• UNIVERSAL J STOVES and • T , RANGES . aro the last word in cooking convenience and efficiency H e have the best line, of them ever shown , in Halsey n ( esign and finish the Univeral is a work oft rare art < F u r n itu r e • MORRIS ROCKERS, C Dining hairs.1 • Ä Ä z riBht in our line. Ev-' 2 GENERAL HARDWAKE2 HILL. & (§. j Raymond T' “Ah reckon paw'll coma in." said Raymond blusblngly. Bron,eonWU1 “ ,aJd Mr BROWN MOUSE I By HERBERT QUICK s iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii n, m , iliu m ,||j5 (Copyright by T h. Bobbe-MerriU Company) Raymond's hand went up amid a rip. P2 '’ f . aP,P US® from ,h * Pel'll8- who r X * haT* 8 TOter ln thelr “Unanimous 1" said Mr. Bronson. "It I’ • vote I Now I'd nke to hear a motion to perfect a permanent or- ganlxatlon to build a creamery. Mr. Irwin will you please act as secretary.” Jim sat down at the desk and began eoam inHt DOte’. The m~ tlDS appointed committees, fixed upon a time for a h n ir 7 thr<‘w a collection of half-dollars on the desk to start a pet ty cash fund, made the usual Joke bond1 P?ttln* the «eoretary under bond, adjourned and dispersed. v f’ 8 80 thla t,m e!” aald Newton io Jim. 13216186 W e now have the Guaranteed IIA L 8 E Y BNTPRAX1SE Repairing by Kxperts A/ôwwy i f i i f r t o r ç —Continued ïrectory Massasoit 30x3!, Cord Tire for $9.00 Our stcw °f P" Ced PrcPortioaaUly. When ,n wen, o ^ n ^ n g " " / ^ - * - and pr' ~ k « * ” » h' tractor g „ e us a call. Your patron- »ge is appreciated. this is good advice; li vou In c in Allianv, trade m Albany if j 0„ |1Ve in some other town trade in that town.' Hut in these automobile dajs many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. I hose who go to Allunv to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill their reqmre- inents with courtesy and fairness. H ALSEY G A R A G E Telephone 16x5 A L B E R T F O O T E Prop. i>ld be know how cruel lie was?" I think not,” said Jennie. “It was the truth that crushed Mr. Car­ michael.” "But that vote of thanks," said Mrs Brathwayt. "Surely that was the bit­ terest irony.” ' I wonder If it was." said Jennie "No, I am sure it wasn't. He wanted Io leave the children thinking as Well as possible of their victim, and es­ pecially of Mr. Bonner; and there was really something in Mr. Carmichael's talk which could be praised. I have known Jim Irw in since we were both children, and I feel sure that If he had had any idea that his treatment of this man had been unnecessarily cruel. It would have given him a lot of pain.” „ My dear, said Mrs. Brathwayt, I think you are to be congratulated for having known for a long time a genius.” “Thank you,” said Jennie. And Mrs. Brathwayt gave her a glance which brought to her cheek another blush; but of a different sort from the one provoked by the uproar In the Wood­ ruff school. There could be no doubt now that Jim was thoroughly wonderful—nor that she. tbe county superintendent, was quite as thoroughly a little fool, ohe to be put in authority over him I It was too absurd for laughter. For­ tunately, she hadn’t hindered him much—but who was to be thanked for that? Was It owing to any wisdom of hers? Well, she had decided In his favor, In those first proceedings to re­ voke his certificate. Perhaps that was as good a thing to remember as was to be found In the record. FARM LOANS Write for booklet describing our "0- vear Rural credit Amortized loan s i '* P V * *’“ * 20 I*'" le n t*, ining the principal. 'Cheap rates delaj ,,, , L and C o ., 133 Lyon St., Albany, Ore Phone 31? V Satisfaction guaranteed Price $3,30 FR E D B. JO N E S aave been, for the future. .. ,A ?d e' eD the ecboolhouse, when one th.nks of the uses to which It was to A Hiany Bakery, 321 Lyon street. be put—kitchen, nursery, kindergar­ , Best one-pound loaf of bread made ALBANY ten, »anqnet hall, theater, moving pic­ 5 cents. Piano Tuner for leading music stores io Wedding cakes to order . ____ ture hall, classrooms, manual training Albany rooms, laboratory and counting room A lb a n y E lectric Store, Kiidio and what not, was wonderfully small sets. Electric wiring. Delco i iglit -C o lon el Woodruff said far too small products -th o u g h It was necessarily so large G lenn W illard W m . M oflich bought, sold and exchanged at all times as to be rather astonishing to the nn A Ib a n y F lo ra l Co. C u t flowers expectant passer by. , and plants. Floral art lor every ben t s u d t e l l (To be continued) and all occasions. U .I Phone ?b-R, 123 N. Broadalbin s t, Albany Flower phone 458-1. Piano Tuning and Repairing -a ^FURNITURE AND" used FARM MACHINERY . A l.B A N T f i A I IA f .b . •• Sti de- baker" and " S ta r" automobile-. * M ary S u cceed s J General repairing and supplies. G. T, Hockensinith._l.loyd Templeton. J o n M a in S t r e e t ♦ * IJlu e Bird Restaurant, 309 Lyon ♦ By LAURA MILLER street. Eat here when in Albany. ♦ Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. Mas. B lount . © . I t » , by L a u ra M ille r B R U N S W IC K COMUS IN COLUMBIA SHOE © SERVICE 5! Shoes that cost less per month of wear Halsey Happenings PHONO GRAPHS at W O O D W O R T H 'S (Continued from page 1) Columbia, Mo., claims Athens, not M r. and Mrs. C. N. Moody returned Topher Prairie, as Its model. To live to their home at Harrisburg Friday. a hulf block from the University of C. FICQ They Were accompanied by tlieir little Missouri Is a very different thing from D E N T IS T living 'round the corner from Main ,, . . . . . . Albany, Oregon grenddaughter, Coralie Moody. Street, Mias Gladys Wheat assures me Cusick Bank buildingl Mrs. Cecil Alford and children ar­ with healthy acorn for my Ignorance. Such students and faculty folk, "ex­ Ipastbiiri) Bros.—Two big grocery rived from Jrving Friday for a visit perts In many realms," as work with „ stores, 212 W. First and 225 South I with Mrs. Alford's parents, M r. and .'Iain . Good merchandise at the right ! her, writing her playa and acting In prices Mi», E. E. Gorualev. The Gorm­ them, are not to be found In quantity --------- certainly—on any happenstance Main F ilm s developed and printed. leys went home with Itor for tha Street. Yet It Is significant for other A We mail them right back to you. week end, arts ns well as that of the theater, go "oodworth Drug Company, Albany, O r­ "The Hunchback,” which ran four thoughtful artists tell me, thst Miss egon. days and nights at the Globe theater Wheat's Theater studios should be irs t garage going north. Missouri avenue, rather than at Albany cost a million and a h alf of Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline, Broadway. To many mature women dollars to produce, and it was worth • repair work. themselves happily busy In some it. During its run it was the subject 'V. H. H ulbukt . small town, I've put the question; of much conversation on the streets 'Do you udvlse the average girl. Just p O R D SALES AND SERVICE and wherever people congregate. The Tires and accessories starting to work, to go to a big city?' Globe is living up to its promise to Repairs And over and over they reply: "No, K irk -I’ ollak M otor C o . secure the best in filmland. Indeed, If she Is the average girl. But, if she Is entering un art or profession,' JpOR B A L E — Oregon and M>ir- Mrs. C. P. T erw illiger of Tangent she will have to go." * siali strawberry plan Is, $3.50 per and Mrs. W. T. Nolen of Shedd took le t here Is ills * Wheat pursuing 1000; Cuthbert red raspberry planta. a profession that calls on the arts of W per 1000. Stenberg Bros., 235 l.yon contributions for the children's farm acting, dramatic writing, and costume and scenic design, a thousand miles from the center of theatrical produc­ e.. Tï ' y s“ ""- w o p lr directors. 427-133 tion. j who were approached refused to con­ street, Albany, Oregon. She Is not merely copying others' tribute, saying: "W hy should I help? successes, either. "My elm," she says, s Floral and Music Shop I have nobody at the home.” "Alas "Is to Interpret and reflect the child's Cut flowers and floral designs. for the ra rity of Christian charity un­ world In drama ns the drama of Moving to larger place next door "?ij Phone 1661 der the sun.” grown people reflects their world My Dk "1 think so," said Jim, "with those wen Interested. Well, our study of creameries has given a great deal of V language work, a good deal of arith­ A New Era Dawn*. metic. some geography, and finally Was a ro,lsln5 chorus of saved the people from a swindle. CHAPTER X X II Ayel in which Mr. Carmichael, fol- Kather good work, Raymond!" lowed closely by Mr. Bonner, made his And So They Lived— “My mother has a delayed luncheon « i t . B B. Hamm went forward and And so It turned out quite ss If It n ady.5,°,r ,he Pa r,y-" sal«l Jennie to shook Jim'» hand slowly and con­ Jim P ease come with u s-p lease!” were In the old ballad, that "all In templatively, as If trying to remember But Jim demurred. Getting off at the merry month of May,” and also Just what he should say, ail In the merry green wood," there thia time of day was really out of the "James E. Irwin," said he, "you've question If he was to be ready to show were great doings about the bold little saved us from being skinned by tue the real work of the school In the promontory where once stood the cab­ smoothest grafter that I ever seen." in on the old wood-lot where afternoon session. the "Not I," sold Jim ; “the kind of 'T h is has been rather extraor­ Simms family had dwelt. school I stand for, Mr, Hamm, will dinary, said Jim, •‘but I am very glad The brook ran about tbe promon­ save you more than that—and give you were here. It shows the utility tory, and laid at Its feet on three you the broadest culture any school of the right sort of work In letter-writ­ sides a , carpet of blue-gTssa, amid - ever gave. A culture based on life ing. language, geography and arith­ clump* of trees and wild bushes. Not W e re been studying life. in this far afield on either hand came the metic—In learning things about farm- school—the life we all live here In in<. b ack corn-land, but up and down tbe this district." bluffy aide, of the brook for some "It certainly does," said Doctor He had a smooth partner, too," Brathwayt. “I wouldn’t have missed distance on both sides of the King said Columbus Brown. Jim looked at dragged highway, ran the old wood- Bonner's little boy in one of the front it under any consideration; but I lot. now regaining much of the un­ personal contribution Is the vlnuallxa Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Powell startetf certainly sorry for that creamery seats and shook his head at Columbus kempt appearance which character­ tlon of playa written by othets. I di­ JJOLMAN <£ JACKSON by traiq Friday to visit their daugh­ shark and his accomplice—to be routed a ., , Grocery Bakery warnlngly. ized It when Jim Irw in had drawn rect, design and make the costumes, Everything by the Fifth Reader grade In farm in the line of eat» l ter, Mrs. T . D. Peters, and fam ily of " If I hadn't herded ’em In here to Ing !'• upon himself the gentle rebuke of Old the sets, and the properties. Up to Portland and later another daughter,, Man Simms for not giving a whoop the present time we have produced ___________ Opposite I’ostoflire ask you a few questions about co­ The luncheon was rather a wonder from the big road before coming Into only plsyg written for children, and U u b C andy C o ., F irs t street, next Mr» L. II. Slovoigb and family operative creameries," said Mr. Tal- nil affair—and Its success was unqual the yard. * * door to Blain Clothing Co. eott, "we'd have been stuck— they for production In this theater." of W estp o rt. Ifled after everybody discovered that Noon lunches. , The cabin was gone, and In Its place pretty near had our names. And then the majority of those In attendance She Is frank enough to say that Shedd high School sold all the seat* II Home made candy and ice Cream. the whole neighborhood would have stood a pretty little bungalow, .bout financial support does not ns yet felt much more at home when calling it had rererved for "Putting ft Up to been sucked In for about fifty dollars It dinner. which blossomed lilacs and peonies and equal the Intellectual, histrionic and ub Cleaning Works, Juc. P atty " early In the week. Then the a name.” roses and other old-fashioned flowers literary aid she hag received. Even “What d'ye think of our schools?' Cor. Fourth and Lyon reserved apace was enlarged and sold furnished by Mrs. Irwin. For this was ao, her conclusion carries n message “I'd have gone In for two hundred" Matter Dyers and Cleaners asked the colonel. said B. B. Hamm. the teacher's house or schoolmanse for for others artistically Inclined, who , out again. The house was full and M ade-To-M easure Clothes Well," said Professor Gray, "it's "May I call a little meeting here for the new consolidated Woodruff dis­ wonder If they must become needles the performance was received with not fair to Judge, Colonel, on what trict, and the old Simms wood-lot was In the haystacks of New York In or­ I t you have irien d s they ehould • Minute. Jim?” asked Ezra Bronson must have been rather an extraor­ henceforth to be the glebe-land of the spplaugg. Mosh handclappiiig also Why, where’s he gone?" der to attain. Here Is an enterprise * have your photograph. dinary moment In the school's history. Clifford's Studio greeted every number by the Davis school di a n*e. “They'» some other visitors come *he declares, “carried on In a Hide 33J West First street, Albany. I take It that you don'.t put on a rep- fam ily band, which furnished the In," said a little girl, pulling her Jim turned over and over la his community, but carried with ease and resentatlon of -The Knave Unmask’ d I r v i n s G arag e— N ext to C o inm u- music. mind these new applications of old, spron In embarrassment nt the teach­ every morning.” pleasure by big people.” er's absence. historic, significant words, dear to Since Im anything hut sn expert In * mty bouse. Hxide Battery distrib­ "It wag more like a caucus than Fve Mrs. Fred Roberts and daughter Jim had. after what seemed to every reader of history— "glebe-land " the aria of the theater I can't deride utors tor Linn county. Repairs made ever seen It. daddy." said Jennie, "and Jennie an Interminable while, seen the schoolmanse"—and It seemed to him whether anch experiment« ns this at on all makes of batteries. t o . tic returned to Eugene S a tu r­ less like a school.” that they signified the return of many Columbia have, geographically speak­ M A I , N E T O E I .E ( 1R1C CO. county superintendent and her dis day, after a visit with home folks, “Don't yon think," said Doctor old things lost In Merrie England, Mngulshed party, and was now en­ ing, a fa ir chance of success. But Official Strömberg carburetor serv­ lost In New England, lost all over Miss Wheat has set me wniidcrlug. gaged In welcoming them and endeav­ Brathwayt, “that It was leas |)ke , M rs. Freelan d aud Mre. Brown ice station. Conservative prices All oring to find them seats—quite an Im­ school because It was more like life? tbe English-speaking world, when the Wasn't Cornua an Athenian K"<1 of work guarsnteeil 119-121 \V. S< <. n,l Brown were Albany shoppers Satur­ It was life, i f i not raigtsk01t Mg old publlcly-pald clergyman ceased to drama? And were Cornua and hl» fol­ possible thing at that particular mo- tory of this community was making In be so far the servant of all the peo­ lowers worried by the population at« ¡VI"" “ "»I m on ey are best » l i .i i day. ment. by tbe way, busy. Make your dollars work in Mr*. W . A. Sweet cam e from E u * ple that they refused to be taxed for tittles of Athena? Or were they, like “Don't mind us, Mr. Irwin," said that schoolroom as we entered.** “Tonre perfectly right. Doctor," his support. Was not the new kind Gladys Wheat, content to build Tor our savings department A lbany S tate Doctor Brathwayt. “This Is the best gene Saturday to spend a few days H ank Under government supervision. hlg people? thing we ve seen on our Journeying». said the colonel. “Jim s got too big for of rural teacher to he a puhllely-peld with her parents, M r. and Mrs. P. J. the district, and so we're going to < leader of thought, of culture, of prog- Please go on with the proceedin'* iller Motor Sales Forster. reas, and was he not to have his That gentleman seems to have In mind Urge the district, and the scboolbou Oakland and Jewett cars Nobody Can atop Him. Supplies and accessories the perfectin' of some so t of orgnnlza- and the teaching force, and the means manse, his glebe-land, and bis "liv­ Mrs. L. E. Walton was a passenger When a m in »tarts out to tnitke a of educational grace generally. That ing?" And all because, like the old First and Maker Sta. Albany, Oregon to Harrisburg Saturday. She was ac­ Hon. I'm Intensely interested." fool of himself he Is quick to resent clergyman, he was doing a work In as sure as can b e -a fte r what took “I'd like to call a little rneettn' any Interference with his plans.—Lake orton A Speer Service Com­ companied by her son, James Rector. place this morning.” which everybody was Interested and aere," said Exra to the teacher. “See County (111 ) Times. pany "He's rather a wonderful person for which they were willing to be Mrs. Esther Rike of Corvallis spent In we vs busted up your program so Headquarters for good tires to be found In such a position," said taxed. Perhaps it was not so tflgh Phone 65 First and Lyon the week end with Charles Straley and far. may we take a little while long­ Professor Gray, "or would be In ,nv a status as the old; but who was to fam ily. er?" r N o rte « o r A ppointmrnt or A dminis ­ jy id r p H y M o tor Co. region I have visited.” say that? Certainly not Jim Irwin B u iek and trator “Certainly." said Jim. “The school the possessor of the new kind of "liv­ Ida Mitxner was the guest of horn« “He's a native product" said the k * Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and Notice it hereby giveu that the un­ will please come to order." ing," with it* “glebe-land” and Its dersigned, by an order of the County accessories. colonel, "but * wonder all the same. folks Saturday and Sunday. The pupils took their seats, “schoolmanse.” He would have rated Court of I.inn County, Oregon, has Albany, Oregon. Phone 2*0. He s a Brown Mouse, yon know Mrs. D. F. Dean was a passenger to straightened their books and papers, “A—a— r Doctor Brathwayt was the new as at least quite as high as been appointed administrator of the Oregon C ity Thursday to visit her and were at attention. Doctor Brath­ plainly astonished. And sb the colonel the old. estate of Etualine Gormley, deceased. T V c w patterns of c h in a and pot laughter, Mrs. C. O. Dryden, and fam ­ wayt nodded approvingly as If at the From the brow of the promontory, a All persons having claims tpsisst said AN tery constantly arriving at was allowed to tell again the story S S. G ilbirt A S on ' s answer to some question In his mind. of the Darblshlre brown mice, and why light concrete bridge took the pretty estate are required to present them ily. She ha* now gone borne t> within six months from the date of this “Children." said Mr. Irwin, ‘ “you he called Jim Irw in one. Doctor little gorge in the leap of a single notice, with the proper vouchers, to the dntidcn. on I estate Money to loan. All Br.thw syt said It was an Interesting orch, and landed the eye at the bot­ undersigned at his residence in Halse, may or may not be Interested In what these gentlemen are about to do—bat Mrs. George Hayes was an Albany kinds ol insurance written. tom of the front yard of the school­ Mendellsn explanation of the appear in Linn county. Oregon. I hope you are. Those who wish may ance of such a character as Jim. “And house. Thus the new Institution of visitor Thursday. Dated and first published this 17tb Call on J. V P ipe , Albany State Bank Building be member* of Mr. Bronson's meeting. If yon are right. Colonel, you'll lose life was In full view of the school- day sf January, 1924 Miss Mabel Robinson returned to Those who do not prefer to do so may him one of these days. You can't ex K B. G ormley . mange veranda, and yet shut off front p G iS G O E A M E S H A R D W A R l- Administrator aforesaid. ler home near Junction City Satur­ It by the dry moat of the brook and take op their regular work." pect to retain a Caesar, a Napoleon, * V the A. A. T cminq , Atty, lor Admr. day. "Gentlemen,” said Mr. Bronson to or a Lincoln in a rural echoo!, can Its tiny meadow of blue-gresa W IN C H ESTER S T O K E 32J »v. Pirsl st. Across the roed was the creamery, the remalna of M r Carmichael's yonT’ A dministrators N otick T. R. Henry went to Summit Thurs­ “I don't know about th a t" said tha with Its businesslike unloading plat­ creamery party, "we've been catting Notice is hereby given that the un econd-hand piano , good stand, day. bait In this neighborhood »boat long colonel. "The great opportunity for form, and Its addition In process of dersigned. administratrix of the estate ard m ake; $150. enough. I'm In favor of fishing, now. such a Brown Mouse may be la thia construction for the reception of the of W. G. Carter, deceased, has filed her Mrs. A. Munson of Albany has been Davenport Music House How many here favor building a co- very school. right now. He'd have aa machinery for tbe co-operative laun­ final account in said «state with the /isiting at the home of her daughter, nperetlve creamery if we can get the big an army right here aa Socratee dry. Not far from the creamery, and county clerk of Linn county, Oregon, drs. S. E. Bass. farmers In with cows enough to mskn ever had. The Brown M o nti Is the also across tbe road, stood tbe black­ and the oounty jndge has set Mondav, C7IHNON THE SHOE DOCTOR Second street, opposite Hamilton's smith and wheelwright shop, gtlll the 11th day of Febrnary. 1624. at tbe It profitable, and the equipment at the only judge of his own proper piece." Miss Opal Jackson of Harrisburg ha* hour of 10 o'clock in tbs forenoon, is store. right p ric e r “I think," said Mre Brathwayt, aa farther down the street were the bsro, the time, and the county courtroom of >een visiting Miss Ida Jackson for • Suilden Servie«.*' Each man held up a hand. they motored hack 'to the school, “that poultry house, pens, batches and yards said connty aa the place, for hearing oh- 'ew days. Here« one of our beet farmers not your country schoolmaster la rather of the little fs ( lu— small, ss were all jections to said final aceonnt sad the r V " l « l o Anderson A Sou. dialrib- ; Mi»» Lois Schroll returned to bar voting.” said Mr. Bronson, Indicating terrible. The way he crushed that Mr. the buildings save the schoolhouse It­ settlement of said estate ’ » utors and dealers for Maxwell. Chai ~~ iiajmoBd Slmma, "How about pa. Carmichael wan positively mereliesa. self, which wes hullded, as It should "T”IM abv I. C a b t ib . Administratrix. mers. Esses. Hndson A Hnpmobile ears home at N’ oti W ed nssd sy. L. L S waiv , Attorney for Adms. Accessories, Supplies. 1st A Broadalbin . CHAPTER X X I - re­ No p.H.11,,, Fu,„ll0„ c-c. I , H O I . ! S ’s iX ’ ¡pi H M M R S (Continued on page 4)