PA G E 3 HALSEY ENTERPRISE H A L K Y CNTKKPRISE EBB. l i. WM Tonsils Out ! A •urgeou ia what bath p artie*, need—to amputata baratele*. (• ) Feel aa if you’d loat your grit ’ In I Does your left heel pain a bit? s a e of Oregon are »417.87 I lx>es rheumatism baunt your knees e d itio n s . 11 Co a year la advance per capita of bankable resources, but I So you cannot stoop with ease? Advertising, 2Uc an inch ; no discouu some of us have less than our I What you need, without a doubt, lor lim e or space , oo charge lor com 1 It to have your tonsils out. — M O T « te a tra l— a e w » » a b lia h e g a v e r t T k a ra g a g I» W « . M . H H U . 1 . E M position or changes to “P aid -fo r Paragraphs,” to a lias * • advertising disguised as sews. A Natural Mistake üŒee hours, 9 to 12 sad 2 to 6 eacep Mondays and Friday forenoons. PO O R R IC H T A X P A Y E R ! I 00 Í11 V* do Dot *"’• r roen your bead down to your bee), A newcomer at the placa of firs I While your tonsils sit in otste nd brimstone asked : Io your throat and meditate. “ Where will I find tny harp?’’ I I t will even cure the goat ‘ H a r p ! ” said one of the Just to bare your tonsils out. r4*rds, "w hat h arp ? ’ ’ A. . . , “ “ I • supposed - that whao I en ‘ Oh, those tonsils! red with glee, ered heaven I would he given a Plotting against you and me, larp so I couid p(ay aud sing | • Hatching - - “ •“.•“a up •<’ the tonsilitis, praises.’* I * lanntng next to cause neuritis. ‘ •Do vou imagine you are iu • » / >t’« brought about heaven? ’* I those tonsils. Have 'em out. eo“ r,M ’ ” O tonsils, is It really true « v V .k i ,, . l be ilia they blame on you No other place could be so Really should lie at your door, lir h m n m n le o a n n t a n d n a e . , * f . , l I .a t . -s • s» . . . . * nucb more pleasant and peaceful While you’re filled wiith germs ga­ chan my late heme,” lore ? “ Where was th a t ” Wbet caused you, fiendish lumps, ” Herrin, 111,” to g'OW Aud fill the human heart with woe? Teapot Dome FARM CO-OPERATIVE SELLING HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon By GLENN G. HAYES C A P IT A L (® . 1ISS, W v m v b N e * ..e p « r V a lo a ) 1 AND SU RPLU S $35,000 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited Local Live Stock Shipping 1 Associations A m or A. Tussing* ship all ffielf stock through the local unit. It works something life this: A manager Is hired—usually one of LAWYERJAND NOTARY the farmers of the neighborhood who H alsey , O regon operates the association as a side Issue, although lh some of the larger organizations he ia paid enough to de­ vote hls entire time to the work. Il Is the manager's job to assemble the live stock In cayload lots for shipping Second st., opposite Halsey Garage Into the central market, where the Short orders at all hours up to 11 p. m. Producers' Live Stock Commission company oversees the sales. When a member has stock ready to sell he notifies the manager, who or­ ders a car for the proper date. In many associations one day of each week Is shipping day and the farmers bring In their stock, one or two or three animals at a time, just as they are ready. The common custom Is to mark each owner’s stock before it Is All work done|promptly and reason­ shipped. The shipments are then ably. Phone No. 269 sorted at the central market and each man’s stock Is sold by itself and each Is paid the actual amount his stock DELBERT STA RR brings, after the cost of transportation and handling are subtracted. Each Funeral D irector an d Li­ mnn’s stock bears Its pro-rata share of censed E m balm er the expense. Efficient Service. Motor Hearse, The National Association. Lady Attendant Before the National Live Stock Pro­ Brownsville........ ............................Oregon ducers’ association came into existence each local association had a represent­ ative In the central market to oversee w . L. W R IG H T the sales of Its stock. This Is now the I Mortician & Funeral Director work of the new National Live Stock Halsey and Harri*burj? Co-operative association, which Is I scarcely more than two years old. The C all D. T ayloi L Halsey, or W. L. W right . Harrisburg local association can Join the Na­ tional Live Stock Producers' associa­ tion at a nominal fee—usually of »50— for w-hlch the National association will oversee the sales of the local ship­ ments. Many of these local associations art I can make both FA R M and CITY not Incorporated; others are; but the L O A N S at a very row rate of inteiest most of them are simply voluntary from 5 to 10 years. Write me for par organizations. Generally the groups trculars. G. W. L aflar , are governed by a board of directors Salem, Ore. 410 Oregon Bldg who have general charge of the busi­ ness, as well as the hiring of the man­ H A LSEY ager. Shipping once through the asso­ ciation does not obligate a fanner to make further shipments—for there Is seldom a contract. He is free to sell Cash paid for or ship In any other way he likes However, in the last few years many (’ream , Poultry, E g g s, Veal of the associations are becoming more & Hides. M. H - S H O O K strict. They are Incorporating. They are adopting a contract under which the producer agrees to sell only through the association for a certain number of years—usually three. They W h y s u ffe r fro m ire buying office space and scales and h e adache? ire making a united effort toward per­ TT WAS barelg seven o’clock In Ida Grove, but around the Union stock yards the day’s work had started a whole two boars earlier. It was ship­ ping day for the local shipping asso­ ciation and farmers had been busy since five o’clock getting their hogs loaded Into the empty car that stood on the siding. The early morning freight would be due any minute now ’How many you shipping today, Frank?” Tim Gordon asked as he and his neighbor, Frank Watson, leaned over the white-washed fence of the yards, smoking as they watched the loading. Only had one more ready. Sent three last week.” ’Great idea this co-operative ship­ ping association. Shipping them out one or two at a time Just as they fat­ ten up, beats the old plan of having to wait until there's a whole carload ready.” I like having onr commission com pany down at the central market,” and F rank knocked the ashes from his pipe. “It takes a lot of worry off a fellow’s mind to know that there Is Knmeone someone down down there there to to look look after after our our We notice a touching appeal for sympathy for “a man or an industry who will have to pay »100, »500 or »1000 or more income tax under tht new law. We are sorry for the grasp er who wants to continue m ilking the Oregon public of the large sum or. which such a tax is levied without re turning anything to the state for the privilege but we are just as sorry fo- the farmers and others who are not m aking anything and who have to 'Nough said. Spunk up and have (Albany Democrat) raiae the bulk of the funds for the ’em out. Others are connected with the guilt state’s expense now. hat has attached itself to Mr Fall, ’Twill relieve you, without doubt, The man so unfortunate as to have vho was such a bitter insinuator of Aed e’n relieve your bank tc-ount an income that will call for a tax oi •rong-doing when he was a member (O f a generous amonnt). »1000 a year threatens to leave the ursue his course. Y et Mr. Denby it The freight puffed m. It puffed out claimed we have the power to repeal (ecretary of the navy. The lands I Thursday night a car was abandon again taking with It the producers’ car it, and then he might wish he had not /ere oil lands reserved for fuel for ed at the H arry Sprenger place at of hogs and Sam Jfihnson. who Is paid he navy’s fighting ships. It should Shedd and its occupants disappeared to look after the ablpments until they «pent much money moving are safely in the care of the Produc­ ave been his business to know what The vehicle proved to be one stolen in (The proof of the pudding is in the ers Commission association at the ccomt of the navy's oil reserves. I Portland. stock yards. eating. We have not proved the in Awaited Their Checks. come tax. Let us give it a trial The farmers at Ida Grove stood Then if it ia half as bad as ‘‘big busi along the siding and watched the freight pull out. Their part In the ness” says it is its repeal will be cer 3 day», beginning shipping was done. All that was left tain and it will stay repealed. Re TH U RSD AY for them to do was to indorse their E V E N IN G , Twice daily thereafter at 2:JO and 8;30 p. m. peal It now and the question will re check when It arrived. T his Is the F E B 21 co-operative way of taking hogs to main open .‘‘Would it have been s Mail orders now. AU seats reserved market. good thing'?’’ and new attempts tr » Twenty five per cent of all the live anu »e,f-, pass such a law will, be made. Le t’s stock sold on the terminal markets Is bundled through co-operative shipping give it a trial and settle the questiot aasoclatlons. Pour thousand furm once for all. communities have organized assocla “ depicting tht gloriou» drama of the west * tions—duplicates of the one at Ida Grove. An item-on the first page of last For fifty years fanners have been Jesse L. Lesky presents week s Enterprise, emphasized in the J • GLOBE THEATER •W orld’s Mightiest Film Spectacle' Dad’s and Mani’s Restaurant Square Meal, 50c F. M. GRAY, DRAYM AN FARM LOANS ’team and Produce Station experimenting w ith co-operative ship­ ping. But up until! 1910 not more than one carload In 10,1100 of the live stock of the nation trav. tied the co-operative _ road to market. 1 ioday 65 per cent of the live stock ahi jiments at St. Paul back to 1918, were charged against A param ount Prodnotion Superb Special Orchestra are co-operative. , Co-operative shlp- the treasury department, At one* ” of 15 Musicians ments at Chicago total about 30 per manence. time, under President Harding, there H av e y o u r e y e s cent half or more of the hogs and 12 In spite of the loose slipshod organi­ THB COVERED WAGON ” it a historical lesson that to 15 per cent of the cattle. It Is esti­ e x a m in e d waa a my.torioua shaking up of the mated that co-operative shipments sation of the past these eo-operatlve personnel of the'bureau of engraving B «u"7~stíí*ry Cl,,,e" ÜÍ th* “ ,,lo n «hauld see —John W. Nelsen, Re- units, most of them, are making make up 20 to 26 per cent of the stock In some states the saving and printing and many dismissals, the on the East S t X ouls and Sioux City money If you have not seen "The Covered Wagon,” do so. For the first time Optometrist, with markets. At K iinsas City, St. Joseph ranges between 20 and 75 cents per why of which was never explained to in history, this writer believes, the cinema has produced a c la s tic _ \Y hundredweight, with s general average and Omaha the average la around 15 H Laughlin, Seattlo Town Crie». F . M. F r e n c h & S o n s the public. per cent. On th e Buffalo market the of 38 cents. The saving per car usu Ik I ally ranges from » « to »75. If the JE W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S share of co-,q>erH five shipments In­ P r ic e s creased from 17.8 per cent in 1919 to savings Of all those thousands of a w Tha K u Kltix police of Herrin, 111., Albany, Oregon h.’ ai’T add-d to«eUlw U Would 29.3 per cent tn i n n . Matinees : Nights f Rot the sheriff to call off the state| ba Wjjt (n tha miUloEx. Entire Orchestra.................... »1 is It was in 1872 that the Grange Entire Orchestra.............. »1.65 Entire Balcony . . troops. Then they raided a meeting) SÍ First three rows Balcony__ 1.50 started the first co-operative live stock In c lu d io r Tax B alan ce R ilr n n v cc shipping movement. In leas than two Mr. and Mrs. George Drinkard and of their opponents and shot a deputy years several hu ndred associations Mr. Vitz Ramsdale of Brownsville •heriff. In return one of them was) were organized In Iowa, Missouri. Ne­ "ere at the J. S. McMahan ranch Fri­ •hot. The troops were recalled, but) braska and Illlnol s. These associa­ lor cannwf day assisting in the butchering of a I Quarters of B E E P tions were genera lly mere shipping *0 1 I SWS 1 _ W 1 there has been mors rioting and| number of hogs. | purposes at canning prices agencies They wer e distinctly Grange bloodshad. ’• H ell hath no fu rie i movements and wfi, »n the spirit of the c . H. F A L K 1 i t ” Herrin, III. Grange began to fa tie the shipping as C . L. F A L K JR. aoclatlon movement died. But It was born again. It Is said that the time of the birth The next time It: cropped out was First-Class Work of Christ was the first in history down tn Tennessee In 1877. A group Cut Flowers pot and bedding Plants when no nations were at war with | Agent for Eugene Steam Laundry of sheep men an «nd Goodlettsvllte first-class Funeral work. Price» reason­ S«nt Tuesdays. J o u r firs t c o n s id e ra tio n formed the. Goodie; ttsville Lamb club, tach other. The same condition oc­ able. Give us a trial. an agency which traded and pooled w h en tra v e lin g s h o u ld bo .Vst of P'fcnnials. Green- J« w. S T E P H E N S O N . Prop. b \r'ie curs at the time of the death of lamhs and wool an id sold at an suc­ bouses <40 fc».st 4<>th st P O R T L A N D . f o r y o u r s a fe ty a n d c o m fo rt. Woodrow Wilson, who, despite the | tion. If the bids w »re poor the prod­ Ore. Phone Sellwood 1757 ucts were shipped tw the central mar­ partial failure of his plans, had done Safety is something we never for- ket. This orgsnlzatl on was a success get, and our roomy, well ventilated more for world peace than any other j and It still continual to operate. equipment insures comfort. tnan since the time of Christ. Ths Society ef Equity. In the 80s the Farmers’ Alliance Irrespective ol climatic conditions began organizing 16 ¿e stock shipping you can always depend on the South- associations In Kansas. Nebraska. Prohibition is charge,! with ha«ing| ern Pacifié being “ on the jo b " to Iowa and Mlsslsalpw l. When the alli­ take you to your destination. Caused an Increase in the use of nar- ance began dabbling in politics around totica. Perhapa it also caused the Leave 1890 Its various cor m nerctal enterprise* dtsappaared. Tha'; v a s the end of the S A V E MONEY lunapota that were complained of last J 3:20 a. m. most of the ahlpp'xig associations until year, but tha ‘'evidence” in both cases Buy Round T rip T ic k e ts ’ around 1904. w’sen the Society of 10:37 a. in. to mighty weak, like the southerner’« Equity began the -wonk of organization. During the following decade many as­ 4:27 p. in. xonwalescent wife, who, he said, was Th ■ TO P O R T L A N D sociations were gtartrtd tbrougbout the ^ 7 * fn4 IS O ., "better, but powerful weak.” Middle Western atari«. The Equity Tkk" ’ T«krt. Is »tilt st the gaod wrTk case Six years ago farmers all over the A great deal of effort ia heing Central West began organizing ahip le w ReurS Tr» Fan, 1» O s .. Vann ping associatlotni by the dozens Live wasted at the wrong end of the tax stock prices wgs* rtl,,Br ind conB, n C.M M 1^.1 M<„, f" ation question'. Cut down the expen buyers refused *to IncreaMS their prices w , « * . M .w f lS .,U S ,e accordingly. | arm era met the situs ditures and reduction of taxation will tlon by otgar isiag to do thetr own be easy. It costs two or three times JOHN M. S S. T . F R E N C H Fresh and Cured Meats YOUR SAFE AND COMFORTABLE WAY! Baths Barber »hop Robinson Floral (o Trains to Portland Daily A m erican E agle Fire Insurance Co. ■,8u '.ie h ? ^ rr' r , n,uvh 3.90 4.70 tom*ricin tiCle »•-'-.■■•I fire. n,,/" u* « s h v a lu e in '.■ I'h -b y c. P. STAFFOKD, Agent — Southern Pacific Lines ■ Any Girl in Trouble •••••••• m .,