with her p , „ nU | H ipendin< . , . w • G LO BE “ ALBANY gt ih< Jo— ter home. Jay Suytar shipped out a caiioad of baled hay from Tulsa Monday S U N D A Y —M O N .— T U B 3 D A Y Feb 24-25-26 L Stroiey and O r^ O O O M U fT M O M In Memoriim H A L S E Y R A IL R O A D T IM E Sarah I. McNeil was born near North iioulh Wednesday. I Of proposals for the delirary o - __ Halsey October 10, 1878, and depart- ,g ..... ed th i. life February 5, 1924. She N° l *' U M ‘ “ No. 17. 12.15 p. i H. C .Davis and D. Taylor w ere a I- ‘ * * * ,ock for J* “ ’r «»»«rueUos * * thi* ,if* F*t»ruary 6, 1924. She W. L. W ell, was an Albany vis ito r’ 8 m°*her, two sisters, one Nos. 21 and 22 stop only if flagged. C. H. Koonts went to Eugene Tues- Portland was lowest at »7 cents a ton brother and n granddaughter. BIG PICTURES ALWAYS No. 14, due Halsey at 5:04 p m , stops Our ne»t it one of the finett R « - A. A. T u n in g was a Browns­ day to attend the Retail Merchants’ * delivered f. _ _ ... • e. - b. *- government -------------- - barges She was married to J. L. Perry to le i off passengers from south of coined its of the le a w o — association. ville visitor Friday. Ten passenger tra in , of the Oregon k,Mrch 12’ 1893‘ To th il nnion W8S f Roseburg Glenn H ill of Harrisburg was look­ Electric were taken off the run on “ >rn ,one son, W. G. Perry, now of No. 23 run, to CotUge Grove onlv A. A. Tuasing, Halsey attorney, was ing afte r business matters in Halsey Sunday, according to the announce b *811*® 1 N " -. — a Portland visitor Saturday. 2l run. to Eugene, thence Marsh­ went made by W F Turoor. presi spent 811 ber life in thia vieln- field branch. N. C. Smith was on the sick list Monday. ' with the first of the week Mrs F. E. Gray of Cottage Grove, deut of the Spokane -Portland A ge ¡ t j until 12 years ago, when she Passenger, tor south of Roseburg should J ERNEST LOIS sttls railway, which operates the else with her fam ily moved to Seattle, u k e No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer » Miss Doris Drinkard of Brownsville for many yeai- a resident of this J TORRENCE WILSON to No. 15. | where the has since resided. city, was looking after business ir »pent Saturday at the home of her * (stars of "T h e Covered Wagon ” , W . A. 8teward and Fred A. Phillips She has been afflicted for the last Halsey Tuesday. '¡•tar, Mrs. j 8 .-McMahan, ,„ d _ * * * » e a a e a prominent beef cattle growers ci eighteen years, but has endured her hush ind. S. S. Hayes accompanied by his • Don’t get im patient * Baker county have received a ship suffering with patience. She join- SUNDAY M A IL HOURS Mr. and Mrs. A. E Foote drove t o l ’ 7 t* r ’ G* rtrude Pentiand, retum - meat of 41 head of Holstein cows ed the South Methodist Episcopal The - — delivery ----- v i iu, window of the Jugene Saturday and returned to the I - tO h° me PortIand Saturday, from Parma. Ind.. which will be used church when twenty-two years of age. P. W. Robinson home, where they I .* pe'>d' ng the la ,t we< * or two H a ls e y postoffice is open Sundayi as the nucleus of dairy herds they ex She trusted in Jesus up to the last — ... UJ, vne last from 10:60 to 11 a. m. and 12:1/ spent Sunday. 7 I w,th h ,i brother, D. J. Hayes. pect to build np *— -* she ■ was ready - and - w ill- I t o 12:30 p. m., and * —*-■ said -« that Mrs. Cecil Quimby is visiting at the 1 R* ’ ' Robt L P «rker, who haa been B. F. Wilson, one of the leading citi I inR 10 R°- Sunday mail govs out only ou iome of her parents, M r. and Mrs on SundaX afternoons at iena of Union county, a farmer and (Continued from pant 1) the north-bouud 11:37 train: Sister — Sadie Perry. , In memory of ~ -------- Mrs. Henry Brock haa been on tht A. W. Dykstra, and also at the Quim-1 ° “k P1,,n sch°o1J>ouse fo r some time, lawver. ha, aanounced bia Intention M ail goes south once a day, closing at of being a candidate for the nomlna Wh° 4164 F e b ru ,ry 1924: by home, this week. ls Planning a revival service there Il:0 5 a . iu. ; north twice, closing 11:25 sick list. Again the unwelcome, yet relentless a. m. and 5:30 p. ni. M a il stage for M r. and M r,. M artin Cummings eom" * ncinS Tuesday, the 26th of this tlon on the democratic ticket for Mrs. John Bressler has been sentatlve in congress at the com visitor> d«ath, has enterd the portals Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Sweet vvere m town Monday. While here I the sick list. Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. m. of our lodge room and summoned tog primary election. - ------------------------------- - - a 1 r. a Cummings called see the doe’ doe-1 While at Newport Newport H H. - M. M. Henry Henry had had Charles Str’aly was visiting with I ter' il , d to 10 Me The public service commission ha. U the be’ “ tiful home * ' ►mefolk Sunday. L k . * vcry 8ore iin^er* cauaedl* senou® turn of disease of the heart homefolk Sunday. r eealoue work in the in-1 a . : j c a barbed I and I by Jy ® ijarbed wire w ire thrust. th m a t la n d came home HnmA and «nJ took to his bed . suspended until May 18 ta riff, filed tercets of Ite our beloved order, and her | 8 Or ^*a r39faphs Mrs. Alice Jones and little daughtei E. B. Penland underwent a surgl-1 * nd came very near death, but gave by a number of railroads operating life, laden with gentleness and kind J (5c a lin e ) Doris spent Thursday in Eugene. cal operation in Oakland, Cal., Wed- b*s ^aradF 8 Joyous surprise by taking to the state cancelling half tare re­ deeds, has won for her the plaudit of ' The schools and churches here rais nesday of last week. turn concessions for a .’ endants ac­ He is reported * turn and »"Proving rapidly, For Sale— Bronze turkey gob­ ed nearly >65 for the near east relief to be doing nicely after it. companying livestock shipment, to ’ he good Master, and will cause her d » blers. » C u r t is V b a t c h , R. 2. name to be cherished in affectionate Mr. and Mrs. O. W. From. Elder Wnrri w. _ I Robert Parker and faniilv Portland and other terminal,. memory of our lodge. was KriTh received Saturday of ‘» the Cresswell Tuesday even. even7 Cross and M is, M ary Smith m o to r* I illness rd of >e drove to Cres.well Cltlians of Eugene will hold a mas. Cltlxens of Eugene will hold a mass ness of Keith. lit t i. a . I : - - a u e a a n y even. Whereas, The all-wise Father hath L J Rood 8 l« 'k ® clover seed to Albany Albany Monday. Monday. I vjr u , and an H yj m * / ’ ’ J ------- U ® dauRh next week to discuss a pro- to —— te r of ui tng to attend the re v iv a l meetings lied our beloved Sister to New cents a pound. m ,. u ... ______ _ A . T. G ro g e tt o f Cor- m ......... . ... . I posed bond issue of 1260 onn nr ssnn . called posed bond issue of >260,000 or >200. Mrs. May M iller went to Eugen. vallis, who i , a u t ie n ^ 'w it h J O rra n d W 00(Jwnrthi W- A. CuMMIKOS. Jerusalem, where, “happily she hath Friday for « visit with her daughter | of weasels M rs f i r n - L t I .P-“ lT O,uth * M * “ »d i« » 8»d B ap. 000 to drain the Amaxon slough that heard the signal of her release on the flows through the southern part of M r,. H arry Leeper. i j , p , ° 1 ‘ " * , "'ter churche’ 8t Brownsville, were Mrs. H arry Leeper. Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle I » • ■ ’ iit C j vv C IC bells of the holy city, the chimes of I 'I iaim P r of nr Lake 1 ole* Creek. I in t v t ___* 'f J - • L -<. Palmer in Halsey yesterday and favored Eugene and which overflows every eternal peace,” and she having been a I at the Enterprise office. Br. J. T. Fox of Harrisburg pio Mrs. Edith Robnett and daughter tbs Enterprise office with a call. winter, causing much damage to prop­ faithful and ardent worker on the erty. Poses to move to Crawfordsville Couise were Albany shoppers Satur- which place has been without a resi Mrs. Margaret B. Morgen of (>}’• They were accompanied as far Sent by Attorney-General Van teaching of friendship, love and truth, dent phyiician. F O R S A L E -W e as Tangent by Mrs. K arl Bramwell Albany, who bed been suffering Winkle to Investigate claims of six ex- therefore, be it, are hatching eggs Resolved, that Purity Rekebah xnd children, who spent the day with with a broken hip and complica­ connty road workers for overtime pay Born to Merle Rode and wife, Mon from our own breed­ day, a son. He is named Richard mother sister, Mrs F. M. Max-.vell, tions, died Monday, aged 93. She covering a period of two years or more lodge No. 130, in testimony of her ing pens of O. A. C loss, and to express ts Rebekah lov e, ________ ____________ __ White Leghorn *nd fam ily. n h*.'f *i,,#r t0 Mrs. Rosa Mrs. George of Harrisburg i , fillln, and amounting to several thousand in mourning fo r I egg lajwrT.’ E « ly ’’ h ^ c h ’ l ^ ^ n M its charter rewell and Rufus Bamford. Mrs dollars, J. M. Devers, formerly dis­ drape the place of nurse. . ---------- ••• ••<''«16**118 xwf exg layers Ea Rebekahs with their well filled b a a -_________ __ J»n* Bond _______ Frank __ Gray and Ag’ ___ ’ j< j ’ Haltev trict attorney of Lane county, ls to th ir ty daya and th a t we tender to I hatch, 10c; .The nightly talks of Mrs. Aims« X h e X 4 e" ‘ ert“ inment' ">“•*« by the M«Neil drov.'down’ to "attend I the fam ily of our deceased sister our | **' A' P’ hrsson and F. H.’ Sylvester, Semple McPherson In her tabernacli irehestra, at the city hall Friday “ •* ‘ -------' 1 Wheat farmers in Um atilla county sincere condolence, and that a copy at Los Angeles are heard over the have disregarded the calendar and are of these resolutions be sent to the Halsey radio outfits. taking the performance of the weather fam ilr. Mrs. M. M. Ward went to Browns •s a sure Indication that spring has Esther M, Bond ville Wednesday to help celebrate an arrived. Spring seeding of grain has Veda Bratnwsll Committee other wedding anniversary. I t wa: at lowest rate of interest - z ; ; , : : already been begun to some sections, M in n ie Cross that of her daughter, Mrs. W. J Prompt service. Courteous treatm ent. and to many localities plowing is un­ Moore. der way. ^ *4 Ban*, Room 5, First Saving, Rank r Mrs. C. P. Moody and daughter W. L Smith and Mesdames T. P A temporary office where individ­ went to Eugene yesterday for a bnilning, Albany I atton and M. E. Gardner receive* uals, corporations and partnerships at- abort visit. tongh . . .n y tJ d r . bB/ , 2 Br° Wn bu" d 8 » word last week of the death of their fBcted by thie state Income tax law weer longer than any other tire he s ta 'u d j ^ fiv .* ' WO" M * * b* , ‘ * r ” d mother, Mrs. M argaret A. Smith, at may obtain assistance to preparing Tuesday Traffic Officer Bloom the best tires in the n s an l t * a\ 1 hi T . wei 7 " u" “ 1 ,h* v w ,r* worn o»t d< " ,ted “ once- per cent of normal, according to of­ Dr. Michener, once of Halsey but ... .............................. ficial, of the Oregon Grower,* Co-oper­ Ynstf Maes Mahomettati. I now of Wichita, Kas., shows his con ative asso'iiatloQ, who have made a Moslstn. died at Ysgou. H 7 A- tinued interest in the news from Hal- bitza, Jugo-Slavia, last week, “aged needed" K B Y w n i e ° f careful survey of the situation. The “fy by sending this office n check F ' - 120, leaving children, the vonn- L e n d e T K R Y P T O K S lre r*e° “ - small crop will be due to the cold that pay, his subscription up to 1926 weather experienced a few weeks ago. whom it 17. Tbs old iiib d i T'Eint » d was 108 when the boy was born n^ ’ nk Pr°Pr“ O and beauty and . A lady from Eugene mistook H al­ August VF. Schmermacher. corporal, sey for the little town of Albany Oxe'n ' | Aad ,s n‘ n' e findj ‘ he,r i,d o r »*m* «- headquarters detachment, 34#th a rtil­ Thai beats " Black a w a .o ” ,he weirer comf<>rt Thursday, and got o ff the train tc lery, routu g, Salem, and Cecil W. ---------------- , and satisfaction change cars for Newport. She spent Kennedy, private. l« ld Infantry, 1312 Frank A. Vanderlip, the New York the day here and took an evening Garfield avenue, Portland, have been financier, ruined his reputation by train out. designsterl by the president from the publicly repeating a slander he had national guard of Oregon as cadet, at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Broek went tc heard about President Harding w ith­ the United States m ilitary academy, at Albany Monday of Lust week. Fron •ight, February 22. W est Pcflnt. out any sustaining evidence. A very . there Mrs. Brock an»! daughter Dorii Inappy crowd. Jame» R Linn and Frank Durbin small hole is large enough for a man continued on to Ijebcinon for a visit Lawrence Taylor drove to Albany of Salem will each donate a silver with W illiam Curtis and fam ily. The) to crawl into afte r such a perform­ Saturday. cup for the boy and girl prise winners returned Friday. (Bnttrprlae C orr..p oi«d.nc.) ance, and the public w ill never care Mr. Linn's P. A. Pehrsson was a Corvallis viol- at the next state fair. Mrs. &. J. Smith was a Brownsville Olin Shook, who has charge of the whether he comes out again or not. cup vdll be for the beet Jersey calf tor Monday. «Her Saturday. Sw ift cream station a t Shedd, an.! exhibited in the boys' and girls w ife are living in Miss Nettie Spen Mr. *nd M r,. Charles Gibson were clnsties, while Mr. Durbla's cup w ill be Miss Donr.a Robertson went to Knows Why. c. i ’s house. The gentleman is a Eugene visitor, last week. hedd Tuesday. for the girl or boy exhibiting the beat Who so well fitted to tell a man the brother of M. II. Shook of the local road to business success as be who bus Mrs. Bert Minckley and Jess Minck- Holstein calf. Mrs. L. C. M erriam w a, a passeng- Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians cream station. There were five r a ta b le , due to in- failed—if he knows why he failed? ley have been on the sick list. r to Albany Tuesday. Albany, Oregon dustrial accidents tn Oregon during Friends of Mrs. Thortas Ardry sur­ Jake Heinrich had business calling the week ending February 14, accord­ L. L Swan, Albany attorney, was a prised her Wednesday evening by him to Corvallis last week. la l-e y 1 urines, visitor Tuesday. ing to a repdrt prepared by this state coming to help celebrate he. birth­ The M ist Agnes Pugh visited her sister Industrial accident cobRadssien M r and Mrs. E. F. Cross drove to day. A very pleasant time was en­ victims were: Frsnk Tucker. Salem I'llsboro and spent the last week end ¥>••• George Chandler, last week. joyed. Those present were: Mr. and choker setter; H ifrry c ia r*. Albany M r,. Arch Owens, Luther Brock, Ran- ’ ilb Mrs. Cross’ parents, Mr. and logcrr; John Edge, Baker. eUer; Peter all Brock and Miss Muller, The hank examiners wer« tn Halsey mother In Halsey Saturday , nd Sun Hansen. Astoria, ‘ 'oreman. and Roy day. Oregon Exchanges, the U. of 0. nday and as usual found the Halsey Jordan, lint Newspaper Publishers' organ, Eugene, ta:e Bank is splendid condition Pete Settle wss in Albany a total of 414 says: "W ith W. A. Priaulx a , publish­ Irs. A. A. M orrill. Lete Settle was Albany visitor a er and A rthur W. Priaulx editor, the ri,M r j , H “m1 Young Gomsl Twm Wallace returned few days last week. Creswell News begun publication the The seivices at the Methodist church first week in January. The News is Sunday evening were very inspiring the second paper in this pnit of Ore and helpful. T h e congregation was M ° r n h i n * t g , and j *i»*twd the school on Thursday. gor. issued by its publishers; the other f in iily ’ “ «Rreeahly surprised w ith the one i t the Drain Enterprise, issued •nar' « e h S T 'rr’ d'’ " i “ * r r * m‘ /o r « " " « u n H ^ c to ^ c n ttr * ability, the Young Peoples’ gospel th irty miles farther south.” W. A D. S. McWilliams caller Saturday. Ruggles of Red : Gap VJ<*H : J SCARAMOUCHE j j Halsey Happenings, etc. n—___ *7ve I I st Baby Chicks FARM LOANS Modern Barber Shop A A B E ’S P L A C E R “ O R E V E R Y O C fA 1 U C L J ARROW GARAGE * GANSLE BRO3., Halsey Meade & Aibro, ■Jib1,11 M u N! u vi , ited her * r , nd - MILL RUN ................... «29 npr fnn ™ EAL’ W’6,5 pr’ Mck of 100 OAT CHOP.......... $28 per ton and up Ground and Whole CORN Best quality Feeds at right prices Priaulx published the Halsey Enter • V,lentin< - ba .n b t ™ ° T h . ,iM lV bin’ «’• M « - y dV « privs fo r some years, though his son ’* 7 " ^ lfr“d* P°P'I’ was not with him here. The Priaulx and Mr» Rl h fam ily still publish the Drain paper grades, were ^ , 1 * ^ ^ »wording to the Exchanges' directory. A - m . i , “ • ' 1 K Jurors drawn for the Mrs. Frank Maxwell of Tangent is tv . 7 h ” rm #re Henrv Dittm er and Brown"1 LT h" * r- Joseph A. £ *♦ * * * 4 4 4 * 4 * « 4 * * H 4 O » O « « ... « 3 T L T S L K » » * Alder-Ika ? relievos g«s on stom ach " guards against • pendicitis * the ap- RINOO DRUG STORK « » « « « « « a « « *« « * H t8in®«n‘ d ™ Friday P r e i e evening n t Z T s u p A ^r w£ team showed in presenting the gospel message. ,erved »H er the program. The team ing of Jesus on t'orglva- tr e ^ r * i° l 3\ rpr,Bed ,h ilr ness. U lth ' pr8> ’er- >”' * « d th faith, prayer, love and th e e com com 7* , bjr »erv,"K refreshments after fort* r was prerented by Grace Pehrs ,b* valentine, were distributed Febro • son, " — *- — Henry Davis, Theodore - M - • itsnar. , r >’ H. Kenneth Vannice and Amanda M itz Be.idei the members of the orchev ner. d r- ’ c Miss Laitaar w „ tea