FEB. 14, 1924 a r e th e la s t w o rd in Z c o o k in g c o n v e n ie n c e Z a n d e ffic ie n c y f H e h a v e th e b e s t lin e q o f th e m e v e r sh o w n Z in H a ls e y q I n d e s ig n a n d fin ish th e U n iv e ra l is a w o rk o f « ra re a rt • • UNIVERSAL •STOVES and • RANGES • • : F u r n itu r e : 16016786 HALSEY ENTPRAMISE Repairing bv ^^íbany-£/)irectory Guaranteed Massasoit 30x3^ Cord Tire for $9.00 Other makes of tires priced proportionately. Our stock of accessories is very com plete and prices are right. W h en in want of anything for car or tractor give us a call Your patron- H ALSEY G A R A G E Telephone 16x5 A LB ER T FOOTE Prop. PAGE 3 Continued FARM LOANS W rite (or booklet describing our 20- vear Rural Credit Amort wed Loans. This is good ads ice; "If you live Tbe loan pays out n t 20 payments, re­ in Albany, trade m .Albany ; if you live tirin g the principal. Cheap rues. No in some other town, trade in that tow n." delay But in these automobile days many re­ B kam L and C o ., siding elsewhere find it advisable to do 133 Lyon St., Albany, Ore at least part oi tlieir buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany Phone 312 Y Satisfaction guaranteed to transact business w ill find the firms Price »J, 50 named below ready to fill th eir require­ F R E D B- JO N ES ments w ith courtesy and (airness. feei aooui wuat w ere done In Con , Thfl Covered Wagoil solldated District Number One." (Vo- n . . ™ x , Bakery, 321 Lyon street, ALBANY • D in in g T a b le s, etc., a r e r ig h t in o u r lin e . E v - • clferous and long-continued applause.) | Beg,nn,nK Thursday of next week, - A Ibany Best one-pound -pound loat oi bread insite “Oh. Colonel!” The voice of Angie '‘The Covered W agon" w ill t e at Piano Timer for leading music stores to 5 cents. e r y th in g fo r th e h j i n e . • Talcott rose from away back near the Globe theatre Albany for three nights Albany Wedding cakes to order kitchen. “Can Jennie keep on bein’ and t_ 0 m„tlIieM New county superintendent, now she's mar- FURNITURE AND rledj" J This great screen spectacle was A lbany Electric Store. Radio and * * sets Electric wiring. l>elco I ight FARM MACHINERY used A great guffaw of laughter reduced adaP,ed from the late tVnerson products poor Angle to tears; and Jennie hnd Hough's novel of the same nanse, and G lenn W illard W m moflich . bought, told and exchanged at all times to go over and comfort her. It was is a story of the winning of the west, lbany Floral Co. Cut flowers all right for her to ask that and they when brave men and women wended B E N T. S U D T E L L and plants. Floral a rt (or every ought not to laugh at Angle, go there! westward ho! in white topped prairie and all occasions. Phone 7b-R, 1X5 N. Broadalbin st, Albany Now, you’re all right, and let's talk Flow er phone 458-1. The subject was filmed about the new schoolhouse, and so schooners. forth. Jennie brought the smiles with reverence for the lofty thrtne of Stude- GARAGE. itininniiiîHiiniiiiminiiiiiiiiiiiiiimm* lowed a marble. She would tell back to Angle's face. Just In time to the book and tells the story of the ALBANY b d “ " S S t a r r ” automobile!. b a a k k e e r r" ” an and ’em they would be right over; good-by. hear Jim tell the people amid louder Oregon, Trail in ’48 and depicts with General repairing and supplies. There was another cheer as the cheers that he hnd been asked to go historical uccuray the conflicts of G. T. Hockensm ilh.— Lloyd Templeton. three elderly and the two younger peo­ Into the rural school extension work I thege pioneer8j and their triumph over |_>lue Bird R estaurant, 301) Lyon . ... - ... . _ ple emerged from the schoolmanse in two states, and hnd been offered ,, the hostile powers of wild nature, street. Eat here when in Albany. ’ and took their way over the bridge to a fine salary In either place, hut that savagery and barbarisu* There is an Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. Shoes that cost less per month of wear the school side of the velvet-bottomed he wasn’t even considering these of­ Mas. B lount . moat, but It was shut off like the fers. And about that time, the chil­ orchestra under the direct.'on of Ear! vibration of a bell dipped In water by dren began to get sleepy and croaa Schwartz. Halsey Happenings r u n s w ic k __ the sudden rush of the ah. .ters Into and naughty, and the women set In i PHONOG RAPHS (Continued from page 1) the big assembly room, now filled with motion agencies which moved the B la c k 0X611 at Mrs. L. A. Pray was on the sick list tables for the banquet. And here the crowd homeward. W O O D W O R T H 'S Gertrude Atherton’s story, “ Black last week. domestic economy classes, with their Before a bright wood fire—which Oxen," has been denounced a s “too C. F1CQ mothers, sisters, female cousins and Miss Mabel Robinson went to June- DEN LIST It has been running- in the aunts, met them, as waiters, hat they really didn't need, but how else loud.” A lbany, Oregon j tion City Friday. snatchers, hostesses, floor managers wns Jim’s mother to.show off the little Albany Democrat and while vie would Cusick Bank building! and cooks, scoring the greatest tri­ fireplace?—sat Jim and Jennie. They not hold it up as model ret ding for Lon Chaney in “The Hunchback" umph of history in the Woodruff dis­ had been together for a week now— young people we find nothing worse ustburn Bros,— Two big grocery was the acme of disguises. this being their homecoming—and had trict. For everything went off like stores, 212 W . First and 225 South in it, thus far, than appears constant­ clockwork, especially the victuals— only begun to get really happy. Main. Good merchandise at the right Miss Alberta Koontz was visiting Jim sat looking Into the fire, ob- and such victuals I ly in the d aily news, ex c ep t a dis- prices. By HERBERT Q UICK home folks over the week end There was quantity In meats, llvious of it. 35 hen Jennie spoke, her ousting am ount oi prof su ity by ilina developed and printed. voice seemed to emanate from Jim’" - • ■ 8 women, yonng and old. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bramwell were ñ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin : breads, vegetables—and there was also shirt front. W( e mail them right liack to you savor. There was plenty, and there Tbe movie based on tbi* story a p ­ Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or- - passengers to Eugene Friday (Copyrlabt by Ths Bobbs-Merril] Company) "Did you hear,” said she, "what was style. Ask Mrs. Haakon Peter­ pears at the Globe, as advi.Ttised else­ egou. I Mr. and Mr». iFrank Van Epps of son, who yearned for culture, and had Angle Talcott asked?" ’’M'h’m,” said Jim. where, so all who wish cun hn’-e a (C on tin ued ) irst garage going north. been afraid her children wouldn’t Holley were in Halsey Thursday. “Well,” said Jennie, “now that Pm Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline, m e unexpectant passer-by this May get It If Yim Irwin taught them married can I go on being county su­ chance to form a judgment regarding Miss Eleanor Bennett has ■been repair work, nothing but farming. She will tell it. The printer man will be in the day, however, would haVe been espe­ perintendent?" \V. II. H ulbur T. visiting her sister, Mrs. W. H. Rob­ you that the dinner—wiiich so many courthouse city on one of its days and cially struck by the number of motor There was a long silence, ord sales and service ertson. cars, buggies and surreys parke« in thought of all the time as supper— intends to see the play. “Would you like to?” asked Jim, was yust as well served as If It had Tires and accessorie* the yard back of the creamery, along Harry Bressler returned Friday “Kind of," said Jennie; "if I knew Ke pairs the roadside, and by the driveway been In the Chamberlain Hotel In Des enough about things to do anything from Albany where he has been work­ Mr. and Mrs. Vitz Ramsdale of Moines, where she had stayed when K irk -1' ollak M otor Co. running to the schoolhouse. People In ing as section foreman. went with Haakon to the state worth while; but I'm afraid that by Brownsville were week end guests at numbers had arrived by five o’clock In she rising to my full height I shnll always V O R SALE—Oregon and M a r . convention. The Albany loganberry growers the afternoon, and were still coming. Just fall to be able to see over any­ the J. S. McMahan home. A stall strawberry plañís, 3.3.5 50 per Why shouldn’t it have been even thing." They strolled about the place, exam­ 1000; Cuthbert red raspberry plants. have sold the last seven tons of last ining the buildings and grounds, and better served? It was planned, cooked, M per 1000. S t e u h e r e B ros.. 235 Lyon year'd crop at 4c a pound. "You've done more for the schools talking with the blacksmith and the served and eaten by people of Intelli­ of the county,” said Jim, “In the last One of the now influences in poli­ gence and brains, In their own house, E \)rtn n ller Furniture Co., fufni. butter-maker. year than any other county superin­ * ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. tics ia emphasized by the report that Gradually they drew Into the school­ as a community affair, and In a com­ tendent has ever done.” Funeral directors. 427-453 west First Milton A. Miller, Linn-county-born house like a swarm of bees Into a hive munity where, if any one should ask “And we shall need the money so street, Albany, Oregon. you, you are authorized to state that selected by the queen. None of them, candidate for the democratic nomin­ like—so like the dickens," was Jennie's however, vent across the concrete there's as much wealth to the acre rejoinder. all's Floral and Music Shop ation to the federal senatorship, is as In any strictly farming spot be­ Cut flowers and floral designs. very popular among women vigera. “Oh, not so badly," laughed Jim, bridge to the schoolmanse. save Mrs. tween the two oceans, Hnd where you Simms, who crossed, consulted with are perfectly safe—financially—In "except for the first year. I’ll have in Internal Medicine for tixe M o v in g to larger place next door "WS-J Phone 166J Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill and Mr». J. Mrs. Irwin about the shrubbery and dropping from a balloon In the dark thia little farm paying as much as ’ past twelve years J. Corooran attended the funeral o f flowers, and went back to Buddie and of the moon, and paying a hundred some quarter sections when we get olman a jackson Jlnnte, who were good children but Grocery— Baker y the eleven botulinus victims at Al­ and fifty dollars an acre for any squared about. Why, we can make a living on this school farm, Jennie—or D o e s N o t O p e r a te bany Thursday. natchally couldn't be trusted with so farm you happen to land on. Why E veryth in g in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice many other young ones wlthouten some shouldn’t things have been well done, I’m not fit to- be the head of the Miss Marie Evans went to Eugene school." watchln'. when every one worked, not for Will be at ub Candy Co., First street, next Friday to visit her sister, Mr». M. E. There was another silence, during "They’re coming! They're coming!" money, but for the love of the doing, door to Blain Clothing Co. Lackey. This was the cry borne to the people and the love of learning to do in the which Jennie took down her hair, and Noon lunches. wound It around Jim’s neck. In and about the schoolhouse by that best way? | | Home made candy nnd ice Cream. Miss Edna Robinson came down "It will settle Itself one of these Hans Hansen who would be called Some of these things came out In from Junction City Friday to visit her Wednesday, Feb. 20, ub Cleaning Works, Inc. Hana Nilsen. Hans had been to the the speeches following the repast— days anyhow," said be at last. “There'« sister, Mrs. A. E. Foote. Cor. Fourth and Lyon enough to do for both of ua right top of the little hill and bad a look nnd some other things, too. It was Office hours 10 a. nt. to 4 p. ni. Master Dyers and Cleaners toward town. Miss Cleona Smith came from Eu­ probably not quite fair for B. B. here.” M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes "But they won’t pay me," she pro­ Like a crew manning a tigging, or Hamm to Incorporate In his wishes for gene Friday to spend the week end a crowd havlDg Its picture taken, the the welfare and prosperity and so tested. f you have friends they should with her father, W. L. Smith. “They don’t pay the ministers' assemblage crystallized Into forms de­ forth of Jim and Jennie that stale have your photograph. Frank Kirk is home from Glen- Clifford's Studio termined by the chances of getting a one about the troubles of life, but wives," said Jim, "and yet, the min­ isters with the right sort of wives are 333 West First street, Albanv. brook, where he has been employed glimpse of the bungalow across the he wanted to see Jennie blush—which No Charge for Consultatiou ravine—on posts, fences, trees and as a matter of fact he did; but she always the best paid. I guess you’ll rvin’s Garage— Next to Commu­ for some time. failed to grow quite so fiery red as be In the bill, Jennie." hillocks. n ity bouse. E lid e Battery distrib­ Jim walked to the open window and Dr. M ellenthin is a regular graduate A motor ear came over the hillock, did Jim. But B. B. was a good fel­ utor« for Linn county. Repsira made On secourtl of a spell of tonsil- looked out over the still landscape. ¡t'» J. ’V. Moore has resigned hi» ran down the road to the driveway to low, and a Trojan In his work for in medicine and surge-y and is l i ­ on all mnkes of batteries. the schoolmanse and drew up nt the the cause, and the schoolmaster and Down In the little meadow grew the censed by the state o l Oregon. lie position at Glenbrook and re- agneto ’ electr ic turned home. door. Out of It stepped Mrs. Woodruff superintendent of schools forgave him. dreaming trees, their round crown« does not operate for chronic append­ Official Stromberg carburetor serv­ and the colonel, their daughter, the A remark may be a little broad, and rising as from a sea not quite to the icitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, ton­ ice station. CouServattve prices. A ll E. B. McKinnhy of Albany, form­ county superintendent iff schools, and still clean, and B. R. made a clean level of the bungalow, their thrifty sils or adenoids. work guaranteed 119-121 W. Second. erly of this city, was In town Satur­ Mr. Jim Irwin. Jennie was dressed In speech, mainly devoted to the In­ leaves glistening in the moonlight. en and money are best when day buying dairy cow». He has to his credit wonderful t i * ii II s a very well-tailored traveling costume, creased value of that farm he at one Across the pretty bridge lay the silent busy. M ake your dollars work in and Jim In a moderately well-tailored memorable time was going to tell be­ little campus with Its Twentieth cen­ in ditenses of the stomach, liv e r, ?x>w- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schick, accom­ business suit. The fact that when fore Jim's fool notions could be car­ tury temple facing Its chief priest. It els, blood, skin, nerves, h e * t. kiiDneys. our savings department. A lbany S ta TX was all good, without and within. B ank . Under government supervision. panied by Mr. and Mrs. John Belts, they reached the threshold Jim picked ried out. bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak ungs. He went across the hall to bid his Colonel Woodruff made most of the drove to Portland the last of tha iller Motor Sale» rheumatism, sciatica, leg u leers an I rec­ above points which I have filched mother good night She clung to him Oakland and Jewett cars •veek, where they visited G. 1'. Kitchen from him. He had begun as a re­ convulsively, and they had their own tal ailment». Supplies and accessories and family. The Kitchens, for ear- five minutes which arranged matter« Below are tbe names o f a few o f h is former late In life, he said, but ha First and Baker Sts. Albany, Oregon for these two silent natures on the ral years previous to last fall, when isti^fird patients lit Oregon : would leave It to them If be hadn’t new basis forever. Jennie was In white many J. A. Smith, Ontario, «Oregon, BlcP.'S orton A Speer Service Com­ '.hey entered the floral business in worked at the trade steadily after en­ before the mantel when he returned, of the stomach. pany listment. He bad become a follower Portland, were residents in this Leona Ford, Washougal, Ore., nden- smiling at the Inscription thereon: Headquarters for good tires of Jim Irwin, because Jim's reform oids. . ’ hone 65 First and l.y rn vicinity. “Let Us Ceaaa Thinking So Much was like dragging tbe road In front of W. H , K ellendonk, Estacada, Ore., your own farm—It was reform right of Agricultural Education, and Davote high blood pressure. T V J u r p h t y Motor Co, Bnick and Mrs. O. J. West returned to her M rs. Ed Eb erh ard t, Scio, Ora., gall iV k Chevrolet Chev at home, and not at the county seat, Ourselves to Educational Agriculture. automobiles. Tires and home at Milwaukie Saturday, after a stones. So Will the Nation Be Made Strong." or Des Moines, or Washington. He accessories. few days’ visit with her mother, Mrs. H. C. Nichols, Leoanon.Or*., sp.tend- Albany, Oregon. Phone 200 had followed Jim Irwin at he had ’’Why didn’t you put It In Latin?” icitis. I. M. West. followed Lincoln, and Grant, and she inquired. “It would have had so Remember above date, th a t con. ew patterns of china and pot­ Blaine, and McKinley—because Jim much more distinction." A conference of delegatas from tha tery constantly arriv in g st Irwin stood for more upward growth “I wanted It to have meaning In­ sultatioa on thia trip will ba free principal towns interested In tha 8 S. G ilbrbt A S on '» for the average American citizen than stead," said Jim. “And beside«, nobody and th at b it treatm ent ia different. Clear Lake water project will be held the colonel could see any prospect who was at hand was quite sure how to M arried women ninst be accompanied of getting from any other choice. And turn the Latin pnta»c. Are you?*' eal I estate. Money to loan. All omerrew at the Albany chamber of by their husbands. he was proud to live In a country commerce. Governor Pierce will ba Jennie leaned forward with her el­ kin nd» of insurance written. Address; 211 Bradbury {bldg , Los Call on J. 3’ . F ir« . Ilka thia, saved and promoted by the bows on her knees, and studied It. one of the speakers. Jim Picked Jtnnls Up and Carried Htr A 'b a n y State Bank Building great men he had followed, and In a "I believe I could," aald she, "with­ Angeles. Cal. In His Arma neighborhood served and promoted. If out any pony. But after all, I like It Ralph Smitli quit high school at R O 3 C O K AMES 11 A I! D W A R F, Brownsville at the close of the lest Jennie up In his arms and carried her not quite saved, by Jim Irwin. And better as It Is. I like everything, Jim N one a or A ppoint axnt o r A dmiwis - semester and he and Cecil Dawson of WINCHESTER STOKE tbatob In, will enable any good detective to he waa not so sure about It not be­ —everything!" ing saved. Every man and nation (THE END.J __ First put one and one together and make a ho Cnlnpooia City started for Grants Notice ia hereby g iv«u that the u n - .122 _ sL _ , ____ _ had to be saved anew every so often, dersigned, by an o r-itr o f tbe County pair—which comes pretty near telling Paas Saturday morning with Mr Har- and the colonel believed that Jim Ir­ Court of I.inn County. Oregon, has O ecom l-han d p ia n o ; good stand, the whole story. iin to begin a job of wood cutting for win's new kind of rural school Is Mr. and Mrs. H. F. English, accom­ been appointed sdniioi strsior of tbe D >fd make ; $130. By this time It was nearly seven, Just as necessary to the salvation of him. Clark Smith accompanied them lla v e n port Music House. estate of Krualine Govi «ley, deceased. and Callsta Simms came across the this country. "I am about to close panied by Miss Bertha Leitner and A ll persons having c ltin .« sysinst said for a vacation of a week or two. On charmed bridge as a dispatch-bearer, my speech.” said the colonel, "and Mrs. Inez Freeland, drove to Eugene estate are required to present them iis return, his son Theodore, who is T IM SON T H E SHOE DOCTOR one night last week and attended the saying that If Mr. Jim and Miss Jen­ ths small service I have been able to «vithie six months from The date of this flaowd street, opposite Hamilton's his substitute on the stage route, ex­ notice, w ith the proper voucher» to the nie didn't mind, dinner would be give to this nation. I went through “Book of Job” at the Heilig theater undersigned et his res Idence ia H a l» » ), I store. a c ts to join the other boys at Granta rahved right toon. It was cooked the war, neighbors—and am proud of "Sudden Service.” ia Linn county. Oregiyn. about right, and the folks was gettln' It; bnt I'vt done more good In the Pats where they plan to work for Dated and first published this 17th i l l T s l d o Anderson A Son. d ist rib- William Price and family of Mon­ right hungry—an' such a crowd! peaceful service, of the. last three tome time, unless they starve on their day of January, 192< There were fifteen In the bibles' room, years than I did la four of fighting roe 3s-ere Saturday guests at the home Tv atora end ddaldrt for M axw ell, Chal­ rtvn cooking . P, E G o r m l it . mers, Essex, Hudson A Huomobile cera, and for a while the) thought the and enpopuilgping. That's the way I of Mr Price's mother, Mrs. George Admi Bistrator aforesaid j Accessories, Sappile». 1st A Broadalbin, .youngest Hamm ¿ougg one had stsi- (OenUaued «« pagn 4 ) _ I Maxwell, and husband. A A. TtMiKG, Atty. lor Adint • MORRIS ROCKERS, » 5 ñaño Tuning and Repairing J J GENERAL HARDW ARE? 2 H ILL & <§. ? A BROWN MOUSE B DR E F F F Coming to Albany Dr. Mellenthin Specialist H H H O T E L A LBA N Y H H O N E DAY O N L Y I I M M M M N R S co.