Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, February 07, 1924, Image 5

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    Halsey Enterprise Supplement, Feb. 7, 1924
New Election Boards
O^LowelF * Huston. J- P- Quigley, and other cities are showing themsel-
Among the election boards in this
' H o lley ;'Ju d g es: R. E. W arner, W. o 'ffe r'" * ‘° “ * #dVanta^
“ m a>’
county this year are:
first board, ^ d S i h ^
h“Ì Ke(S ,:If SlÌv,k Haskin> Maude Cos-
board, Judges
pumps a perfectly
wholesome w ater
Pu*h.’ Alta *«<*. W. R. Githens; Clerks E. G. supply, so th a t on the score of health
have n°
to COmpIain
complain of>
of, b«
Howe, J. O. Vincent; second board, Duncan A M T . Z Lol M Dick 7 we haVC
thin* t0
1 oweUr kn
v i T L et
Judges: R. A. Sanders. L. H. Briggs
more, C. J. Howe.
first board
North Brownsville
Judges: C. W. Drinkurd. Irene B.’
Henderson; Clerks: Clara B. Harrison
-Mary Boyles, Eleanor Morse; second
board, Judges: R. V. Henderson, N. P
Crume; Clerks: L. B. Morse, Mamie
Enger, Fred C. H arrison.
second b o ard '
h \
’ ‘
“ th a t combi" a
T D u- ll
7 .
----- "
witn soap
E E U d rd o T N 6 V r ? ’
P,PeS f r ° m tim e to time
« “ W
Shedd r . 7 “ a F 0? " 1“'1 ’
wa,ei a "d "ot the best for laundry or
Davidson H^C PoMn •
p u hoUaehold cIeaninK uses. The new line,
Shedd M rs D o r a n « ’ T d ^ w ’ o ' N " bUllt' W’ U bring to our doors thp
fie ld - ’ second board '^T / M'
PUrest and
in unlimited quantity,
R Jo h n
d t f d g
H l Po
T ? paSt us lo^ l^ r e we should tap it
had’e P° ‘andl LaUra K Mal’
Li*bt a"d Power are on the pro-
* P ° ' W0U, "O * I’"' "
South Brownsville:
first board,
_______ , ,
Cram of th e p ro jec to rs. T h ey h in t
Judges: Glenn McFarland, C. F.
th a t they may be able to sell electric
W hite; Clerks: C arrie Irvine, Lulu Calapooia Grange.
current at such a price th a t it may be
Stratton, Fred S. Guion; ’ second board,
\ (Brownsville
U SS V m o
“ ‘’V U 111
io te O
in p place
of I S some
B a Ì r S :c , vm e, Tem pleton- E ™ » ‘
A banquet at noon, given by the los- ? the
* , fuel
fUCl we
We now
" ° W buy,
bu>- as
as well
wel> as
‘ re-
I W hite KWd
H“ *he8’ R- inK 8,<Kin a program conte8t- t° ‘he 1“
“ g h t bil’8' for w ater ’ pow-
W - ’
J n t e i . R ,™
s” c , S
‘a t . S r L F F
Tem pletk8:
B “™ ’
THe oecasion was "hveV ed by a ^ s i t
Lake Creek Locals
(By an E nterprise R eporter)
Henry Brock went to Eugene Mon­
W R. Kirk, Gladys A. Isom.
Charles Kizer of Charity grange act-
Calapooia: first board, Judges, H. ing as installing o f f ic e ^ C h a r le s day.
«™d' ° ‘d. - t e r ? Anna B ^ o r t
Frank Bryant, Anna G Archibald’
Anna Bradford,
George Hockensmith and family
r . , « j X , H« „ „ i
. ¿ ,h x r
= . ‘
- ,h '
e —
A. C. Miller, H attie Caldwell; Clerks:
S r n e X EG
1^™ Archibald
E ast Hafsev- f i i t b rS° ? T ,
J W MBler V er. li° “v ’ n ? '
teward- lizzie P . m - i “
a“ ‘atant
Jake Ackerman, stew ard; RoyP Ed-
JJ® 111,1 Kardware company deliv-
keCper; Hazel Ackerman, ®r®d ,.f° Ur ne" ^ b a t o r s on Saturday
‘®CtUr^ Rutb W right, Pomona; T. f° F C “renCe Wl ,ams •
Chan'cy Sicki., Charity c ’ cU rk j''
? ° nWay’ F1° r“ ’'
J ' S‘ N~ d
left Wednesday even-
* ^ ‘•*22, f ditb E d‘ in< for Sa" «¡«go and other C alifornu
W. Moore; second board, J u d ^ s
T .Z „ ,
R ,u l,h
Geo wards
« » U
" • c " * * s , t r t E-
v ,.,,
« •
West Halsey: first based. Judges: be foe special e t e r a ^ r t i i t t h 0“
H ,„ ,y
7 n,"IK’ h° me 'S fl,ur',*> efternoon. The
, ” X'
" "
• ™ « ."
Z,mmee ™ „ : „ « £ ” 7 . CL S t t u r i . y
Clerks: Gladys Palmer, A rthur Wes- ing February 23 at which rim
contest an<1 entertained the boys and
ley. Edythe D rinkard; second board, supper will be se n e d «77:30 S o c k 7 « ° " ' 7 ? *ame8’ music and a
Ju d g e. :O. G. Coidieon, E. ft.
Th’. ^ « . " t ” b X l ' n g .1 S
’ “" a
Clerks: Lois E. Jackson, E. F. Crow, o’clock will be public.
E. E. Gormley.
Judges^ WIlB E^’ bWmlsworth, H™ R.’ C hance ,o r B e tte r
Sherrill; Clc.ks: Ida E Kessell, Inez
^ i ^ T
f i r s t
W. E. Elliott, Tom I «well;
Joseph Hayworth, Amelia
Gladys T anton; second board
J. W. Owen, L. Hathaway;
Williams and twelve young
were in attendance.
^ t
SunJ “y i« home-coming day
The project headed by Waldo An- Milton will preach^at” el’e ve^oV lock
with mountain w ater from Clear Lake
Mrs' Brock of Halsey spent the
on the McKenzie, has the O. K. of em- Week end with her son- Henry Brock.
inent engineers who have considered it
Helen Williams w«« » u
ami Salem, Corvallis, Albany, Eugene week end
’ thU