ÍA- ¿f\ 0 HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. XII HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, ORHGON. THURSDAY, FEB. 14, 1924 HALSEY HAPPENINGS ANO COUNTY EVENTS Short Stories from Sundry Sources Did you get a valentine? , Mr«. S. J. Smith has been suffering with the grip. Jess Safley and family were Albany visitors Thursday Glenn Stevenson of Beaverton was in Halsey Sunday. Gilbert Carey was an Albany visit or the first of the week. Mrs. J. S. McMahan drove to Brownsville Friday evening. W. A. Carey was a business visitor to Cottage Grove Saturday. Mrs. A. A. Tussing was a Scio visit­ or the latter part of the week Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Davidson were both on the sick list last week. . and took possession a week ago to­ day. Shedd Snapshots C. H. Koontz was an Albany visitor Monday. By Anna Pennell; Douglas Taylor Thursday was in Brownsville Briefs Mrs. Charles Pugh was in Corval­ * Albany lis Saturday. J. W. McCumber left for Portland Miss Ida Mitzner came home from Monday. Albany Saturday. Harold Shedd was a Salem visitor Mrs. L. C. Merriam was a passenger Wednesday to Albany Thursday Lyman Pennell left Monday morn­ ’Ih e O. A. C. boys are all spending ing for a visit at Forest Grove. the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Pennell spent Miss Gladys Willbanks was visit­ a few days in Portland last week. ing in Albany last week Harold Troutman has returned to Mr. and Mrs. Newt. Cummings were his home in Shedd from Marshfield. Halsey shoppers Wednesday. A crew of men are at work repair­ Mrs. Adda Ringo took the early ing the steam shovel at the A. D. morning train for Salem Thursday Kern quarry. Mrs. Edith Thompson of Yoncolla The Shedd high school presented the has been visiting at the C. P. Moody- play “Putting it up to Patty” in Tan­ home. gent Friday night and took in $42.80. Alonzo Neal of Brownsville visited Dale Lamar of Peoria, who has with his parents, 0. F. Neal and wife. been attending Shedd high, has left Wednesday. this school to attend in Corvallis. Mrs. M. B. Southern and her daugh­ E. E. Aubry of Tangent was ter, Mrs. George Hayes, went to Al­ Shedd visitor Monday. bany Saturday. Mrs. G. G. Hockensmith came from Albany Saturday. She had been to consult a dentist. ■■ Miss Inez Trefry, who has been ill After a week's wrestle with the grip for several weeks with typhoid fever, Eldon Cross threw the critter and is is slowly improving. back on hi? job again. Mrs. Fred Taylor of Eugene was Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bramwell spent the guest of her father, J. C. Standish, Sunday at the home of Guy Bramwell several days last week. and family of Brownsville. W. J. Ribelin has been teaching his Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lowrey of Port­ land were guests'of the latter’s par­ flock of hens so carefully that: he is ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brock last low selling eggs by the case instead the dozen. week. D. H. Sturtevant, Eldon Cross and Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Walker returned the last of the week from a visit with W, F. Carter have been appointed ad­ ' their son, S. I .Walker, and family in ministrators of the estate of the late Mrs. Gormley. Portland. Mrs. D. F. Dean returned from Mrs. W. H. Beene and her brother, visiting in Portland and Oregon City W. A. Allen, motored to Corvallis last Monday. The report that she had Tuesday, where Mr. Allen consulted returned to Bandon was an error. .She Dr. Garnjobst. is still visiting with her dau fh tir, 3. W. Drinkard attended the mer­ Mrs. C. P. Stafford, and husbani. chandise shoot at Corvallis Sunday, The train which goes at U.-;f7 car­ and, as usual, succeeded in bringing ried a man in the baggage coach by home the bacon. the name of McNitt of Centralia, who W. F. Carter has bought back the was suffering from a fractured skull He had gore to Halsey meat market from the Falks and broken hip. sleep while driving his auto. I t pays to keep awake sometimes. NO. 29 (By Ralph Lawrence) J. C. Harrison made a business trip to Sweet Home Saturday. Bessie Howe is confined to ; home oq account of asthma. her Hazel Moyer was called to Eugene Sunday afternoon, returning the next day. . The Burson children are back in school after a month’s absence on ac- count of measels. Word was received here last week of the marriage of Frank Newland, but we didn’t learn the name of the bride. It has been reported that Jess Bow­ ers has traded his farm for the Mill- wood ranch. This gives Mr. Bowers a fine modern country home. ! his brother, W. A. Cummings, and 1 wife Sundav. I Homecomng day at the church proved to be a great success. Rev H. age, was present a 11 gave two splcn did idi'itsses . A large congr*g«ion end a bountiful liir.t.'i added to the d a j's enjoyment. Those from a dis­ tance attending were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pierce and daughter of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Logan of Spring- field, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cummings of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. James of Peoria, Mrs. Brock of Halsey, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rickard and sons of Al­ ford, Mr. and Mrs. M. Rickard of Junction City and Roy Farmer of Halsey. Lincoln's Birthplace Abraham Lintoln was bom Feb. 12, Friday” night Brownsville negative 1 1809> in 6 *°B cabin with “ door and team, consisting of Elaine Woodworth : no proper window but instead a place and Katherine Starr, debate the Leb- in the same wall with the door, the anon afirtnative team on ‘TThe Sever- south, which could be opened or clos- Tax." It is a triangular d e b a te /od according to the weather. This tBrowtavilleln affirmative going to 1 Albany. There There i is . no „„ admission adm l..lm char- I ' house was 0,lce torn dow". bu‘ the »Hi ui ppq buiaq aiaqop aqi aS | lo«s were Preserved and the present * ... rA ’ i owners in 1805 rebuilt it as it form- high school auditorium . Come . . _ . . , . . . . . . x . . a. er*y stood and inclosed it with a (E n tc rp rla a Correspondence) and see what has been taught in the fenct? R sUuds on the fiig gouth fork of Lee Ingram and family called at schools the last four years,as .11 the the J. II. Rckard home Saturday even- debat‘ng team arc aeni°™- The other Nolin creek, in Hodgenville, LaRue ¡n„ ) two debaters are Edna Boggie and county, Ky. The county and town j Fay Proebstel. were named for the Hodgen and La- Frank Kropf and family spent Sun­ Friday night was “ children's Rue families, oous'ns, who were the day at the Jake Roth home near Har­ night" at the special meetings being first settlers there. John and Mar’’ risburg. held at the Baptist church. The choir LaRue of Halsey are relatives of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Isom and Mrs. consisted of children, and the sermon, those families and treasure a news­ J. F. Isom went to Eugene Monday by Rev. M. S. Woodworth, was especi­ paper picture of the old house, accom­ afternoon. • ally for the children. Sunday after panied by the following lines by Gar- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brock and noon Rev. Mr. Cain preached to the ■ rett New kirk : daughter Doris of Lake Creek called children’s choir from the Methodist ' A house of logs, low, wndowless and at the Chester Curtis home Thursday. pulpit. Sunday night Rev. Mr. Orr small, preached to a full house on “Be Sure Freplace of atone and clay, J. N. Burnett and wife and son Ed­ Your Sins Will Find You Out." The win and Oliver Ingram and family meetings all this week are to be held Stick chimney, queer, one southward open door, ,1 Friday were afternoon callers at the Lee In­ at the Methodist church Alford Arrows For lig h t and cheer of day, gram home Monday. 9 OREGON OCCURRENCES RECITED FOR READERS 'K paom e Of Eventa in the Beaver State » Pine Valley la considering ereettng a new school building J Thomas 0 . Hawley was nominated' for postmaster at Multnomah Student reglelration at Oregon Agri ' cultural college for the college ycari now totals 417«. Wheat shipments from the Columbia river to all porta for the cereal eon reached 12,322,796 bushels. At a meeting of the Newport city council, Jess Frey, councilman, wai elected mayor to succeed Carl Ryck man. resigned. City ordinances prohibiting minors from frequenting pool halls and th< curfew ordinance are now being en­ forced In Eugene. The Roseburg Elks lodge has voted to proceed Immediately with the con­ version of Farquhar island Into a city park and playgrounds. Establishment of naval base at Tongue ored In a resolution Monmouth Commercial a government Point was fav­ passed by the club The first carload of broecdll to be sent from the Umpqua valley thia year was shipped from Roseburg by the Umpqua Broccoli exchange. Charles Colvin, a Beaverton young man, was killed Instantly when east- bound Southern Pacific train No. 1(0 struck a “bug" he was driving. The Madras flour mill was destroy­ ed by fire starting from an unknown cause. It was feared for a time that the entire town would be burned. A vigorous campaign to prevent overloading nt trucks operating on the highways of the state Is to be started under the direction of the state traffic department. Nearly ISO dlffer-jut automobile« of 29 different makes were displayed by night is to be “children's night’’ again, with a special sermon, and A slender woman, young, in homespun 21 leading automobile dealers of Port­ Mr. and Mrs .Chester Curtis and Sunday afternoon another sermon for land at the ISth annual automobile garb, children visited at the home of their the children. show In that city. A man child bending over, uncle, Jack Curtis, at Peoria Sunday. [ There was a total of »22 accidents Within a lowlv cradle gently rocked Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck were Vitz Ramsdell is to hold a public In Oregon industries during the week Upon the earthen floor; afternoon callers a t the L. H. Straley sale at the Millwood ranch next Sat­ ended February 7, according to a home Thursday. urday. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsdell ex­ A cradls rude, God's basket, like the report prepared by the state Industrial pect to make their fdture home in arlc Little Horst Ruehling, 2 yjare old, accident commission. Alvin and Orie Kropf and Herman Portland. This leaves a vacancy in W e H ave That lav among the reeds who was the only survivor of the Maurice E. Crumpacker, well known Smueker were Sunday afternoon call­ the Ash Swale school board, as Mr. Upon the Nile, filled with a nation'« attorney of Portland, has announced .EVERY THING twelve partakers of the Gerber dinner ers a t the Lee Ingram home. Ramsdell was elected a member last hope who was alive when last week’s E n ­ O ptical his candidacy for the republican nom­ J. H. Rickard end family attended June. And promise of great deeds. terprise went to press, and who n t ination for representative of the third the church services and basket din­ E Y E S T R A IN first was expected to escape, took ill congressional district. Elaine Woodworth, who has been ner a t Lake Creek Sunday. Is the Cause of Many after all the others were dead and diet I The Chester-Fisher l-ogglng com­ staying with Mrs. Moyer all the The Study Club HUMAN ILLS Mrs. D. I. Isom is staying in Eu- school year, has changed her place of pany hat filed with the public serv­ Sunday. He had had a sip of Ihe II yeur eyes give you trouble or Mesdames Bert S. Clark and L. E. ice commission application to estab­ juice from the beans, though he took | cene at the home of her dau« bter’ abode to Mrs. Id a H art ¡son's. your gUsses are annoying Walton were joint hostesses at an in­ lish a logging railroad over the Ne­ SHE US. We can Relieve You Mrs. Rova Robnett, this week. Mr. the bulk of his nourishment from a Belle Burson drove up from Leban­ teresting meeting of the Study club halem highway near Astoria. Isom has been moved there from the B a n c r o f t O p t ic a l C o . bottle. on Sunday to visit her folks north of Thursday afternoon a t the Clark Ijgrspital and is still improving. 313 1st St. W. Albany. Phone The Astoria hoard of school direc­ Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Chance visited town, but because her brother, Bruce, home. Mrs. T. I. Marks, vice presi­ tors has decided to dispense with the (Continued on page 3) dent, presided. Thirteen members at *he John WiPbanks home Sunday. is still confined to his bed, she did not services of the school health officer iMiss Esther Starnes is sick with go into th e house hut visited from responded to roll call with answers to after the first of the coming month, questions from the Americanization leaving the health department in sfcx’e.'e cold. tiie car. They are all better at the questionnaire. charge of the school nurse present writing and returning to In compliance with a request from All northbound traffic over the school this week. T'le mayor of Herrin, 111 the Oregon Federation of Women's Southern Pacific railroad waa held up was l.ireman of a coroner's clubs, an art committee was appoint­ by a landslide In Cow creek canyon. Brownsville will reassess March 3 ed to provide art in some form on all jury investigating a murder the Tho slide buried the tracks for a con­ other day when he was arrested for the pavements the city is enjoy­ club programs, further the teaching of siderable distance, but was discover­ ing The original assessment, undent for t be crime * That is an inci art in schools and encourage the beau­ ed In time to prevent a wreck. dent such ss frequently vary the which a considerable amount of money tifying of the city and highway by Wages of Lane county road laborers has been collected, has been declared the abatement of unsightly billboards monotony of tliat little sheol, In 1924 will range front 22 M a day invalid. Tho lesson, which covered the Tros- for common labor to 412 a day for 9 Wt J. Lane, the jeweler, has a nice sacht and Glasgow, and a reading men with large tractors, according to display of Confederate bills in his from Scott'a “Lady of the Lake," was e schedule agreed upon by the mem window. Among these are bills is­ given by Mrs. Ruth Clark, Mrs. A. A. bers of the county court, to be et I lus-s tectlve March 1. | sued in Richmond and Vicksburg at Tussing and Mrs. B. M, Bond. Miss Georgina Clark played two George Pendleton, farmer living In tho time they were under siege piano selections, which were much en­ (be vicinity of Broadaerae In Merlon by the union troops. joyed. The refreshments were served county, was killed when an automobile truck In which he was riding was by the hostesses. OR years, mothers of boys and girls struck by a southbound Oregon Elec­ '.ho next meeting will be at the have looked to us for hosiery strongly home of Mrs. J. W. Drinkard, Febru­ tric train at a crossing north of the fnade; to stand the wear and tear of the Broadseras station. ary 21. (By an Enterprise Reporter) S c h o o l S to c k in g s F school playground. For as many years we have recommended. A lle n A /S e a ^ X . C a £ Hosiery O u r lines of children's hosiery include every style or quality jfou are ever likely to want. Stockings for school, ‘dress-up” or knockabout wear, made with reinforced heels, toes and knees, for sturdy boys and girls— all rightly prtctJ. See our special School D is ­ play thyi week. K00NTZC GOOD GOODS i Halsey Ch urch ol Christ Church Announcements Church of C h rist: Lon Chamiee, minister. Bible school, 10, W . H. Robert- son, superintend* it. Morning Worship, II, Lord’s supper every Lord’s day. Christian Endet vor, 6:80. Evening service. 7:30, The church with out a bishop, in the country wit hoc t a king. If you have no church borne come and worship w ith us. Methodist: Robert Parker, pastor. Sunday School, PC. Preaching. i i . Intermediate Lei .gue. 6:30. Epworth Lea g u t 6:30. Prayer meet in» IT ’bnrsdav. 7:30, Preaching, 7.30. . Lake Creek Locals Leone Palmer is ill at her home. The worst menace to good govern­ Wl L. Smith of Halaey is doing car­ ment today is partisanship. Just be­ penter work for Thomas Ardry this cause one party promotes an issue is week. not a sensible reason for the opposite party opposing It. All this juggling Rev. Francis Nugen and wife were M rs'*Nu'én *nd b,oclt*nli in our leg>»l»tur*s *» j” ** at the church Sunday, - ' as bad ss to throw a monkey wrench and little son arrived recently from into the workings of any other piece Idaho. of machinery. Congress is too big Lucile Herndon spent the week end and unweildly. If the whole system were abolished and a board of a few visiting Edith Smith of Halsey. Claude Cook and family visited men similar to our supreme judges Claudels sister, Mrs. Roy Owen, Sun- were elected to make our laws, we day. would have better and more sensible laws.—Junction City Times. Mr. and Mrs. Char.dler and Agnes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Pine Orove spent Sunday at laike Creek; .Iso Mrs. R. K. Stewart a n / Nelly has granted a tempor- granddaughters Helen and Jennette. ar> restraining rfrder preventing the public service commission from en- Bert Miackly and wife mingled with I forcing its orders reducing the freight old friends at Lake Creek Sunday. , ra»e nn farm produce until the case N. II. Cummngs and family viaited ,^ato been tried in court. Jndge Weatherford, In an address before the Albany chamber of con- morce, urged that body to start a move among like organisations throughout the state to get a law passed to tax the government-owned timber lands In Oregon One-twelfth of the roads built un­ der federal aid since 121« are In Ore­ gon, according tb a report from the secretary of agriculture. Of approxi­ mately jg.ooo miles completed in the United 8tates under Joint agreement, 2147 miles are In Oregon. ft R. Thompson, who wae elected president of the permanent organisa­ tion of the Oregon Export Comnris- slon league. In a meeting at Arling­ ton of officers of the various county organisations, left Sunday night ter Washington. D. C., to lobby for the McNary-llsugheu blU. (Ccntinuedon page 4)