In the lower
his nickel, »he lifted (up herfaee
adopted at the economic conference
I rotests were quieted
of wl.ijh
-J ------ and
eeaaag oppo- other excellent
---UltÇUg breed»
this, every man and woman present nt the Oregon Agricultural college the come is »10,000 or less will pay any and said, ” O Lord, make this yot>g
eitian put to sleep by the soporific ¡Oregon is so proud todsy.
contributed to a fund to be used In last of January will be held aoon in surtax.
Before computing the nor­ man’s heart as soft as his head.”
wheeze that the roads would noi
Within autbeutio history’s scopt defraying expenses and roganized
four counties. Such conferences have mal tax, several exemptions are sub­
cost tbs taxpayers anything, be I. evolution has •-----
Machete and Hoe.
The normal rate is reduced
-ww«. tbs U
llin - themselves Into the Gilliam Farmers already been held In Lane Josephine, tracted.
and Buslners Men’s league
cause automobil, license fess would J,Mt.
scholarly and efficient
Cutting of bag llm fn and shortening
take care of the bonds, (merest, race of people the world has ever
principal and all.
known, the offspring of the bar. ef open seasons for fish and game la
Maps were circulated, showlnp barous hordes of Ooihe sad Van. the Interest of wild life conservation
Is a definite program agreed upon by
paved roads almost to every man’, dais and Huns who once overran the state sportsmen’s association at
door, aud ¡sens after issue of bond, Europe and almost completely Its annual meeting In Portland
was authorized. Then the screws quenched tbs light of such civil*,
Theodore T. Geer, who served as
began to turn, raising auto and zstion as then existed.
tenth governor of the state of Ore­
truck licensee and gasoline taxes
Whs.. Roger
W « illiam
went out gon In the years 1S99.19O3. died at his
W C Ill U U l
little by little.
Blood would b J ir0U1 ‘ he Puritans, declaring that home 470 East F lfty th lrd street
North. Portland, as thje result of a
drawn without tbs loser of i t - ‘ hay had no God-given right to
stroke of paralysis sufft-red recently
the dear public-feeling it.
decide what he might believe or The ex governor was 7X years old
New it it discovered that these disbelieve, or to compel by lew tin
Miles Cannon, field ccmmlsslener of
auto owners are taxpayers end, observance of their gsbbatb and the bureau of reclamation. Washing­
mors threatening still to th b un d ed tbs B ap tist church, 't h a t ton, D C.. met with 200 Klamath lrrl
gators to hear complaint« and recoin
smooth-laid plans, they are voters was evolution.
mendatloas of the water users Can
The promised market roads, tin
Without evolution not ods of non a findings on this project will be
roads which were the most needed, the churches of today would have submitted in a report to the » « re ta ry
have not been paved.
Tbs aut<’ [come into exlstenee.
or the interior.
owner who lives where for s good
part of the year a streak of mud
in place of a road separates bin
Irom the market, from the rail-
road and from paved roads, aftsi
voting for road bonds and paying
his taxes, his auto and truck li ­
cense fess and s high pries for gas
ollns, feels as if be had bought a
goM brlok.on the installment plan.
w h ? X o ° k \ fz
A meeting of the labor official'» of
Oregon, California and WaehlnHton
mysterious way his wonders to
Probably will be held within the next
Ptrlortz. ” a„d then think thay
' the be.,
People sing;
"G od moves i„
wt«. enough to pierce a ll n i y , | * .
n«« and whoever fails to see things
their wav
!• >~
- ____
way is
in error.
Their interpretation
of e»cb
‘*xt in th* Bible is th# ou|y Cttr.
rent one.
If they understand
th# state-
w . l I nstantly
outvote the city goldbrickers
it would 1
r.d n c. » If installment*, but ¡1 Ule? L p o s . i S , for him to . x Z
« ‘W »
“ > be used in handling un
” ap,oy#i ,n ‘he three
* -- W » SV it IS is
OAJ an
» .— _i_._
nounesd bv
by C
C. w
H. n
« a te ■
Helen H. Moore. 19-year‘Old daugh
her of Mr. and M r,. H . L . Moore, of
Salem wae declared wirme-r of the
,n ,he con‘ e8‘ i n d ucted by
designing ara automobile
windshield .ticker a p p ra tia te for ad
▼grilling that city
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
25 - per
- - -------
And afte r the tax is
computed 25 per cent of the tax will
te subtracted in the case of earned
This w ill apply to all tax­
payers in the lower brackets.
tax of a married man with two chil-
Miss Cleona Smith was home from [ dren, having an earned income of
Eugene over Saturday and Sunday. I »6,000, will be reduced 44 per cent.
Deschutes v counties
------------ —
u iu iiib s .
Crook county will have one February
- - March
28-March 1; - Malheur,
Union, March 7-5, and Hood River,
March 10 12.
m il a
□e Almighty
on rock.
- - Inacnbed
---- was IV
complained because th« road-bond •
«ud mountain, and ocean bed.
money was all l«ing .pent on on tha dire! road to hall.
through line, and the pronii, „ u,
feeder road, into rural region. Ig
Tha Enterpria. ha. f ound .
noted they wer« told
P - * hei* “ c n agree w i,h Senator La-
tienca. The work cannot all be I Eollette.
The »en.t
all be1
done at once. After the through L l
. .
MMtor h" ‘"‘ roduc
lines are fiuiehed your road,
ill e x .*
°r rovernment control of
K „.
“ , 7 * . n , j ’* J l T 1
“ d “« e * -
lu«d will
fln|lh , b, „
roads »i.
that . have be.n bsgun.
you want road», build ’em ’’
1» looks as if Slam Von Hog
•tra.ght.nar failed to get .nougl
coin to meet h i. need, by commer-
••• lia io g bi* courtship and mar-
r u g . and selling the story ,,f j,
' ° f Publl« “ o‘>- After M llJlcent
Roger, married him ,h . found be
» • • pennile.s. S b . . o,d . %tfj
Pearl, to pay their pa„ ag. to E „.
rope, but ih.ro they were wore, oft
i i o ™ “ AnMrioa’ M lllic ,n ‘ b#'
«10 000 a y .ar from her
aolber .
bu| lh#l (| a (riflf
to the stale count. He thre.t.p
her father doei not ohaaa-
•ttitnde and pungl« up h fJ
d iro rc eth . ” dream g.’- ;
U H r .‘o
Would probably b»
‘ hat could he-
be,t thing
?pen to her.
..ter one look i nto an Atneri.
can kilebeu, with all its conveu-
iencea and device! to save time and
work, the marvebms button, that
<>ne ha, but to pre», to work won­
the equipment to make
everything quick, comfortable and
• aey, I underload America lor the
Hrat tim e.— M r,. John Adam, of
I I only th , above fitted *' the '
American horn«, instead o( on« in
a thousand I How many y.are it
would add to tha live, of waarv
houiewlvea ! le t ue hop« ,uok a
day may torn»,
T1“ T“ ‘" t
•ry chargea
charge, will
will l«„v
)ook pretty imaJ,
^«ide the »um, that w ill be »pent to
h - t each a bill if lt .e«B3 to h#v#
any chanca of becoming a jaw.
Cusick Bank Building, Albany, Oregon
Dad’s and Mam’s Restaurant
Second st., opposite Halsey Garage
Short orders at all hours up to 11 p. m.
Square Meal, 50c
Plates, Crowns, Bridge Work and Fillings
I t will pay you to get my price» on your dental work
F. M . G R A Y .
“P la te s th a t F i t ”
draym an
All work doni|promptly and reason­
Evolution of Scripture Law
Higher Pay and
(Redlands (C al.) Facts)
Shorter Days The Old Testament sex regime was
rh e y
“ *
‘ ho most timber i t ■'
W °
By th i, V , . / * ° rth the m<3Bt
• it . down gpz
feet aho^l ’
ha Wh
' e th* fel,ow wh"
* r .'»«“ «e at 60,000,000
J h#v’J • bigger salary than
.o make, a careful examination
Funeral D irector
L i­
? ° u b ie
built on the “double standard" prin­
censed Em balm er
ciple of dealing with the sex ques­ Efficient Service.
Motor Hearso.
Its condemnation of the female
Lady Attendant.
transgressor was much more severe Brownsville..................................... Oregon
than that pronounced against the
I resent wage? make necessary male.
present railroad rates, and there-
W- L. W R IG H T
Christ’s teachings foster no such
fore wages and rates must stand idea.
When discoursing on illus­
& Funeral Director
i or fall together.
trative cases He makes the male the
Halsey and Harrisburg
Transportation Cost
r 111 D-,T avt . o R, Halsey. or
W. L. W right , Harrisburg
per cent higher than 1916. About
IK) per cent of all employe* are n»»» cau»e» her to commit adultery,
paid on an hourly basis.
The whosoever marries her when so divor­
The wlnber fishing sotion on the average wage per day of all em­ ced commit, adultery.” - i f , woman
Columbia /riv e r will e ld ,. Saturday ploys. paid on a daily basis in
puts away her husband and marries I can make both FA R M and CITY
ano no commercial ftaM ng wll be per- 1916 was $3 04, and in 1028 it was another man, the commits adultery.
L O A N S at a very row rale of intetest
m tied fg.im then to the opening of the ▼ ••^1» bu incr<***»6 of 160 per ofut.
In dealing with women who had From 5 to 10 years. Write me for par
The average earmogs of all em­ suffered the defilement of their pur-
regu ar? spring eeaaon at n(*ra on May
G. W. L aflab ,
• T ,e w inter -season has then a fair- ployes in the year 1916 were «892, •ty, he dealt in most kindly manner.
Salem, Ore.
410 Oregon Bldg
y e'zrcemfu] Oae for the cowparatlve-
The woman ot Samaria and the one
y ww a .h e rt, en who have bad their months ended with November, taken in sin excited but the compas­
1923, they were »1,626, or $136.56
B^t* la the wi iter.
h, * oy
secretary of the1 »tate a month, an increase of only 82
Neither do I condemn thee. Go and
•ghway v.omi nleslon. announced that per cent. T h i. apparent discrep­
»•n no more. ’ I f the truth were
Cash paid for
he had (aatructed John Baker, die
known it would be found without
dornejr of Hood River county. and per hour on the one hand and
Eggs, Veal
the aarning.
earning* ber month on th
th* .
wlth the pro. e
p»e die
.tic Telephone
T .i.n io n . s.
t - i ____ _____
a lb e r i, due to the f . ct that the
& Hides, m H- S H O O K
A Telegraph
number of hours worked per day The fascination ot unrestrained de­
Pw ay on chatitee of waatoa destruc­
sire for conquest often leads to the
tio n of trees along the Columbia river and per month by a great majority
[of the employes hat been reduced. lecher « goal, Beware, yoong friend.
highway In the vicinity of Castle Rock
The reduction of hour, hae in ­
A llet of bootlegg«*« and moon­ creased the amount of wages the
First-Class Work
shiners in Wasco and Sherman coun­ railway, must pay by making it
, ° a o « n: x S v : t 7
Agent for Eugene Steam Laundry _
ties. was received by Sheriff Chris necessary for them Io employ more ^ » ¿ ' “r'7 % h
Sent Tuetdavs.
man from Sheriff H ill of Tularo. Cal. men. For every 1,000 tone tb*
Their denunciation never let«
The list wus taken from the body of ---------7•
railw ay, hauled
mile in IVlo
«.on one ume
Roy Vlneemt, alia» "Alabara.'' who was t ’l . y paid out « 3 .l0 in wage* while
k ille d
H v t*« a P a lif a r w ia
a h a r lff — h it-
L . _______
. _ _*
th« California sheriff
while (or - i the
ai me service io 1913 the
resisting arrwst in connection with the wages paid were |6 10, or ilm o ti
Moeler bank robbery of last Novem exactly double.
be '»‘•rterett probably for the next
Cream and Produce Station
u finds but 50,000,000 feet.
While engaged In blasting stumps
on their land between Aurora and
Judge Eakin, at Astana, ha? Wilsonville, Naef brothers, prosperous
ruled that evidenee of law viola­ farmers, found in the wreckage of one
big stump a »10 gold piece and two
tion, though obtained illegally, ie silver dollars. A careful search (all
admiteible in the trial of tb , via. ed to reveal any more money. There
Thia disagree, with the la a general impression that th * monoy
Portland judge who held that M> wae a part af the loot stolen from the
Aurora bank
Labbe should not be tried fn
breaking tha lewbecauea somebody
else alto had broken it.
Th* Fidelity A Deposit company,
with headquarters In Maryland, which
In April. 1922. bonded Oeorge L.
Cleaver, state prohibition director In
Fggs older than any ever served the amount of »5000, ha* notified Gov
in a Portland restaurant hava been ernor Fierce and bam A Kozer. sec­
found in South Dakota,
They retary ef state, that the protection af
forded the official under the bond
are petrified end tba<r ag* is *,ti- would be terminated at the expiration
maded at between R0,000.000 aad ef the 30 day period
60,000.000 yaai*.
“ The dead know not anything ”
That is why Frank A. Vaaderlip
ioaa not koow that ba i, a ” dead
Barber Shop ?? Baths
The cruising of timber land to . . .
f ° P
Phone No. 269
eertaia it* value for taxation ▼
1« being dl»<-u8„ J .
Som .
-,ur- —
arguing that the crui.g,
Robinson Floral (o
Cut Flowers
Pot and bedding Plants
First-class Funeral work. Prices reason­
able, Give us a trial.
Write for list of perennials Green­
house. 940 East 40th st. P O R T L A N D .
()re Pnone Sellwood 1757
A new town will sprlnj up attOdell
«•ke within the next aU week, with
• population of more tl.a n 1500 per
‘ ‘ | tb0U-“ “ d*
«“ J
» M <he
l . «'iro
ad con-
• oba accora,n’
according ‘ to
,,, Pl " in a state „lu re there art form. iu t h . proce.s and w h o .7 7 Lx
th# «<genef Klamath line.
The hourly wage of railway em­
,u°re auto c a r, thau families.
| darM
who plan
" Bvcry m»n
that put»
<i«re, to look . . ¿ _ i Z wbo«v
' T V er J L
P“ n to
” eau'blt.h
Mt* bl" h damns * at Od’
» ployes nt the end of 1028 was 120 I principal.
x i
which -h e r. a .mail armj
work„ ,
away his wife except for unfaithful-
A few year, ago when farmer. I ‘he A lm iJ h t, l
loin fore.» with th . other au,c o p e ra te through
owner, who are being olnohoj to lye.re, p „s in g th .
The only Implements used by most
of the native farmers In Portuguese
East Africa in cultivating corn, kaffir
corn, peanuts and beans are the ma­
chete for clearing the ground and a
short-handled hoe Instead of a plow.
A carload of condensed
milk is being assembled in
Oregon and Washington to be
<ent lo the children of the near
ea»t. This will be joined bv other
eart collected on the coast and iD
the middle west, . n j by the time
they reach Chicago it ie expacied
that at least one ,olid «rainload of
milk will be the result. Trans-
per ation is furuiihad fr*a by the
There ia nothing so
essential for our chi'dren in the
near east aa m ilk," atatas J. J.
Handaiker. director, ” and there
are more than 100,000 underfed
orphans for whom this milk ia
being collected.-’
"The Rseary" Popular.
There were three fatalities In Ore­
gon due te industrial accidents dur­ -p x '1 n T ‘ hi'u“ B1 coplea of tha ton.
T h e Roeary," were sold In WlS. ,he
ing th * weeh ending February I t . a »
year of its publication, and many
i *«rdlag to a report prepared by the *tHeueands of r o p i* have been sold
i late Industrial accident commission. eech year since then. It has been trans-
The victims Included C. A Moran, Isted into tnoet languages. Including
Fortland. faller; trneju Soash, Scan- Eaparanto.
A m e ric a n E a g le
Fire Insurance Co.
J la y is worth ju st ns much in storage a
you tptght m t for ,t incaM ^offire. Th?
kAmencan Bugle Fire Insurant« eompaor
Jw,i pav p u ,
o f loss by fire.
oftbecM h value in u se
.............................. ..
Any Girl in Trouble
msycommuntcat, with E „ . „ „ U ,
W h.te Shield Home. SU M.yfsl?
Pl„ tUn<,