15,7 m 1 LK rKI3K r K.B- •In fla ted with the Oregon G rowers School Notes Shedd Snapshots . North ¡■otilh (By Special Correspondent) Salem within the next ten days for No. 17, 12:15 p. No. 18, 11:37 a. ui. By Anna Pennell,' the purpose of relncorporatlng the or Friday evening last, the Monroe 24, ¡4:27 p. in. 23. 4.27 p. ui. ganlaatlon under the new contracts to A farewell surprise party was given girls’ and boys’ teams played ball 22, 3:20 a. m. 21. 11.32 p m. be signed up, effective January 1. 1925 for Mr. and Mrs. Mornhinweg at the against teams. They «R SSSSSOW the waa’. Halsey - - j ---- — --------- - « Hal Nos. 21 and 22 stop only if flagged Officers throughout the state have i M. E. church Saturday evening, sey girls were defeated 25 to 4, and No. 14, due Halsey at 5:04 p. ni., stopi been notified by Sam A. Kozer. secre l j Jim Tait and sister, Agnes Clarke the Halsey boys were victorious 18 to to lei oil passengers front south ol tary of state, that his department has were among the Shedd people who at 10. After the games a reception was Roseburg. I cleared away the congestion resulting 1 tended the showing of ‘'The Hunch given the visiting teams at the school­ No. 23 runs to Cottage Grove only. from applications for 1924 motor ve I back of Natre Dame” Sunday at A1 house No. 21 rnns to Eugene, thence Marsh. A b o u t 1100 p o u n d s w eig h t hide license plates, and that from fcanF- ’ . The . . . . girls’ . . . . team ______________________ and the boys’ second _ field branch. now on they are free to use their own — . to . play . ___ il I n—__ __... r. for south of Roseburg should Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sprenger visit- team g0 Scio basketball Passengers Judgment in the enforcement of traffic ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde February 8. The boys’ first team take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer regulations. Williams in Albany Sunday. <,™„ r„ I to No. 15. ' goes to rr«h»r«. Crabtree nn on that that date. date. Lumber exports from Portland for Mrs. Tommie Sprenger has been F r o m 1400 p o u n d s up. A g e d o e s n o t m a tte r January climbed to 56,087,661 feet, confined at her home with a severe Feb. 15 th* Halsey boys play : SUNDAY MAIL HOURS unering in in her ner ear. , Crabtree here and February 16 the | valued at 81.678,347, establishing a gathering ear. p ro v id e d h o r s e s a r e in g o o d c o n d itio n . Tba delivery window of the record for a single month's business Miss Ima Powers of Albany spent Kirla Pla>' another game with Browns- Hulsey postoffice is open Sunday* W ill be < superseding that of December, with the e week end with her sister, Mrs. ' ville here- Don’t for8et to come and 'from 10:50 to 11a. m. and 12:15 42,562,502 feet. January's lumber ex Jack Cornett. | cheer for your home town teams Ito 12:30 p. m.| porta far surpassed those for January Last Thursday the following giris Miss Pearl Thompson is with her Sunday mail goes out only on 192». which were 19.049,859 feet, vnl aunt, Mrs. Sarah Randolph, in Albany received letters for service on the the nortb-bouud 11:37 train: ued at 8465,709. < who is ill. basebal team of last year: Ruth Mail goes south once a day, closing at Market for canned goods through B rin g y o u r h o r s e s in J Miss Lyda Gregory spent the week Frum, Lena Bass, Agnes Chandler, 11:05 a. m. ; north twice, closing 11:25 out the eastern section of the United end in Albany with friends. Iona Albertson, Ellen Vannice, Rober­ la. i ll . and 5:30 p. ni. Mail stage for States is good and the market for Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Sweet About twenty relatives of Mr. and ta Vannice, Leone Palmer, Willamina Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. ni. dried prunes is Improving, according to J. O. Holt, manager at the Eugene Mrs. J. E. Willoughby had dinner at Corcoran and Agnes Hayes. The English IV class is busy writ­ Fruit Growers’ association, who has their home Friday, the event being ^Free coffee witb every basket. ing a long argument on the question, lust returned to Eugene from a Mr. Willoughby’s birthday. Feb. 22 City Hall Paul Brann, formerly of Montana, “Immigration should be further re­ month’s trip through different sec­ tions of the country. is visiting the Cornetts. stricted in the United States." visited Mrs. Workinger’s father and Halsey Happenings, etc. Card of Thanka The flag was flown at half mast One thousand men will be employ Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mornhinweg mother Sunday. (Continued from page 1) Monday in respect for our former We with to tbank all the friend* ed clearing the first 11 >4 miles of the are leaving Shedd to make their home Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Chance and the right-of-way of the Oakridge-Kirk ex in Portland. They will both be great­ president, Woodrow Wilson. A. E. Foote was on the sick list sev­ who were so kind during the ill. latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Davis tension of the Southern Pacific line ly missed in the community, where eral days last week. iThe French II class is intending to ness of Mr. West and the sorrowful of Albany, motored over there Thurs­ after the weather becomes better In they have taken an active interest. present two short French plays in the days following his decease. The Lacomb oil prospectors arc day. the spring, according to George H M rs . J. M. W est and Children Misses Undine Dannen and Dorothy future, the proceeds from which will raising funds to buy 350 feet of casing Kelly of Portland, who with Frank W Satchwell were home over the week probably be added to the gymnasium J. A. W est needed to shut out w ater that stopper fund which the high school has start­ end from Monmouth. operations last fall. The bora is down ed. 918 feet. George Cross, Tom Miller and D. E. Wolgamott was over from Frank Koontz accompanied Professor Brownsville and calted at the Enter­ I n o r d e r to g e t th e English and his wife to Corvallis Sat­ 9 (Enterprise Correspondence) prise office Friday mornin g, looking urday evening to attend the basket­ p e o p le o f th is n e ig h b o r ­ Just a little bit younger than ever. He Miss Hattie Dannen of Shedd visited ball game between the University of wanted to buy a flock of sheep. at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. A. Washington and O. A. C. h o o d a c q u a in te d w ith m y Starnes, Sunday. The contestants in the declamation in In te rn a l M edicine fo r th e A few flies and a. myriad of frogs B. E. Cogswell and wife of Port­ contest are now learning their selec­ w ork I w ill o ffer fo r a lim - if we may judge by the sound, were t past twelve y ears land came up to the farm one day last tions. brought into action by the recent tiin e m y week and Mr. Cogswell came again The Halsey high school has been warm weather. But that does not the first of this week. D o es N o t O p e ra te asked to send a representative to a prove that spring is here. We may Mrs. L. E. Bond and daughter Vera public speaking contest, conducted by be pouring hot wate r on frozen watei and son Lesjer of Albany spent Sun­ the O. A. C. chamber of commerce, pipes again in thi ■ next six weeks Will be at day at the E. D. Isom home. which will be one feature of the edu­ Swat those early flies. If you do Lee Ingram and family called on cational exposition February 22 and not, one may become the ancestor ol Mrs. D. I. Isom Sunday evening. a million who will torment you. 23. Chambers of commerce in all I f y o u a r e in n e e d o f d e n ta l w ork it will p a y It is reported that John Graham, a parts of the state are planning to ar­ Wednesday, Feb. 20, J. W. Stephenson spent Sunday It. former resident of this community, range for special booths to show the y o u to g e t m y e s tim a te . Eugene. Office hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. in. was accidentally killed in a logging community industry'. Arrangements camp in Washington last week. The Albany electric store, advertis to entertain 400 high school students Chester Curtis and family visited at have been made. ed in our Albany directory, has moved the home of Mrs. Curtis' parents, Mr. •rito temporary qu arters at Second and and Mrs. Charles Tandy, near Harris­ Ellsworth streets, -pending the comple Hcmer Mornhinweg Advances D E N T IS T , burg, Sunday. tion of the new Bik man building, in No C harge for C onsultatiou G. W. Mornhinweg was in Shedd ( u sick B an k B u ild in g , A lb a n y . O reim n which it will be I oca ted. Mrs. John Willoughby is quite Friday where he was busy assisting Mr. and Mrs. ' J*. J. Skirvin were in ill with what appears to hs an at- Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate his son Homer and wife in their pack- Albany Sunday. tuck of appendicitis, ingi preparatory to their removal to in medicine and surgery and it li­ Mr. and Mrs. D . K. Isom and J. W. Moore and Andrew Brown Portland. Homer has accepted a po­ censed by the state ol Oregon, lie C. V. Curtis and wife have a new came home fregn Uleubrook Sunday Sullivan, also of tiiat city, has the con Mesdatnes D. I. aud J. F. Isom sition in the receiving department of does not operate for chronic append­ son, born Wednesday of last week. for a few days. tract from the Utah Construction com visited Dave Isom iu the hospital Swift & company there. .The Swift icitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, ton­ A. C. Armstrong has been sick again pany to do this part of the work. in Mlugeue Monday. 4 company station at Shedd which sils or adenoids. Mr. and Mrs. John Salash and Rus- with cold, but is better, Kay and Eva Rickard of Ben­ he has been conducting for the past Despite the fact that the domestic l i e has to his credit wonderful results ncll Norton \ isibed Albany Sunday. I- H. Armstrong and wife visited demand for prunea has not been up ton county visited at the home ol over 7" i year *— or — rivo ---- — has been taken w e , by uy a i *n diseases of the stomach, liver, bow- to standard during the past few their parents, Mr • nd Mrs Ml- brother of M. H. Shook, proprietor of | e,s- blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidneys, Lloyd Gramley of Albany visited his W. C. Smith Sunday afternoon. months, the Oregon Growers Co-op­ chael Rickard, last week grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.'F. M Swift & station, i bladder, v*" j the local ------ „ company av„,,Vu, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lunga, Harry Commons’ family have been i tation of Salem has an­ Gray, ovwr the week end. He was on the sick list the last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Burnett and who came UP from Portland for that | rheu,uati»m, sciatica, leg ulcers and rec- All .. Edwin t ------ ---------------- —j Mrs. . Mornhinweg . . . 'tai ailments. nounced that It has disposed of prac­ aon Mr. and I nursing a sore lmnd, having run a arc better. were afternoon ca ,, llers i purpose. , tically one-half o? the. 1923 crop. Most at the E. D. Isom borne Tuesday and baby left the first of the week ' nnil into it. Below are the names of a few of hie George Workinger has been on the of these sales have been made through for their new home in Portland. 5a,lsf’'d patients in Oregpn : Mrs. A. A. Tussing entertained sick list with cold the last week. export channels. and a large part of J. M . West is Gone Smith, Ontario, Oregon, ulcers The company has given Homer of J. the A. stoiliacli. the crop has been sent to Germany. nineteen of th e B row nsville Study a position of responsibility in Leona Ford, Washougal, Ore., aden- J. M. West died Thursday at the Oregon Occurrences The Oregon public acrvlee commis­ club Friday. Mrs. C. E. Staiard and G. W. Shaw home, aged 68, leaving a Portland, with b*tter remuneration P*'1’ (Continued from page I) sion has authorized Judge Henderson, J 1, ,Kellen>l°nk, Estacada, Ore., Mrs. Clara Starr gave the lesson, aud possibilities of further ad i widow and nine sons and daughters. - luph blood pressure. which was on “cotton." "Beautiful Joftn C. Herring. Cape Heceta ranch I counsel for the Iowa ralfroad commis Rev. R. I. Parker preached the funeral vancement. Mrs. Ed Eberhardt. Scio, Ore., gall Oregon” was sung by the gathering. or, accused of aiding and hiding the Mon. to represent the state of Oregon stones. • sermon and he was buried at Alford Mrs. Charles Childs and son and three Florence bank robbers for aav- at the hearing before the Interstate J- C. Nichols, Lebanon,Ore., append* Instinct and Intuition. Mr. West fulfilled the scriptural in­ icitit. daughter were guests from Albany eral days after the robbery wee oim commerce commission, which involves Juuction to “multiply and ' replenish te n d ^ y rmtoaP,’l"‘d ,0 "" an application of the New England Remember above date, that con. mined December 11. was acquitted by aud remained with Mrs. Tussing »- perform n railroads for a greater division of the earth.” and he nearly filled out ___--------------------» a circuit court Jury at Eugene. Peclflc action In a particular wav sultatioB on this trip will be free u ntil n ex t day. through freight rates from the west­ his due three score and ten years. an I that bis treatment is different. The Umatilla Irrigation project geta ern carriers. C. J .White, manager of the turn The youngest of the children is nn the other hand, Implies the faculty Married women mast be accompanied ber company at Glenbrook, was at the 8940,000 for operation, maintenance The Indians of the Klgmath reserva­ 8 v*ars old. Three brothers and whethcT.^K ’',n,ethln« beforehand. by their husbands. C. E. Smith home curly in the week. and continuing construction during the tion have launched g movement four listers alto scrvivc. One oto « i ’U'al. Intellectual or next fiscal year In the Interior depart Address; 211 Bradbury Jbldg., Los They went back together. ment appropriation bill as passed by through their tribal council for gov­ brother, J A. West of Portland, Angeles. Cal. E. S. Hayes and Glenn Chance were the bouse. The appropriation for the ernment permission to sell all the tlm was at the funeral' * her on the reservation, valued at more Klamath project Is 8695,000. in Albany Thursday . Taxes paid by the railroad than 8S5.OOO.OO0, with payments to ex­ Helen Armstrong was home for the H. r. McCormick, president a n d ,------------ tend over - a - period ---------- of years. ......... Dele companies of the country exceed the week end. principal stockholder of the Columbia ' «»tes of the federated tribes *111 pro dividends paid them and «mount to f 'r t lin t v 8 aaa»U ^_ - w — . . . County Lumber company whose plant I weed-to Washington and endttsvor to more than 81,000,000 a day. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sgefeld visited MILL RUN at St Helens was destroyed last April, Pbtaln consent of the department of at W. C. Smith's Sunday. $29 per ton entailing a loea of almost 8850.000. has Indian affairs. Bobbed hair has increased the use Mrs. A. C. Armstrong is setting her announced that the company would The state will appropriate 85000 Io of electric curling irons 150 per eent. incubators this week. Immediately start the coastructlbn of match a similar contribution by Wil­ ...........*28 per ton and up a modern plant. Portlanders took 89,383,574 stgeet lamette valley cities, for bin her la C. L, Carey cim e home Friday from Ground and Whole CORN There was one fatality la Oregon ‘vestigatlon of the proposal to pipe car rides last year, or 283 for every Eugene, where he is attending school. His room mate, Clyde Becklehemer, due to industrial accidents dnrin* the ‘water from Clear lake to Salem, ac­ man, woman and child in the gity, and came home with him. They returned week ending January JI, according to cording to announcement by Rhea yet auto service is gradually crowding B e st q u a lity F e e d s a t rig h t p ric e s Sunday morning as far as Lancaster, a report prepared by the state In l,uper, state engineer. Mr. Luprr de­ rail lines toward bankruptcy. dustrial accident commission The clared the supply of water In Clear where Mr. Carey preaches Sunday. victim was Chaunry Belli*, choker lake sufficient for 1.000.000 person», F IN E PROGRAM Mr. and Mrs. George Workinger setter of .Medford A total of 547 ac­ and could be doubled through stor- BA SK ET SOCIAL cidents waa reported. "e;e He also said »0,000 horsepower F R E E C O FFE E « * * * * * * « 4 4 4 * * * * * * * * * * n a * a< The Ariorla street railway syatgni could be developed, which la more j SIL K Q U ILT raffled off power than ta required by all the I »as offered io the city of Astoria. Ahe Admittance 15 and 25c port commission or anyone who »wtll gowns between Salem and Eugene 2/ City Hall oper.to It, for the salvago pricy- ot It la estimated that approximately Ladies with baskets admitted tree about 870.000 at a meeting of the dl » 0 fresh fruit grower* will be out of rector* of the Astoria chamber of com the Oregon O to wars Co-operative asao- 7 .7 * 007 W T,,ho< Pre.bl.nt clatflon when the present contract« •*. of the Pacific Power « Light company ptre In 19J5 At the expiration of * Bring coupon* fiotn fiom th* A balance of more than 817.500 was tbeae contracts the association wtll go Lannrirv «ent Tnevdivt * Oregonian or magatine*, put into the general fund of the Pen on a strictly dried fruit basis The * , r^ ? en ’'On PMS U*»k's think of how * with old toothbrush, and rs- ^getu j Hub Cleaning Works chtatf center* for these grower« are Sa ■lleton city water commission after p* t c ,,’ire vonr sweetheart or wife • caive TWO. paying all expenses, meeting an Jntor lem. Hubbard Canby, Newberg. Bata­ hJ h" ° r ,l! ‘er w«“ 'd b* if yo* sent A B E S PLACE 4 | set charge of 818.800. and putting an and Sheridan In all of these areas * f » of strictly fresh chocolate* there ta an terdtaatlon. It 1* said, • aside 8s0<>0 to retire bonds, accordion I* m ..s ’"'.V'1 a,,or,me»t of fruity sweet- W AN TED • ■ to the report of the commission made among grower* te retain organisation fo/th ,- ” 11 haTe « u s e to thank n* ta s»* worked m other eam . fo u r-fo o t v*ll*y and fm Mua w|le ' 'aI * ”. ntu*lly to a bevvy growers can WKJCK are j operstfd ya as cooperative basis Enterprise Office. Co-operative association will meet to Wanted i S ad d le H o rse s D raft H o rse s IN HALSEY FRIDAY ! C h arles T ay lo r Coming to Albany Alford Arrows 5 P la te s Dr. Mellenthin th a t F it Specialist Regular $40 sel ol plates for $25 Also 22 k. bridgework, per tooth ...$5 HOTEL ALBANY DR. C. FICQ, O N E DAY ONLY „... A' Z ? « W. FRUM : Albright Tooth Brushes Modern Barber Shop Sweet Thoughts 3 »5 cent« : RIN G O Drug Store ♦ » ****•« ***•***•****•« « *» ( il WOOD Clark’s Confectionery