/'L HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X I I HALSEY. LIN.N COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, FEB. 2«, 1*24 HALSEY HAPPENINGS ANO COUNTY EVENTS Short Stories troin Sundry Sources welcome to cane early and stay Isti. The Orientals were down from Eu­ gene Saturday night initiating a class of local men. Mr s. Callis Frum, for many years a resident of this vicinity, is now third I Hecker hangs May 21. attendant at the state hospital for the ‘ Helen Aimstrong was home for insane in Salem. Mi. and Mrs. George Drinkard and the we*k end. daughter Doris of Brownsville were in Rosa Hughes and wife have a Helsey Friday evening attending the third daughter, b»rn Saturday. basket social. H erry Commons add fvtnily via The Young People’s Gospel Team of ited the Hansen poultry farm the local Methodist church have been Monday. invited to go to Brownsville and con­ T , S. Teyepaugh of Brow nsvill duct the services some Sunday. took the train here yesterday for Mr. and Mrs. Karl Koppe and little Junction City. ton of Eugene were guests at the T. I. A. C Armstrong and wife and Mre. L. H. Armstrong were in Marks home Sunday. four-weeks Portland. pass. drove to Albany Friday evening and Atty. A. A. Tussing had business attended revival services in the Meth calling him to Albany Monday. odist church. Don’t imagine that water costs more than whisk y because the Har- risbtrg Bulletin figures it at $7 a head per year, as quoted elsewhere. Set what whisky cost James De Witt snd Frank Tindío of Brownsville and Ivan Paina of Plainview. visit with relative, in i 't to much what a mao has done, , i ’I the victories that he has woo, I the atom» he has w,* courage and faith and a i^icery smile. worth while. The man who And fallen has had his dream, The erection of a cannery in New­ Mrs. Ed. Holloway of Brownsville berg was assured at a meeting In that took the train at Halsey for Portland city of more than 100 fruit growers. Friday. saw a star ’ and to i bright that his mortal scheme Born, Feb. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. John Farrier, a seven and one-half pound daughter. Mrs. D. F. Dean left for her home at Bandon Saturday night, after an extended visit at the C. P. Stafford home. of the gleam afar, haa climbed ’til his strength is spent, give him full credit for his intent. (Enterprise CerreepoadMKt) “n 't the goal that a man may win (Th at counts the most in the score: But the blows that have proven the worth of him. la a million tests and more; Fog it isn’t always the man who leads „ W h o possesses the strength that the old world needs. C^.’kiu. Dodd.M«dac*.h» By Grace E. Hall Pine G rove Patters ------ i OREGON OCCURRENCES RECITED FOR READERS T m d a y evening about 11 the Methodist church took tire and burned to tha grouud. • Epitome of Events in the The names also took the par- , «- . o» parsonage, adjoiniag it, though ! » © a v e r fc ta te mo4t of the household goods were saved. Loss about $20,000* with Early fruit trees are blossoming In $7,000 insurance. Crossed elec Eugene, trio wires are the suspected came. J I Bend’s first automobile show was Tne fire fighting equipment was held last week with 14 makes of cars. impotent. Bonds were recently Including 36 models, on display. voted for its improvement. he has tned to «fc; V Albany Thursday’. Mrs. Hazel Wallace and little A. C. Armstrong this week got daughters were dinner guests at the a telegram from Don Metzger of S. J. Smith home Sunday. Hood River ordering 2000 babv C- *• White, C. E. Smith and Frank chicks. Kirk drove over from Glenbrook A pickle factory at Albany is Tuesday and attended the funeral of practically assured, farmers hav­ the late N. C. Smith. ing already pledged 103 acres uf cucumbers. Mrs. Flora Bishop, accompanied by Miss May Giliette, both of Salem, was Representatives of towns in the a week-end guest of her sister, Mrs county will meet in Albany Mon- day to consider condemning right D. H. Stnrtevant, and fam ily of hi» i f way where necessary and open­ city. ing a highway over the Sautiam Rev. Robt. I. Parker and family NO. 31 Brownsville Briefs Miss Cleona Smith i Mias Del ma Wahl of ' Miss Alberta Koontz University were home ton’s birthday and the lowing. of U. of O., (Enterprise CorraapoaSaac») O. A. C. and (By Special Correspondent) of Willamette John McNeil was in Harrisburg on i The latter part of last week a part for Washing­ business Saturday. of a still and three barrels of mash week end fol­ Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Zimmerman • were captured in the upstairs of Jim visited Mr. and Mrs. Edd Chandler | DeWolf's home in East Brownsville. What might have been a serious Sunday. Several bottles of moonshine were al- accident happened Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Springgate of iso taken in the home of Frank when Edith Smith and Kenneth Smith Tindle of South Brownsville. While were apparently racing their ponies uHa" i8o.U^ - ViS,ted ** the on their way home from school. Gil these are serious offenses and both bert Hayes was on the horse with Jess Mincktey is seriously ill. I men w,ll have to pay for the crimes Edith, and they were both thrown, h . v . x s s ■»” ' - r b>- Gilbert seeming to suffer no hurt, • * I pen«, the families arc the ones who while his companion wag pretty much Ptof. Horner of O. A. C. will le c -! suffer. I'eWolf has 4 small children, jarred. There will be a free radio entertainment at the eitv hall next Wednesday evening, March 5. W alker Brothers of Forest Grovre, old-time fiddlers, will give a three.hour musical entertain­ in 'n t that w ill wake you want to da pee. The Jubilee singers nt Mrs. McPherson's Angelus temple at Los Angeles will also be heard and there will be other interesting (The following announcements will features and all who care to will be help you to remember the services at the Methodist church for the next week :The prayer-meeting and Bible study on Thursday evening will be W e H ave conducted by Miss Amanda Mitzner; tho services next Sunday will be as EVERY THING usual, except the Young People’s gos­ O ptical pel team will have charge of the even­ E Y E S T R A IN ing services. On Wednesday, March Is the Cause of Many 5 at 7:30, Rev. C. A. Edwards, assisted HUMAN ILLS by two other visiting pastors, will If your eyes give you trouble or hold a group meeting in the Halsey your glasses are annoying Methodist church. This group con- SEE US. We can Relieve You «ists of Brownsville, Shedd and Hal­ Bancroft Optical Co. sey. 313 1st St. W. Albany. Phone Miss Grace Matlock, who was sick with the ineaslei at Corvallis, spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Matlock. She re­ turned Sunday. Miss Matlock is book­ keeper at the J. C. Penney store. Mrs. E. S. Marsters returned Satur­ day from a visit of several weeks at Klamath Falls with her daughter, Mrs. Dwight Smith. E. S. was wait­ ing with a brand new buggy to take her home. He says there is only one buggy left in Brownsville. Indications of a good mohair season for Oregon growers are seen in reports from the east of continued firm mar­ kets. Lane county pear growers have be­ gun their first spraying of the year as the buds are now shooting forth on the branches. L. W. Metzger, contractor, will con­ struct a building in Marshfield for the Coos snd Curry Telephone com­ pany to cost $160,000. In a special school election Klamath Falls voters approved by a ten to one vote a $26,000 bond Issue for the pur­ chase of a new school house site. Enactment of a law authorising the state to print Ita public school text­ books probably will be requested at the next session of the legislature, A welfare clinic under the auspices of the Portland school of welfare work of the University of Oregon w ill be The tag sale in Brownsville for the held In Pendleton March 12 and 22. children’s farm home at Corvallis was a decided success. $56.00 was rais­ ed and the local W. C. T. U. added $30.00 to the fund which was sent as payment on the land. This helped in totaling $1276 from Linn county tow­ ard this paymen’. Samuel Boyer, 60. warehouseman for several years at Brledwell station, west of Amity, committed suicide by placing strychnine In his coffee whlla eating his lunch. Fourth-class postmasters hare been appointed In Oregon ts follows: Mrs. Another exchange of ownership of Rarah Damewood, Azalea. Douglas land in Ash Swale was that of the county, and W illiam A. Legore, Pros­ SO-acre farm owned by Mr. Tomlin per, Coos county. of Kuna, Idaho. The place is bet­ Engineers of the Long Bell Lumber ter known as the Jake Bowers place. company have started a survey (rom It has been purchased by Gus Benson the Southern Pacific railroad near of the Mountain Horae neighborhood. K irk and leading into company tim ­ Mr. Benson intends to make it his ber In that locality. n.7..-°n .. h'3tiLry , “ the Pine one “ «">' babe. All of them are under home and will move down as soon as The Nevada-CallforntaOregon rail­ Grove schoolhouse Friday evening.) sjx years of age. His family bear the roads are better. road has asked the Interstate com­ Feb. 29. The Woman’s Home Missionary soc­ merce commlssiou to authorise six the stigma of their frthcr’i crime. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morgan and He has peen .suspected- before, but iety of the M. E. church met last miles of new line northward from Mrs. W. G. McNeil attended the fun­ has alwayfi managed to evade the law Thursday afternoon at the home of Lakeview Into timber tracts. Senator McNary’s bill to appropriate eral of Mrs. Martha Morgan at Al­ Its to be hoped he will learn a much Mrs. Oren Stratton. The devotions bany Wednesday needed lesion by this. Tindle had a were conducted by Mrs. Robinett. The $800,000 for a veteran's hospital at ssson “childhood and democracy” Portland, was disapproved by General Mr. Elmer Settle of Eugene and better rep! tatio«’ a,ld one vas conducted by Mrs. Frank Walker. Frank L. Hines, director of the vet­ Mrs. Monroe Whetstone of Portland " E * '1’ more fronj "“c** men- erans’ bureau, In a letter to cougrees. visited at tho R. K. Stewart home I These are not the only men in At the close of the meeting a delicious Brownsville Salem merchants have petitioned who are bootlegging 'unch wa> served to the twenty-seven Sunday. Both the decorations and the city council to draft an ordinance these days. Recently a man dropped presen'.. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Knighten and j n pjnt bottle from his f,ocket in front ' he (lunch carried out the spirit of St. prohibiting preachers, peddlers, musi­ Mrs. Inez Smith drove to Albany of the theater. Of covrse it broke Valentine's day. cians and various religious sects from Thursday evening to see “The Cover and the aroma from the liquid spilled operating In certain sections of the ed Wagon." business district. was unmistakably that of moonshine. The public; service commission has We need more consciensious officers (Continued on page 5, suspended until a date to be fixed by who will not wink at the law, but en­ fBy an Enterprise Reporter) Fourteen persona ate eeua- the commission the proposed new aga containing bnrulinus Doi- force the law. The time to use your Beverly Isom is on the sick list this tariff filed some time ago by the Home son this week at Sterling. C ol.. *nfluence ,s thU fal1 at th* polls- week. : . » '. i ' . ’ Telephone A Telegraph company of Another statute that is not being anti six nt them were dead acd enforced is the ci gar i t law. It is B. E. Cogswell of -Portland is here southern Oregon. the ethers ill at the last report. W. C. Culbertson, one of the own­ nothing uncommon to see boys, below looking after his sheep. ers of the Cornelius snd Seward hotels high school, smoking on the streets of Tragedy. J. N. Burnett and B ,E. Cogswell The first acute shock of married life Brownsville. In Portland, was appointed by Gov­ Why don’t we enforce drove to Eugene Thursday. come« when a bride discovers that her the law? ernor Pierce to succeed Arthur C. husband prefers corned beef and cab­ Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bryant of For­ Spencer as a member of the state The lecture Saturday night by Dr. bage to those delightful little chafing est Grove called at the A. E. Whit- bonus commission. Martin on "Evolution, or Hell irt the dish concoctions.—Philadelphia Rec­ In future all auto ramps operating High School" wa3 well worth going a beck home Saturday. ord. within the corporate limits of the city great distance to hear. Dr. Martin E. A. Starnes and family visited at spoke for two and one-fourth hours, the home of Mrs. Starnes* brother, of Pendleton will be required to pay arguing that man was God-crested. is George Dannen, near Shedd, Sunday. an annual license (ee of $1000, accord­ ing to the provisions of an ordinance Genesis tells tt < . When we quit hiring H. C. and .Rodney Whitbeck of Eu­ adopted by the city council. non-christian teachers, and quit elect Ing non-christian school boards, then gene were callers at the A. E. Whit­ Formation of a three-county export and then only will we cease to have beck home Wednesday of last week. commission league la support of the McNary Haugen bill for farmer re­ evolution taught in the public schools Tho Stam es family have recovered lief took place at a meeting at The Dr. Dean of Toronto, Canada, »poke from the flu and the children return­ Dalles attended by more than 200 Sunday afternoon on "Science and the ed to school Monday, after a two farmers snd business men from Was­ Bible,” proving that science was not weeks absence. co, Sherman and C lliltm counties. antagonistic but coincided with the Miss Lillie Rickard came home The Oregon State Retail Merchants* Halsey Cborch ol Christ Bible teaching». That is, real science rom Monmouth for the week end. association closed Its sessions at Eu­ He gave a good lecture and the Bap J. H. Rickard and family spent Sun­ gene with the adoption of a resolution tlst church was full of an apprecia Church Announcements day at the McFarland church In Ben­ pledging the support of the merchant! tire audience. ton county. to the McNsry-Hsugen wheat price Church of Christ : Friday night Dr. Bryant of Cor Lon Cham ke. mmistor. „ w The funeral of Ahe Warden was regulation bill and the Kelly Stein vallis spoke to a full house at the Bible .ebool 10, W . H . Robert- naptiat ehurch. held at the Alford cemetery Sunday manufacturing bill now before con­ His theme gress. «on, superintendent. Mr. Warden was 70 God’s great love. He is a splendid sftrmoon. Morning worship. 11. Lord's A uniform system of accounting and minister and we all enjoyed his ser­ years of age and leaves a wife, three «upper every Lord's day. daughters and four sons and several statistical records covering all trans­ mon very much. Christian Endeavor, 6:80. He was well known actions of the various automobile Sunday evening Dr. Shelton loaned grandchildren. Evening service, 7:30. passenger stage and truck corpora­ The church without a bishop, in his radio to the Baptist minister and in this community, as he lived near tions operating in Oregon will be de­ here several years ago. installed it in the pHpit. At six the country without a king. manded In rules and regulations now I f you have no church home o’clock we listened to a sermon being formulated by the public service preached In Portland by Dr. Volbers A mail sack containing commission. If you want to know why. drop in nod *ee our styles, our great range of beat- come and worship with us. of the WThite Temple. In fact, we $28, 000 in currency bounced Methodist: pful pore wool (»’ rie« and our superb qualities at I. H VanW inkle, attorney-general, listesed to the whole church services. back tinder Ibe wheels wheu acting at the request of Oovernor Robert Parker, pastor. Dr. Shelton Is certainly liberal when thrown from a moving tram at Sunday School, 10. it comes to the use of his radio. The Cebro, Nev., and was torn and the Fierce, will assign a special prose­ preaching, 11. cutor to Yamhill county to assist the Baptist people thank him much for money scattered along the track. district attorney there In handling the Intermediate League, 6:30. this treat. Before the accident was discovered cases against W alter Toose Jr., and Epworth League, 6:80. much cf the money bad taken J. M Tern pi In. prominent residents of Prayer nesting Thursday, 7:30. Frances Becker has returned to her taken wings—«r legs— and disap­ GOOD GOODS Preaching, 7:30. WeMtaa.vIHe. home north of Brownsville after a peared. , (Continued on pag« 6) *w ■ •* *» e ft»aA • W * $ . • *• • A lfo r d A r r o w s t $25 TO $50 KOONTZS 1 i