lsey enterprise VOL. XII HALSEY. LINN COUNTY, OREGON. TII’ RSDAY, FEB. Il, i » 4 NO. M , gathered oo A lb a n j'« busiest oor- HALSEY HAPPENINGS n tr. — Albany Democrat THOUSANDS ARE ANO COUNTY EVENTS Mrs. ------ Bertie - Shafer vi of Salem arriv- I oaiem arrtv- ------------ —"— — Short Stories trom Sundry Sources Seth F rid a y M ill» drove to Newport Thur^iay to visit her father, fienry Lynch. Phillip Merriam went to Glendale Thursday. Mrs. C. P. Stafford went to Port- land Friday. Mrs. G. G. Hockensmith returned iron» Albany Friday. Mrs. M. B. Southern and Mrs. George Hayes were Albany visitors George W orkinger visited at the Thursday. George Bayne home Sunday S. P. Brock of Shedd, 82, has cut A pickle factory at Albany is talked is year’s wood and was plowing on of by a California firm which wants his farm before the rain last week. to contract for cucumbers. Mrs. A. E. Fletcher of Granum, At the A- C. Arm strong home Canada, arrived Thursday for a visit M onday afternoon Mrs. W . P with W. p. Davis and family. W ahl was a guest, Thursday Mrs' H a rry Commons and children t a d F rid a y Mre. George W rrkiD ger The new telephone line was com- pleted last week Tuesday and the Pacific Telephone and Telepgraph company’s switchboard is cut out. Those who do not connect with Halsey are cut in at Shedd. Mrs. C. A. Pugh of Shedd was tried the other day on a charge of driving on the wrong side of the Pacific high­ way and a Jury acquitted her in ten minutes. Wiilliam Corcoran was a passenger to Portland Saturday. Little Billy Kirk went with him for a visit with his mother, Mrs. Marcella Kirk, at the Good Samaritan hospital. PERISHING Lee Ingram's some horses. | OREGON OCCURRENCES one RECITED FOR READERS fiahes and Their Mothers Appeal to America to d a j T J ^ T w*nt tO Save Them From Starvation .* "£ !Epitome of Event, in the No help is in sight for the starving ivlugres from the cruel Turk burg Sunday. unless it cemea from Am erica. I f we do not feed these innocents Mt and Mrs. E. D. Isom and daugh­ they would die Jess p s io fu lly if we should go over and. club them to ter Beverly visited relatives in Eu­ death. gene Sunday. Portland, Feb. 12.— Dispatobes from Barclay Anderson, form erly A- E. Whitbeck and Chester Curtis from Oregonians now in the near of Portland, says : “ Personal in ­ worked on the telephone line Friday east tell of great suffering among spection o f situation reveals most | and it is in good order again. refugees. Recently four American distressing conditions, especially . Mrs. Ruth McGee of Engene visited her parent«, Mr. and Mrs. Michael relief workers died in efforts to re­ of the 112,000 refugees in Salon- Rickard, g lew days last week. ion, out of the 500,000 in Mace­ lieve (hie suffering. The care of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rickard and donia. Scores of thousands, mostly 54,000 children now in the orphan­ women and children, undernour­ Emery Rickard attended an all-day ages makes it impossible for the ished, m a la ria l, liv in g in unde- meeting at the McFarland church in near east re lie f to aid other thou­ scribable crowded unsanitary bar- “tenton county Sunday. sands equally needy. racks, hovels and shacks, are in J. F. Isom was home from West the greatest need seen in any Fir, where be is employed in a mill, J. J. H andsaksb , Director Near East Relief, oountry since the w as.” most of last week. He was having Portland, Feb. 18.— Cablegram some dental work done. J, J. H axdcakkr . Shedd Snapshots Brownsville Briefs Beaver State A normal school will bo conducted In Pendleton again thin summer for a six weak»' course. A movement has started tn easier* Oregon to organise the stockmen Into e co-operative selling agency. Tbe city of Monroe has accepted the new waterworks system recently installed by Bwartley Brothers of Cor­ vallis. Despite the addition of a school building during the year, the schools of Salem are now crowded to ca­ pacity. Dlrlc R. Gray, market-road engineer of Baker county has tendered his resignation to the county court to take effect March 1. Portland has invited the grand lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks to hold its 1924 con­ vention In that city. S ih cel Notes By Anna Pennell! (By Special Correspondent) (By Ralph Lawrence) Th Halsey girls will play Scio here L. E. Pennell is installing B radio Mrs. Bert S. Clark went to Albany set in his home in Shedd. M. E. Presiding Elder Danford tonight (Thursday), Everybody W ill e , Holbein, formerly of North Friday. She was joined in the af­ union meeting U last J. W. McCumber returned Saturday preached to ’ a "ni<>n ,t 3 Sun- come! Dakota, has been employed as secre- y ” ght at the Methk of Harrisburg, 94, jubilee in Albany .Thursday night. a very weak condition. it will only enforce the cigaret law! D on M oGlashan Saturday started to walk to Albany last week, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Powers spent The Halsey boys were the victors in Otis Bennett, logger at Brooke- bought a psoksgs of ohoppsd but Alford was as far as he was able the first part of last week In Port­ Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lawrence of Leb­ the gome with Crabtree Friday night. Scanlon camp No. 1. near Bend, was hast for a stray shepherd dog that to go. He rode the rest of the way land. anon spent last Sunday at the J. C. The »core was 14 to 12. George Cross crushed to death when the wheels of had been roam ing tbs streets for but he successfully resisted the at There a log loader ran across his body. Mrs. Mary Porter and Mrs. Dora Harrison home. Mr. Lawrence Is in­ was the star of the game. days, lost, seeking its master, too tempt of a son to have him declared terested in Leghorn chickens and was was a reception for Crabtree after the Davis spent Wednesday with Mrs. proud to steal food and slawly insane. The Silverton Food Products com­ Porter’s mother, Mrs. Dunn, at Peoria. up looking at his collection of incuba­ game. starrin g He found the dog at pany of Silverton has now become a tors. Kenneth Stone, who built the first Genevieve Wells, Melba Neal, Rob­ co-operative plant, with the Silverton Mrs. C. Thompson spent part of F irs t and B roadalbin, spread the pssksge open and stepped to his radio outfit in this vicinity when he last week with her daughter, Mrs. Tuesday evening a union meeting erto Van Nice, Grace Pehrsson and fruit growers holding the stock. ear. A b g man walked te the was employed by Mr. Curry on the Gladys Nelson, who lives near Plain- of the ni3sionary societies of the dif­ Mrs. Freeland will attend the conven­ The annual convention of the Ore­ meat and d e lib trtle ly kicked it H C Davis farm , is now forem an of view. ferent churches and the local W. C. T. tion at Corvallis February 22 and 23 gon Federation of Women’s clubs, a ll over the street. MoGlashan the composing room in the Junction The boys' first am i second team s which will take place this year la The household goods of Mr. and U. was held at the Presbyterian mads s flyin g leap and proceeded City Times office. church. The subejet was ’’child wel will attend the basketball tournament Oregon City, will be held May 19 to Mrs. Shoen, purchasers of the L. G. to knock the big mao into the fare.” There was some excellent at Albahy February 22 and 28. Thompson store, arrived the first of G w f i JtaiwHe of Lebanon is a aaiddle of the street and th re a t­ ial music and a pageant by"the the week. - < . Uaiaey sms vtetawious Saturday Forest service officials announced ened diro things unless the sport candidate for county assessor. \ children. night. Th« girts won by a score of that (76.000,000 board feet of timber Mrs. Sophia Freerksen visited Mrs. promised to pick up every piece of Medieal authorities say there was A week from Thursday and Satur­ 28 to 8. Rena Walker made the most In the Umpqua national forest In meat and return it to the d jg. The enough poison in the three quarts of Amana Freerksen in Shedd last week. Elaine Wood- southern Oregon will be advertised for Guy Porter of Albany was a Shedd day nights the Senior high schol play points for Halsey. fallen man got up, gathered the hcme-canned string beans eaten at worth was the star shooter for eale. visitor last week. is te Le given in the auditorium of the meat and replaced it and left, amid the Gerber home in Albany to kill Brownsville. The Halseyltes served The building committee of the Mrs. Starr, the cheers of the crowd which bad A surprise party was given T. H. high school buildings. every man. woman and child in the a banquet for Brownsville after the Salem lodge of Elks has voted to wife of Prof. Starr, id coaching the C. Brassfield on his birthday last United States. game. spend not to exceed 4180.000 In the Monday evening. Friends and rela­ play and it promises to be a good one. erection of a new temple on property Thursday three travelers arrived tives from Albany and Harrisburg The high school orchestra will furnish recently acquired. the music. on the noon train at Halsey, each o f were in attendance. W e H ave Rights of way for an extension Of whom asked for a conveyance to take ^EVERYTHING The debate on the severance ques­ W ith th e H igh the W alla W alla Valley railw ay from them to some point several miles disu tion held at the local high school last O. W. Frum shipped a truckload of O ptical Milton to Umapine have been obtain­ tant in the surrounding country. On S ch ool C lassics Friday ended in a complete victory for hogs to Salem Tuesday. ed and work will start as soon as the many other days travelers arrive who E Y E S TR A IN Brownsville here at home represent­ weather Is settled. Is the Cause of Many ssk for a way to be taken into the By MARGARET BOYD Willamette valley loganberry grow­ ed by Misses Katherine Starr and A cnilae of all the timber along the HUMAN ILLS i county and to near-by towns. There ers will not dispose of their fruit un­ Elaine Woodworth. Brownsville lost line of the projected cutoff of the If yenr eyes give you trouble or (® hr Margaret Boy« ) oountry end near-by tow n s. There less they receive a minimum price by one judge’s vote, however, at Al­ your glasses are annoying Southern Pacific between Oakridge “Men that hazard all Lebanon lost out entirely seems to be no way of transportation of 4 cents a pound, according to a bany. SHE US. We can Relieve You and Kirk will be made by the United Oo It |n hops of fa ir advantages.” sey certainly needs better Jitney ser­ resolution adopted at a meeting of the This leaves Brownsville one point he Bancroft Optical Co. States forest service. — Merchant of Venice. members of the loganberry exchange hind Albany. 31J 1st SL W. Albany. Phone d vice. I t is a d e lig h tfu l surprise for friends of the couple to know th a t Clifford Carey of this city end Lu- c ille Meserve of Eugene were m a r­ ried Saturday in Brownsville. They w ill make thsir horns in Kugene, where both are students in the Bibis university. (Continued on page 3) held in Salem. Both the Oregon Packing company and the Starr Fruit Products com­ pany of Salem have entered the market for berries of the 1924 crop, according to reports from farmers. The prices offered by these canneries. It was said, have been flxsd nt 7 cents for Ettnrberg strawberries sad 8 cents for Wilsons and Trebtas: Loganberries w ill demand 4H cents, although this price may be advanced when the production season arrives. Tbs Christian Alliance church has a resident pastor, Rev. D. A. Eaton.