Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, February 14, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    RAUB 4
FEB. 14. I4M
llngton and formed the permanent or- School Note«
sanitation of the Oregon Export Com­
(By Special Correspondent)
mission league Eastern Oregon was
12:15 p. m
In the game last Friday evening at
G L O B E A L B A .N Ï
well represented. Farmers and wheat
24, [4:27 p. m.
23. 4.27 p. m
Newt Cummings and wif» visited
growers from Sherman. Gilliam. Was-
22, 3:X> a m.
21. 11:32 p.
Mr. Cummings* sister, Mrs W. C
The score was 12 to 9
oo and Umatilla counties were present three points.
Nos. 21 and 22 stop only if flagged.
Feb 17-18-1»
Smith, Thursday.
and assisted In the organisation.
The Albany Evening Herald said in- No. 14, due Halsey at 5:04 p m., stops
1 be p u tu T e tbc whole world u w
The revival meetings at the M E
that this was the worst Hal­ to lei off passengers from south of
ta lk in g »bout
church were well attended.
The ser
for the construction of the first unit
been beaten. Although Roseburg.
ies ended Monday.
of the Eugene-Springfield irrigation
No. 23 runs to Cottage Grove only.
project, according to announcement sey had ever been beaten. Though
No. 21 runs to Eugene, thence Marsh­
Lila Dudley returned to her home
made at the offices of the state engi­ good sportsmanship and proved them­ field branch.
iaturday after staying several weeks
neer. The project includes some 18.- selves to be perfect ladies, which can- Passengers tor south of Roseburg should
I with Mrs. Harry Comipons.
900 acres of land, and the water will j not be said, we are sorry to say, for take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer
Mrs. John Archibald was here Mon
be diverted from the McKenzie river.
to No. 15.
the S cio girls. A return gam e will
lay in the interest o f the W. C. T. U.
The state game commission and
with au all-ttar cast
’he expects to be here again Feb. 22 An Obstinate Man
sportsmen of eastern Oregon have be played here F eb . 21.
The boys’ second team was defeated
been aroused over an attempt to have
Rev. Mr. Shangel of Milton, who
The delivery window of the
Hold your breath
» 'reaches Sunday at the Lake Creek firmness intensified and it may in­ s bill introduced In congress to create at Scio by a see re of 25 to 5 This
poetoffice is open Sundays
S C A R A M O U C H E % thurch, was the guest of Clarence clude intensified virtue. Of our presi­ an antelope and sage grouse reserve might not have been the case under Halsey
from 10:50 to 11 a. m. and 12:15
>» coming
dent the Albany Democrat remarks:
Williams and family.
to 12:30 p. m.J
different circumstances
“ We do not consider Calvin Qoolidge county, which would take in an
Sunday mail goes out only on
The contract for the game called
It is thought that all preliminary the type of president who would obey amount of territory greatly in excess
the north-bound 11:37 train:
for Scio’s second team against Hal­
senate resolution.
He is. instead, of the original reserve plan.
Halsey Happenings, etc.
Mail goes south once a day, closing at
or the state highway to call, Feb. 26, the type who will when pushed, stand
Oregon pensions have been granted sey’s second team, but when Halsey’s 11:05 a. ni. ; north twice, closing 11:25
(Continued from page 3)
or bids for building the Harrisburg solid; and the hardef he is pushed the as follows: Mary J. Helms, Beaver­
team arrived at Scio they were in i. m. and 5:30 p. m. Mail stage for
P. H. Willis went to Albany Satur
Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Sweet
ton, »30; Thomas 8. Williamson, Al­
more stubbornly he stands.’’
formed that Scio had no second team Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. m.
The young people of the Methodist
On one of the many occasions when bany, »12; Jesse Kotovsky, Salem, »12;
hurch have formed a gospel team efforts were being made to induce Phoebe J. Rowley, Williams, »JO; and that Halsey would have to play
A. C. Armstrong and wife visitei
Heinrich anJ Nor­ Paid-for Paragraphs
tnd will hold their first meeting next President Grant to change his course Charles B. Compton, Seaside, »24; Scio’s first team
at the R. B. Ingald home Sunday.
ton made all the points for Halsey.
Sunday evening at the regular church th e m atter was m en tion ed to Mrs. Harold Rasmussen, Portland, »16
(5c a line)
Curtis Venteh went to Cottagi
Fred Schmidt, Oregon City, »12; Mary
The pastor will preach in
T he b o y s’ first team at Crabtree
Her comment was;
Grove Friday, returning Sunday.
0. Woody, Hood River, J30.
:he morning and there will also be
For Sale—Bronze turkey« gob­
wa3 defeated by a score of 25 to 14.
"Mr. Grant is an obstinate man.’’
W. P. WTahl and wife and Mra. W preaching at the Oak Plains school-
By following a policy of selective
C urtis V hatch , R. 2.
After the game Crabtree gave Hal­
C. Smith were In Lebanon Tuesday.
logging through a tract of pine timber
louse st 2:30 in the afternoon.
S. S. Gilbert & Son of Albany bordering The Dalles-Callfornla high­ sey a reception which was much en­
I have good alsike clover seed st
Mrs. George Workinger visitei
Mrs. G. W. Momhinweg and grand­ are about to add builder«' hard­ way on Its new location from Lava joyed.
Crenshaw, just up after a Skirvin’s. 15 cents a pound.
Mrs. Harry Commons Thursday after daughters, Maxine and Jane Wallace,
ware to ther stock of crookezy sod Butte to a point nine miles south, the siege of pneumonia, made 18 of Crab-
W- A. C ummings .
and Miss Mona Bond were visitors at glassware.
Shelvin-Hixon company will leave a ree’s D5 poin ts.
Mr. and Mrs. George Workinge.
»cenlc border of pines along the state
Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle
Tomorrow night Halsey will play
visited Mr. Workinger’s sister in Cor
road. Mature trees are being marked Crabtree here.
Everyone turn out at the Enterprise office.
vail is Sunday.
tor logging, but other timber will re­ s»id yell for Halsey.
main untouched.
Charles Hassett of Winnett, Mon
Saturday evening the Halsey girls
Ten of the more important railroads will proceed to trim Brownsville again
tana, took the train here Tuesday to
S A L E -W .
operating In Oregon have filed In the on H alsey’s floor.
hatching egg!
Brookings, Ore.
own breed
Marion county circuit court at Salem
The M. E. church choir at Salem
The Lincoln medal recently award­
» suit to enjoin the public service
of which Miss Alberta Koontz is i
ommisslon and I. H. Van Winkle, at­ ed to Everett Corbin of the local high V l t l U l l U
breeding stock—the
member, motored to Portland Sundsj
torney-general, from enforcing orders school by the Illinois Watch company, egg layers. Early hatch, 12c; June
and sang at the Sunnyside church.
R I, Halsev.
C u s ic k B a n k B u ild in g , A lb a n y , O re g o n •
Issued recently by the commission has been on display in the window of hatch. 10c;
P, A, Pehrsson and F. IT, Sylvester.
providing reduced maximum freight the Koontz store. I t was pre­
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Forster went tt
rates on hay, grain, grain products, sented to him by Miss Leitner at
Albany Saturday to see an oculist.
potatoes and onions.
R. L. Winniford spent a few days
the school on Lincoln day.
The commercial club at Pilot Rock
in Halsey last week, returning to hi;
Joe Weber of Brownsville was a
has sent a request to the public serv­
A r e Y O U g o in g to ta k e a d v a n ta g e o f m y
home at Lorane Saturday.
Halsey caller Thursday.
ice commission for a schedule of the
at lowest rate of interest.
o ffe r to m a k e y o u a se t o f p la te s f o r
Mr. and Mrs. O. li. Stal naker visit
Tuesday, Lincoln’s birthday, slides
existing freight rates as they affect
ed at the T. P. Patton home Sunday
service. Courteous treatment.
growers located in the vicinity of that illustrating events in his life were
T h is o ffe r w ill e x p ir e F eb . 20, a f te r w h ic h
Mr. Stal taker returned to Corvallb
city. It was Intimated in the letter shown at the high school and the pu W m ' B ain , Room 5, First Savings Bank
Monday but his wife remained with
d a te p la te s w ill be b ack to r e g u la r p r ic e o f
received by the commission that an pils rendered an appropriate program
bnilning, Albany
her parents for a longer visit.
Investigation of the rates will be at­
$10 p e r s e t o f u p p e r a n d lo w e r.
Mrs. Freeland is training pupils for
tempted with a view of determining
J. S. West, who wfc.i at his broth­
French play to be given soon to
they are just and reasonable.
er's funeral here last week, was fron
raise funds for the gymnasium.
The state of Oregon, with a popu­
Medford, instead of Portland.
Thi |
The girls’ basketball team played
lation of 783,389, has »417.87 of bank
brother who came *r->m Portland ar
able resources per capita, as compar­ Brownsville Saturday night nt Halsey
Laundrv sent Tuesdays
rived too late for the obsequies.
ed with »467.14 for the entire United
\gency Hub Cleaning Works
A t the school meeting Thursday
States, according to a statement pre-
evening the budget was approved by
pared by Frank Bramwell, state super­ Obsequies oí Mrs. Perry
intendent of banks. The statement
a bigger vote than before and the
shows that Oregon has a total of 281
The remains of the late Mrs. Perry
special tax o f »4284.1 was voted. the g . F. Schroll home Monday even- Oregon Occurrences
banks, the average population per arrived by rail from Seattle Friday of
Watch that last cent.
It might get
(C o n tin u e d fr o m page 1)
capita per bank Is 2762 and the aggre- , last week, instead of Thursday, as
Del ma Wehl was at home this
..'.« e f t
Recent increases in the price of gate resources of these institutions is
week end.
J had been expected.
W. L. Wright Fashion D ictates th e F o rm a l
j gasoline in Oregon are to be Included »312,216.630.70.
Will Kirk, George Cross, James
of Harrisburg had charge and burial
P ro p rie ty Rules I t
Mrs. F. M. Tindfe of Brownsville 1 in the country-wide Investigation of
McWilliams, Frank Koontx, William
A deed filed for record In the Clat­ was at the Pine Grove cemetery, after
Corcoran, De Los Clark, Carl Hill and spent Thursday with Mrs. G. W. | gasoline prices which the department
the dignity and refinement of for­
sop county clerk’s office entails the ' services conducted by Rev. Robert
of Justice has been ordered by Presl
Wayne Robertson took in the 0 . A. C.- Momhinweg.
transfer of property, which revenue 1 Parker at the Pine Grove church. mal wear, the rimless ” Shur-on ’’ is
, dent Coolidge to make at once
U. o f O. basketball game at Eugene
just the thing,” because of its neat-
Mrs. Lillie Nixon of Peoria Is 1
stamps on the document show is val I Out-of-town relatives who attended
ne*5’ zracetulness. iuconspicuousnets
Rats, which eat food similar to that ued at »8,974,600. By It the Crossett
»pending the week with her mother,
the funeral were Clarence Simons of and exqnisiie lieauty.
of humans, are being used In expert Timber company, the Big Creek Log­
John Penland, well known engineer, Mrs. Berry Cummings.
Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Perry
who has figured in much o f the road
A C. Armstrong and wife and I- professor of household science at Ore- ging company and the Crossett West­ , an.l her son, W. G. Perry, all of Cot­
work in this county in recent years, (I. Armstrong and wife and daughter j gon Agricultural college to determine ern Lumber company sell to tbs Cros­ tage Grove, and Mrs. Warren Perry
sett Western company all their timber
died of pneumonia Monday at his Hazel were in Albany Friday.
and the widower, J. L. Ferry and son
the value of various foods for chll-
land holdings, sawmills, logging rail­
home in Albany, leaving a widow and
William of Seattle.
Balmy days have been inviting the
■ ioouo
roads and '-«sasr«
ramps and ouiqi
other property in
three children.
Mrs. Perry was a member of the '
uregon s snare oi to e a y p r o p i^ u o n c „ lgop, w lsh ln gton . Tillamook. Linn
gardener to work, but we would not
Methodist church and of the Halsey 1
Mrs. Gerber, the grandmother in advise him to plant cucumbers yet.
and Yamhill counties. Oregon. and
the largest of any state within the Cowlitz county, Washington.
organizations of Rebcakhs and Neigh-
the party who died from poisoning at
B. M. Bond and wife and Mrs. M. C. national forest system, according to
hors of Woodcraft.
She was a
Albany, left an estate valued at
daughter of Mrs. W. T. McNeil of this
»5500, »1000 o f which was willed to Bond and daughter Mona spent Sun­ word received by George H Cecil, dis
the Lutheran church and school at day in Albany, the guests of Mrs. trlct forester, from Washington. D. C.
Mrs M. M Ward returned from city and Grant McNeil is her brother.
The state will get »136.686 in 1824
Albany Monday.
The balance, with a »200C Maude Henderson.
Mrs. Lizzie Sim on s of Eugane and
A ceraran consisting of 76 persona
estate left by her husband, goes to
Mrs. Adda Ringo went to Weed-
Mrs. Clara Perry of Cottage Grove
Mrs. Gerber’s brother, Otto Yunker, burn Tuesday lo the funeral of from Umatilla appeared before the
M. A Foster, s civil war are her sisters.
tier auut, Mrs. M. V , Johuvon, Umatilla county court at Pendleton
who live» near Scio.
Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians
veteran, several times wound­
| who died at the old ladies' home with petitions bearing more than 1000
Albany, Oregon
Charles Taylor of Eugene bought
at Salem.
names asking that a new bridge be ed, aged 80, who gave bis occupa.
seventeen heavy horses here last Fri­
tion as laborer, and Mrs. Jane
Mr aud Mrs. Frank Osnel at- built over the Umatilla river near Eshman, 62. both of Portland,
day at an average o f about »100
the automobile show in
No saddle horses were offer- tended
were married Monday.
I t was
ad. Glen Chance shipped them to him Portland Tuesday. Leila, who ac­
his third marriage and her fifth.
companied them, (topped to visit
by call next day.
recent flurry In the hop market, are
iu Oregou City.
A W. C. T. U in Halsey. What
P I G U M E » a e L ....................... P eF t o n
now holding their product for 40 cents place more fit than the town
There will a three hours' concert
John D. Rockefeller end the ed­
by Walker's orchestra ol Forest itor at the Enterprise include a pound. It is said that there are which never had a legalized sa­
T C H O P...........$28 per ton and up
less than 1000 bales of prime hops In loon in all the years when Oregon
Grove, March 15, given by radio. This s liberal proportion of milk in
the state, and these can be moved at was wet ? The W. C. T. U. has
is old-fashioned dance tnusio and
any time at prirae ranging from 31 more results to its credit than any
G round and W hole CORN
health. Combined,
to 33 cente.
especially good.
Everyone should
• ••••••••••••
• | improved
and up and
around the
B la c k
O xen
Wm. S. Hart
Wild Bill Hickok’^
D «K w v FOR
O H llV are
P la te s that F it ”
$25 ?
Barber Shop
22 k. Gold Crown and Bridge Work
at ......................... .............. $5 per tooth
For Formals
Meade & Albro,
r uno ’ $4’6'' Pr sack of 100 ,b-
hear it.
considerable wealth, too.
Mrs A A , Tussing entertained
Harry Commons and fam ily visited the Auxiliary of the Ameriann Lu-
at the home of T. B. Spretiger at <ion from Brownsville at her borne
Shedd Sunday.
Mrs. Sprenger has Tuesday. Those
been sick for sometime but Is much Mesdamss Roy McHugh, G ilbert
Dawson, Aubrey
Tutting, V iti
Ramsdell, Harold Stevenson and
U. W . Momhinweg.
The Hood River Oddfellows and Re­ tbht is actively alive today, and it
bekah lodges are launching a cam­ ii more alive today then ever be­
paign to obtain co-operation of house­ fore.
holders in entertaining delegates to
the annuel convention of Oregon
grand lodges at Hood River in May.
It is anticipated that 4000 guests will
be present.
to the
Confirmation of the sale of 600,000
pounds of wool, the total crop in the
hands of Beker county wool growers,
to Koshlaad A Co.. Boston, was receiv­
ed at Baker. The price received by
the wool men was 40 cents a pound,
with the exception of one lot that
brought 42 cents
to sea the
An investigation of the proposed
Everybody come
B e st q u a lity F ee ds a t r ig h t p ric e s
i O. w . FR U M j
City Hall
Maple & Ash Wood
Stops R h c u m titlN n i
ft it the great blood cleaster,
hleod builder, system strencth-
eaer and serve ,e vigors tor
S3 50 * inquire
h,r- Batrrpnse oeotp
« ( 7 0 .0 V
Friday Night,
Sweet Thoughts
February 1 5,
Halsey Boys
Eresh Jersey Cow,
giviag good flow ol milk
H. C U S S M tf, Ronis 1. Halsey
water pipe line from Clear lake te
W illamette valley cities ee far north
ts Salem was heartily Indorsed at a show their etnfl in s basketball game va.
meeting at Kugene attaaded by 76
bcataeaa and professional men of Eu­
Oa the following evening Feb.
gene. Corvallis. Albany. Springfield
la, the Halsey girls will play
and Junction City
Brownsville here to let's have every­
A>oa< <00 targare assess hied <4 ±r body oat to see Halsey win.
Crabtree H igh
" hen 7°u pass Clark's think of how
•ppreciative your sweetheart or wife
mother or sister would be if you sent
her a bos of strictly fresh chocolates
>r a mixed assortnieat of fruity aweet-
meats \ on'll have cause to thank us
thia suggeition. for we k»°w how it
h l* worked in other eaten
Clark’s Confectionery