* • “ • • • printed tome rhyme •cently that was out avafJ •». eeMuk.a A coo. . the world « will be throagb co- w». treat to it ja a couple of ataoaea ________ op«Mtioo. K y e r/ other j 0(j ut,r7 thia weak under the caption “ Feb. **M rt»ttoM . Il.(» a y ..r la .dvaaoa ” or« a n u *d « o d opposed to the ru ary.” " „.¿ V i*” ' • " n« » rw w«- as »r Ï ,,r «•« « “ d tor th *ir --- -------- .q - ** TiLW I« ' • “ Uy related to poetry. *“ iacb •• "° d” co»" . ¿ raw r’ ,o t i l ia lo “ *• i ^ . u “ 0 : r c h ^ ; „ D0Ch‘ r« " ‘'r c o '’- l lh u n ioû laborer J«bor.r to L keep --. the * union ------- —— '■“eujct, farm «I his Mr? F * H refu’ M to open bis bigb, which increase, the 1n ’ " ^ ‘ he aubi* ct ° f Teapot ^araarrapha.- | e . a « v«r‘ lsln g d isg u lsa d „ B. w a Office hour». 9 to 13 and 2 to 6 race, •M onday, and Friday forenoon,. ‘ 0 1 K g r e a t e s t pr esid en t ? «*» of bis product to the farmer ‘od k° d to keep the farmer’s prod- tot, which feeds and ciotbea him ° w in price. Much ba. been ae •otnpli.hed in co-operation by •rmera in recent years, but not . ■ithe of wbat must come to bring •bout justice. Glenn C. Have. 1 P ,rh ‘ P« he ha. * giim. mari ' T ' ng “* . *daa * he» he did op open it he put bis foot in it. Every tim e there i . . g0od fal, of HALSEY STATE BANK CO-OPERATIVE SELLING Halsey, Oregon By GLENN G. HAYES C A P IT A L 1. 1124. Wütern N sw ip .p » ualon , AND SU RPLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited More Than Million Farmer. Are Interested , the Harrisburg ferry is shut — ~>aa siv iu MU 1H”r dpfP keting associations for the handling of Short orders at all hours Up to 11 p. A dauling gl,mpse of sunshine Teapot Dome is politically impartial swlmmin h*I,S wheire we do °ur b e« ° f th at patience which carried th' I ben a shower or two. t h i m X h C aJ' b" On* ‘0 cooper,- vegetables, poultry, hay, rice and ^ « h .tn b u tin g it . odorous distinction. father o f his country through the day seeds Recently a national sales 1 marketing associations. Perhat* Oftentimes your mood. , rt gay agency for selling fruit and vegetables ^ “J l' ln t knf,w o , . , (fa f * at Valley Forge which would have Y*t oftener contrary “ Y’ for the various ■ local and sectional ettlad themselves comfortably to But spite of auow or wind s X ^ l Z . ^ 0,6 ‘hat can’t broken down the persistence of an: associations opened offices ln 141 mar­ nd vatch the dance o f the elephant over rain, kets. There are now 14 state-wide ordinary man. H - . ? d X oni £ 8T r’ kept a i0 ,t th ,t I lore you, February. potato exchanges and plans for a na­ The characters of our »" president -------- «m em | th“n d° nkey’a tional federation have been drawn up minmn s " De.r Wa* r i,h t More than a One-sixth of the 5,000,000 pounds of b -ve varied all the way from the J . *!" * C,VOrt *• - - r «rum in io k ” „ r. fanu’T8 have lea™ d rice produced annually in the United Placid All work done|protnp,ly and reason . ----- — had vs yruuaea Placid calmness calmness of of Washington, Washington, Lin Lin bumblebee prodded ih . men n,?» ’iK i" are deep They the who m a ’ k *'«•• r n ^ ’0 ” 3' are 2 State« ? “* * 1« g mari«’ted' marketed co-operatively, co-operatively. coin and Wilson to the hair-triggc | L " ‘ , ,tdeVeUoped ‘hat Doheney, atlv. Phone N a 269 marketing the greatest 7 n h\ Pait year Iald Dy by jen ten “ **- «gs-aa. *w a lUiU |- h o furnished the greater part of the (O. R Walker) ration In the woriV Org ' lion " hens ln ln a a dozen ',0I,‘n states were pooled energy of Andrew Jackson and Theo J b‘ E ,ll’ rprise rhyme machine Last year 85 per rest nt rh- u for market. market Last year Pacific c coast -an to Fall, j, a democrat, that he d o r , R 0o . . y . | t> B u t the br.fhtM t P ..has a picture on the screen fruit produced lT t h T u n U ^ W rX * P°" trjn,eB 8ent - ’ -000 carloads or P“'d McAd°o, the democratic hope 'Rht. bay, been the most patient Of atcaod.1 that was seen 80 per cent of the dried fruit on 7 *7 ** ,688S throuih the co-operative or the presidential campaign. , quar. thre^fourth. o l t c fruit, o “' ^ nearly ^ ChBn.n! L r«*’ Washington, Lincoln and Wilson plan t h r e o e / X - ^ anee, perhaps w ill aet •. forn,a leada other stalea states '» m ‘he the vol- vol spent by the Sun Maid raisin growers. Other • k . » . « w w o ,. “ z t ' r . m" f c , h « , » •' x - " « » „ - 6 ™ .r .;;,5 hx During the past nine years over seven Piled territory. WiI, 0„ Was reco and a half million dollars have been . . ----- - r .„Km.. Ask- d ’ h,a b° l,a uaed tobacco, Mr. Davis too 8pA nt ®dcer“ slng Sun Maid raisins. I can make both FARM and C I1 B‘- d , . t his zenith, a . the greate. The California Fruit Growers’ ex­ ” "*d ’ “ »>• * » • . h . , „ L O A N S at a very row rate of ¡„teie i ne dried fruit Industrie, have the Ptrchanco ">«n not only |„ the nio, t powerfuJ q o n o ’a change, representing the citrus grow- Iiwti __ From 5 to 10 years. Write me for p » • ‘Ion. but in all the world, and op 8tate “PPropriated over G. w »tssi.isx» f0r advertising in 1922. The trculars. pressed peoples o f aU countries wen appropriation for 1923 slightly ex­ I l i k «L. '»u n in os wen ionie.” There t- ’.u _____ 4*0 Orfgon Bld i n g to him as , 0 . Mosm whe| | )f k w . * “ *• whole secret ceeded this amount. The prune ‘grow­ co- ers of California spent »400,000 telling . r„„. „ - — fin a l I °Per®tlvel.r. HALSEY I»« almost superhuman effo rt. f0 b° y ’ «saw and irfrt» K ng wrong. Make home the I B u t w hen, in tim e ih u k I raniJ<7 <,| b^’ t flmon* t,,e farmers’ or- the story of Sunsweet prunes. The mankind overtaxed hi. physical p„w Dairymen's league of Utica, N Y ap­ nost attractive p i.ee for them 1, cr» b ors and laid him low. propriated »500,000 |„ „ year for ad- .1 . H X ‘r face. . Io,e the,r b,ush I L e e : J he. South and X Eust. ^ Tak- ■ortland’s curfew ordinance could “ I A „ .l a' v P~duc“i. r“W 8Dd awnl'««Pl* “ Ilk Impartially a„ three o{ Cash paid for ■nforced in every town much future f duwn a » d "Ur the mush 7 7 * ™ “ 227* * «rower* Seventy • uaed, v i l i f y and 1dUCe ° f every "ere that' > Portland man named Labbe I ' Wk) C<>'operat|r r creameries and over t X n X ’ ah 88 the p,alns ' h,,t “* b*' cases, and then only under , trict Albany, Oregon < Bam. Room 5, U fa, Saving, B ,nk P l T . rn-°Per,,fh-* cheese factories On ‘he strength of . claim that ‘the ’upervision." A^ last t ie 7 8Dd 1,aclflc OfeaB’ the farmer has perfected « i X , " nd<‘r way for ‘he iM ^ h last bnflning. Albany lc h n’e,h0<1 ° f C° ,leCtlc* i l l r i X X J X the'" ta’ Ued On~ Æ dalrv s»i ° f " na,lt,Bal co-operative Last week ex-S ecret.ry Fall de- ground, the case was dismissed. SPECIAL - r ^ t X T ^ h i ' X » 8 T ? *t n C r hand,c the busl- - T h ,~ , d d e v < iw tlX f ’ th'' C E w Vm & Hides, H . SHO O K PIANO Whv, suffer from i headache? Have your eyes examined XT $155 s ’ t . F rench farm loans fresh and Cured Meats Baby Chick Boxes 100 size $4 a doz. $30 pr. 100 50 “ * “ n0‘ s , y ‘ word. 3 “ 28 d ‘hat the age-old doctrine that ”, come to that conclusion earlier he " -•n s house i. h i, castle” |. so fal facing .. m M y o 0, f w ®b« o le t. t h . t otl. “ 80 fa‘ would ' U,a not be '* fa« -’iBK aa many hi. . '•w . by m .k ’ng ór u s L d i ’ , P " 8t» ‘— “ - he is. w In C2t liquors,! ’ unietimes a lie is a k .i» < I" that c castle i l , with - h r P in vrvui In that with impunity. imnunitv I I h b“» ,,» ____ fn ‘' ’’“ble. more often It I. .w fu l trap. ? f FOb « i n#e „ h lwr 2 Then a report w a. circulated that The w et, In K Washington state have have •Mri'h o f private n ' UnW' ,ra,J‘*d . T i n g t o n state private premises would be I b**" "»«king ch- . v continued. The stat*m. . I .n t a«aln«t the dry «Utement w I . . f . i M. nforrement but O k a , ................{«IM. vr,,,rnt officers o fficer, .„ d seeking their « .. K e,F new * »t« tS effect. Senaa* ’nal | I Jiarharaw '‘»charge. p^tty ffood evidence newspapers »nt __. . . . . . l . .. so T h '*r. !hat the o ff"*ra w er. v ir i h ,h -t the ^ ' - n o r f.vored •om ethint. An Investigation was He did«’ ' UW ‘° ’ niOrC# ,aw W d . n d t h . . , . ^ wh„ have offend 7 7 ^ * up on ,heir hipd Barber shop ?? Baths If h . had twelve twelve th e . T ex i e ,i n R ;0 N t w x, a jhell frame accompiuhin7lthe inn er rim rim. tne inner *•* Ot ‘heM « “ le , w . s f ‘° " / Wea,‘h’ bu‘ H* Performance of |w crtI,w M ,e deeds. ^ m . pw r J , kwi nir’ The «b.ory tb . t yon may mak. ‘he n-°rld I**" greater ,uc m o o n sh tn . Or d o m o rd a , ,□ , OUr '* « ••. than the riche«. Christ w a . . •">«•* -n d dafy , h . ! . . hee. Us/ lt° “ ; greater success ,h .„ Cro.su,. Lincoln wo Jour c a sti. I, obsolete, i f th< fourti han Aloaander the Great, Edison than o P «om ,,r,.u Manufacturing Op„ Albany, Oregon "uNtaen, ^ Bc- of J«y Gould. OtOn^ a - - Hable ,o the H-'-elopments t Z u t T i i i d Milton A law». , , to the l/«veiupm«nU to date lead Win a ------ fr™ h ,,ci,!*a e g g , Meade & Albrc ft Baby * ■ Ä - f e r I the rope». chicks S hafch. L .’-’*»*’ Rar,r 7 lfle; I j - w . S T E P H E N S O N . Prop Wr. *b>*. <>n' , n - i w it/, s 7 ‘ subdued. UMUed Ä First-Class Work ,h e cnn* , " d a ‘'nn o f „11 G i v e t u Y ^ r ^ 80* ■’'» ^ " P o r t l a n d l ’,'Onc S e l l e r i 1757A N D '• n ’t . better frame made! t h e « ,r r * " # ‘ime En* ,#Bd * h«n s t ^ t b ' ? ^ 8* ^ Ma,n • « were c . s , le. a „ in i, bB king . nd muth taw brm inir Street the fact I. e m p h a s is , hat " *nd ° “‘ Ot In course ,,f «ncees. not ""«n mean th th . . accumula- accumula- Ot them. 1„ rour>, o f I " ™ ° does '* a •»« e . ,,nd T or» ,n ‘aa‘l<’«« Into one unit nnde r the direction of the National 7 at '-rowers’ Advlaory committee » , every grain section of the coun- n m e ™ 1 r v’n J 're. ,he l0Cal ,arm*r*- elevator x-mpenles. some 5.218 of them In sit T hese elevator, have a membership th' t * 0“ * « * * » remain on the Job. , .- . “ rt<>Bal «rganlzatlons and r |j n , gn> m n~. y s r hatch**1 n u v * k7 J” ‘he «« r.V "™ « ch a n g e marketed 88 per cent nf ..„.a wi me «rate « a t . and . a group of other co-operstive» handled between 10 and 15 per cent o f -he crop In Florid. 4n p. r of the cltrua crop was marketed through sn association of growers. Fully 8.5 per cent of the citrus crop |B thé United States goes to market through a pool Fruit Alto Handled. Fresh fruit ssaocistlons Include more than 4"o separate local units and shoot a dozen larger organization, th*Be ^ nt G.Hfnnila s deHdnoue frulte are sold by the Call fonda Fruit exchange alone stxtv (Ire per cent of the peach crop Ig m . state of Georgia travels the eo-opera n /S a " * '’ “* “,ark" S « m i Ä jf “ S r , ir n ,U C h in ° f " le - ^ g e i ’ ha v a .u F- P- STAFFORD, Agent A n y G ir l i„ T ro u b le COB,u“"*ca‘* with Ensign Lee : 2 ’• - • X 4