Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, February 14, 1924, Image 5

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    Halsey Enterprise Supplement, Feb. 14, 1924
k J ll A
NEW SPAPER style .
1^— .
rompass: east, northwest.
Mixed numbers, as 3 1-2
rdent b°dy committees. as student figures.
^,he b,il> ' »«rom eter, an O. A C a fK iU
affairs committee, citation, executive 5 1-4, etc.
P u p a tio n , to overcome the latitude
In groups of figures do not put
committee, board of control, student
, .*Ch P r,nter‘ a" d «"»type operators
some in figures and spell out others-
put all in figures.
WHt “ *• U”
P ‘“ ‘ n -
Abbreviate: Where the name of the
h . t'n ‘ rlt’ ’ Caf,,'* !
» “ «1
Abbreviation of time of d a y a m town precedes, abbreviate the name
" ke> hn’ ,Baued » neat style book-
p. m.
p bo
f r ° m Which we t ^ e the following
.„ S “
among many excellent rules:
“ Number” before figures: No. 24
Do not abbreviate: RaUway, com­
cerNs“ nTk ° f ° ff,Ce8 *" CleCti0n o{
„ i .V’ e C ,P>t«>» as Follows;
street, etc,- Southern Pacific
w liu
"eW ° " icer8 ore Jofl" C.
railway, Monroe street, A. B. Hall
Walker, president, etc.
Principal words in the title of
M ilitary titles.
W rite it: G W company.
Christian names, like William, Char­
w k s, plays, lectures, pictures, toasts, Moses, colonel infantry; Lieutenant I.,'
les, Thomas, John.
“ t J " * » ? 6 initia ‘ “A ” «"<1
port unit.
months <xc«Pt in dates
,The Man Fron‘ Home.”
and date lines.
Titles denoting official position r . J i “. me’
C’“ 88Ci'’ 88 fpeshmen,
Christm as in the form of Xmas.
rank or occupation, when they precede rooks, sopohmores, juniors, seniors.
the state a fte r names of
Names of events, etc., as rmilitary
a proper noun; President id r r . Dean
prominent cities in Oregon.
Cordley; but A ,B. Cordley, dean of s t u n .
r® cotil»°"> Junior prom,
Titles: Never use “ Mr.” with IniiUIs
th e school of agriculture
tunt show, cadet regim ent, presi-
or first names.
Distinguishing p arts of names of
office, t h . p r M i d . n t , d .a „ Of
Give first name of unm arried wo­
association», societies, leagues, com-
»omen, the varsity, the point system men not in itial,: Miss Mary R. Snow
paoia«, road , line», incorporated «■h. w iu p u s , lh e , n , t|t( ! ||o
’ (Jiot Miss M. R. Snow.)
bodias. Washington State college,
c i.ty .
‘ \ r8t National bank, Southern Pacific
Punctuate lists of names win, cities The Salvatiou Army Way
railroad, Methodist church.
Mp 8’Mfty “ COl° " ' th '” : Arno,d
, k CT T n " 0UnS when theV Precede
(Portland Oregonian)
w ui
Devitt’ Om«ha.
the distinguishing parts in names of Nebi William
Brown, Seattle, Wash
“ Have you any baby clothes?
associations, societies, companies, etc • Punctuate lists of names and offices.' haven t any money to pay for them
S S I X ’ ^ u m n . ^ " ’ ASWCiati° n
nftei a colon, thus: J. II. Hall nresi but I m ust have them —to d a y '”
dent; Henry Stolz. vice-presdent
The woman whQ mad(j tW g’
only when d i.tin g u i.h -
Uae an cm dash afte r a man’, to S taff Captain Paul Heisinger of
'tig word is a proper noun, as Apner name placed at the beginning in a 1
k t,On Army Industr*al store
- n hall, Waldo hall. Cauthorn T a,I '
senes of interviews: Percy Locey— I lo o M hungry, but the officer
tion a HCU.'tUrsl buiIdin*. adm inistra' tione J,'Olu
p o t a ­ quickly diagnosed it as heart hunger.
fo n building, commerce building tion m arks with this form.)
" H U’. an a n f o r tu ta te g irl— yon
men s gymnasium, engineering labor o f t T
a quotation m arks; Names know we have the White Shield ma-
fa rm ’
k” ’^
buildin*- foundry, of books, dramas, songs, subjects of d o th S - . ”me” ‘and
baby W° U,d h*
farm mechanics building,, home econ­ lec ures, sermons, magazine articles
omics building, science hall.
including the initial "A ” or “The” - “A
"he quickly interposed.
Titles of lectures, etc., as l)r J. B Man \\ ithout a Country.*’
TOey are my babies— my twin bov
Homer, professor of history will lee
Tohn"op T o '1’ " 1 bef° re Sl'm a m c ,: babies. For three months I have had
>«« » . - T h . R i„
-Tohn Red H arris, ”Bob” Hall, but t<> leave them In an institution, but
man Empire,” but do not capitalize • 'u n i nicknames as far as possible.
now I have
place to U k e them
subjects of debate, as “Resolved, tha!
n F igu res: Ages, per cent, dates only I have nothing to put on them to
government ownership of railroads is votes, hours of the day, h ight of per- bring them away.
ro t to be demred.”
•ons, scores and days of the month in
" A n d I Can h av e th em w ith
Nouns of deity up, pronouns down. n ru re s.
Lot 50x100 length 9 fee;
D istinguishing parts of names of beam 8. width 18.
Age 5 y ea r., 2 me tonight if I can only get the
I can’t bear to leave them
holidays .-Fourth of July, New Y ear’s months and 15 days; 7 hours, 5 min- clothes.
there another night.”
Wk’ " d 10 8eco,lds-’ 3 Per cent.
"Come back this afternoon and we
Nicknames of athletic team s: the
When a number is indefinite, as
have the baby clothes for you,”
Beavers, Cougars, Bears. Huskies
the e le “
k 0" ’ " ° ‘ W° rth ’ do»«r.
the captain assured the grateful moth­
Avoid all capitalization not abso- the eleventh hour, etc., spell out.
Instruction to the soldier who
luteiy necessary'.
Except as indicated in the fore­ e r
collects donations of clothing resulted
Do not capitalize: Points of the
beginning of sentences.
Money j„ in a full outfit for the babies
mention of tw in s - a n d the fact that a.
- 2 X / l u x —•
L°U ’’ M°’: E-