1 \ » W PAG 8 » Aa U A U f i V E N T E R PU I SH PER. 2l. 1924 HAL81Y ENTERPRISE ment t> A e * » A n a l— M O T a r a t r e l a »w « * u k ll* k * a a v e r , T h a ra 4 a g • / W m . U . W H U ÍI.S H chicken yarn. fo r reproducing the “ he she FARM CO-OPERATIVE SELLING „ William H. Wheeler, editor of the Halsey Enterprise, is also the pro­ --------- T V -' (.rlfitloaa. f l . l t a y * a r la ad ranca prietor, devil and all, and prints it, Advertisiog 20c an inch ; no ditcoun two pages at a time, on a Diamond By GLENN G. HAYES Io r tim e or apace ; do cbsrge for com jress by hand power. Except for position or cbauget. /hat straight* composition is ready to (©. 1»I4. W nttru Newapaper Unloa.) l a T a l d tu r P aracrap b a," fe a lla a o away to a linotype 3 hours before ■ a ad v a rtla ln g dlsgulaad aa n e w a he press starts, he does all the office Women A re Organizing in /ork, canvassing, collecting, and what Offiee hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 excep the Egg Business. □b printing is afforded by the little Mondays and Friday forenoons. own, which is quite loyal to its home I F A L L the chickens raised in the >rinter in this respect. Frequently, it 1 United States last year were lined OUR TREASURY IS SOUND. i a six-page paper and there are six up tall to tall in one continuous row olumns to the page. Mr. Wheeler (bey mould extend around the world Secretary Mellon has informed the egan at the printing business Octo- four limes w ith »9,480 bene le ft over. president that the charges of dupli­ er 18, 1868, and his 18th birthday I f all the eggs laid by this great American flock were loaded Into cars cation of liberty bonds have been ame the next month. He confesses they would extend from Boston to hat he sometimes breaks the union's investigated by two separate and in Chicago, 103,530 cars In all. 4-hour-week rule. — Oregon Ex- In 1923 there were 543,000,000 dependent investigating forces and hanges. chickens raised In American poultry the integrity of the treasury depart­ The foregoing was true when writ- yards. T h e ir farm value totaled »354,- 199,000. The total value o f poultry ment has been maintained. More­ en. Since then the linotype work is products In the United States In 1922 over, the 27 employee of the bureau was $884,000,000, which exceeds by of engraving and printing who were eing done about six hours nearer »20,000,000 the total value of the 1922 lome and a man has been found who mysteriously suspended under the wheat crop. And this report doesn’t Harding administration are to be re­ urns the press for about half the Include chickens and eggs produced on town and city lots, w ith the excep­ irinting of the paper. instated. to sail eggs. Around 1908 they began Io make real money. A poultry farm '.< umd was the result. Men ctm e from the cities and the fa rm s and bought h a few acres of land and • few laying hens and aet to work to make their fortune, in lees than a year they had flooded the markets w ith egg» T he 1 price «vent down to a ten-cent level. The dealers would buy np the eggs and put tbem In storage, borrow money ' on the eggs In storage and go back Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited and buy more eggs. T h e farmers dumped them In a helpless way and broke prices In that fashion, while the produce dealers dumped them con­ sciously onto the San Francisco Prod­ uce exchange w ith the Intention of breaking the price. The dumping In focal units. Usually the village «tore- the spring dominated the price o f the keeper handles the circle’» shipment LAWYER^AND NOTARY entire year. California poultrymen and he Is paid so much per dozen for stood this state of affairs until h alf his trouble. Through local units the H alsey , O regon o f them were broke. Then they got eggs bring slightly better prices, but the producers are still helplessly In together to try their own hand at marketing. In 1916 they Incorporated the power of the dealers. And the the Poultry Producers of Central Cal­ same dealers are io control of ut least ifornia. One thousand producers 90 per cent of our total egg production. Women to Pool Eggs. Second a t, opposite Halsey Garage Joined the association and they start­ Now the women of the West are ed selling in January, 1917. Short orders at all hours up to 11 p. m. going to pool their eggs In the C ali­ Every one of these 1,000 hen owners fornia way, and they have already subscribed for a »10 share of stock started to work. Local associations and signed a contract to deliver all of his eggs to the association for four nre being organized to assemble and grade the eggs. Next these locals w ill years. W hat the association proposed he federated Into state selling agen­ to do wag to grade the eggs and pool cies. The last step Is the coordinat­ them by grades, then sell them out, ing of the state groups into a great one cent a dozen being deducted to national egg producers’ marketing as­ cover the expenses During the first sociation. eleven months It handled »2,049,000 There are al! sorts of difficulties to A ll work done|proiuptly and reason­ worth of eggs at a selling expense of be overcome—man-ownership, woman- only 2^1 per cent. The business stead­ ably. . l ’lione No. 269 ownership, some o f the eggs In one ily grew until In 1921 It handled section hnndled In one way and some 662,604 cases fo r Its 2,436 producer In another. But out of this confusion members. In 1922 worth the producers \ keted $6.833.000 of eggs, mar- of 1 I the r * r-ll<“r8 h-,v<5 ¿ brou«ht real mer- i HALSEY STA TE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SU RPLU S Amor A. TussingJ Dad’s and Main’s Restaurant Square Meal, 50c tion of a few large commercial flocks. It Is safe to say that the poultry In­ T > United States treasury depart­ Seventy five people took part in the dustry la a bllllon-dollar business. ment has handled more money than .rganization of the company to pro- Its owners are the wives of American any other institution in the world ii tote a water system from Clear Lake farmers. N inety per cent of the American the last century and a half and hai o valley towns. Halsey was repre­ poultry product» originates on farms been A marvel of exact honesty of th< which are not devoted to poultry as great force of employes, and it ii s s e d by D. T*ylor. The pnb. a specialty. ic will be asked to suggest names When Aaron Sapiro came over the pleasant to have the admiring confi rom whch the title of the company border of C alifo rn ia and began preach­ dence of the public in the integrity of /ill be selected. Waldo Anderson is ing the doctrine o f co-operation, he did hla talking to the men. And* when the department confirmed. resident of the company, Victor 01- they tried co-operative marketing Mr. Brewer’s charges arose from iver secretary and Frank Schramm they tried It on wheat and cotton, to­ the fact that 516,000,000 in temporary bacco, dairy products— the crops they reasurer. The two former are Al- considered Im portant. O f course there bonds were issued and later replace«' >any citizens and the treasurer a were a few commercial poultrymen by permanent securities. But this scattered In the East and In the West Jorvallis man. “duplication" has been carried out who were making co-operative egg marketing a success, but that was a without error, Mr. Mellon says, and different s itu a tio n ; commercial poul­ W e don’t wonder a t Professor Cios- every temporary piece of paper cov­ and’s conclusion th a t proof-readers trymen were concentrated in certain ered by a later permanent issue has re bom ra th e r than made, but we sections and their dally output was large enough to be worth considering. been destroyed by the department ex ave a real curiosity as to how some | Haw Woman Managed. cept a small portion still outstanding f them manage to live so long.— W hat Interests the farm er Interests Eugene Register. the farmer's wife. N aturally enough, she was Interested In co-operative Thst and the longevity of the marketing. She watched the outcome HIGH PRICE OF BREAD Intelligent Compositor are both of local ventures In co-operative live The People's legislative Service, a lue to the marvelous self-restraint stock shipping In co-operative grain elevators. Enormous losses were be­ national organizatiqn, reports tha't if editora and puhliahers. ing avoided by orderly marketing. It worked for every other commodity— there is no good reason why the one- Troubled waters are sometimes | why not poultry? There was money which 32 per cent were shipped to the pound loaf of bread should not be juieted by throwing oil on tbem In the hen but not as much as there E a s t Tw enty per cent were carried sold for 5 cents, as it was before the should be. By poor m arketing meth- In storage. Only 48 per cent were iVon't somebody please reverie and | O(j, woman had been cheating war, instead of 9 cents, as now, ex sold at once. , ;brow a little muter on the oil themselves out of h alf of th e ir poultry It took a long time to build the or­ cept a combination of millers and dollar. it Washington? Some people ganization for the business of selling. F or fifty years the farm er’s w ife ha» bakersiu restraint of trade, in vio­ here want it aa badly aa tba rich bartered her eggs, a few dozen nt s The flocks had to be standardized. lation of the Sherman law, whicltit T he work had to be completely reor­ rich man wanted Abraham to put] time, at the crossroads grocery. She ganized. Certain men who were asks congress to investigate. The took what the merchant was willing i drop on the end of hia tongue. batching specialists were put In to give, not knowing the true value of fact that E. Firchau of the Albany charge to hatch all the chicks, and the what she traded nor the value of what bakery, who ships more bread than Secretary Dynby has resigned she received In exchange. That's the rest of the members ran th eir flocks any other Albany baker, hus long been jec a use he trusted to others tod furm aide of the story. W h iit did the without roosters. T he eggs were care­ fully graded and fed out to the m ar­ selling the old-time loaf at the old- «igned the Teapot Dome lease crossroads grocer do with the eggs? ket In an orderly fashion, the surplus T ills Is where the city dealer, stepped time price lends plausibility to the vithout knowing there was any- In. He saw a chance for a fortune In being processed and packed away In charge, as does a comparison of the bing wrong about it. He didn't the egg Industry; so did the big pack­ cold stocage for the shortage season. Under the old system the hulk of these ing concerns of the M iddle West. price of wheat now with its price be­ enow it wes loaded. eggs were dumped In the spring on the These dealers and packers sent out fore the war. San Francisco market. buyers to the little towns to buy up Big Pacific Coast Business. Bakers claim that they are giving the eggs during the surplus ■ produc­ ' Portland poultry producers hnd for tion season. They bought these eggs better bread for the higher price. The Ladies' Study club meets ungraded. uncandled, big and little, years been receiving the lowest price There isn’t any better bread. unight and after th a t we expeot to dirty and clean— all mixed together on the Pacific coast. In 1919 they ,ee members »currying for funds | in»« aa the housewife bad brought adopted a co-operative marketing plan sim ilar to the one used In the Peta­ for a library buildlug. with “ Ex- th a n tat» town. They bought them luma district. They formed the P a ­ wonderful bird , or a lie . cheap. In the first place the grocer ■elsiort ” tor their inotto and cific Co-operntlve Poultry Producers' as little ns he could and he was □taring with them “ thu strange paid glad to sell them fo r only a few cents organization. Today Portland prices Recent investigation show» that a are equal to the highest. The associa­ device '* . p ro fit Eggs don't mean money to the peculiar ovary disasc is the cause of tion markets the eggs of 360.600 hens, grocer; they are simply a necessary sex-transformation in poultry. In one h alf ot the production o f Oregon. nulaanes of exchange Idaho, and Washington. particular case it was noticed that a The d aaleri shipped the eggs Into Three other groups of Pacific coast Buff Orpington hen started to erow. the parking houses. They were sorted At that time the bird was three and as to tlaa snd color and they were poultrymen have started their own marketing organization, all b uilt on graded sad candled. Part o f them a half years old and had raised sev­ the same plan. Now the five Pnrlfle I wore sold Imm ediately to the city con eral broods of her own chicks. Imter Sfitti/) « c.a»t groups have Joined forces to suiuors st special prices os strictly her head assumed the proportions of work under one great overhead sales í B t t f t / c i t f tr SB»»k» fresh eggs T he remainder were proc a rooster's, and the comb, wattles'and agency— the Pacific Coast Egg Produc­ eased or packed Jn cold storage to b a l l i l i Pubfiç spurs increased in size. Then the ers. Each group sells Its own eggs sw si: the s ta le r scarcity, when the« In Its own particular section, but all bird began ho molt. Within six wore «old st s handsome profit Si the *gg business continued yetir after j (he ,0 »hipped out are pooled months it took on the plum age of a snd handled from one office. veer until In 1922 the egg and poultr« male bird and shortly thereafter the Along' the eastern cAast more than divisions i t the pecking business were " e h e " wes a “ h e ,” U ltim ately the producing huge profits. Keslers had 466 New Jersey poultrymen got to­ gether In August of 1921 and formed transformed hen became the father of til rood pis money Into stlbkpln rash the New Jersey Uo-operntlve Poultry chickens. FOR SALE Thoa the women decided to clean Producers' association, which hns only booee L their markets. -Now they We find the foregoing in the Path­ recently been extended to Include pro are going to have their own snles de ducers o f all the Atlantic coast state« -Mnoo' snd establish tlik lr own finder, s weekly publication issued This organization Is m o ther model of t national co-operative- marketing g iv in g g o d i flow of m ilk from Washington, D. C. And Wash­ the Petaluma group. mecMne T h ia marks woman's first H. Cl.iNSMArç, Route 1, Halaey ington couldn’t tell a lie I The Path­ Commercial poultrymen are making venture Into the economic, field of farm their markets pay a J u t return. But marketing. Through the standard finder, on its title page, claims that it they cm never have complete control type of collective selling they declare “ shows the way through the jungle of over the egg market until the hun­ they can treble; their, profile as poul dreds of farm flocks of the Middle ♦vents.” It's in its thirty-first year. try women and at the snrae time toll West are laying co-operative egga carefully »reded, standardized, guur It ’• old enough to knew the stereo The huge production of the Middle nnteed eggs at a saving of a Bickel Western state« Is In the hands of the Admittance IS aud 25c io e dime per dozen to the con typed requirement« f a news item: Feb 22 q i u H all turner, The ■ American Farm Bureau I packers; their control of the surplus What? Who? when? where? why? Ladies W itt baskets admitted free Is strong enough that they c m break federation was asked to help. The how? etc., but it omits ell except the federation responded by calling a ns ! any market The only atteuipta that the Middle t tons) eggm arketing conference In first. It grieves ua that the publi­ West has made toward the co-opera-’ Chicago early last spring Seventeen cation did not give some of this in­ t h e marketing of eggs has been en­ states were represented snd a large formation, as, for instance, who owns tirely along local line«. In some of percentage of the official delegates the dairy districts of lows. Minnesota. ere women the wonderful htrd, so are could apply Wisconsin. Indians and Pennsytv»sia Plan Is Net New for a setting of eggs of the breed. Or the cooperative creatniU*» «re han­ O -e p e ra tlv e marketing of eggs Is where the miracle occurred - town, ant altogether e new venture, for com dling the marketing of eggs and poul try for their members They usually merrtsl poultrymen have had their cou.ity, state, country or even sphere. m arketing organization« »¡nee pay cash for the produce at the time Perhaps It we« on the moon or Mars. of delivery, just the same as the areaad lfilA dealer The only difference is that the W'e await particulars with bated the Petalum a valley, only e few creamery does not attempt to mskg « j anti as from San Frencleco, are located breath, and with some trepidation, for profit In other districts 'h»re ate toeet e f the commercial ponltry farm» the Pathfinder is copyrighted and we h., SIOH» of eektrei C alifornia Here Ike farm I shipping associations are liable to a penalty for infringe •o f t-. b»O’ . I IB ajl ■.hare ape arose th a n 759 0 | lb * a a F. M . G R A Y , D RA Y M A N DELBERT STARR Funeral Director and Li­ censed Embalmer D R. C. FICQ, : DENTIST • Cusick Bank Building, Albany, Oregon • Plates, Crowns, Bridge Work and Filling«} • It will pay you to get my prices on your Dental wcreik • • “ P la te s th a t F it ” : A Bungalow for Books □ Eresh Jersey Cow, FINE PROGRAM BASKET SOCIAL FREE COFFEE SILK QUILT raffled off S35,O O O Efficient Service. Motor Hears». Lady Attendant Brownsville___ ______ ________ Oregon w . L. W R IG H T ■ Mortician & Funeral Director Halsey and Harrisburg C all D. T a y l o r , Halsey, or \V , L . \ \ RIGHT. Harrisburg FARM LOANS I can make both F A R M and C I T Y L O A N S at a very row rate( of intetest From 5 to 10 years. W rite me for par trculars. G. W . I . a f l a r . Salem, Ore. 410 Oregon Bldg HALSEY cbandlsing methods. Out of tills same chaos the women believe that they can bring order. The farmer's wife ha.« taken a tip from the packers* she IS through trading $2 worth of ’egg, for 50 cents' worth o f canned goods. Birds Inherit and Learn Calls. Birds Inherit culls they u tter when In the heat, but In many instances learn the nbtes o f 't h e 1 birds wlfhln sound of whose voices they have been veered. FARMERS, OU want a witfe-awalre, reliable firm to represent you on the Port­ land market. » We can give you prompt and efficient service in selling your F R U IT S . V E G ­ Y ETABLES, HOGS V E A L. P O U L ­ T R Y aud F G O S . We h iv e beeo in the produce business in Portlaod for over 40 years Ask your neighbor about it. W rite us lor price«. PA G E & SON, Cream and Produce Station Cash paid for Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal & Hides. M. H- S H O O K W hy suffer from headache? Have your eyes examined S. T . F R E N C H O ptom etrist w ith F. M, F r e n c h & S o n s J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S Albany, Oregon Fresh and Cured Meats Quarter« of B E E , ” lor canning purposes at canning prices C . H. F A L K _______ C. L. F A L K JR. Portland Oregon Barber shop Baths Robinson Floral (o First-Class Work Agent for Eugene Steam Laundry Sent Tuesdays. J . W- ST E P H E N SO N . Prop. Cut Flowers Pot and bedding Plants l-irst-class Funeral work. Prices ipason- able, G ive us a trial. W rite for list of perennials, ttyceu- houses r'4O East 40th a t P O R T L A N D . Ore. l ’none Sellwood 1757 A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. I lay is worth ju st as much in storage a you might get for it in case of tire. Th » American Eagle Fire Insurance conipanr will pay you b5% of the cash value in case ot loss by fire. Did you get our C. P . ST A FFO R D , A g en t N ew Catalog?, ? We have not missed anybody lt'n tio n a lly . Any Girl in Trouble way communicate w ith Ensign le e ef the Salvvt.on Arm y a t th e W h ile Shield Home, Je.S May fair avenue, Pott Un. I, Oregon. t - --------